So I didn't get many reviews, that's cool I guess. This story isn't that big anyways.

Amethystshipping: I'm back! I didn't think I would enjoy this much, but you said Ashley and I put all of the pieces together. Big ponytails, red dress, witch. I've seen an SSB trophy matching that description! It's Ashley, it's fucking Ashley... But I've never played Warioware, so when you mentioned Red, I thought "Pokémon Trainer from Brawl" but I was quite mistaken.
Long time no see. Good to see you're still here. I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Guest: This fic is really pleasing and heartwarming. You have a great talent of writing and I hope you continue on improving your work. I'll keep an eye out for this fic.
I appreciate your words. Thanks a lot ^_^

And Jetfire 101, don't get your hopes for Mob Matcher season 3.

Kenta thought that a simple locked door would be enough to keep any unwanted intrudes from entering his room without permission.

However, he didn't account for a red shape-shifting demon taking the form of a mountain goat and breaking down his wooden door.

"What the HELL?!" The boy yelled, as he practically leaped out of the bed in shock and crashed onto the floor.

"You locked your door…and I'm hungry." Ashley whined, sitting atop of Red.

"Okay…." Kenta groaned as he stood up, holding his head. "First off, my door was locked for a REASON. Secondly, didn't Red cook for you back in your old world? Why can't he do that now?"

"Red says that you need to restock."

"Pitiful…" Red growled.

"Well I'm sorry, it's been quite busy for the past couple of days. And I'm still sleepy…." Kenta yawned. "And what am I going to do about my door?"

"Don't worry about that. Did you forget that I'm magical?" She chuckled as she pulled out a small wand from a pocket on the inside of her red nightgown.

"Where did you get that? I thought I hid it from you."

"Foolish Kenta, Red helped me find it. He's very resourceful." She explained, smirking slightly as she waved her wand around. A thin blue and wispy flame like substance came out of the tip of the wand, and split into multiple other "hand" like substances. The "hands" started to pick up the pieces that were scattered around his room and started placing them back. In about a minute the door was as good as new.

"Well I'm not really in the mood for making anything or buying anything, so just wait for Sasha to show up and then pester her about it." Kenta explained, looking at her and then his bed, contemplating his options.

"When would that be?" Ashley asked.

"Judging by the sun's position…around now." The boy explained.

Like clockwork, the door knocked.

"Bet that's her."

"The beach?"

"Yes, my dad owns a private beach that he's gonna sell, so today is our last day of using it. So I was wondering if you wanted to come with me" Sasha asked.

"Hmm…well I got nothing better to do, it'll give me some peace and quiet as you guys have some fun." Kenta murmured to himself. "Ashley, you want to go to the beach?"

The girl didn't even look up from her stack of instant pancakes that she had made from seemingly nowhere. After tearing into the starch circles like a hungry wolf, she looked up and nodded.

"Alright then, we'll be there."

"Great." She smiled too brightly. "We can leave whenever you guys are ready."

"This a pretty big beach." Kenta said out loud as he observed the miles upon miles of sandy shores.

"Daddy bought this a long time ago when it was mostly rocks, he called it an investment." Sasha explained it.

"Nature is a powerful thing…" The boy murmured.

"Well we should get to changing. We can change at the villa over there." Sasha explained, pointing to house near the shore of the beach, off in the distance. "When the sun sets, we'll have a bonfire and relax."

"Ugh…why do women take forever to change their clothes?" Kenta groaned, staring at the vast blue sky, drifting off into his own little world.

"What's with the suitcases dad?" A young six-year-old Kenta asked his father.

"We are moving, son. My work is being transferred, so we'll be moving with it." His father explained.

"But I just started first grade…" Kenta said sadly.

"Don't worry, son. Our new house has a better school, it has a much bigger playground."

"Alright…the boys at school were making fun of me anyways…"

"Why is that?"

"Cause I don't have a mom…" He sniffled.

Hideo crouched down and placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "Son, you may not have a mother, but you have a father who loves you very, very much. Tell you what, when we get to our new place, we'll explore it together, and if you wanna get something, I'll get it for you." He smiled.

Kenta looked up and his dad and smiled, giving the man a big hug.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too, Kenta."


The boy let out a yelp as he came crashing onto the pinewood decks. "Not so loud next time…" He groaned.

"Not our fault you were sleeping." Ashley said, her hands on her hips. She wore a blue one piece suit that really did make her look like a child. The fact that she had a green inner tube with her didn't help either.

"Sorry we took so long." Sasha apologized, she wore a yellow with blue strip two piece bikini. "So what do you want to do now?"

"I want to continue my nap." The boy responded blandly, still rubbing his eyes.

"How about building some sandcastles?" Ashley chuckled.

"You really are a child." Kenta chuckled, before getting punched in the arm.

"I mean there's nothing wrong with that." Sasha said.

"Alright fine, I'll make like a moat or something."

True to his word, Kenta did begin digging a large trench that encircled Sasha and her soon-to-be sandcastle, which was just a large pile of sand.

"Are you going to be okay, just clawing away at the dirt like that?" Sasha asked, concerned for her friend, who was barely visible at the rate he was going.

"Yah, I'm good. Ashley enchanted my hands, so now they're like super powered shovels." Kenta called out as he attacked the wall of sand with a feverous vigor. He stuck out his glowing blue hands to show his best friend.

"It will only last for 30 minutes, so don't go crazy." Ashley informed the boy, as she and Red continued building their own castle.

"Are you just used to her magical antics?" Sasha asked, starting with the base of her castle.

"Pretty much, yah."

The girl gazed over to the tiny witch directing a white beam onto the sand, morphing it bit by bit into a seemingly magnificent sandcastle.

Shrugging, Sasha continued shaping the base for her sandcastle.

"Water inbound!"

A flood of ocean water rushed in through the channels, filling the moat that Kenta had dug out in a near instant. The boy leaped out of the ditch just before being swept away the water, rolling to the shaded rug he had placed earlier.

"Well that was fun." He chuckled, slightly smiling.

Sasha rolled her eyes and giggled, shaping the walls of her castle with her hands. "Are just going to lie there? Or are you going to help out?"

"I'm content with staring at the sky, thank you very much." He responded in his usual melandronic voice.

Time to slow down as he stared at the cotton balls drifted leisurely across the sky blue ocean above his person. His troubled seemed to be washed away by the waves. With Red taking care of the little witch, he only had the independent Sasha to worry about, and that wasn't much of a daunting tasks in it of itself. His eyes seem to close and his mind started to wander.

"Bad news, son." Hideo said.

"Unless there's a tornado touching down in a 1 mile radius, I'm not interested." A now teenage Kenta grunted, not even looking up from his book. "Although that would make things more interesting."

"We have to move again."

"Of course. It's a good thing I decided not to make any more friends." Kenta chuckled half-heartedly.

"However this will be the last time we'll be doing so."

"You say that every time, dad."

"I mean it this time, Kenta."

"Alright. I'll pack my things."

"Thanks for being so understanding."

"Whatever, it's not like I have a choice in this matter."

Kenta rose from his nap and reinvigorated his sleeping muscles. Ashley and Sasha were now playing in the water, but judging by the sun's position, he probably had not slept for more than an hour.

"Well, there's still time left until the bonfire…how do I spend it?" He murmured to himself. His thoughts and vision were cut off momentarily by a pair of dainty hands that carried the scent of expensive floral perfume.

"Guess who~?" The owner of the hands asked in a singsong voice that was riddled with giggles.

"I'm going to go with Aria Yasane."

The hands uncovered the boy's eyes, allowing him to see the idol.

"You're no fun, Kenta. You could guess incorrectly at least once or twice. It makes it more exciting." She pouted.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said sarcastically. "So, what brings you to this private beach?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Aria responded.

"Sasha's father owns this place. So she, Ashley, and I decided to come here. What about you?"

"My manager talked to the owner and we're using some of the beach for a photo shoot for this swimsuit magazine. It's my first modeling gig, so I am a bit nervous." She admitted, swaying her arms passively again.

"I think you'll do great, everyone loves pretty girls on magazine covers." His eyes seemed to like her pink frilly bikini.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She giggled, her eyes devouring his bare chest, and her cheeks getting redder.

"It's not for another hour and a half…but d-do you mind coming? Moral support would be nice." Her face grew redder.

"Sure, I've got time to kill anyway." Kenta shrugged. "I just have to be there, so it's not much of a hassle."

"Thanks! It means a lot to me!" She smiled happily.

"Well we've got a little while until your shoot, so I'm going fishing." He pulled out parts from a small box that he had with him and assembled his fishing rod.

"Can I come with you?"

"Why? You'd just get bored."

"I have no one to spend time with…everyone else is setting up." She said with a sad tone, a tear forming in her eye.

"Alright fine…just don't bother me." He sighed.


"Damn you're a good actor."

"I know~

"So this is all you do?" Aria asked as she sat next to the boy.

"Well yah, fishing is a sport which requires patience." Kenta explained as he wedged his rod into a crack in the dock. "And by making sure the rod won't fly away, I can just relax." The boy fanned out on the dock.

"I just saw you sleeping on the beach, why are you sleeping again?" The idol asked.

"I like to sleep. That way I don't have to deal with anything." He responded.

"That's no way to live."

"It's my way."

The girl frowned, lying next to him. "Why are you so grumpy all the time?"

"Optimism is overrated, it's much better just to hate the world." Kenta explained.

"But there's good in the world. You just have to wait until the right moment." Aria smiled, nudging him slightly.

"I've heard that speech too many times. I don't care if it is true or not, the world is what I make of it. And I think it's shit. I'm just living until I can't live anymore."

The fishing poll began to jerk very violently, snapping the two of them out of their conversation.

"I got it!" The idol leaped from the dock and yanked the fishing poll from its crevice and tried to reel the fish in, without even knowing how to do so.

The girl let out a shrill scream as she feel off the dock and into the water, still holding the rod that had snagged something strong enough to pull a teenage girl off a dock.

"ARIA! Let go of the rod!" He screamed.

"I can't! A part of it snagged the back of my swimsuit!" She screamed back as she began to be dragged by the creature.

"Ashley! I need your help! Aria's in trouble!" The boy screamed at the top of his lungs. "Send Red to help!"

The witch shouted something in response as Red morphed into a shark and darted over to the dock where Kenta was.

"Get on, human." The demon grunted. Kenta obliged and hoped on the 'shark's' back, as the two of them sped off to catch the finish.

Shards of cold salt water lunged at the boy's eyes, stinging them worse than a bee's. Kenta ignored it as long he could and grabbed the girl's leg. Aria had fallen unconscious from the shock at this point, slowly sinking into the water.

"I don't have anything to cut the line with! Red!"

"I don't have anything, human!"

The boy growled and ripped the top of Aria's bikini, letting the creature dive in with the rod. "Take us back to shore." He ordered, grabbing Red's fin with one hand, and holding Aria close to him.

The pink haired girl woke up in a small white tent. As she looked around, she noticed that it hold had enough space for a cot and a table, which had all her stuff.

"Where am I…?"

"We're at your set, well in a tent right out outside your set to be specific." Kenta explained, sitting in a chair next across from her with a book in his lap. Dying Art of Companionship, it read.

The girl slowly arose from her cot and noticed that her pink bikini top that she was wearing was now a blue bandeau.

"What happened?"

"Well once you fell off the dock, Red and I went after the creature to rescue you. But your top was tangled with the fishing rod. So I was forced to rip your top off…my apologies." He admitted in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"So you saw my…"

"Well yah, but I was more focused on saving you so I didn't get a good look at them…" He grew slightly redder while explaining it to her while simultaneously wondering why he was getting so flustered in the first place.

"You were unconscious at first, so I had to conduct CPR on you, after getting yelled at by my friends for returning back with you topless." Kenta groaned, feeling the slight sting on his left cheek from the slap from the girls who instantly jumped to conclusions. "So I got the water out of your system and you were breathing again, but still hadn't woken up, so I started running around trying to find out where your photo shoot was taking place. So once your coworkers saw me, they immediately rushed to your aid. After also overreacting." The boy placed his hand on his right cheek, feeling the bruise from the coworkers knuckle. "So they gave you a replacement, and I've been waiting in here for about an hour and a half. After all it's my fault you're in this predicament in the first place, so it's only fair if I waited for you to get better."

"I'm so sorry I put you through this." Aria replied, giving the boy a tight hug, pressing her body up against his.

"It's alright…so can you let me go?" He asked.



"Wait…you said you gave me CPR?" The idol asked.


"So your lips touched mine…" She said softly, blushing profusely. "That was my first kiss…" She whispered to herself.

"Well it was either that or let you die…" Kenta began to trail off, avoiding her innocent gaze.

"Where are your friends, by the way?" She looked elsewhere, trying to cut the awkward tension.

"Sasha's dad called in and wanted to speak with her, Ashley went along with her cause she had nothing better to do."

"I see…thanks for staying here, it means a lot to me." She smiled, swaying her arms passively once more.

"Just doing my job."

A female head poked in through the tent, "Oh, you're awake Ms. Yasane. Do you think you'll be able to do the shoot? Or do you want to call it off?" She asked.

"I'll do it, it's the last day this beach is open anyways." Aria nodded.

"Ms. Yasane, good to see that you're alright." A rotund man in a white suit said to the pink haired idol.

"I am, thanks to Kenta." She smiled, sweetly looking at the disinterested boy.

"And you are?" The man asked.

"Kenta, Kenta Ryuga." The boy responded.

"He's the one who brought Ms. Yasane here." The woman who had checked up on Aria explained.

"Well thank you very much for returning her back to us." The man smiled, a very fake one at that.

"Just doing the right thing." Kenta shrugged.

"Can we return a favor? Perhaps you could be in the photo shoot alongside Ms. Yasane." The man said as dollar signs appeared in his eyes. "Yes! I can see it now! Local boy saves idol from nearly drowning! We'd make bank with it!" He looked to Kenta with a big grin, a real one this time. "How'd you like to be famous?"

"No thanks. I'm not into photo shoots and the like, I'm just here to support her." Kenta said blankly, shattering the business vision of the man, as well as stunning everyone. Someone DIDN'T want to be in a photo shoot with the great Aria Yasane? But they could become famous overnight!

"Come on Kenta…it'd be lots of fun!" Aria encouraged.

"I don't want to, I'm not a fan of getting my picture taken or standing around. So I really don't want to do the both of those things together. Besides being famous would be a big pain. I prefer anonymity."

"Just one photo?" She pleaded with big wide eyes, a tear forming in her right.

"Ugh…fine. In the last photo I'll make an appearance."


"I hate that you're such a good actor."

"I know~"

"So you want me to do what now?"

"Carry her in your arms, to recreate that 'you saving her' vibe." The photographer explained.

"Do I have to?" Kenta asked.

"Yes, you do."

The boy groaned and picked the idol up without warning, causing her to yelp slightly and blush at the feeling of his hands grazing her skin. His right hand cradled the back of her head, and his left supported the back of her thighs.

"Perfect, now gaze into her eyes." The photographer ordered.


"Just do it."


Their green eyes locked, and Aria's hand instinctively cupped Kenta's cheek, pulling his face closer to her. She felt his warm breath against her lips, which makes her cheeks flush, and eyes softly close.

The photographer seized the moment and took a few pictures of the young 'couple'. "You guys are good now." He said rather loudly, snapping the two out their trance.

Kenta flinched and dropped the idol into the sand.


"It's okay…" The idol chuckled awkwardly, still a little red. "I shouldn't have gotten so intimate with you."

The boy said nothing and looked at the sun, which had slowly been setting, unbeknown to him. "Well I better find the girls, we'll be starting our bonfire soon." Kenta thought out loud.

"This has been…an enlightening experience, but I must be going now."

"Can I come with you?" The idol asked, grasping his hand.

"Won't your producer get upset that you wandered off?"

"I finished the photo shoot, and they take forever to set up. The photography guy and my producer loves taking scenic pictures, so it's okay." She giggled.

"Alright then, come with me."

The boy had found the two girls back at the villa, sitting on logs that circled a large pit filled with sticks and large branches, the fire already roaring and crackling.

"That was fast." The boy remarked.

"Things are easier with magic." Ashley chuckled.

"With magic?" The pop idol asked in confusion.

"Ashley is a magician, she uses all those little tricks that she learned from 'magic camp'." Kenta explained, glaring at the witch and signaling Red to not show himself with his eyes.

"It's alright, I'm just glad to be alive." Aria smiled, completely oblivious to everything.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I absolutely love you!" Sasha squealed. "I never thought I would get to have an actual conversation with you! Can I get an autograph?!" She ran up to idol, pushing Kenta aside.

""I don't have anything to sign with, so I'll send you something in the mail, but I'm just another person, nothing special." The pink haired girl said, sitting down on an empty log. "Tell that to your fan base or work staff." The boy groaned as he sat down next to her. "My muscles are so sore, and I just want to take a nap."

"You take too many naps, Kenta." Ashley pointed out.

"I do a lot of things." Kenta countered.

"Here, you can rest on me. It's the least I can do after I put you through all of that." Aria said as she placed the boys head in her lap before he could anything.

"This is not necessary." Kenta grumbled, his cheeks a light tint of red that could barely be seen by the fire's illuminance.

"Shush, let me do something." Aria pouted, running her fingers through his blonde hair, unaware of the two girls staring daggers into him.

"I'm not sure if I like her anymore…" Sasha growled in a low tone.

Finally DONE!

School is terrible, taking up all of my time. Plus now I have a request to fulfill, from a friend.

This is going to be a relatively short story, so I'll be starting Smash Bros. Online….soon…kinda.

Spring Break is coming up soon, I don't know if I'll be doing anything. So if I have some free time, I'll start writing again.