So i've a new Tindy story, I'm currently thinking of making it a two or three parter maybe more.


Life had been good to Tommy Calligan, He did everything he set out to do.

He followed in his fathers foot steps and became a cop.

He wanted nothing more than to live in the city and help defend it.

He stood in his Captain Catherine's office as they talked of a girl they were going to use to infiltrate the lair of a known cyber hacker Bubonic.

They wanted him caught and she was their entry in.

"It's too risky. You can't just spy on this girls life and step back when things get bad" Ben his partner announce disapprovingly.

"It's not up to you detective. I am in charge of this unit and she's perfect" Ben looked at Tommy hoping for him to put his word in but Tommy just sat back and shrugged his shoulders

"We wanna bring him down and if Catherine says it'll work then i'll go with it" Catherine smiled as she put her picture up on the screen behind her

"This is Lindy Sampson." That's all Tommy needed to know to recognize the girl on the screen before him.

The following week Ben and Tommy stood in IRL both at opposite ends of the bar looking out for her watching to see if she was there, both for different reasons.

Ben wanted to protect this girl he knew nothing about but Tommy he wanted to speak to her, look her in the eyes and see if she was the same girl.

Tommy's eyes caught the flickers of her brown hair as she swayed her body back and forth with her arms reaching for her hair seductively, like she was dancing with somebody.

"She's on the dance floor, I'm heading in" Tommy announced over his mic but before he could get to her Ben had stepped in swooping in to save the day like he always did.

It angered him; Tommy wanted this damn he needed it but just like always Ben played the good cop.

Tommy made his way to the second floor leaning against the railings watching them, watching how Ben made her laugh the same nervous laugh that he once got from her.

"What were you playing at? I told you i had it" Tommy bellowed when Ben came into the office

"I wasn't going to risk you putting this girls life in danger Tommy. I'm taking this case" Catherine let Ben take the lead, let Ben get what he wanted just like the good cop he was

"You know what. Were done!" Tommy said gruffly as he pushed past him and out of the office.

He needed space; needed to go somewhere that wouldn't be swarming with cops.

Getting into his car he opened the glove box.

He searched for the envelope, the one with the letter he'd taken nearly five days to write, the one that told her that he was sorry. He was sorry for all he had put her through all the crap she had delivered to her door for him.

Before he could grasp it he heard the rasping on his window.

Looking out he saw Ben his face flushed "What do you want?" Tommy asked as he pushed the electric window down

"Look i'm sorry man. I know the case means a lot to you but i thought you'd prefer to do more behind the scenes surveillance. You like that stuff. i'm more of the cop in your face kinda guy" Tommy shook his head.

He needed to think clearly, needed to step back or it could all blow up in their faces; hers more than anybodies.

"You're right. I shouldn't have gone off like that, Not getting much sleep lately" Ben nodded as he patted Tommy's shoulder

"Go home and get some rest, we'll talk in the morning" Tommy nodded as he watched Ben go to his own car.

He knew his plans weren't to sleep tonight.

He parked his car in his usual spot, He watched as she climbed the stairs to her apartment building; his apartment building.

He wanted to talk to her, throw her against the wall and kiss her with every fiber in his body but he knew he couldn't.

those were the terms they had agreed on when he left.

She told him if he was out he was gone for good but he didn't expect her to keep his dog and his apartment.

He's been renting down the street so he was near by but it just wasn't his bed and he wanted his bed.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy looked up startled to find Ben climbing into his passenger side.

"What? Oh erm. I was just doing some surveillance" Ben wasn't convinced but he accepted it

"Well i've got to go up, Meant to be having a date with her. She's cooking" Tommy snickered at the thought, She couldn't cook anything to save her life.

The best she could manage was making toast well at least trying to without the fire department being called out

"What's wrong?" Tommy shook his head

"Nothing. Just make sure she doesn't poison you" Ben laughed as he climbed from the car ready for his alone time with Lindy to help get to know her.

Tommy knew all of what they needed, She'd been a serial hacker from the age of eighteen after her sister dissapeared now Lindy worked with families searching for their loved ones, hacking their computers and the police department for information that could help.

She had brown eyes and a beautiful smile. He could look into them and forget who he was and what he was doing.

Three weeks had passed since Ben had inserted himself into Lindy's life.

Tommy had to watch his partner fall in love with her.

Ben wouldn't admit it but Tommy knew, It was the way she crept up on you when you least expect it

"He's compromised the case. He's fallen for her" Tommy blurted out when they were having a discussion regarding the case

"Is this true Ben?" Catherine questioned him from across the desk

"I.. I don't know, Maybe.. Yes" Tommy felt that gut wrenching pain, it was in his chest and it hurt.

He wanted to punch Ben so hard in his mouth but he had to refrain from showing any feelings towards this admission or towards Lindy.

He knew that now with Ben's love for her clouding his judgement too he had no choice but to break one of his promises to her and do the only thing he could to save her.

That afternoon Tommy stood at his own front door, his key in his pocket but unable to use it.

He clenched his fist as he took a deep breath and rasped his knuckles against the wooden door.

She opened it her hair thrown up in a mess bun

"Tommy?" She looked at him confused

"Lindy.." Before h could finish the what he wanted to tell her the officers stood beside him entered her apartment and handcuffed her

"What's going on? Tommy tell me" Tommy couldn't tell her he arrested her to keep her safe or to keep her from completely falling for his partner

"I'll explain at the unit" Was all he said as he let the arresting officers lead her towards their car.

He walked inside him home; their home.

Photographs no longer filled the spaces on the walls and Boris no longer recognized him as his owner and everything about his home had changed.

Arriving at the Cyber Crimes Unit Catherine glared at him as he made his way to check in with Lindy

"Detective once you've finished checking her in can you please come to my office" Tommy nodded as he removed the cuffs from Lindy's wrist.

"What the hell Tommy" Lindy shouted aggravated at him, turning to face him punching her palms against his chest

"Excuse me miss.." Another officer was ready to charge her on assault but Tommy raised his hand letting them know it was fine.

"Look, i'll explain later just let me talk to my captain" Lindy rolled her eyes as she twisted back round to the check in desk

"Name?" The woman whose eyes stayed mainly on Tommy as she spoke.

Lindy knew that this meant she had to state her name, her name she had to used bills and work.

"Lindy Calligan" The officer behind the desk almost fell from her chair

"You mean Calligan, as in sister to detective Calligan?" Lindy chuckled lightly

"No my name is Mrs Lindy Calligan, This idot here is my darling husband" Lindy said as she pointed towards Tommy.

Walking into Catherine's office Tommy was greeted by an angry Catherine and a pissed off Ben.

"What do you think you're playing at? She was our only way into finding out who Bubonic is." Catherine was pissed as an understatement.

"Look i had my reasons" Was all Tommy could say, He didn't want Ben finding out like this he didn't want to break Ben's heart.

"You knew i was embedded into her life, everything was working fine but you ruined it with your stupidity. How am i supposed to come clean to Lindy?"

Tommy looked at Ben then he turned to the window that had full view of Lindy sitting at his desk waiting for him

"You're in love with her. That's why you were outside her apartment block the night i was there. Tommy couldn't take his eyes off her as her eyes and hands found their photo, their first date night in their apartment, Boris was a puppy and they were happy.

"Detective Calligan i suggest you explain what is going on" Tommy tore his eyes away from her and back into the room

"She's my wife ok. Lindy and i got married in college. We've been going through a trial separation for the past three months"

Catherine looked at him disappointingly "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me use her for this?"

Tommy took a deep breath as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed against his chest

"I knew she was the best person for this task. I wanted to keep an eye on her that's why i was going to insert myself back into our family life but Ben beat me to it."

Ben looked from Tommy to Lindy "Why didn't you tell me? Why let me fall for her first?" Ben shouted angrily but Tommy came back at him

"Because i thought you would stay neutral. I guess i managed it again, now if you dont mind i've got to go explain to my wife why i've brought her down here" Tommy snapped as he left the room to talk with Lindy.

Lindy paced the room while Tommy sat patiently watching her as she processed the information he was telling her.

"Why couldn't you just come and tell me? Why not ask me? You of all people know i would have helped if you had asked me"

Tommy knew she was right, if he'd asked instead of being stubborn about seeing her.

"I told you that i was going to leave you alone, We agreed that we would limit our communication" Lindy stopped moving and looked at him, she could see the pain in his eyes as he looked at her

"What's wrong Tommy?" He looked at the folder before him, her folder.

"Take a look" He slide the folder towards her to see.

She sat opposite him hesitantly opening the front cover to find a photo of herself and Ben "What's this?" She said looking up at him confused.

"That guy, That's Ben my partner. He took my spot undercover in the case.

I was ready to take it, ready to insert myself back into our life then he stepped in and you two started dating so i had to take an even wider step back"

Lindy gasped as she held her hand to her mouth, she didn't know if she was angry that they'd used her or if she was hurt that Ben had lied about himself but most of all she was hurt that Tommy couldn't tell her.

"You.. You're my husband and you didn't think to inform me? I used to think that i was imagining it when i said this job came before us but now i know i wrong" Lindy couldn't look at him, she was angry and she didn't want to say anything she would regret

"Say something Lindy please" He pleaded as he reached for the hand that was pressed against the table but before he could touch her she moved her hand away from him and moved from the chair.

"I can't even look at you. Either charge me or let me go" She said as she moved to the door.

"I'm not going to charge you. I just thought you should know what's going on" Lindy nodded still unable to face him

"Fine. Well i want to go" Tommy grabbed a hold of her folder and picked it up as he made his way to the door to release her.

Ben made his way towards them ready to apologize to Lindy for his involvement "Lindy. I'm So..." Lindy glared at him holding her hand up

"Don't bother. I told you everything, I told you my ex was a cop and you continued to lie. Just don't ever contact me again" She stormed out of their like an hurricane.

"Look what you've done. You messed it all up again. Well done Tommy" Ben applauded him sarcastically.

Tommy was angry at everything with himself more than anything but Ben's words hit him hard, so hard that he clenched his fist and punched him in his face before he could process what he was doing.

Ben flew back at him until they were scrapping over the case and over their love for Lindy "Detectives. My office now" Catherine Bellowed halting the next blow.

Walking into the office Catherine glared at them both "You two are the best cops i have in the department and you act like two school kids in a playground."

"He.." Ben began

"I don't want to hear who started it. Tommy, You need to take a few days vacation. Go and sort out your home life; I don't want this clouding your judgement again" Tommy nodded

"It wont happen again" Catherine shook her head

"No it won't but i think you should deal with your home situation before you come back to work and Ben i suggest you get back to work"

Ben left the captian and Tommy in the room as he made his way out to finish working.

"Why didn't you say anything? You knew she was your wife when i showed you the picture" Catherine questioned him.

"How does it sound when you tell your boss at the Cyber Crimes Unit that your wife is a serial Hacker? Not too good right. I wasn't keeping her a secret we just both decided that for the sake of my job we should keep it to ourselves."

Tommy didn't want to risk his job by his boss learning he was married to her, a way to get her caught up in his work.

"Would she have helped if you asked?" Tommy nodded


He knew her well enough to know that if Lindy could find a way to help a case he was mixed up in she would, most of the cases he solved she was his source, she helped him figure out the motives or the next move.

"Go sort out what you need to then bring her in as your wife. See if she will help us" Tommy didn't wait for her confirmation that he could leave he ran out of that room as quickly as he could.

He wanted to find her and apologize.

Lindy walked into her apartment to be greeted by Boris, his tongue lagging as he rubbed his head against her thigh

"Hey boy. Lets feed you ey?" She walked into her kitchen to feed him.

Her eyes fell on the fridge, the last note Tommy had written was still held up by the magnets.

She reached out touching the words, the I love you that was written so beautifully and all for her.

"I love you too" she whispered to herself.

She hated the distance he'd put between them, the separation was taking its toll on her and Boris.

Ben had become a distraction, he had some of the qualities she missed in Tommy's absence.

She walked into the bathroom to run her shower when she heard a knock on the door.

Abandoning her current task she made a run for the door "I'm coming" she announced when she got close.

She grabbed her keys and unbolted the door to find Tommy standing before her

"What do you want?" She questioned him unwilling to open the door wider.

"I just.." She looked on the floor by his feet then back up to his face

"Oh so now you decide to come home" She moved away from the door to let him in

"You're sleeping on the couch" she commanded as she continued back to the bathroom

"It's better than where i've been sleeping lately" He called back as he watched her head to the bathroom.

He walked to their bedroom, opening his closet to put all his clothes back in their place.

It still held his clothes all except the ones he'd taken with him when he walked out.

"We need to talk" he called through the bathroom door as he made his way back to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

When Lindy returned from the bathroom wet messy hair and her pajamas she looked at Tommy stood in the kitchen behind the stove cooking

"I was going to order take out" Lindy announced as she came closer.

"Yeah well saves money when you cook yourself" Lindy rolled her eyes

"Fine. What're we having?" All she knew was that it smelt good and it seemed all too familiar having the smell of food cooking within their home.

"Stir fry. I rushed across the road while you were taking a shower"

she hadn't realized she had been in their that long, she needed to get all the knots our of her muscles and needed to think about current events.

"You need help?" She asked as she came to stand beside him

"You get the wine and the dishes" Lindy nodded opening the fridge grabbing the bottle of wine that was new

"What is this? you trying to wine and dine me? Make up for the lies?"

"Nah, if i was gonna wine and dine you it'd be two flat cola's and a burger split in two" Lindy giggled at his response,

it was a sentimental remark something that meant so much to her because he hadn't forgotten

"You remembered? I always thought you forgot" Tommy turned the stove off looking at her questioning

"Me forget? I've never forgotten any thing, it was our first date in college, neither of us had money and i promised you that when i had the money i'd take you to one of the finest restaurants in New York"

Lindy smiled because she knew he had kept the promise, he took her to the finest restaurant alright and with that he asked her to marry him.

"Look where we've ended up though" Tommy handed her a bowl of food and her glass of wine as they walked to the couch

"We're still figuring it out. We got married young. We're going to make mistakes and hate each other but we'll always come back" Lindy looked at him,

his eyes full of hope and certainty.

He was sure that whatever was broken could be fixed and she knew he was right.

He could fix it all by the touch of his lips and the smooth apology.

"You just want to sleep in the bed" Lindy suggested jokingly

"Honestly i want nothing more than to sleep in that bed beside you but i know that i gotta prove i'm sorry"

Lindy knew he was sorry, she understood why he did what he did and yeah she could hate him for it but when it came to down to it she couldn't hold a grudge for long.

"You just gotta promise not to keep secrets from me anymore. I don't wanna be in the dark anymore Tommy"

He wanted to keep her sheltered, he didn't want her to be at risk because of his job and most of all he didn't want to risk her life with Bubonic

"Catherine thinks i should bring you down to the unit as my wife. Maybe we can work together on this case" Lindy laughed aloud

"You and me working together? You know that won't work right. We can barely decorate a room together without one of us stepping on the others shoes"

He knew what she was referring too, when they first moved into their apartment they decided to decorate their bedroom together and it ended up with more paint on them than the walls.

Sometimes they we're like ying and yang, working perfectly in sync.

"We can make it work. You're my source on most cases. come on you're an expert hacker so i'm pretty sure you'll be useful and she no doubt wants to keep an eye on you" Lindy raised an eye brow

"Are you sure she wants to keep an eye on me and not you? Maybe to keep an eye on me and ben?"

Tommy bit his lip as he looked back at her "Maybe i wanna watch you work. You always look hot when you sit typing on that keyboard"

He smirked earning a new round of giggles from her

"So you're telling me i need to put a fan near the computer while i work."

Tommy reached his hand out tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as he stroked her cheek with his thumb

"You always look beautiful, even with your bed hair and the t-shirt with all the holes in" Lindy leaned into his hand smiling

"I love that shirt. My boyfriend gave me that"

"Must have been some boyfriend to let you wear his favorite shirt" Lindy's face blushed at the memory, it was their first time, They'd returned from a party on campus and they couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

"Well he married me so i assume he must have been that good" Tommy grinned at her as he leaned forward,

he wanted her lips, he needed them. He needed every inch of her body connected with his.

"We shouldn't really do this.. We should be throwing plates at each other, screaming or throwing clothes out the window" she whispered as she moved towards him

"The plates were expensive and i'd just have to walk around in nothing if you threw my clothes out. If we scream then the neighbors would complain. so..." Lindy didn't give him a chance to continue his speech before she threw herself onto his lap and kissed him fiercely.

She didn't want to argue anymore, she didn't want to live in their apartment all alone.

She missed him and she wanted nothing more than to make love to her husband without worry about everything else going on in their life's.

"We should go to bed" she murmured between their kisses.

Tommy pulled away as he looked into her eyes seeing the love and passion as she wrapped her arms around his neck "You want this?" He needed to question it, for so long he wanted her beneath him calling his name as they made love but he didn't want to rush back into it.

"Tommy. I'm sure" He didn't need telling twice he gripped her butt and stood from the chair with her still in his arms.

"Let's see if you still remember your way to the bedroom" Tommy's eye brows scrunched up in confusion until Lindy kissed him then he realized what she meant.

He held her in his arms while he used the mental image in his head to make his way to their bedroom.

Walking into the room his knees knocked against the bed as he threw her down onto the mattress ready to make love to his wife.

Read & Review

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