Ever since I was a kid, school was pretty boring for me. We learn, study, play outside and etc.

As for me, it all come easy for me. I am much more of a loner more than a attention catcher like my sister, Momo, who is a really popstar right now. And as for right now, I'm a graduate student in middle school, with my helpless classmate, Tateyama Ayano. Ever since she met that sharp- eyed girl, she's been hanging around with her and a guy with a pale skin but I don't care much of him really.

Oh wait, where are my manners.

My name is Kisaragi Shintaro, age 15. And like I said I'm a graduate student in middle school, I always good at figuring stuff, no wonder I perfected every single test in our exams.

A sunny day for another day at school. As usual Ayano and Shintaro always walk together to school, "Hey Shintaro.", Ayano called out and Shintaro caught her attention. "I'm going to meet Takane-san and Haruka-san at our lunch break, do... you want to come with me ?", she asked as she buried her embarrassment in her scarlet scarf. Shintaro avoided her gaze, " It's fine with me not to come with you I'm busy, actually.", Shintaro answered and while he's at it deep down he regret that he turned down her offer. Ayano took that answer from him, " Is that so ? Well it can't be help, right ?", Ayano stood up, ran in front of him and smiled to him, " Are you really sure that you won't come, at least maybe you can catch up with us y'know ?", Ayano insisted with a shly smile. Shintaro was a bit flustered, seeing Ayano like that, "Sorry Ayano, I just really can't.", he insisted, Ayano tried her best hiding her sad face to him, "O-Ok then.", there was silence between the two as the y continued walking to school.

And at the blink of an eye, the first half of the school day is finished and it's lunch time. Haruka, Takane and Ayano were eating together without Shintaro, while the two seniors laughing and talking, Ayano on the other couldn't talk to them. Takane saw this, Hey Ayano-chan, you barely touched your lunch.", Takane held her hand, Ayano smiled like she didn't made such face, " Ah, Ayano-chan don't make that face. We are afterall friends aren't we, so we know you.", Haruka butted in. Ayano sighed,"Well it's really nothing except that Shintaro declined in coming to lunch.", again, she buried her in embarassment in her scarf, "Yeah, I did noticed that, where is that jerk, ditching Ayano-chan!", Takane wanting to punch the anger out of her. "Shintaro said that he has some business to do.", Ayano replied, "And yet you let him go?!", Takane exclaimed and Ayano nodded, "What kind jerk is he ?! Who could ever hate such an innocent girl like you?!", she stood up and speking like in a press conference or somethin'. " Um... Takane?", Haruka called out , "WHAT!?", a flames came out of Takane's eyes and Haruka nervously pointed her uniform and to her shock her lunch was all over her and was very shocked. Takane became overeacted so Haruka wen to the nurse room with Takane for some extra uniform, they had to left Ayano alone in the school yard.

Classes was dismissed in the same day for some reason, so every student had to go home early. Instead of going home, Shintaro stayed at the library to read some books even though the already read some these books, he read it anyways. As the sun sets , the sun rays reflected in the window of the library and Shintaro kept reading and reading until he gets bored of it , he read so much like a pile of books right now. Suddenly the door opened but Shintaro ignores it, footsteps creeps closer and closer to Shintaro's seat, and eventually ignores it anyway. The seat in front of him was pulled and some sat there, and Shintaro nocticed it (FINALLY!), he looked at the person sitting in front of him and to his surprise Ayano was there reading a book too. "Oh, it's okay Shintaro. I'll just wait for until your finish so take your time.", Ayano said and continues to reading, Shintaro smiled at bit and continues reading too. And the two stayed together as the sun sets.

Within 30 minutes Shintaro got bored and he saw Ayano snoozing off using her arms as head pillows. He blushed because Ayano is so cute when sleeping. Dang Shintaro! Do something! Your a guy for Pete's sake!, he covered her with his outer coat of his uniform and for the time being he stared at her, smiling until she wakes up, eventually.

Time passed, it was already night and Ayano woke up from her nap and she rubbed her eyes and look at the window. "What it's already that late?!", she stood up and suprising her friend from playing his phone, "Don't worry, I told the guard that I'll be waiting for you, so gave me the keys of the school. We better make sure that the school is lock.", he returned playing on his phone while he hid his blushing cheeks, "Is that so.", then she realized that Shintaro's coat was on her, blushing, she smiled. "Are you going to stand there or what?", Shintaro was at the door , waiting for her and so she grabbed her things and they left school.

It was awfully dark so Shintaro had to take Ayano safely to her house, "Hey Shintaro, can I ask you something?", Ayano said abruptly, "Yeah, what is it?", he replied, "Since I waited long enough for you, why go for all te trouble to wait for me?", she asked gripping her scralet scarf, "Well, do you want to get locked up in a dark and spooky school?", Shintaro sarcastically answered, "Oh.", Ayano said in a gloomy face. You can answer better than that! his conscious said," No, the truth is that, I always think of myself and not giving attention to others. But to you, I just can't let you get harmed or yet left alone by everyone. If I ever wanted wished that I never met you in the first place it would never happened, sure you're clumsy and a good-for-nothing but in the end, I wanted to be at your side, always.", he said. Ayano's face was red, as well as Shintaro, both of them hid their embarrassment. "But, this dosen't mean anything! do you understand?", Shintaro demanded and Ayano quickly nodded.

They reached Ayano's house, "Shintaro, I never got to say this but, thank you for being my friend.", Shintaro blushed and looked away," N-no problem.", he scratch his crimson cheeks and she went inside the house.

Why did I have to those word to Ayano?! regretting the things he said to Ayano, Shintaro went home flustered.

PHOENIX: HA! Finally I got write this chapter before school comes...

SHINTARO: Oh really, then what happened to you in the last few days ?

PHOENIX: None of your business you sarcastic geek! Anyways, supposing I should post this story on April 30, which is Shintaro's b-day...

SHINTARO: My, how thoughtful of you.

PHOENIX: Shut up! But recently I had some family business to attend to and while attending it, I always thought of this chap. mostly my other stories is on HaruTaka, so I figured a ShinAya story just to change a bit.

So that's the good news, on to the bad news. So since I said that school is almost here in this country of mine, I have to stop writing stories for now so I can move on to my studies. But I can write everytime there is a month long or week long vacation so you don't have to worry about anything.

That's that and if you ever want to suggest or say something, please review this chap and I'll be gladly read it. And as always, I'll see or read your reviews later (If I ever got the chance XP). TOODLES