I don't TMNT. I only own part of the OC...sort of.

Chapter 1

He was beyond terrified. One moment, he was eating an apple and the next he was being chased by those strange creatures in black clothing. They had weapons that he had never seen before, weapons that quickly became very scary when the males fired them at him. But despite all the males in black and their weapons that fired strange and scary arrows, they did not terrify the young animal as much as their leader did.

Their Leader was also dressed in black and had a strange weapon, but what signaled him out from the rest was the dark thing that covered his eyes and his orders to catch the young animal. He did not know why the Leader and his followers wanted him so badly, but he can sense it was for an evil reason. And that was the only reason Koumori needed to fly away as fast as he could.

So he flew. He did not dare to stop to see what was wrong with those animals, he just flew like he had never flown before. However, his best speed was not fast enough. After a few minutes that felt like hours, a huge wiry net was fired from a weapon and it swallowed the terrified Koumori whole. The net brought the little bat all the way down to the roof of a building. Koumori struggled with all of his strength but the net did not let go of him.

"Now, now, calm down. We can't have you use up all of your strength before my first test even starts," said the Leader. Koumori shuddered as the Leader's menacing and snake-like voice sent shivers up his spine. Then the Leader bent down and picked up the net with little Koumori inside.

"While I am disappointed that someone more…suitable did not show up, I can still get answers from you. And my other experiment is going even better than I expected. So all in all, not a bad night at all," the Leader continued with an evil smile.

Koumori did not understand anything that the Leader, but he did not care. He just wanted to escape and go back to his parents. So when Koumori saw that the Leader's wrist was within reach, Koumori did not hesitate to sink his pointy fangs into the evil male's white flesh.

"Ow!" exclaimed the Leader as he dropped the net. As the net fell back down to the roof, the net opened just enough for Koumori to fly through and escape to the night sky. It was only when Koumori was high up into the sky did he lick the Leader's blood off his fangs.

"Get him!" Koumori heard the Leader order his male followers. Though Koumori was partly tempted to look back, he overcame it and kept on flying. He kept on flying even though he could not hear the Leader and his followers anymore. He just wanted to get as far as away from the evil creatures as he can.

But then, finally, he became so weary that he could fly anymore. So he looked for a good hiding spot and within a few seconds, he found it. It was a big dark green container that looked like it had plenty of room for someone like him. So Koumori flew into the dark green container, only it stank worse than a Rhino's backside. But for once in his life, Koumori did not care about the smell as he landed on the stinky heap of strange objects and cried.


April O'Neil hummed a little melody as she walked through the streets. She had just finished her shift at the soup kitchen with her Dad and now she was going to visit the turtles while her Dad went back had been a few weeks since her mutant friends had rid the city of the Kraang and brought the human population back from Dimension, including her Dad.

April smiled when she remembered her reunion with her Dad. He was still a bit bewildered from being a Kraanified mutant person only moments before, but that didn't stop him from hugging her back tightly. And it is all because of Donnie, Leo, Raph, Mikey, and their mutant friends. And they didn't ask for anything in return either. They really are the best friends that anyone can ask for. It's the least I can do is to be the best kind of friend to them that I can be.

Then all of a sudden, there was a whimper. April immediately stopped humming and walking and looked around. That…that sounded like it came from an injured animal. April stayed still for a moment, her ears on the high alert for another soft whimper. But the only sounds she heard were the engines of nearby cars and the rustle of leaves brushing against the sidewalk.

Just when April decided that she was just hearing things, she heard the soft whimper again. But this time, it turned into a small sob. April turned her head towards the sound and saw a short but slightly dark alley. Even though she did not see the animal, April walked down into the alley, her eyes and ears both searching for any sign of the hurt animal.

"Mama…Papa…where are you?" sobbed a nearby voice. April gasped. It's not an animal, it's a little boy! April once again turned her head in the direction the voice came from and saw a dark green dumpster. Without even wondering why the boy would be in a dumpster, April rush to the dumpster and peeked her head inside.

April opened her mouth to say some comforting words, but what she saw quickly stopped the words from coming out. Instead of a little boy, she saw a little and adorable black bat. He had little white fangs and big red eyes, which were now filled with clear tears.

April was so stunned that the only thing she could do was stare at the little young animal. Then the bat turned his head and saw April. The bat screeched with fright and backed up until his back was pressed against the dumpster wall.

"Get away from me! I'll bite you if you don't!" threatened the little bat, his fangs bared. He then tried to fly but his wings were so shaky that he fell after gaining an inch or so in the air. That didn't deter the little bat however, as he immediately try to fly again. Seeing him struggling to fly for the second time finally brought April out of her stunned stupor.

"Whoa little fellow! I'm not going to hurt you!" exclaimed April gently, her hands in the stop position. To her surprise, the little bat did stop, though he still looked suspicious of the red-headed teenager. April felt her heart give a pang of pity. I thought with the Kraang gone, there was a chance that there will be no more mutations of innocent civilians.

But I guess I was stupid to hope that. As long as the Shredder has mutagen, there will always be mutations. Though, why would Shredder mutate a little boy? Was it unintentional? Or even perhaps did it happen before the Kraang were forced out of our world? April then shook her head to get those questions out. How and when this little boy got mutated doesn't matter right now. I have to convince the boy that I mean no harm before I can take him to Donnie so he can be brought back to normal.

"It's alright…I can help you," April said in her best soothing voice as she lowered her hands in a defenseless position. While the little bat looked less suspicious, he still glared at April and had his fangs somewhat bared. April gulped and tried again once more to convince the little bat that she was his friend.

"I promise that I won't hurt you. Ever." April gave an inward sigh of relief when she saw that the young bat dropped his guard altogether and started to cry as he jumped towards her. April, on instinct, caught the young animal and held him close her chest. When she felt the bat's body tremble in her arms, April felt anger blossom within her. He's too young to have anything like this happen to him! When I see the Shredder again, I'm going to…

April shook her head again, but this time to push her anger away. She knew that what the young boy-turned-bat needed most right now was her compassion, not her anger. April then took a deep breath and rubbed the bat's back.

"It's alright, I'm right here, and soon this…whoa!" exclaimed April. Her eyes grew wide with shock as the bat in her arms suddenly started to grow. Her mouth dropped when the bat's wings gradually turned into arms and his little adorable bat feet turned into little human feet. His pointy ears shrunk down and so did his pointy fangs. Then, the bat stopped finally stopped changing. Except that he was clearly now a little human boy with dark hair, not a little black male bat.

"Oh my gosh...you're…you're like Karai…you're not a normal mutation…" whispered April softly. And Donnie's retro-mutagen didn't bring her back to normal! It might not bring this boy back either! But...unlike Karai, he does seem to have full control of his mind…there is hope for him.

"What's your name?" asked April as the boy, who looked to be around four years old, started to cry less and less.

"Koumori," the boy said, sniffling a bit.

"Kou-mo-ri," April repeated. "That's a really nice name." That made Koumori look up and gaze up at April with a small smile.

"Really?" he asked in wonder. April smiled and nodded.

"Yep," she answered. Her answer resulted in Koumori giving her an even bigger smile and snuggling against her chest. Even though she still felt angry at Shredder and sorry for Koumori's mutation, April felt glad that Koumori was snuggling against her like she was his big sister or mother. Mother…she is probably worried sick about him…I got to get him to the turtles pronto. The sooner they can help him, the sooner he can get back to his Mother.

"C'mon, let's go to my friends," April said as she headed out of the alley, still carrying the young boy in her arms.

"Your friends?" asked Koumori.

"Yes, they are going to help you," April informed him.

"They are going to find Mama and Papa?" asked Koumori.

"Yes," answered April, wondering how she should tell Koumori about the turtles fixing his mutation problem. But before she could think of a way to break it to him, she heard a little snore. She looked down and saw that Koumori was sleeping soundly, looking like he didn't have a care in the world.

April just smiled and adjusted Koumori's body so that she could hold him better. Don't worry kid. Donnie's retro-mutagen will work before any problems can occur and he and his brothers will bring you back to your parents. And I will help them too, so there really won't be nothing to fear.

After around ten more minutes or so, April finally reached the turtles' lair. As she walked inside the lair, she wondered how she was going to tell the turtles and Master Splinter that Koumori needed their help before they reacted to the fact that she had brought a human to the lair yet again. But this time I know that he isn't a Kraang spy! He is just a little boy…who got mutated into a bat…and who can also turn back…WHAT THE?!

April stumbled into a sudden stop when she saw the condition of the turtles and their Sensei. Master Splinter, tears flowing down his face, had his arms around Raph, who was sobbing heavily into his Father's kimono. Leo was in the fetal position, his head to his knees and his body shaking terribly. Donnie and Mikey were nowhere to be seen.

"What happened?!" April exclaimed as she rushed towards them, her heart pounding with terror and anticipation. Raph doesn't cry! And…I have never seen Sensei and Leo cry like that! And where are Donnie and Mikey?!

"April…" Sensei said, his somber eyes looking straight at April and hurting her very soul.

"What is going on?! Where are Donnie and Mikey?! What happened to them?! They're not…they're not…" April stuttered, desperately hoping with all her heart that one of her greatest fears didn't come true. But as Leo got up and walk very broken-heartedly towards her, she felt her hope dying. And it died completely when Leo stopped when he was few feet in front of her, and told April the horrible story of what had happened only an hour or so ago.

I don't like this...at all. What about you? What do you think? Mechagigan2004 requested that I write a story about April becoming a motherly/sisterly figure to a vampire/young boy who can turn into a bat. But as you can see, this story is going to be WAY more complex than that.

Please review and I will try to update as soon as I can!