Sorry about the delay, almost ran out of ideas. Well, this song from an older movie should suffice. Has anyone else seen the Tinkerbell movies? ;)

The Great Divide

We never knew you existed til we found you

And we never guessed that you ever could be real

Now we want to join forces to fight

Not have gods separate us at first sight

Chiron has told us this is meant to be, don't you see


We're on your side

Ready to fight

And together we're facing the world

And the army that she has

And the great divide

Just unified

At last

Now we have to really work together

Split apart we were worse, but now we're better

Take a couple half bloods on the Argo II

We can't defeat Gaia without you

So we have to fight as one single force

Yes indeed


We're on your side

Ready to fight

And together we're facing the world

And the army that she has

And the great divide

Just unified

At last

And if you are beside us when we falter

We know that we can get through it



We're on your side

Ready to fight

And together we're facing the world

And the army that she has

And the great divide

Just unified

At last

Ugghh...SO sorry this took a while. I NEED IDEAS HELP ME...

Peace out peeps,
