Another day, another night. Routine, routine, routine. The kinks on his body cracked out on their own by this time. He'd been protecting the state of illinois since he dropped out of high school. It wasn't a job that most people got hyped about, but something about the bullets, the grenades, the life or death situations. He lived off it.

Of course it wouldn't be the same without his friends.

"You did good tonight, Brooks." A samoan, beast of a man approached the table with drinks, sitting them all down for his rowdy friends.

"Yeah, you didn't let that fucker escape easily." A blonde haired man nudged, taking the bottle of beer from his samoan friend and chugging a gulp down, a hard days work put to bed.

The man who was centre of attention, taking everyones praises smiled. Phil Brooks. Of course to his friends he was either Punk, due to his scruffy, tattoo'd, slicked back hair look, or Brooks. It was a cop thing to call each other by their second names, which came in handy since he hated his first name with a passion.

Him and his friends had been working with the force for as long as he could remember. They were good, too good as a matter of fact. They took care of the big jobs, not the shoplifters, robberies or muggings. The real shit.

He was crazy, dedicated his life to dodging bullets, saving damsels in distress and crashing cars at least once a week. But his friends were just as crazy…

Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. All unique in their own way. They were intimidating men if an enemy were to look, but to other friends and guys on the team, they were soft, gentle giants.

"I think I still have some of his skin under my nails." Punk chuckled, taking a drink of his soda, sticking out like a sore thumb like usual when in bars and pubs. He had this strong belief of not drinking, smoking or doing any drugs. His friends however were drinkers through in through out.

It wasn't just normal police jobs, a tickle and scratch here and there. No… they had missions, real missions. They were alphas, took out the bad and the ugly. Fought, conquered and moved on to the next mission.

Punk had never really thought about anything but taking bullets, catching the bad guys and saving the good. He was married to his job, that's what he told people. His friends were just the same. They worked as a team, all having their own unique set of skills, combining them all together and creating the most dangerous team on the force.

"My neck is killing me." Seth moaned, sitting on the bar stool, his half brown, half blonde hair tied in a bobble at the back, nodding his head from side to side to get the kinks out of it.

This was his family. The force was his home. They fought until their last breaths with each other, faced life and death situations together, conquered, celebrated, grieved together. Well, Dean, Seth, Roman and of course… Mrs Alpha, as she was best known as.

"Where'd you get off to, Mendez?" Dean asked, his dirty blonde hair hanging low on his head, his beer bottle nearly empty from the thirst of the long day.

"Had to go change, didn't I." A small woman said, walking round the table of drinks, pulling out a bar stool and sitting down.

She was the last woman on the planet who looked like a cop no doubt, but she was a hell of a good one. She got the job done just as much as the guys and was down for the ride every single time.

She was small, but that came to her advantage most of the time, she was bendy and flexible. When the guys couldn't fit down small holes and ditches, she got the job done. Her hair was silky, brown and long down her back. She wasn't intimidating at all, but mess with her boys and an enemy would easily be created.

It was the only family she really had, the only family that loved her and accepted her. They were all jobaholics and looked out for each other.

April Mendez or AJ for short term, was perhaps one of if not thee most important woman in Punks life. She didn't know it, but she was. There was always something between them. Ever since they met nine years ago and became companions, they had always felt something for each other, just refused to accept it or do anything about it.

Dean, Seth and Roman knew, there were plenty of jokes and teasing towards Punk whenever AJ wasn't around, but Punk treaded lightly around the situation. He'd seen too many guys lose their girls, he stuck to a one man army with plenty of best friends.

AJ had always felt something for Punk or Brooks as she normally called him. From meeting him when she joined the force, his charming smile and tattoo's, his amazing physique and perfect smile. They'd dangled off buildings in Japan together, been nicked and cut in LA, held their breath after driving off cliffs and much more normal things like that. She wished she could look to him as a big brother like she did with Dean, Seth and Roman, but she couldn't. He was much more special, much more important.

"My round?" AJ smiled to them all, already knowing what everyone would be drinking. She stood up and walked around the table, resting her hand on Punks shoulder as she walked by to the bar counter to get the next round of drinks.

Punk watched her as she walked away, her long hair so soft and so longing to be touched. She was perfect. If only his feelings just disappeared and he could look to her like a little sister, the way the rest of the guys did.

"There he goes." Roman nudged Seth to look at Punk who turned around to face them.

"There he goes what?" Punk looked at them all.

"Staring." Dean leaned forward with crazy eyes, looking at his best friend like he was insane, "You've only been doing it for the past nine years." He said.

"I was just looking to see if she needed a hand with the drinks." Punk shrugged to them.

"She took out two Japanese fuckers on a rooftop today. I think she'll be fine." Seth chuckled into his beer bottle as Punk just growled their way.

None of them got it. If he was to ask AJ on a date, or express his feelings to her, even though she knew fine well how he felt, it would be awkward and would ruin their working skills together. They'd been in many situations where they figured they'd never see daylight again, words come out, feelings get expressed, but it was never taken seriously, in fact, it was normally forgotten about the moment they reached safety.

"How you guys holding up after today?" AJ asked as she made her way back to their private table in the corner of the bar, sitting down the drinks and taking her seat. She placed her wallet in her jean pocket and got involved in the flowing conversation.

Of course it wasn't as awkward as people may have thought between Punk and AJ. They couldn't let their feelings stand in the way of the job they worked. They couldn't be distracted, they had to be on their game the whole time, no time for fucking up. No one could understand it, but it was easier if they kept their feelings at bay and continued to pretend being friends was ok.

"Seth won't stop moaning about his neck." Roman rolled his eyes, his long hair tied behind him, his muscular tattooed arms almost bursting through his t-shirt. He was definitely the power machine out of them all.

"Hey, you didn't have that whole cabinet fall on you." Seth recalled back to earlier in the day when they had to catch nearly a whole foundation of Japanese smugglers, chasing them around the city. Their tyre skid marks were probably still out on the busy road.

"Let's just cheers to another days work done." Punk raised his glass, catching AJ at the corner of his eye smile lovingly at him, "Cheers to whatever journey life takes us on next." Punk smiled to them all, clinking his glass off of their beer bottles and AJ's glass.

"And cheers to the unlucky fuckers who have to deal with us next." Dean smiled as they laughed with a nod.

Later that night…

Dean, Roman and Seth had made their own way home like normal and because of Punk living on the same route as AJ took to go home, he walked her home like the gentleman he was. Being a cop did create a paranoid, protective side to him that he hated, he wished he didn't care. It was a perfect example of why his feelings for her had to be kept to himself. If anything were to happen to her, she would be his responsibility, he would blame himself. Hell… if anything were to happen to her at all, he'd be a mess.

"We got them good today." AJ folded her arms with a smile, walking along the sidewalk next to her number one team mate. Recalling their work earlier on in the day. There was no doubt about it, they worked together like a hot knife cutting through butter.

"Yeah." Punk smiled, his hands in his jean pockets. One of the hardest things he'd had to do these past nine years was pretend they were just friends. And take it from him, he'd done a lot of hard things. He just didn't want his feelings get in the way of them doing their job that they were both so good at, "We'll just have to wait to go find more trouble to get into tomorrow." He said.

"You know us. Trouble finds us." She said as he agreed, "You did good today." She nodded, coming to her house, pausing outside with him.

"Ahh, you weren't too bad yourself." He shrugged, the dark night quiet and still, unlike what they were used to. He could forever hear burning fires, crashing cars, falling down buildings… and he loved it.

"Goodnight. Brooks." She saluted him with a smile, taking herself and her bottled up feelings with her, walking up the stairs to her house as his gruff voice croaked from behind, feeling him walk towards her home closer.

"What's this box?" He asked, kicking the cardboard box outside her door.

"Oh that. It was delivered this morning. They delivered it to the wrong house, it's getting picked up tomorrow." She said, trying to find her house keys in her basic purse, tossing the gun to the side in it. Another side of being a cop, always carrying armour and weapons, no matter where you are. The unpredictability of their job was bumping into old enemies, they had to be prepared.

"Mind if I open?" He asked suspiciously, taking his own keys out as she just shrugged.

"Go ahead." She nodded to him, continuing to look through her purse for her keys, "Where are these damn things…" She muttered to herself.

Punk ran his keys down the heavily sellotaped box, finally opening it up, his eyes bolting up at the clock ticking away to the tanked bomb. 3… 2… 1…

Just enough time to grab AJ with force, pulling her into him and turning his back to the bomb to take any damage onto his own body and not AJ's, the eruption and explosion sending them onto the opposite side of the road, both of them slamming on the ground in a thud.

Punk lay on his back on the road, the burning flames in front of his eyes as he heard AJ laugh beside him.

"Who the fuck wants a piece of us now." She turned her head to look at him, her head cut and bleeding, not even phased by it. She'd felt much worse.

"Whoever it is…" Punk sat up and got to his feet, his face dirty and black from the burning and explosion. He dusted his knees off and walked across to the burning house, finding a card in the rubble, police and fire engines heard in the distance already. "Whoever it is, is making a big mistake." He walked over to her, helping her up and passing her the card that was clearly attached to the bomb.


AJ smiled. They never ran from anything. All five of them,

Well… surprise! Lol xD Don't worry, first of all I'm just going to say, this is just an intro for my new story. I will be continuing with 'I Want Crazy' as usual. Just thought I would give you all a little taste of what is coming up next.

Very different element here I think personally. Not a lot of Punklee fics start with them knowing each other, so this should be interesting to write, and for you to read hopefully. Plus, what would it be without the shield boys. Looking forward to this and I hope you guys are too. But like I said, don't worry about 'I Want Crazy,' that will be my main focus, this is just the first chapter and intro for what's coming next.

10 REVIEWS = New Chapter.