Authors Note: Hey all, this is my first ever fanfic so I hope it isn't too bad! The lack of Clarktavia was killing me, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. This first chapter is really short and is more to give you a sense of where we're at and what is going on. Because it's so short, I'll probably have another chapter up in a few hours. I'm a full time university student, so I may not be able to update every day, but I will try to pace it well!

This story is rated M for language and (maybe) sex scenes in later chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own The 100 or any of its characters.

"Hey Bell, have you seen Clarke?" Octavia asked as she approached her brother and their friends, who were sitting around a campfire.

Bellamy pretended he hadn't heard his sister's question. He just continued talking to Monty. That is, until Octavia smacked him on the back of the head.

"What the hell, O?!"

"I asked you a question." Octavia was serious, and she had a sad look in her eyes. Bellamy knew his sister well. He knew something was wrong.

"Alright, let's talk." Bellamy got up and guided Octavia away from their friends so that he could find out why she seemed so upset and so desperate. "Octavia, what's going on? You seem really-"

"Just tell me where Clarke is!" Her sadness was quickly turning to anger as she grew impatient. But Octavia knew that yelling at Bellamy wouldn't get her an answer. She just needed to talk to Clarke. Octavia drew in a deep breath before continuing calmly, but with urgency still in her voice. "I'm fine Bell. Please, just tell me where she is."

Bellamy hesitated, but decided his sister needed to know. "She left. When we returned from Mount Weather, Clarke couldn't come in to Camp Jaha. She wouldn't allow herself to. The burden of what she- what we had to do- it was just too much for her."

Octavia's face got angry, but then became worried. "Did she say where she was going? She shouldn't be out there alone, it's too dangerous. I need to go find her." Octavia quickly took off for the camp gate, but Bellamy grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"O, it's dark. And Clarke left hours ago in god knows which direction. Like you said, it's too dangerous. I'm not letting you go, you won't find her."

"You don't know that Bellamy. I'm not a little kid anymore, I can take care of myself! The longer I wait to go find her, the harder it will become. She can't be alone out there. The Princess doesn't know the ground." Octavia yanked her arm from her brother's grasp and continued to the gate.

"Neither do you!"

"I certainly know it better than Clarke!" Octavia was growing impatient again.

"Well you're not going alone! I'm coming with you. And Lincoln should come too."

With that comment, Octavia drew her sword and pointed it at her brother. She wouldn't hurt him, but she needed to show him how serious she was. Octavia didn't realize that the fire in her eyes said enough already. "No! I need to do this Bell, alone. I said things to Clarke, things that probably made her second guess her judgment and caused her to leave. It's my fault and I have to fix it. You're not coming." She paused for a moment and looked at the ground. "And I don't want Lincoln to come either."

Suddenly, a scream pierced the air. Bellamy saw a commotion around the fire where his friends were and immediately ran to help. But when he got there, he found that Harper had merely fallen asleep and woken terrified from a nightmare.

By the time he turned around to return to Octavia, she was gone. She had used the ruckus to slip out through the gate and go after Clarke. Bellamy ran to grab a gun and the only person around that knew the wilderness of Earth – Lincoln. They needed to go after Octavia. His sister, his responsibility.