Hello everyone! I know I haven't said how many chapters there will be for this story, but I am informing you that this will be the last one. I wanted to end this with a bit of fluff, so I hope you guys will be satisfied. I also hope you enjoyed reading this fic. Thanks for the reviews, I really appreciate. If you have any request and would like me to write a story you thought about, that'll be my pleasure (after some considerations). Thanks again, you are all amazing!

After two weeks in Polis at Lexa's sides, Clarke decided the time finally came to leave the grounder's capital. She knew her mother and her friends were expecting her to give news in the next day and Clarke couldn't lie about how she really missed them.

She was in bed with Lexa and she was having a hard time getting some sleep – not because of sex, but because of nightmares. She had visions of dead people, again and again. She knew it was because of what she had done in Mount Weather. She knew killing everyone in that mountain wouldn't be without consequences. Sleep was one of them. She had her eyes wide open, looking at the top of the tent. She knew travelling would be rough on her, especially because she almost never had a good night of sleep while she was in Polis.

"Something is bothering you." Lexa whispered, hiding her face in Clarke's neck. They were cuddling and the blonde was, of course, the little spoon.

Clarke sighed and answered. "I have nightmares."

"Do you want me to help you change your mind?" She asked with a soft voice.

"If it doesn't bother you, yes." She moved a little bit to be on her back, Lexa's arms still around her. Lexa slowly kissed the blonde's lips with a tender kiss. If felt good, warm and reassuring.

"Do you want to talk?"

"Not really."

"Okay, then." Clarke felt the grounder girl nod and she started caressing inside of her thighs. Her touch was soft, yet the blonde knew she was probably just like that because she was still sleepy – but this wouldn't last very long.

Clarke let Lexa kissing her again, their tongues meeting and caressing each other. Even though she was tired and Lexa was touching her slowly, she quickly felt aroused and wanted the Commander to go straight to the point. "Lexa, finger me already."

Her only response was a little grunt and she felt Lexa pulling down her pants, along with her underwear. Her hand got between Clarke's thighs and the grounder wasn't surprised the sky girl was already dripping. Lexa thought about teasing her, but she knew she would get mad at her. All she wanted was Clarke to sleep well – and have a healthy sex life too.

She slipped two fingers inside the blonde and started moving back and forth. Clarke put a hand behind Lexa's neck and huff. "You're alright?" Lexa asked, looking at the blonde.

She smiled and answered: "Yes… keep going please." She arched her back when Lexa found her sensible spot and she closed her eyes, abandoning her body to the pleasure the Commander was giving to her.

After a few minutes, Clarke came and looked at Lexa with a sleepy smile. "Thank you. Would you like me to return the favor?" She proposed.

"No, we need to rest. Sleep well, Clarke." She said, kissing her forehead, but the sky girl was already sleeping. Lexa joined her a few seconds after.

Clarke woke up the next morning and got dressed. Lexa was already outside, probably ordering some warriors to prepare Clarke's bag and horse for her travel to Camp Jaha. After her morning routine, she got outside the tent and looked at the grounders… being grounders. Some were fighting, some were making exchanges and the youngest were running around the oldest. She would miss this sight after waking up every morning: she knew her people wasn't that crowded and things mustn't be the same after Mount Weather. She understood that some of the 100 reunited with their family, but some of them would still cry the death of their beloved ones. She knew Mecha station was the only one to reach the ground with almost no death. The other station was a mess and there was almost no survivors.

"Good morning, Clarke of the Sky People." Indra said, surprising the blonde. Clarke knew Indra was probably thinking that she could have killed the sky leader at least ten times before she could react – that was true.

"Good morning, Indra." She greeted her with a brief smile. She knew the scary woman wasn't there only to tell her to have a good morning, so Clarke was waiting for her to continue.

"You should follow me. Heda is waiting for you in the war room." She informed Clarke.

She followed the Commander's warrior to the war room and she saw Lexa sitting on her throne. She was playing again with that goddamn dagger, but Clarke knew it only was a reflex of when she was thinking – nothing bad. The grounder's leader noticed the blonde haired girl and stood up.

"Clarke, everything you needed for your journey is ready." She was looking at her with a serious face and Clarke knew she was sad because she was leaving without her for Camp Jaha.

"Thank you, Commander." It sounded weird to address her with her formal title, especially when she was used to moan her given name. Clarke smiled and she saw Lexa's lip twitch into a small smile for the quarter of a second.

"Two of my highly trusted warriors will escort you to your people and make sure you get there safely." She sighed, looked at Indra and asked her to leave the tent in Trigedasleng. She wanted to have a moment alone with Clarke before her departure.

When the warrior woman finally got out of the tent after giving a long look to Clarke, Lexa almost thrown herself to the blonde and kissed her, cupping her face with her hands. It was always surprising how quickly the change from the Commander to Lexa happened.

Clarke enjoyed the kissed and almost felt guilty to pull back. "You will be missed here." Lexa said, looking into the blonde's magnificent blue eyes.

"Certainly not by Indra." She replied jokingly. "I will miss you too."

"Indra will miss you, I am certainly giving her free time when you are around me."

"Then I shall return to you before next week."

"I will be waiting for you, Clarke."

They both smiled at each other and shared few kisses. In this moment, Clarke didn't wanted to go at Camp Jaha: she wanted to be selfish and stay with Lexa. But she knew she couldn't do that to her mother.

"There is something I want you to keep in my absence." Clarke started. She looked down at her wrist and there was her father's watch. She removed it and putted it into Lexa's hands. Everyone knew that it was something really important for her – the last object that belonged to her father. "Keep it. I promise I will return to you."

There was a spark into Lexa's eyes. "I will keep it always on me, Clarke." She gave her a simple kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Clarke of the Sky People."

"I love you too, Heda Leksa kom Trikru."