A/N: Alright, so I decided to post the chapter I posted on Tumblr onto here. I will upload chapters both here AND on my Tumblr page (username is same as my username here). Also, this is my very first Gravity Falls fanfiction, and I'm very excited to share it with you.

Aaaanyway, I don't own Gravity Falls nor any of its characters, blah blah blah, all of those belong to Alex Hirsch and Disney.

He couldn't believe it.

Thirty years. Thirty damn long years had he waited for this, for his twin to finally return home.

He didn't know how he had done it, survive decades of saying, "Good morning, Stanley," to thin air. He didn't know how he was able to lie to everyone that Stanley died in a car crash, and he had done it so many times that he started to believe it himself. And when Fiddleford left as well he truly felt alone.

To be honest, Stanford was afraid he might pass away before even getting close to getting Stanley back. And, for sure, he did not expect to accomplish this with his handyman, grand-niece, and grand-nephew by him.

Yet here Stanley was, standing so that he blocked the view of the wrecked portal. His face was devoid of any emotion. Stanford had no words on the tip of his tongue. He was never good with emotions, and could not form a sentence to express what he feels. Instead of words, he used actions: Slowly, he approached his brother the way one would approach a stranger. Stanley copied his twin.

Both stopped two feet away from each other. While both had different emotions whirling in their heads, one feeling was shared, one neither have truly felt for a long time: Happiness.

With glazed eyes, Stanford pulled his brother into a warm hug. Stanley had his arms tightly around Stanford, worried that if held him any more loose he would be pulled back into the portal again. Stanford, on the other hand, hugged his brother very carefully, barely touching his dark coat. He was scared that any tighter would make his brother shatter into shards of glass.

"I missed you so much, Stanley. You have no idea," Stanford managed to finally say.

"Actually, I do…I–" Stanley froze, and Stanford could feel Stanley's hands moving away from his back. "What am I doing?" Stanley asked himself, before roughly pushing his brother away from him. "I should be angry at you! Do you realize what you've done? What could've happened?"

"B-But it didn't happen. The apocalypse didn't take place. Just a few shakes!"

Stanley scoffed. "Even if the apocalypse is not upon the Earth yet, look at all the problems you've caused! The whole town above us is destroyed, innocent people may have died. And let me guess, the FBI is after us again, isn't it?"

Stanford remained silent.

"Why couldn't you listen to me for once, 'Ford? I told you not to open that portal again. You knew the one we casted out could have been brought out again! But you didn't care, did you? You didn't even know the risks! You didn't give a damn about any of the warnings–"

"Goddamnit, Lee, stop thinking I'm an idiot!" Stanford snapped.

Stanley shut his mouth.

"I'm not stupid. Of course I read your warnings. I did care, and I sure as hell knew the risks. But I put my family first. I couldn't let that damn floating dorito get what he wanted. You may be the more logical one, the thinker of the Mystery Twins, Stanley, but I'm hell sure you would have thought the same way I did."

Stanley could say nothing to that, except glare at his brother. He hated to admit it, but he was right. While he likes to imagine him to be this selfless man, several times he had risked other people's lives and didn't even blink an eye.

Dipper could still not comprehend that he was not seeing Stan talking to himself, but to his own twin brother. He had just watched the fight between the two, but still, his mind was blank. And he thought he mentioned Bill too. Was there anything else Stan was hiding?!

"Brother…? I….What?" Dipper muttered to himself, but unknowingly, the older twins heard it.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Stanley, these are Dipper and Mabel. Your grandkids. Kids, this is your Grandfather."






Both were screeched simultaneously.

"Ooh, that's why we never met our second grandfather!" Mabel smiled. Dipper stared at her. How could she be happy when she almost caused the world to end? "Dipper," she said joyously. "We did it! We saved our Grandpa!" She tightly hugged Dipper, but to her surprise Dipper squirmed and wiggled out of the embrace.

She frowned, tilting her head to the side. "Dipper?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

Dipper simply clenched his fists. "Dipper, please tell me." Both Stans were looking, one still surprised by the news, and the other one had his brows furrowed in worry of what might happen.

"You chose him," Dipper whispered so quietly Mabel had to ask what he had said.

Clenching his fists, he growled. "You chose him. You trusted him over me!" He pointed at the conman, the liar, anyone but the man he hoped Stan to be.

"Dipper, I–" She stammered, but Dipper cut her off.

"He lied to us all summer! He had this apocalyptic machine under our feet all this time. The Author himself–Stan's brother," He gestured towards Stanley, who has been watching the argument from his brother's side, "if Stan isn't lying yet again, wrote that this could tear our universe apart! I told you that! Your own twin!"

She reached towards her brother. "Dipper, I saw he was desperate! Grunkle Stan–"

He slipped from her reach. "'Grunkle Stan'? How can you still call him a part of your family when he tricked us like he did the whole world?! How can you–H-How can–I–Agh!"

Dipper was seething, too angry to process his thoughts into words. He closed his eyes shut and tried calm himself down. He was supposed to be the level-headed one, the logical one. Mabel was the one who listened to her heart instead of her brain, which was exactly why she didn't press the button.

He didn't care the world didn't end. He didn't care he finally found the Author. Mabel was basically a part of him and since the Gnome incident felt he could trust her with his life. But when push came to shove, when the time came to test the water….

Mabel listened to Stan.

He should have just listened to the Journal.

He didn't feel he could trust her again. Not the same way he did before.

Mabel took a step back, not knowing how to react to the venom in his voice. She had never heard him so angry, so…Hateful. And it was towards her.

But she felt she did the right thing. After all, Stan would have never gotten his brother back were it not for the portal. She did the right thing…Right?

"Dipper, listen to me," she said desperately. "He would have never been able to bring his brother back home without this thing. I would have done the same thing too! Wouldn't you?"

"NO!" he snapped. "Not if it destroys the Earth! I'd rather…"

He trailed off with his eyes as wide as saucers. Tears were brimming at Mabel's eyes.

Silence filled the air.

Slowly, he realized his mistake, but the damage was already done.

Mabel's voice was eerily quiet, and they all could see her hands trembling. "You'd rather live by yourself and feel safe than save me? Your sister?"

For once, Dipper didn't know what to say. He didn't mean it like that, and yet everybody took it the wrong way. Even himself. He was very angry, fuming, even. But he never meant to make Mabel cry.

"…I'm going to the living room," he muttered, before quickly leaving the wrecked place.

Mabel still stared off to where he left, tears flowing down her cheeks. She thought she felt her heart break when her summer boyfriends left her. But this…This was so much worse.

Suddenly she felt someone's arms around her, enveloping her in a comforting hug. When she sniffed she recognized the sharp smell of Stanford's cologne. She hopelessly hugged him back and grabbed bunches of his coat in her small hands.

"I'm really sorry, sweetie," he finally spoke. "I didn't mean any of this to happen."

He could feel her shaking her head on his shoulder. "S'not your fault." Her voice was muffled by his clothing.

He sighed. "Kinda is. Really is. I should have told you. I would have told you but…"

"But y-you didn't want your chance of getting our G-Grandpa to be ruined," she finished for him.

He chuckled softly. "You a mind reader, Mabel?"

"Nuh-uh. Having a t-twin really helps though." At the subtle mention of her brother the air in the room seemed to thicken.

Before Stanford could stand up, Stanley walked past them and said, "I'll go talk to him."

Stanford looked at him. "Are you sure?"

Stanley nodded. "I'll need to talk to my great-nephew sometime, anyway. Besides, he doesn't seem to want to talk to you two." He paused as he saw the looks on their faces. "No offense," he added quickly.

"Alright. Good luck. We'll be up there soon after we wake him," Stanford replied and pointed at Soos.

Stanley nodded again and turned around to leave. However, before Stanley could take one step, Mabel threw her arms around his legs. "I wish you luck, too, Grandpa," she said softly.

With the name pulling at his heartstrings, he kneeled down to hug her more properly and ruffled her hair. "Thank you, Mabel," he replied and stood up to leave.

As his brother left, Stanford put a hand around Mabel, making her lean her head against his shoulder and let out more tears.

After the tears stopped and there was only a sniffle here and there, Mabel whispered, "Grunkle Stan?"

He was brushing his fingers through her hair soothingly. "Yeah, sweetie?"

"Do you think Dipper meant it when…" She couldn't finish without a sob escaping her mouth.

Stan knew what she was speaking about. "No, he didn't, Honey. He was just angry, caught in the moment, you know."

"…Did I do the right thing?" The words escaped before she realized it. She hadn't meant Stan to hear it.

"Well, Mabel," he asked as he gently put his hand under her chin to make her look at him. "What do you think?"

As she looked into her Grunkle's eyes, she realized she noticed something new. Now, in his dull, brown eyes, was a sparkle. And along with it, his wrinkles seemed to have gotten not as deep. Overall, he looked like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders. With these things in mind, she nodded.

Yes, she did do the right thing.

Because she did it for her family.

Hope you liked it! Make sure to leave a review!