Hi everybody.
Suffice to say that the number of wonderful reviews on this have all come to the consensus that it was really heartbreaking. I don't normally do this, but for this one, I'll make an exception and respond to all of you here, since some of you were guest reviewers wanting a few answers. I responded to the rest of you via PM but...
Abbey: Thank you! I hope you didn't get into trouble at work!
Guest1: No, I'm afraid no sequel. I can't work on another Sherlolly multi-chap, I have three in the works right now.
Guest2: Once again, afraid not. And yeah, he said it because he meant it. In my head anyway. I always leave interpretations up for everybody, but I see him saying that honestly.
I'm so happy all of you liked it. Every single review on this one warmed my black heart. Honestly. I don't even know how to express my surprise that some of you keep reading what I write, even though it is either a) trash or b) heartbreaking.
Lots of love,