This is what he worked so hard for this is what he lived for, his cleats dug into the turf below him as the breeze told him how to aim the ball for the perfect throw; Jace Wayland was living in the moment that would decide his future. You could hear the screams from the stands, the cheerleaders chanting his name but that was not what he was focusing on, everything Jace had in him was centered on one thing and one thing only. His arm reared back as he released the ball sending it in a perfect and graceful spiral; he then stood there in anticipation watching his best friend Alec Lightwood running to catch it in the end zone. It seemed as time stood still and silence had overtaken the stadium as not only Jace but every single person there watched and waited with anticipation to see what the outcome would be.


Alec Lightwood, the young running back knew that all eyes were now on him as he jumped to catch the spiraling football; his gloved hands poised for the perfect catch. His feet touched the ground knowing exactly where to go as Alec realized that he had made the catch of the game and he was at the sacred goal line.

Cheers erupted around Alec as his fellow teammates came running towards him but his eyes were in search of only one jersey and that was the one of his quarterback, Jace Wayland. Next thing he knew he was hoisted on the shoulders of his fellow players as the cheerleaders including his sister, Isabelle Lightwood swarmed around them. Alec had never felt so alive in his life, being a senior at Idris High, winning the National Championship with his football team.


Jace allowed his knees to collapse under him as he saw Alec reach the goal line, tears were streaming down his face as her removed his helmet; the team had just done the unimaginable winning Idris High's very first National Championship. He could hear the people around him cheering and could feel the pats on his back but he did not care for any of that as he slowly stood there basking in the feel of victory. Jace's eyes went immediately to his running back, Alec Lightwood; the two shared a triumphant look before Jace's eyes shifted toward the stands in search for the man he really needed to be there.

Jace found Stephen Herondale immediately, dressed in none other than crimson and white; University of Alabama colors, Mr. Herondale was the scout that Jace was hoping against all hope to see.


Stephen Herondale had not been impressed with Idris High's football athletic department; he had only showed interest due to his friend Robert Lightwood calling asking a personal favor to watch his son Alec Lightwood and family friend Jace Wayland play in this year's championship football game. When first arriving at the field Stephen did not have high expectations for the night; watching the game he could not help but notice that Wayland and Lightwood were the backbone of the team, the two boys were both power houses on that field and together they were an unbeatable force. A smile grew on his face as he watched the winning team celebrate; he politely spoke with the Lightwood and Wayland families as he waited for the two young champions to exit the field.


Jace and Alec met up together in the field house as all the players came together for one big bear hug cheering as they waited for their coach to give them his final words of the night. Coach Starkweather came in and looked out among all the young players; it would have been hard not to notice the tears that the seasoned coach had in his eyes. "I have been a coach here at Idris High for more years than I can count and I can tell you that I have never witnessed such a hardworking team in my career. You boys have made not only the school, your parents proud but you have made this old man proud. I wish I had the words to tell you what I saw on that field tonight but I cannot seem to find anything that could compare to what happened on that field" Coach Starkweather took his hat off as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand "What I guess I am trying to say is you did yourselves proud tonight and you deserve this win tonight. Now get out of here and shower you all smell like a sewer." Coach Starkweather smiled as the field house erupted once more with the cheers of Idris High's champions.


After Jace had showered along with all the other players, he finished dressing and sat in front of his locker waiting for Alec to finish up so they could head out and celebrate; Jace stood as he saw Alec walking his way but he had not noticed Coach Starweather following.

"Jace before you and Alec leave I have someone here that would like a word with you both in my office" Coach Starkweather held no emotion in his face nor his voice as he motioned for the two players to follow him.

Jace and Alec shared a look of confusion but they followed their coach silently to his office; once entering Coach Starkweather's office they were greeted by the one and only scout for the University of Alabama, Stephen Herondale.

"Mr. Herondale, I will leave you to it with these fine young players and again I want to thank you for coming to our game" Coach Starkweather shook Stephen Herondale's hand before departing from the office without glancing at the two players behind him.

"Jace Wayland and Alec Lightwood it is a pleasure to finally meet you both" Stephen Herondale said as he shook hands with both boys; please sit we have a lot to discuss. Taking their seats Stephen Herondale gave the two boys a chance of a lifetime; a full ride scholarship to play football for the Crimson Tide. Jace Wayland had dreamed of this moment his entire life, if you were to see his bedroom right now you would see it was covered from top to bottom in nothing but "ROLL TIDE", he never dreamed that he would be offered a full ride to play for his favorite team and to top it off Alec would be by his side.

Jace Wayland and Alec Lightwood left Stephen Herondale with the promise of unending opportunities waiting for the two of them at the University of Alabama; Jace had only ever dreamed of playing for the Crimson Tides, tonight Stephen Herondale spoke of not only college football but moving on to being drafted to the NFL. Alec and Jace had shared a look of shock when the NFL was mentioned by the Alabama scout but as they sat there listening to what he had to say, the two star athletes began to envision the promise of something further than college football.