Meet The Dreyars

*At the Park. No One's POV*

The large team were walking towards the park, chattering between them, Team Natsu and The Thunder God Tribe watching as the family interacted with each other. Laxus carried Soren while Lucy carried Orion, Wendy walking between the two parents, holding onto Persephone's hand as Carla rested on her shoulder. The team watched in amusement when Soren started shifting in Laxus' arms, attempting to climb up his chest. Laxus looked at his son strangely, eyebrow quirking while his son pouted at him.

"Daddy I wanna sit on your shoulder" Soren whined as he tried to climb up Laxus' chest once again. Laxus chuckled at the boy and nodded, lifting him up and placing him on his right shoulder.

The boy grinned as he shifted on the large shoulder, making himself comfortable. As soon as Orion saw Soren, he too started squirming in Lucy's arms, causing her to tighten her hold on him, so that he wouldn't fall. However, Lucy's actions caused Orion to become restless as he cried out, struggling harder in her grasp.

"MUMMY! LET ME GO NOW! I WANT TO SIT ON DADDY TOO" Orion finally screeched as he continued struggling, Lucy to once again having to tighten her grip on him

"Wow Laxus, that brat is definitely yours" Bickslow commented, snickering along with Happy at Orion's antics while Laxus glared

"Ry, honey calm down, I'll put you on daddy's shoulders, just stop struggling, I don't want to drop you" Lucy said and at her words, Orion stopped struggling and nodded at her, frowning slightly.

Laxus raised an eyebrow at her use of the endearment before Lucy turned and looked at him. Laxus bent over slightly, holding onto Soren so that he wouldn't fall. Lucy placed Orion on his left shoulder before Laxus stood up straight again.

Lucy made sure both boys were secure and safe before stepping away and smiling at them. She then turned back to Wendy and Persephone, smiling at the little girl, bending down and grabbing her hand. Persephone smiled at her mother, holding tightly onto Lucy's hand while ensuring she didn't let go of Wendy's. The family once again continued walking through Magnolia and towards the park.

Laxus trailed back slightly, taking in the sight of his future wife and daughters. They were currently talking about clothes and fashion and about their next shopping trip, Persephone letting out random quips about how she wanted more dresses. He quickened his pace before reaching and grabbing Wendy's free hand.

Laxus' sudden movement caused Wendy to tense, the action startling her as she jumped back before gripping his hand hesitantly. Laxus grinned at her, causing her to beam at him, eyes shining with happiness. Laxus couldn't help but be reminded of Lucy, despite Wendy's hair colour.

'I wonder if she'd dye her hair blonde. I mean she already has the same colour eyes as Lucy, changing her hair colour would only prove that she really was a mini Lucy' Laxus thought to himself, snickering at his own thoughts.

Lucy and Wendy looked at him strangely before shrugging it off, Persephone choosing to accept her father's strange grin, continuing their conversation about clothes while Soren and Orion spoke to Happy and Carla, who had taken to flying beside them. Laxus looked behind at his team along with Lucy's team who were following behind the small family, talking amongst themselves.

The group finally reached the park, quickly finding a place by some trees, next to the lake. Erza, Evergreen and Wendy quickly set up the picnic blanket while Lucy turned towards Laxus, stretching up to pick her sons up and place them safely on the ground.

Laxus couldn't help but stare at Lucy's creamy cleavage, which was pushed up against his chest; almost making them pop out of her shirt. He suppressed a groan, straightening himself once Lucy had got both boys off his shoulders.

She smiled at them, watching as they ran towards Natsu and Gray before she turned around and started walking towards the picnic blanket, Persephone walking over to Freed and gripping his hand. Laxus watched as Lucy walked away from him and couldn't help but notice the soft sway of her hips as her skirt swished around her.

He followed Lucy, studying her as she moved to sit down on the blanket, between Erza and Wendy. Laxus joined her, sitting next to her with Wendy between them as he kept his eyes on his sons, who were currently playing tag with Gray, Natsu and Happy. Persephone was presently with Freed, the former talking animatedly to him as he listened to her intently. Orion turned towards his mother, smiling brightly at her

"Mummy, can we please play with Virgo and Loke too?" Orion questioned, pleading at Lucy with a puppy dog look. Lucy nodded her consent and pulled out the two keys, summoning her spirits to her side. Laxus watched as Loke appeared alongside Virgo, Loke kissing Lucy's hand while Virgo bowed.

"Hello my beautiful Princess, what can your precious Lion in a shining suit do for you today?" Loke asked, kneeling as he continued kissing the back on Lucy's hand, causing Laxus to growl at him

"Good morning, Princess. Is it punishment time?" Virgo said, bowing towards Lucy, which made me raise my eyebrow at her

"No, no punishment Virgo. However, I have a favour to ask" Lucy started and Virgo looked at her

"Yes Princess? What do you need?" Virgo questioned and Lucy smiled at her

"Orion and Soren want to play tag with you and Loke. I hope Loke informed you and the rest of my spirits about the situation?" Lucy questioned and Virgo nodded, turning to Orion who was staring at her with awe and glee

"This must be the little Prince Ryan; it's a pleasure to meet you" Virgo said, bowing towards Orion who grinned in response

"Hello Prince Ryan, would you like to play tag with us?" Loke questioned as he kneeled down to the boy's level.

Orion quickly nodded his head enthusiastically before grabbing Loke and Virgo by their hands, dragging them towards Natsu and Gray. Loke laughed in response, while the usually stoic Maid Spirit cracked a smile. However, suddenly there was a large squeal as Persephone let go of Freed's hand, running over towards Virgo.

"VIRGO! SEFFY MISSED YOU" Persephone squealed as she bounded into the Maid Spirit, hugging the spirit's knees

"Ahh, I take this is the Little Princess, Seffy?" Virgo questioned, bending over and picking up Persephone. Persephone nodded, smiling brightly as a faint blush formed on her face at being called 'Little Princess'

"Seffy was talking to Freed about books, Freed promised Seffy that he'd read Seffy the story of Sleeping Beauty soon" Persephone responded, grinning brightly as she motioned Virgo to take her back to Freed, who took the little girl into his arms once again

Virgo nodded and Loke ruffled Persephone's hair before the two spirits joined Gray, Natsu and Happy once again, resuming their game of tag. Laxus watched his sons run about, their energy seemingly endless before turning to watch his daughter continue talking to Freed about books and fairy tales. He then turned to Lucy, looking at her with amusement

"Little Princess? Little Prince? What was that about? I know you have a massive ego but really? Getting your spirits to call you Princess?" Laxus questioned, mirth shining in his eyes causing Lucy to huff

"I DON'T HAVE A MASSIVE EGO! My spirits call me Princess because if it's not Princess, it's Master and I'd rather not be called Master. They're my friends and they do it out of their own volition, I don't make them do anything. They probably call Ryan and Soren Little Prince and Persephone Little Princess because of that" Lucy replied and Laxus nodded at her

Laxus watched as Wendy got up to play with the boys before turning around to speak to Bickslow while Lucy spoke to Erza and Evergreen. Their eyes weren't focused on their children because they knew that Wendy, Natsu and Gray along with Lucy's spirits would make sure nothing happened.

A few hours passed by and it was almost lunchtime, causing Lucy to call everyone to the blanket as she set out the food. The boys ran towards their parents, quickly beginning to scoff down food, sending it flying everywhere. Lucy shot her sons a scathing look and they quickly gulped

"Sorry mummy" Both boys said, looking apologetic as they put their food down on the blanket, staring at the ground sheepishly

"It's alright, just eat properly and make sure you don't spit food everywhere" Lucy replied, her scathing gaze melting at the sad look on their face, causing them to nod, smiling brightly as they continued eating in a more civilised manner.

"Seffy, sweetheart don't you want anything?" Lucy questioned, as her daughter left Freed's side to sit in Laxus' lap, it seemed the girl was very attached to her father and his green haired best friend

"Seffy want chicken" Persephone responded and Lucy nodded before handing her a drumstick, Laxus holding a napkin under her, making sure she didn't dirty herself

"Wow Lucy, you're really good with kids," Gray commented and everyone nodded in agreement, causing Lucy to blush and smile at them

"Well, that's not really surprising, after all, she takes care of Wendy as well as you two idiots" Bickslow snickered, causing Wendy to blush while Natsu and Gray glared at him

"WE'RE NOT KIDS" Gray and Natsu shouted before turning to glare at each other

"STOP COPYING ME" They yelled again, ticks appearing on both their foreheads

"I SAID STOP COPYING ME" Came their shouts once again



However, before their spells could charge, Laxus punched the both of them in the face, sending them flying through the air before hitting the tree, causing their forms to slump. Laxus glared at the both of them, Persephone in his arms as he glowered, standing over them threateningly

"If you idiots even think about fighting in the presence of my children again, I will make sure that you regret it" Laxus snarled, holding tighter onto Persephone who giggled at her father

"What the hell, Laxus" Natsu groaned, rubbing his head

"You two idiots can't control your fights, your spells could hit Soren, Orion, Wendy or Persephone at any time, so no more fighting" Laxus ordered, causing the two to freeze before nodding frantically. Laxus nodded before sitting back down and placing Persephone in his lap once again. Wendy blushing furiously at being mentioned as part of the family.

Once everyone had finished eating, Soren and Orion quickly got up and began playing tag again. Seffy snuggled up next to Freed, lying on his lap as she decided to take an after lunch nap, the Rune Mage absentmindedly playing with her long hair as he read a book. Laxus turned to Lucy, ready to start a conversation when he frowned at her appearance. Lucy looked exhausted, her face pale and skin shining with a thin sheen of sweat.

Laxus turned his gaze to his two sons, realising that she'd been holding open not one, but two Zodiac gates for a good few hours now. Laxus glared at Lucy and she weakly raised her eyebrows in question, grimacing slightly.

"Blondie, you need to send your spirits back. It's no good exhausting your magic over this. The boys think they're still in the future, but we're not. You're not as strong as your future self, you can't hold open two Zodiacs for this long" Laxus said, looking at her worried as he pulled her up against him, supporting her against his side.

Laxus ran a hand through her hair, brushing it out of her eyes before running his hands down her side and wrapping them around her waist, and pulling her into his lap with her back propped against his chest. He bent his head downwards, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, placing a kiss on her neck causing Lucy to sigh as she leaned into him further, her shoulders drooping as she relaxed against him. He had no idea what possessed him to do so, but the action felt completely natural to him.

"No, it's fine. If they want to play with my spirits for longer, I'll be fine," Lucy replied stubbornly, smiling at her children. Laxus sighed; calling Soren and Orion over, the boys running over towards their parents.

"Soren, Orion, say goodbye to Loke and Virgo, Mummy is tired," Laxus said, looking at them sternly. Lucy shifted against him and turned to glare at him

"No, it's fine, continue playing" Lucy replied, smiling weakly at the group. Loke and Virgo gasped at the exhausted look on her face before Loke sent her a sharp look.

"Princess, you should have told us. It's not good using this much magical power; your body isn't able to sustain it. We'll be returning to the spirit world now" Loke said as both he and Virgo bowed and said goodbye to the children. Laxus turned to see Lucy give out a sigh of relief before she looked apologetically at Orion and Soren

"I'm sorry you couldn't play with them for longer" Lucy said and the boys ran towards their parents, Soren moving to Laxus' left side and Orion sitting on the right side, resting his head against Lucy's lap.

"It's okay mummy, we know that you shouldn't use too much magic" Orion said as he hugged Lucy, causing her to smile and play with his hair. Orion's eyes fluttered shut, purring at the action as he nuzzled her

"Mummy can we play hide and seek?" Soren questioned suddenly, looking at her pleadingly. She finally managed to lift herself off of Laxus and turned to them

"No, we can't let you out of our sites and if you hide, the mages may return and take you away" Laxus replied harshly, looking at their dejected and terrified faces as they nodded. Lucy glared at him and hit him on his head, reprimanding Laxus for his harsh tone

"Sorry boys, Daddy didn't mean to sound angry or scare you. You can play hide and seek on one condition. You hide with a member of our teams" Lucy replied, and the boys grinned at her before nodding.

"Aunt Erza, Aunt Ever, will you play hide and seek with us?" Soren called looking at the girls who turned from their conversation and nodded at him, standing up and following him to the group

"Mummy, Daddy?" Soren questioned again

"No, go play without us, Mummy and Daddy need to rest and talk about things" Laxus replied and Orion and Soren grinned before moving on to the last members

"Uncle Freed, Uncle Bix do you wanna play too?" Orion questioned as he moved towards them. Bickslow nodded his consent while Freed looked apologetic

"I must apologise Orion, but I'm going to have to decline the offer, I promised your sister I'd stay with her as she took her nap" Freed responded and Orion nodded before looking at his younger sister. He grinned before running up to her, and placed a soft kiss on her forehead

"Take care of our Seffy, Uncle Freed" Orion responded, trying to sound threatening and Freed nodded causing Orion to grin before running off, missing the squeals of Erza and Ever, and the soft look Lucy was sending him

"You really are protective of your sister huh?" Bickslow questioned a grinning Orion and the twins nodded furiously

"Yes, uncle Natsu, uncle Gray, uncle Freed, Aunt Mira, Aunt Erza Aunt Ever, you and Daddy taught us that we should always protect Seffy and Wendy because we're brothers and so we have to look after them" Soren replied and Bickslow grinned before nodding

"Yes, that is correct, in the unlikely event when we aren't there to protect them, you will have to defend their honour. You have been taught well" Erza nodded, completely accepting of their words as the twins grinned at her.

*Laxus's POV*

I heard Orion yell about how Erza was hiding with him while Soren wanted to hide with Bickslow. I continued to watch as Erza lifted Orion, putting him on her shoulders while Bickslow did the same as the group moved to hide from Natsu, who was currently the seeker.

"If it's okay with you Laxus, I'm going to take Lara by the lake and sit with her there. She wanted to play in the water once she woke up" Freed stated before picking up Persephone

"Alright, be careful with her" I responded causing Freed to nod.

I watched him carefully sit down by the river, Persephone in his lap protectively as he folded his sleeves up before he continued reading his book. I let out a soft smile involuntarily, noting how the sun made Persephone's hair shine similar to Lucy's, forming a halo around her head.

'Daddy's little Angel' I thought to myself, an uncharacteristic soft smile on my face

Finally, I turned to Lucy who was now blushing, as we were alone together. Grinning, I pulled her closer to me, so that her head was against my collarbone, wrapping my arms around her tighter and placing my chin on top of her head.

"Blondie, we need to figure out where we're going to stay," I said and she nodded under me before stiffening

"You're blonde too Cuddles" Lucy replied snickering to herself and smacking my hands, causing me to growl. I threw her off of me, and she lay on the ground letting out a small squeak. I climbed on top of her, her hips resting between my thighs as I pinned her down

"I'm not fucking cuddly, Blondie" I growled out, nipping at her ear, sending shivers through her spine while I moved down, kissing her jaw and resting my head against her neck, placing soft kisses along the tender flesh

"Mmmm, that's not what Soren said" Lucy moaned her voice husky as she threw her head back, allowing me further access to her throat, I let out a growl as I continued nipping at the skin, undoubtedly leaving my mark on her as my hands travelled up her hips and towards her breasts

"Laxus, stop, the kids will see and we still have to discuss living arrangements," Lucy said, moving my hands away and pushing me off of her. I growled out again and nodded, but not before placing one last kiss onto her neck. I sat up, pulling her with me until she was once again in my lap

"Is your place big enough, because mine isn't? Also I doubt in the future we'll be living at my small apartment and we don't want to alarm them, so we need to find out where we live in the future somehow" Lucy replied and I nodded, thinking it over

"We probably do live in my house, after all, it is a six bedroom house, besides it's not exactly suitable for children or living in considering I'm rarely home. Another problem would be that it wouldn't look the same as it does 7 years into the future. Plus, with the amount of bedrooms I have, they all probably have their own rooms and we don't know what they look like or how they've been designed, so we'll need to figure out how to get that sorted" I replied and I felt her nod against me and I could almost see the gears working in her mind.

Suddenly she gasped and turned herself in my lap, smiling at me. I don't think she noticed that she was currently straddling me with my hands placed on her hips and well; I wasn't going to tell her.

"What if we contact Ultear and get her to use her Arc of Time magic on it? I'm sure she'll be able to transform it to what it looks like 7 years into the future" Lucy replied and I was impressed, I would never have thought about that

"That's a good plan and all but how do we contact Ultear?" I questioned and Lucy smiled as she watched the game of hide and seek continue

"Through Erza" Blondie replied and I looked at her questioningly

"How would Erza know how to contact Ultear?" I questioned once again and Lucy giggled

"She won't know how to contact Ultear. No, she'll contact Jellal who will contact Ultear" Lucy replied, snickering to herself.

"Why would Erza know how to contact Jellal?" I questioned, causing her to snicker again, covering her mouth with both hands as she looked to the side, an evil look on her face

"Because, they're together," Lucy replied as she continued giggling manically, causing me to raise my eyebrows in question

"You mean…?" I asked, trailing of and causing her to nod

"Oh yeah, they're definitely doing the horizontal tango, if you know what I mean" Lucy replied, and I sweatdropped realising that she had yet to stop snickering to herself

"Alright, since that is sorted. Let's talk about us" I replied and I felt her stiffen, her laughter dying

"What do you mean about us?" She replied shyly, causing me to let out a chuckle

"Clearly, we have feelings for each other. After all, in the future we're married and have four children" I replied, looking at her with amusement

"Yes, so?" Lucy replied, looking up at me

I moved my hands from her hips to grope at her butt, pulling her closer into me, so that she was sitting directly on top of my crotch. She gasped as our position became apparent to her, a soft blush forming on her cheeks

"So, I think that maybe you should become mine" I replied, my voice husky. I could hear Lucy's heart race as her blush deepened and I had to bite down a smirk

"Isn't that too fast? I mean… we just found out about everything," she said quietly before trailing off, looking at me through her eyelashes. I chuckled at her, moving my head to the crook of her neck, taking a deep breath as her smell washed through me

"Our children from the future have arrived and we're taking care of them, even discussing living together. I'm sure it's not moving too fast" I replied, moving to feather soft kisses on her exposed collarbone. Lucy moaned and I felt my member twitch at the sound.

"Alright, fine. But we're going to do this properly. I expect you to take me out on dates and woo me, you hear me Lightning Rod?" Lucy replied and I chuckled at her at her, nodding my consent. I moved my head up and captured her lips between my own, eliciting a gasp from her.

I could hear her heart beating faster and felt her groan against me before wrapping her arms around my neck and giving in to the kiss. I sucked at her lower lip, nipping at the flesh as I asked for entrance. She complied, and I felt my tongue slip into hers, massaging her tongue with my own.

Our mouths continued battling for dominance as I pulled her flush against me, her breasts pressed against my chest, groping at her butt while groaning at the feel of her skin. She absentmindedly ground her hips against me, causing me to let out a growl. I broke off the kiss and once again moved down to nip at her jaw, trailing kisses to her neck, however we quickly pulled apart as we heard two squeals

"EWWW!" Orion screamed, covering his eyes

"DADDY, THAT'S WEIRD" Soren screeches, following pursuit of his brother as he too covered his eyes. Lucy stiffened against me before scrambling out of my lap, blushing deeply at being caught in an intense make out session by none other than our sons.

"Laxus, you better not be dishonouring Lucy" Erza threatened and I could see her almost reach out for her sword, causing me to gulp

"ERZA! IT'S OKAY" Lucy replied hastily, hands waving frantically in front of her, the Requip mage nodded before once again moving off to hide

"Virgo!" I heard Persephone call, causing both Lucy and I to snap towards our youngest child, our eyebrows rising as she held the key in her hand

"Yes Princess Seffy?" Virgo questioned, bowing, causing Lucy to stiffen in shock

"Wait, how did she just summon Virgo" Lucy whispered, disbelief evident in her voice

"What do you mean?" I questioned, wondering what was going through Lucy's head

"It should be impossible, I myself couldn't call out any of the Zodiac until I was around 10 or 11" Lucy whispered, causing my eyes to widen

"You mean…" I stated, trailing off as Lucy nodded

"Persephone has a lot of magic power in her. It takes a lot of magical power to call out a Zodiac, especially without the summoning chant," Lucy explained causing me to smirk

"Why are you surprised? My family has been known to have extreme amounts of power, that added to your own power would mean that any of our children would also have lots of magic" I replied and she nodded, however, even at my words she still looked shocked

"Virgo, can you bring Freed and Seffy swimsuits, Seffy wants to play in the water with Freed" Seffy asked politely, letting out a small grin as Virgo nodded

"Right away Princess" Virgo stated before disappearing, only to reappear with a small blue and yellow two-piece swimsuit. The top was like a small crop top while the bottoms consisted of a small ruffled skirt. Freed had a matching pair of board shorts

I watched as Virgo hid Persephone behind a shield of rock, allowing her to change in private as the Maid spirit assisted her. Freed looked shocked, before looking around for a space to change. However, he didn't have to look far as Virgo erected a rock wall in front of him too, blocking him from my gaze.

"I didn't know your spirits could give you clothes," I stated, looking at Lucy

"It's not common, but considering how much I lose my clothes and end up naked, Virgo supplies me with clothing when I need it" Lucy replied, shrugging slightly

I nodded before throwing myself backwards, pulling Lucy with me. I heard her squeal, causing me to grin as she rested on top of my chest, our legs entwined. She looked up at me, blushing at our new position before I wrapped my arm around her waist, my hand casually resting by her butt.

"I think the kids should be fine for a another hour or so, so how about we take a nap?" I questioned and Lucy nodded hesitantly before placing her head on top of my chest, unconsciously snuggling against me.

I watched as her eyes fluttered shut after a few minutes, quickly falling asleep while I drew lazy circles on her back, enamoured with her smooth skin. I turned my gaze up to the sky before letting out a small grin. Just earlier I had thought about making Lucy my woman, and now she was. I let out a quiet chuckle, before closing my eyes, letting sleep drift over me too.

*Time Skip – An hour later*

I felt someone shake me awake and shot up, alarmed and ready for a fight as lightning crackled around me. However, I drew my magic back in as I heard the familiar giggle of Lucy and my future daughter.

"Daddy wake up, we need to go back to the guild" Persephone said, her face popping in front of my face as she grinned toothily at me, shaking me as she did so

"Alright princess, I'm up" I said, grumbling sleepily while I rubbed my eyes.

However, hearing more giggles and chuckles, I stiffened before turning around to see both team Natsu and my own team laughing at me. I wondered what was going on and turned to Lucy, eyebrows rising in question. Lucy just shook her head, a small smile on her face

"Come on then, let's get back to the guild. We still need to call Ultear and get the house ready," Lucy said causing me to nod before I got up, picking up Persephone as I did so. On the way back to the guild, Persephone stayed in my arms while Erza carried Orion and Bickslow carried Soren. Lucy walked beside me, idly chatting to Wendy.

"Seffy?" Happy called, flying over to my daughter's side, causing her to turn to him

"Yes Happy?" Seffy replied, grabbing the Exceed and hugging him

"Why is your hair like Mira's?" Happy questioned, reaching a paw to poke at her tied up fringe

"Did you forget Happy? Seffy's hair is like Mira's because Mira is Seffy's Godmother and Seffy want's to be like Mira, that's why Seffy is going to learn Demon Soul take over when Seffy is older" Seffy said casually, causing me to stiffen as Lucy's head snapped to her daughter, eyes wide

"Oh? And who's your Godfather?" Happy questioned, pulling out a fish as he chewed on it

"Freed, who else would Seffy's Godfather be?" Seffy questioned, stating it almost as if it was common knowledge

"So that's why you're so attached to Freed" Ever commented, causing Seffy to nod before grinning brightly at Freed

"Mira always makes Seffy ice cream and cake and Freed always reads with Seffy when Seffy's in the guild while Daddy and Mummy are too busy with the guild paperwork" Seffy said before snuggling closer to me

"What about you two? Who are your Godparents?" Happy questioned tactlessly while looking at my two sons, causing Soren's eyebrow to raise while Orion tilted his head to the side, biting his lip in a manner that screamed Lucy

"Happy? Are you okay?" Orion questioned, concentrating intently on the Exceed

"Why would I not be?" Happy questioned before leaving Persephone's grasp, flying between my sons

"Because, you already know who our Godparents are," Soren said, as if he were stating the obvious

"Maybe Happy forgot, Ren. Maybe Mummy's kicks for teasing Mummy caused him to lose his memory" Seffy said causing Soren and Orion to nod solemnly

"Maybe if you weren't so mean to Mummy then Mummy would stop kicking you Happy and then you wouldn't forget" Orion advised, while Happy sweatdropped

"I'm not mean to Lucy," He argued

"Then why does Mummy kick you and Natsu so much" Orion questioned, causing Happy to adopt a look of deep thought

"Because she's crazy," Happy said finally

"I'M NOT CRAZY YOU STUPID CAT" Lucy yelled, a tick appearing on her forehead, causing me to chuckle

"See, crazy," Happy teased before giggling and flying away from Lucy

"Whatever cat" Lucy grumbled, stomping beside me

"So, you didn't answer me" Happy said, once again flying beside the twins

"My Godparent's are uncle Bix and aunt Ever" Soren said, grinning at Bickslow and Evergreen, the former who had frozen at Soren's words while Evergreen looked on in shock

"I-I-I don't know what to say" he stuttered, looking at me and Lucy, he had his visor on but I could sense the faint smell of tears, causing me to shake my head at his hysterics

"Thank you Lucy" Evergreen said softly causing Lucy to smile at her

"Mine are aunt Erza and uncle Gray" Orion stated, grinning up at Erza and Gray, the formed stiffening before blushing and turning to Lucy

"Are you really that surprised Erza?" Lucy questioned, shrugging at the Requip mage who was like a sister to her

"I am honoured, Lucy" Titania replied, Lucy grinning in response

"Same here Lucy" Gray said, grinning at his teammate

"WHAT ABOUT ME LUCE?" Natsu yelled, looking hurt as a dejected aura surrounded him

"It's okay Natsu, Mummy said you and Levy are Wendy-nee's Godparents" Seffy said, placating Natsu, the latter grinning before pumping a fist into the air. I turned to look at Wendy who was blushing hard before shaking my head as we continued walking to the guild.

*At the Guild. No One's POV*

The family and their friends entered the guild, causing the members to wave and greet them once again. Erza and Bickslow put down the two boys, Soren ran over to Makarov while Orion ran towards Gildarts, the boys talking to them animatedly about what they had done throughout the day.

Laxus carried his daughter to Mira, placing her on the bar counter, causing Persephone to smile before turning herself around to talk to Mira, who was smiling softly at the little girl before blushing as Freed took a seat at the bar.

"Did you know we're Lara's Godparents in the future, Mira?" Freed questioned softly, making sure Seffy couldn't hear him. Mira's eyes widened at the news before she let out a squeal

"Really? I knew I'd be the Godmother of one of Lucy's children" She replied excitedly before turning to Persephone, handing her some raspberry cheesecake, causing the little girl to squeal happily, digging into her cake

"Mhm, it seems that she's very attached to us. She even wants to learn Demon Soul Take Over magic so that she can be just like you. It's why her hair is like yours" Freed continued, causing Mira to blush before pulling the little girl into an unexpected hug

"Mira, are you okay?" Seffy questioned as struggled to continue eating her cake

"Of course I am, it's not my fault you're just the most adorable little girl ever," Mira said causing Persephone to blush

"Mira… can Seffy eat her cake now" Persephone questioned, pouting slightly

"Oh! Of course" Mira said before letting the girl go, moving back to continue serving people

"Freed, will you read to Seffy?" Persephone questioned, causing him to nod as he pulled out 'Grimm Tales' by Phillip Pullman, reading her the story of Briar Rose. Lucy and Laxus wandered over to Mira, the barmaid turning to them in question

"Lucy and I are going to go get the house set up for the children, we won't be back for a while. Are you okay watching over Persephone? Gramps has Soren and Gildarts has Orion" Laxus informed, causing Mira to nod

"How are you going to get the house set up? You don't know anything about the future?" Mira questioned quietly, turning to look at Persephone, ensuring the girl didn't hear the conversation

"We've contacted Ultear, she's going to use her Arc of Time magic in order to put the house together, as it were in the future" Lucy replied, causing Mira to nod before her eyes sparkled

"So… you two huh?" Mira questioned, looking at them with excitement

"Uhh… yeah" Lucy responded shyly while Laxus nodded

"I never would have pegged it as you two, Natsu and Lucy or Gray and Lucy sure, hell even Loke and Lucy, but never you two" Mira said offhandedly, causing Laxus to growl as he wrapped an arm around Lucy's waist, holding her possessively towards him

"Yeah, well she's mine, not theirs" He stated gruffly, causing Mira to nod frantically, completely enthused by the idea

"Ano… Laxus we have to get going if we want to meet Ultear and Jellal in time" Lucy said, blushing furiously while Laxus nodded

"Daddy? Mummy? Where are you going? Don't leave Seffy" Persephone called out, tears in her eyes as she watched her parents walk away. Laxus stiffened before turning around and walking up to her, taking her in his arms.

"Daddy would never leave you Princess, but Mummy and Daddy need to go do something so you're going to stay here with Freed and Mira okay? When we're done we'll come back and we can all go out for dinner" Laxus said, placing a kiss on her forehead

"Promise?" Persephone questioned, sticking out her pink finger

"Promise" Laxus replied, wrapping his large pink around her smaller one

"Okay Daddy, but come back soon" Persephone replied before wrapping her arms around his broad neck, hugging him as tight as she could.

She let him go and pressed a kiss to his cheek before smiling at him. Laxus' heart gripped as he took in the sight of his daughter before nodding and placing her back on the counter, ruffling her hair before nodding at a squealing Mira and smiling Freed. He turned around and walked back to his future wife, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as the two of them exited once again.

"Let's get going, we need to be back in time for dinner so that I can keep my promise to Persephone… What is it Blondie?" Laxus questioned, looking at Lucy who was smiling brightly

"Persephone completely has you wrapped around her fingers" Lucy replied, giggling at her future husband, causing Laxus to frown in response

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Laxus responded, a faint blush on his face

"Oh please! You want to hurry up so that you can keep your promise to her. Plus you're such a hypocrite! You questioned my spirits when you yourself referred to her as Princess twice now. She has you wrapped around her finger and you don't even realise it" Lucy explained, mirth shining in her eyes

"Tch, whatever, let's just get going" He replied, causing Lucy to shake her head in exasperation

The two continued walking in silence, Laxus aware of the comments of how cute he and Lucy looked together from the strangers around town. He sighed before pulling her closer towards him, wrapping his arm tighter around her as he led her towards his house.

As they got closer, Lucy's eyes widened at the large house standing in front of her. She'd known that Laxus was rich due to being S Class since he was a teen, but she didn't know that he was this rich. She stared at the large house in front of her, wondering why he'd invested in the home if he we was rarely around to stay in it.

The house was placed in the forest, a prime location that was close enough to the town to access both the shops and guild easily but still far enough to create a sense of privacy and peace. It was made of dark oak wood with large glass windows placed sporadically around and two stories high.

Close to the house was a swimming pool with some lounge chairs and a fire pit close by that looked both warm and inviting. She continued browsing the house, realising that the garden led to a small patio fitted with a swing set. She turned to Laxus, mouth gapping at the sight

"This is your house?" Lucy questioned, looking at him in shock. Sure, it wasn't as big and grand as the Heartfilia grounds and home but at the same time it was still impressive.

"Yeah… it's not common knowledge but I've always wanted a family and I had this house commissioned with the idea of raising a family in it. However, I'm rarely home and whenever I am, the team tend to crash in the spare bedrooms" Laxus replied shrugging before grasping Lucy's hand and pulling her towards the front door, where Jellal stood with Meredy.

"Jellal? Meredy? Where's Ultear?" Lucy questioned, looking around for the Time mage

"Lucy… I wasn't aware that you didn't know, but Ultear is no longer with us" Meredy replied solemnly, causing Lucy to stiffen

"You mean… she's dead?" She whispered, shock evident in her voice. Hearing her words, Meredy and Jellal's eyes bugged out of their heads before Jellal regained his composure

"No! No! It's just that in order to win against the Dragon attack at the Grand Magic Games last year, Ultear had to use a taboo spell and which had serious repercussions," Jellal informed in a sombre tone

"What kind of repercussions?" Lucy questioned worriedly

"She was aged drastically, causing her to turn into an old woman. It also drained her magic extensively and so she's been left weaker than before. We're sorry for not informing you off this and wasting your time, but we felt it was something we had to do in person" Meredy responded, a sad twinge to her voice, causing Lucy to frown

"Now what are we going to do?" Lucy questioned, looking at Laxus

"I don't know, your plan was the best to be honest" Laxus replied, causing Lucy to frown

"Lucy, if I may ask, what exactly is going on? Erza didn't mention why you needed Ultear's power, only that we had to meet you here at Laxus' home" Jellal said, causing Lucy to frown

"Oh? I thought Erza would have told you. You see; it seems that in the future, Laxus and I are married and we have four children. Three of which have been sent to the past because someone is trying to take them away from us. We have no idea when they'll attack, so while keeping an eye on the children, we have to ensure that they don't think anything is wrong. That's why we wanted Ultear, so that she could use her Arc of Time on the house and change it to what it will look like 7 years in the future" Lucy informed, causing Jellal's eyes to widen before nodding

"I thought you said you had four children? Why were only three sent to the past? What happened to the fourth?" Meredy wondered out loud

"Wendy, she's the fourth child. It seems me and Blondie here adopted her," Laxus answered, Jellal and Meredy nodded

"I see, well, there is a way that it could still be done, changing the house so that it could look like what it is seven years into the future. However, you'll need to summon Horologium as you'll need to use a spell that requires his power" Jellal responded, causing Lucy's eyes to widen

"What do I need to do?" Lucy questioned, looking at Jellal intently

"I don't know, I've only read about it. You'll need to question Horologium about it" Jellal responded, causing Lucy to sweatdrop

"Alright then" she said, summoning her spirit out

"Yes Miss Lucy? Is there anything you need?" Horologium questioned, his voice as impassive as usual

"Yes Horologium, Jellal said that there was a spell that could be done that would require your power in order to change Laxus' house to what it would look like 7 years in the future?" Lucy replied, causing Horologium to let out a yelp

"AHH! Yes, the Celestial Time spell, it is not forbidden per se, however it is very rare to be used. I will have to ask the Celestial King for permission to perform it" Horologium said before disappearing, causing Lucy to sigh

"So… you two huh?" Jellal questioned, looking at the two blondes as he unintentionally repeated Mira's words

"Yeah" Laxus replied gruffly, speaking to his previous partner for the first time since they got there

"I see, I'm not surprised," Meredy said, grinning while Lucy looked at her questioningly

"Why would you say that?" She questioned, looking at the Heavenly Body mage

"Well, it was clear that Laxus had some sort of feelings towards you during the Grand Magic Games, I mean during our break at Ryuzetsu Island, Laxus kept watching you discreetly, obviously he didn't know that I'd noticed and he even got extremely angry at Flare and Minerva's treatment of you" Jellal explained, causing Laxus to blush as Lucy turned to him with questioning eyes

"Is that true Laxus?" She asked, looking at him with amusement

"Shut up Blondie" Laxus grumbled out, unable to look her in the eyes, almost growling at how perceptive the blue haired mage was

"Awwww! You don't have to be so embarrassed, that's really cute" Lucy squealed, hugging him tightly

"Whatever" He grumbled out, hugging her back

"Miss Lucy, the Spirit King has granted me permission to use the spell. If you three would step back, I will perform the spell" Horologium stated, causing the three mages to step back

"Is there anything you need Horologium?" Lucy questioned, looking at her spirit worriedly

"No, I will be fine as long as you have enough magic power in you to sustain the magic for the duration of the spell" Horologium informed, causing Lucy to nod

"Wait, Blondie, I don't think this is a good idea" Laxus said, stopping Lucy

"What do you mean?" She questioned

"I mean, that you've already held open two Zodiacs today for a good few hours, I'm not sure you'll be able to sustain the spell" Laxus replied, causing Lucy to sigh

"You worry too much, I'll be fine. If I didn't think I could do it, I wouldn't" Lucy stated. Laxus hesitated, opening his mouth to argue

"Laxus please… just trust me?" Lucy asked, once again Laxus stared before nodding hesitantly

"Alright Horologium, go ahead" Lucy replied to her spirit who nodded before turning to the house, spreading his arms around, creating a large magic circle over the house

"I, Celestial Spirit Horologium, Gate of the Clock, have been granted permission by the Celestial Spirit King to evoke: Celestial Time sphere" Horologium stated firmly, causing the magic circle to turn into a ball of transparent yellow magic, wrapping itself around the house

"Fast Forward: Seven years" He spelled, the four mages watching in awe as the magic bubble started spinning, causing the house to glow. Lucy could feel her magic draining rapidly, but knew she had more in her before it would cause a problem

Finally, after a few minutes, the sphere burst, sending specs of Celestial Eternano through the air, falling to the ground as if it were snow before disappearing. Horologium turned to Lucy, before bowing

"Is that all you required of me Miss Lucy?" Horologium questioned

"Yes, thank you for your help and thank Stache face for me too" Lucy said, smiling brightly at her spirit, who nodded before disappearing

"So Jellal, Meredy would you two like to stay for dinner?" Lucy questioned, turning to the two mages

"Ehh? Can we please stay Jellal? You can see Erza and I can see… never mind" Meredy said enthusiastically before blushing as she almost revealed her crush

"Who can you see Meredy? Is it a boy? Tell me" Jellal demanded, going into overprotective big brother mode, causing Meredy to blush deeper

"EHH! NO ONE! LUCY HELP" Meredy squealed, running and hiding behind Lucy, who sweatdropped before grinning mischievously

"This person… wouldn't happen to be my pink haired, hot headed best friend who happens to be a Fire Dragon Slayer? Would it?" Lucy questioned, causing both Laxus and Jellal to stiffen

"You have a thing for Natsu?" Laxus questioned, wondering how anyone could like the teenager who still acted like a child

"No! Of course not…" Meredy replied, frantically waving her hands about while looking at Lucy in betrayal, however, her blush contradicted her denial

"Natsu? When did this happen?" Jellal questioned, staring at his guild mate

"Ummm… I don't know what you're talking about" Meredy said quietly, poking her two fore fingers together as she curled up in a ball somewhere far away from them

"Meredy" Jellal said firmly causing her to sigh and throw her hands up in the air

"Okay! I may or may not have developed a crush on him after the Chariot race at the GMG and then further during his fight against the Twin Dragons, Sting and Rogue" Meredy finally uttered, causing Lucy's eyes to widen

"You've liked him for more than a year?" Lucy questioned in disbelief, Meredy nodding in response

"He was just so… spectacular. He cares so much about the guild and his friends… it's admirable," Meredy said quietly, her blush darkening

"Lucy, we will join you for dinner, I'd love to meet your future children" Jellal said suddenly

"Ehhhh? Okay" Lucy stated, wondering why Jellal had accepted so suddenly, that was until she saw his dark aura, his face completely blackened as his eyes glowed red

"Besides… I need to have a little talk with my dear friend Natsu" Jellal continued, his voice dark as he chuckled maliciously, causing Lucy and Meredy to step back and away from him in terror

"Alright, whatever. Let's just enter and see the house yeah?" Laxus finally stated, trying to placate the situation as he took Lucy's hand into his own, dragging her into the house along with the two mages of Crime Sorcière.

Lucy's eyes widened at the house as Laxus guided her through each of the rooms. The house had many rooms, the bottom floor consisting of a lounge room as well as a living room; both decked in comfortable sofas, plush carpets and Lacrima Vision. The ground floor also had a small, comfortable sized office that had walls covered in bookshelves, causing Lucy to yelp in happiness. Lastly, there was a game/play room that was suitable for adults and children, a large kitchen, a large bathroom and of course a dining room.

The top floor seemed to consist of only bedrooms and bathrooms. There was a large corridor, and the end of the corridor was what turned out to be the master bedroom, or in other words, Lucy and Laxus' room. The walls were a royal blue with white carpet, the bedframe black with blue and gold comforter and pillows. The room seemed to be a perfect blend of Lucy and Laxus. There were two doors in the room, one leading to an en suite bathroom while the other led to a spacious walk in closet that was filled with clothes that belonged to both Lucy and Laxus.

Next to the master bedroom was what turned out to be the guest room, beautifully decorated with soft creams and white colours. Along the corridor finally were six rooms. On either side were two bedrooms with a bathroom between the rooms. The bedrooms both had doors that joined the bathrooms to each other.

On the left side Lucy noted, was what she believed to be Orion and Soren's room. Orion's was decorated in different shades of gold and blue, his walls covered in murals of Lucy's different Celestial spirits while Soren's room was decorated in black and blue, blue lightning strikes covering his walls. That left the right hand side consisting of Wendy and Persephone's room.

Wendy's room was decorated in different shades of light blue and white, soft white clouds painted on three of her walls, while the last one had a painting of what Lucy imagined was Grandeeney. Persephone's room was similar to Wendy's, however hers was painted in different creams and purples, with different flowers littering her walls sporadically.

"You have a beautiful home" Jellal complimented, causing Lucy to blush

"Technically, it's our future home" Lucy replied

"So, are we going out for dinner or am I cooking?" Lucy questioned, looking at Laxus

"We'll go out. I'm sure it's too late for you to start cooking anyway" Laxus replied.

Lucy nodded at the Lightning Dragon Slayer before the four mages left the home and travelled to the guild. Finally they arrived at the guild, the members greeting the returning couple as well as the two-Crime Sorcière mages.

"DADDY!" Persephone yelled, smiling brightly as she ran towards her father, who grinned and bent over, picking her up as she hugged him

"You came back for Seffy" She said cutely, smiling at her father

"Daddy will always come back for his little Princess" Laxus replied, tightening his hold on his daughter

"Seffy knows Daddy, but Seffy likes it when Daddy tells Seffy he'll never leave Seffy" Seffy replied, causing Laxus to grin as he nodded

"So, what did Daddy's little Princess do today?" Laxus questioned

"Mira made Seffy her favourite ice cream cake and Freed read to Seffy and then Seffy even read a bit to Freed, but Seffy isn't good at reading as Mummy or Freed yet, so Freed had to help Seffy with some words" Persephone replied causing Laxus to turn to Freed in disbelief

"It's true, our dear Lara seems to take after her mother. She's very intelligent despite only being three and soon she'll be reading books that are above her reading age" Freed said proudly, Laxus nodding before he turned his proud smile towards his daughter

"Mummy! Mummy! Look at me" Orion called, Lucy's eyes widening as she watched Gildarts dangle the boy in mid air, the boy looking positively overjoyed

"Ry! Be careful" Lucy said worriedly, watching her youngest son

"I'll be okay Mummy, Grampa Gildarts won't drop me" Orion replied as he looked at his mother, dangling upside down while Gildarts held him by his foot

"Gildarts… if you drop my son, you'll pay dearly… do you understand?" Lucy questioned darkly, causing Gildarts to nod as he tightened his grip on Orion's leg, even he wouldn't want to be on Lucy's angry side, especially if she was protecting her children. Lucy's dark aura faded as she heard the familiar voice of her oldest son

"Mummy! Look at what Grampa gave me," Soren said as he bounded towards Lucy, holding up a Lacrima

"Oh? What does it do?" she questioned as she picked him up

"When I do this" Soren started, sending a little magic into the Lacrima

"It does this," He explained, and Lucy watched in awe as images of the fantasia parades started shooting up from the Lacrima before finally the guild symbol appeared, sparkling as it changed colours

"My, my, isn't that beautiful" Lucy said while the boy nodded furiously

"Ryan, Soren, where's your older sister?" Laxus questioned, looking around for his oldest child, wondering where she'd gone

"I'm here" Wendy called out softly, walking towards Laxus hesitantly, however, before he could say anything, Persephone started squealing happily as she tugged against him

"UNCLE JELLAL! AUNT MEREDY! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE" She squealed, causing the two mages to look at her in shock before twin yells came from the boys

"Uncle Jellal!" Orion Shouted

"Aunt Meredy" Soren called as the two struggled to be put down, only to run over and hug the two mages

Meredy and Jellal stiffened before bending over and hugging the two boys, wondering why they were being referred to as uncle and aunts. That was until Persephone joined her brothers, hugging the two older mages by the legs, grinning up at them

"Jellal, are you going to give Seffy a cousin soon? Seffy heard you and Erza talking about having another baby and Seffy would like a cousin sister this time not another cousin brother" Persephone stated, causing both Erza and Jellal to blush bright red as they stared at each other in shock, Mira squealing as she spun around happily, hearts around her head

"What about you aunt Meredy? Are you and uncle Natsu going to give us more cousins? We want another boy because then we can play with him and learn magic together" Soren said, causing Meredy to blush bright red as Natsu looked on in confusion, wondering what was going on

"Ehhh? What are you talking about?" Jellal questioned, his eye twitching as he looked at Natsu, who shuddered, not entirely sure why Jellal was glaring at him

"Well Daddy said that uncle Natsu finally stopped breaking into our house and trying to sleep with Mummy because he was with you and that you're sleeping together and that soon you'd be having more babies soon" Orion continued looking at Meredy with a grin.

Lucy's eyes widened before she turned to her husband, eye twitching while Jellal's glare darkened, a dark terrifying aura surrounding him as he grinned maliciously at Natsu. Natsu, recognising the threat, considering Jellal looked so much like Erza right now, squeaked before running away, hiding under some tables and away from Jellal's view

"You can run Natsu, but you'll never be able to hide" Jellal cackled, a malignant glint in his eye

"HAPPY! SAVE ME" Natsu called, still unsure as to why Jellal was after him but even he wasn't dense enough to stick around to find out

"AYE SIR!" Happy called out, flying over to Natsu before carrying the crying Dragon Slayer away from any threats

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TELLING OUR CHILDREN" Lucy screamed, sending Laxus a kick to his head

"Ouch Blondie, watch it" Laxus groaned, rubbing his head as he glared at his future wife

"SHUT UP! YOU DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT TO OUR FIVE YEAR OLD IMPRESSIONABLE SONS" Lucy yelled, glaring back at her idiot of a boyfriend

"I'm sorry jeeze," Laxus muttered, causing the entire guild to snap to the Lightning Dragon Slayer in shock. They'd never head Laxus apologise, especially out loud and so casually.

"Daddy, can we go have dinner now? You promised Seffy and Seffy is hungry" Persephone said and Laxus turned to his daughter, nodding before moving to pick her up from in between the still shell shocked Meredy and cackling Jellal

"Oi, are you coming?" Laxus questioned, turning to Team Natsu and his own team, who nodded before getting up to follow him.

Meredy finally snapped out of her astonishment, Jellal letting go off his anger for the near future, both turning to follow the family. Erza and Jellal walked side by side in silence, blushing as they looked at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

Meredy had chosen to walk by herself, until she found Wendy between her and Natsu, causing her to blush while she had a stuttered conversation with the two Fairy Tail mages, Natsu as oblivious as ever. Soren walked with Bickslow and Evergreen, chatting animatedly between the two while Gray spoke to Orion.

The large group finally arrived at the restaurant, the manager's eyes widening at the large party as he quickly rushed to find a table big enough to seat all of them. After all, it wasn't everyday that the most powerful mages of Fairy Tail entered restaurants, especially in massive groups.

* Time Skip – At the Dreyar Home*

"Phewwwwwwwww" Gray whistled, taking in the sight of the large house

"Wow Luce, this house is massive" Natsu commented, running around as he explored the ground floor

"This is an amazing home, indeed" Erza said, Lucy sweatdropping as Erza once again started rifling through her shelves, her team invading her personal space… as usual.

"WOW! HAPPY CHECK OUT THIS KITCHEN!" Lucy heard Natsu yelled, groaning as she did so

"NATSU! THIS FRIDGE IS MASSIVE! LOOK AT ALL THIS FISH" Happy's voice came, yelling in excitement

"Why did I bring those two idiots here," Lucy grumbled to herself

"Oi Natsu, Happy, you better get back here or I'll kick your asses" Laxus' voice boomed grinning as both Natsu and Happy ran out the kitchen and back to the lounge room with fear stricken faces, causing Lucy to stiffen before thumping him on the head

"What was that for Blondie" Laxus groaned, his kids giggling

"Watch your language" Lucy muttered

Laxus and Lucy placed down the children, who grabbed Wendy and the mages, dragging them towards the game room. Lucy sighed, rubbing her temples as she heard large yelps and squeals, letting out a deeper sigh, as she realised none of them were from her children.

"OI! FLAME BRAIN! LET'S PLAY FOOSBALL! YOU'LL NEVER BEAT ME," Gray challenged, and of course, Natsu not one to back down from a fight accepted

"YOU'RE GOING DOWN ICE BREATH" Lucy heard Natsu yell

"Laxus, do you want to get Seffy her pyjamas and set them in the girls' bathroom? Also, draw her bath. Wendy can have her own shower after I'm done bathing Seffy" Lucy said softly, Laxus nodding as he climbed the stairs

"Oh! Laxus, draw the twins a bath too, you can bathe them" Lucy called out and once again Laxus nodded, moving to do as he was told

"Besides, I have a feeling the twins are going to cause the most problems" Lucy snickered to herself quietly, knowing that she was setting up her boyfriend for failure

Lucy walked into the games room, watching in amusement as Natsu and Gray played foosball intensely, yelling out insults every now and then while mocking each other as they scored a goal. Meredy, Evergreen and Wendy were playing with Persephone, who had taken out her dolls.

Bickslow and Freed were with Orion and Soren, playing video games on the large Lacrima Vision. Erza and Jellal were sitting, having a hushed conversation between them, as lovers would. Lucy smiled at her family, before she moved to pick up her daughter, who looked at her questioningly.

"It's time for your bath honey" Lucy said quietly, not wanting to alarm the boys

"Now Mummy? Seffy wanted to play with Wendy, Meredy and Ever more" Seffy said

"Well, if you hurry and take your bath, you can come down and play with them some more before bed," Lucy reasoned, causing the girl to nod as she let her mother carry her upstairs

Lucy helped her daughter strip down before ensuring the water was the right temperature and setting her in the bath. She carefully washed her daughters hair, grinning as she played with her mermaid doll that looked suspiciously like Aquarius.

"Ren and Ry taking bath too?" Seffy questioned, looking up at her mother

"Yes honey" Lucy said, concentrating on not getting any soap in her child's eyes

"Ry and Ren don't like baths" Seffy replied causing Lucy to grin

"I guessed as much" Lucy replied quietly before grinning as she heard twin yells coming from her sons, demanding that their father put them down

"DADDY! NO BATH" Orion yelled as he struggled in his fathers grasp

"NO BATH! DADDY NO BATH!" Soren pitched in, as he too struggled

"Well, Mummy said you need one and I'm not arguing with her… she'll probably kill me in my sleep" He replied, mumbling the last bit to himself

"Mummy, Seffy get story before bed?" Seffy questioned as her mother took her out the bath, wrapping her in a towel

"Yes honey, you can get a story before bed. Maybe Freed will read you one if you ask nicely" Lucy stated, Persephone beaming in response

"Now where did your father put your clothes" Lucy questioned, looking around the bathroom until she found them hanging by the sink, her eyebrow rising at the princess themed pyjamas. She quickly dressed her daughter, summoning Cancer to her aid.

"Cancer, can you please dry Seffy's hair and then take her downstairs so she can continue playing?" Lucy asked

"Sure, ebi. Come with me Miss Seffy, ebi," He asked, Seffy grabbing his hand as she led him to her room

"God damn it! LUCY" She heard Laxus yell, her eyes widened as she ran out the bathroom and downstairs, where her boyfriend had lost the kids

"What happened?" She questioned, looking at the twin boys who were behind the couch, snickering at their father

"I tried to get them in the bath but as soon as they saw where I was going they somehow got out of my hold and ran back downstairs" Laxus informed, running a hand through his hair as he glared at his snickering kids

"Alright, I'll help you hold on" She replied before moving back into the game room

"Wendy, you can go have a shower, your bathroom is upstairs in the middle on the right hand side. If you don't want a shower, you can have a bath. Your room is on the left hand side of the bathroom; your clothes should be there too. Wait; then again, considering it's seven years in the future they may not fit you. Damn it, why didn't I think of that. Never mind, go have a shower and I'll get Virgo to get you some clothes" Lucy said, causing Wendy to nod as she went upstairs, doing as she was asked

"I wonder why they haven't noticed that Wendy looks so much younger? Hasn't she changed a bit in seven years?" Lucy wondered quietly, before moving to help her boyfriend.

She came up from behind them, grabbing them by the waist as she lifted them up, depositing Soren to Laxus who grasped onto him firmly.

"MUMMY DOWN! I WANNA PLAY" Orion screeched, his voice calling out the mages from the game room

"What's going on?" Erza questioned, watching in amusement as Orion and Soren struggled in their parents' arms

"DON'T WANNA BATH DADDY" Soren yelled, and the mages soon caught onto the situation, Bickslow and Happy laughing while the girls looked shocked, Freed and Jellal staring in surprise at their attitudes

"Oh wow, if their looks didn't confirm their parentage, then their bratiness does" Bickslow commented, causing Lucy's eye to twitch

"Tough luck, you're both having baths, no arguments" Laxus said sternly, causing the boys to rebel with more fervour

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NONONONONONONO!" They screamed, trying their hardest to escape their parents' clutches while being heaved up the staircase

"I blame you for this" Lucy grumbled, glaring at Laxus

"What, why?" he questioned, while they placed the boys on the bathroom floor, locking the door so that they couldn't leave once again

"Because only your children would be as troublesome as this" Lucy replied, watching as Orion and Soren ran towards the door, banging on it while jumping and reaching for the locks

"So that's why the locks are so high," Lucy mumbled to herself, shaking her head at their actions

"LET OUT NOW" Soren and Orion demanded, stomping their foot childishly as they turned to their parents, arms cross and glaring

Suddenly their eyes widened, watching as their father got closer. They turned, banging on the door, terrified as they were scooped into his large arms, Lucy struggling to undress them as Laxus held them down. Finally, after a long battle of trying to strip them, Lucy succeeded, causing Laxus to place them in the bath.

Lucy dropped to the floor unceremoniously, completely tired, her twins taking out all of her energy in the simple case of a bath. The two parents watched in disbelief that after all their struggling; the two were now happily playing in the bath, splashing each other and blowing bubbles.

"They're going to be the death of me," Laxus groaned

Lucy grabbed the shampoo bottles from the side, handing one over to Laxus who copied her as she placed a small dollop of the goo onto her hand. They rubbed it into their palms, moving to the boys as they tried to wash their hair. However, as they got closer, their sons batted their hands away, once again glaring

"No! We wanna play" Soren called out, causing Lucy to sigh

"We play, no wash," Orion said

"Boys! Stop it now; you're in the bath to have a wash, not to play. The quicker you let me and Mummy wash you, the quicker you can get back to playing with your uncles and aunts" Laxus said

The two boys crossed their arms, pouting as they turned their heads to the side, avoiding their parents' gaze. They sat scowling as their parents washed their hair, perfectly content to sit and sulk rather than play. Lucy held tightly onto Orion before moving his head back, ready to wash out the suds

"No" Orion whimpered, holding tightly onto Lucy

"It's okay love, Mummy won't let you go" Lucy said softly, however, Orion held onto her tightly, Soren watching in fear as his brother trembled. Lucy quickly raised him, rinsing him off and handing him over to Laxus to dry and dress

"Alright, your turn" Lucy said, moving over to Soren

"No, Mummy please" Soren whimpered, struggling as Lucy tried to softly push him back into the water

"Ren, honey what's wrong?" Lucy questioned, watching as her son gripped onto her tightly, fear in his eyes

"I don't wanna go back in the water," He whimpered, hugging Lucy's arm, her heart gripping

"Ren, I won't let you go. I just need to put your head in the water to wash out the soap" Lucy said, causing Orion to whimper again as he inched closer to her, his eyes misty with unshed tears

"Mummy please" Soren whined, Orion watching before suddenly speaking up

"Shhh, it's okay Ren, it doesn't hurt, promise" Orion said, trying to comfort his brother.

Soren nodded, as he continued crying, clutching onto Lucy for dear life as she lowered him into the water. As soon as she was done, she pulled him out, unable to take in his tears. She lifted him out the bath and handed him over to Laxus who once again dried him and dressed him. Soren hugged Laxus closely, his tears had stopped, but his whimpering hadn't.

"Shhh, it's okay love, you're out the bath, no need to cry now" Lucy said, rubbing his back in comfort as he continued to sniffle

"Soren, why are you so scared of Mummy leaning you back" Laxus questioned, holding onto his trembling son

"Once Mummy wasn't there and I fell in the bath and I couldn't breathe but then Mummy came and got me out but she was crying," Soren explained, his voice quiet. Suddenly Lucy froze, her heart beating rapidly as thoughts of almost losing her son crossed her mind, Laxus' letting out his own growl

"It's okay, Mummy and Daddy won't let it happen again" Laxus replied, looking at Lucy in worry, her misty eyes and unshed tears causing him to frown

"Alright, let's get you two downstairs so you can play" Laxus said, ushering the two out before walking up to Lucy, wrapping his arms around her

"It's okay, he's fine and most importantly he's alive," Laxus said quietly as Lucy hugged him tightly, sobs racking her body while she buried her face into his chest

"But he almost wasn't" She whispered, her voice broken as she hugged him tighter

"Maybe, but you made it in time and he's alright now, don't beat yourself up over it" Laxus replied, placing a kiss on her head

Lucy nodded before letting him go, wiping at her tears. She let out a shaky smile before moving to tidy up the bathroom, draining the water and moping up the wet floor, caused by her sons' splashing. Laxus moved to help her, closely watching her silent form.

"Come on Blondie, let's go join our family" Laxus said once they were down, grabbing her hand and leading her downstairs

*Somewhere in an alleyway, a while ago. No One's POV*

A woman watched the scene in front of her, almost gagging at the mushiness with a scowl on her face. She growled as she watched the two future parents with their family. The family had just exited the restaurant and was making their way back home it seemed.

She watched as Lucy carried Orion while Laxus carried both Soren and Persephone, Wendy choosing to hold onto Lucy's hand as the large group of mages followed them closely, looking around for any dangers. She watched, glaring at the sight before they got too far away to even be seen. There was no way she could follow them to their home again, especially since she knew that now the house was what it was in the future.

She knew better than anyone that the Rune mage had set extremely precise and careful runes around the house so that only authorised people could step onto the ground, and she was definitely not authorised. She ran a hand through her choppy black hair that reached to her shoulder blades, her green eyes glowering in anger and annoyance.

It seemed that the children had been found by their parents and were currently being guarded by members of the parents' team, who were watching the children closely, ensuring that no harm could come to them. She sighed, frowning as she realised that her husband would be furious at the fact that she had allowed the children to escape back to their parents.

She knew there was nothing she could do currently to take the children away from their parents and protectors and she knew that when she got to her current temporary home that her husband would most likely take his anger out on her.

If it were any other man, she would have no problem fighting him off and establishing her dominance as she herself had immense power within her. However, she knew that due to her husband's history and bloodline, there was no way she would be able to hold out against him in a fight, physical or magical because her husband was even more powerful than she was.

She wasn't an idiot, she knew that there was no love in their marriage; she was a fool for accepting his proposal in the first place, after all, their marriage was one of convenience and they strictly followed the rule of 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'.

However, she believed she could learn to love him. Well not exactly him, she could never love him, especially as he was old enough to be her father. Nonetheless, she could come to love his power and after they had the Dreyar brats in their position, they would have the title of most powerful family, not those worthless future Dreyars, Lucy and Laxus.

However, despite her situation she grinned to herself. It didn't matter that the children had two extremely powerful parents, because she had seven years worth of wisdom and magical ability on them and should she choose to, she could over power any one of them in a one on one fight.

Nevertheless, even she wasn't arrogant enough to believe she could take the two teams on together, or the entire Fairy Tail guild, despite how much confidence she had in herself. With a resigned sigh she pulled out her communication Lacrima, powering it up with a bit of her magic, trying to connect to her husband.

"What do you want?" her husband growled out in annoyance, causing the woman to sigh

"I'm sorry Master" she apologised, inwardly scowling at the title her husband ordered she used when addressing him

"Why are you apologising wench?" He questioned, glaring at her with intense black eyes, making her shudder

"The Dreyar brats, after transporting them back, we were separated and now they're in the hands of their future parents" She said, inwardly shrinking as his eyes darkened further, anger rolling off of him

"WHAT? HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID AS TO LET THEM GET AWAY? THERE ARE THREE OF THEM, AND THEY'RE FIVE AND THREE. ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME THAT YOU LET TODDLERS GET THE BEST OF YOU?" He yelled, causing her to let out a small wince, privately scoffing at her fear of her own husband.

'Father would have been ashamed, he raised me better' she thought to herself, berating herself for becoming a weak puppet

"I'm sorry Master, I was careless" she once again apologised, causing him to scowl before letting out an annoyed sigh

"Whatever, I expect you to keep me updated on their movements. The brats probably informed them of us and so they'll be careful for a few days. Luckily, the future parents will know they're safe for now, considering they should remember this timeline in the future. We'll lay low for a few days. However, you will need to return home before midnight. I'll see to your punishment when you get here" He replied, smirking threateningly at her.

Her jade eyes widened, withdrawing as she thought of his punishments. The thing about her husband was that he was both sadistic and unpredictable, so she didn't know what sort of punishment she could face when she got home. It could be anything, from physical torture to magical torture or possibly even a sexual punishment.

"Yes Master" she replied, her voice impassive as she hid her fear

"Hmm, cut your hair before you get here. It's growing too long, you know I don't like your hair needlessly annoying me through the night" He stated gruffly and she nodded, sighing inwardly. She had previously had long, hip length hair, that was, until her husband demanded her to cut it off. He could stand hair no longer than shoulder length.

"Yes Master" she repeated and he nodded

"Good, return to your post. Don't disappoint me again wench. I want detailed accounts of what happens, or your punishment will be doubled," He stated and she nodded once again and moved to shut of the communication Lacrima

"Yes Master Ivan"