It starts with a figure looming in the doorway. I find my body trembling with a feeling that is so unknown to me. Butterflies. So many of them. Causing a twisted feeling, erupting from the pit of my stomach. I'm frozen. Like when you want to run away but can't. As if someone had covered you in cement whilst you lay there. Helpless.
Then a voice. A voice I continue to recognise, until the voice becomes silent again. When it's as if a ghost had talked to me for hours and yet hasn't said anything to me at all. I don't know. Is this fear? As in the true meaning of fear? because this darkness is holding me prisoner in a world that I can hear everything and yet remember nothing. If this is true fear then why aren't my palms sweaty. Why have i not got the image of death occupying my mind.
The figure draws closer. A man. I know it's a man. Although I cannot see this. I just know. Womans intuition… I have no time to think before a clawed hand touches my cheek in a way that doesn't say anything. Doesn't harbour feelings. No death, no love. as if it weren't real. As if it were just a ghost…
As if it was all just a dream.
Startled I leapt up, wide eyed. A new feeling of fear consumed me. What time was it? Am I tardy? Am I gonna miss breakfast.
I rushed to the mirror and stared at myself. I was a mess. My raven black hair, may as well just be a mop. Tangled in clumps that hung carelessly to my shoulders. Dark circles bordered my eyes, from the dream I'd been having for weeks now. Don't even start on the complexion of my skin. Paper white and almost as paper thin too. The long nights haven't been kind. Viens protruding from my temples, in a hideous blue colour, and again I get to look upon the birthmark that burdens me so. Caressing my shoulder and kissing my neck, with it's rose tint. It's quite the contrast in correlation to my sickly colour.
Messy up-do it will have to be today. I thought, as I roughly ran my fingers through the tangles and scooping it all into a scrunched up bun. I left a few bangs hanging, to complete this look, and gave myself a touch up with some facial powder. Only to eliminate my circles and viens. Chucked on my uniform and trudged down stairs to greet my mother.
"Good morning. You're lucky that I knew you'd oversleep again, so I woke you a little earlier today. Everything alright?" She smiled at me. I turned to the nearest clock. She'd only woken me up five minutes after the time I usually get up. For that I was a little greatful. Especially since yesterday I forgot my lunch and skipped breakfast. Skipping another meal would sure to make me actually sick. My lips turned up as I thanked my mother. She was such a beautiful woman. Inside and out. Although, a lot of people find her weird.
We live on a shrine and have done for 5 generations. I'm not into the supernatural myself but my mum believes in everything. From demons to fairies.
"You've been having bad dreams again haven't you?" She quized, as I just put a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth. In response I hummed and nodded, but made sure to add that "it wasn't that bad though". Another thing about my mother is that she is a huge worrier. I sneeze and she buys me every ailment in the pharmacy for colds and flu. Can't say I blame her though. We are practically all we have left. My brother lives abroad with my dad and as for my grandfather who owns the shrine… well, he took off a month ago, with the excuse of travelling america before he becomes too old.
After breakfast, I went to school. Nothing interesting or exciting was happening and by about third period, I decided I was going to go to the library. It's quiet and napping is the only way I can avoid those dreams. So that is what I must do. Once I find a decent corner, with nobody able to watch me. I would rest my head in my arms and dose off into a little bubble… Thats what I had in mind any how.
Just as I sat down, I noticed in the corner of my eye, a man. Well, obviously a student. But he was a man. Mid 20's must be. But he was in school. This is odd. I never heard of anyone getting sent back a few years. He looked like a delinquent in all fairness. He had white hair, and had a scowl on his face as if he were about to stab anyone who got near. I ignored him and carried on about my mission. Mission for a little bit of peace, quiet and sleep. Oh how I needed sleep right now.
I nuzzled my face into my arms. Gently closing my eyes. Why did I even notice that guy. I don't really notice anyone knew. I may swell walk around with my eyes closed to actually notice someone different. What annoyed me more was that I couldn't help shake the feeling that I knew him from somewhere. But where?
Was he part of that fight I watched last month. Two teenagers picking on a child, who couldn't defend himself. Or is it just from around school. That must be it. School. The gentlemen who helped the child was so tall. I didn't really take note. Where did I know that guy from? I probably don't even know him.
My body began to relax and I started floating away. Allowing humming from my surroundings to lull me to sleep. What nice aroma the library was emitting today, the smell of honey suckles, followed by natural musky, but still ever so sweet. It was familiar, warm and growing. I could feel a light pressure on my arm, but was too wrapped up in this aromatic blanket, that I just…
"Oi, you're lying on a book I need"
… Five more minutes please…
The pressure on my arm increased, and the sweet smell grew slightly bitter. My comfort was being sabotaged.
"Hey wake up!"
My eyes creeped open, for if I could get away with sleeping I shall. To no avail though. My eyes were met by glowing yellow orbs, that reflected like cat's eyes. But as quickly as I saw them they had mutated into a chocolate brown. A colour that took me off guard. Behind these irises though, held close to no human emotion, the only exception being anger. There is a lot of rage in his soul. Why?
"I said can I have that book!" His voice… wait. I sat up. Gawping. This guy had jet black hair. I could have sworn he has white… how silly of me. His voice though. What is …
"Honestly, go home if you're going to sleep all day!" He barked, and then snatched the book from underneath my elbow, causing me to wake up completely. I'm lucky I caught myself otherwise I would have made a scene. I took a moment to note the title of the book he had taken. It was something about some folklore in the feudal period. I lost interest. He's probably studying history right now.
It was then I studied him. His hair was honestly blacker than mine, yet for some reason, I thought it was white. No matter. It's none of my business. This man was simply staring back at me and I hadn't even noticed until he snapped.
"Will you quite staring! take a picture!"
I huffed, and stood up as quick as I could and stormed off. I wasn't going to let that jerk talk to me like that!
"Be carful about that anger of your's, I can already see you going grey!" I spat. Giving him a very stern look, before leaving the library. He was right in one sense though. I should go home now and try rest. I have no classes left (no important ones anyway) Mum wouldn't mind.
I'd always enjoy the walk home. The cobble stones massage my feet, as I breath in the surroundings. I choose to go a more scenic route home, so I can see the river. It adds a fair bit of time to my journey, but the view is worth it. The breeze feels fresh, the sky is extraordinarily blue. I can't help but feel happiness well up inside of me. Bursting out of my chest like a ray of light that would blind any of those that are exposed to it.
Finally though, I reach my destination at the shrine, and begin my duties cleaning the entrance ect… Our shrine isn't run down, but it also isn't very appealing. We rarely get visitors here, or simply people who have offerings. We aren't very popular, but that's probably down to my grandfather pressuring visitors to buy a range of gifts. His recent collection of shikon jewel keyrings. He loves the traditional folklore gifts especially.
I got changed into some old traditional clothes and picked up a broom to start sweeping. In a daze I swept the same spot for five minutes, whilst I pondered some more about the boy from the library. I know him! definitely. No I don't. I don't even know his name…
"It's you…" That voice again. I turned to be faced with the library guy once more. It immediately annoyed me. The way his voice is so rough, and barks out everything as if it were an order. He's no gentleman at all. What is he doing here? I turned my back to him and continued sweeping, but that seemed to infuriate him a little more.
"First you insult me! then you don't even answer me! what even are you in those clothes anyway? a hobo?" He growled. I simple huffed. My shoulders shrugged, and I spoke with bitterness poisoning my words.
"for your information, my family owns this place. I am cleaning it. Go away" one stroke, two stroke, three stroke. There was no dust of leaves. I was simply brushing concrete for no reason other than to escape this poor excuse for conversation.
… I know him… But from where…
"Fine, but can you at least tell me about this Shikon Jewel everyones been talking about" He was more serious than angry. I let out a heavy sigh, and drooped my shoulders.
"The jewel is made up of four souls and it has the power to grant the finder anything they wish for. Apparently it was entrusted to this shrine by a Miko many years ago, and ever since has been hidden away, where no human or demon will find it. Basically it's a myth." I explained. He looked unconvinced, but I wasn't ready to talk to him anymore. His presence is leaving a heavy aura over the shrine, and I feel uneasy.
He drew closer to me, and when I looked closer I could see it. Very faintly but I could see it. Glowing yellow eyes, with silver hair that would make any silver dull. As quickly as it came it went. But this required closer examination. I met him half way and completely stared him down. He was equally as keen to gawp at me.
"What are you?" I said. I was going down the lines of him being an arsehole but anything that would get him to answer me would be an improvement from where we are now. He seemed a little surprised by my question.
"Why do you occasionally have white hair? are you a magician?" I pried. I was testing him. Trying to get him angry so he would leave. I didn't like this aura.
"you can see that?" He asked. A little wide eyed.
This answer threw me slightly. As if no one else can see it. It was then that I saw him for what he really was. I'd looked away for no longer than thirty seconds maximum and here he was.
Beautiful platinum hair, that cascaded, tangle free to the mid of his back. Piercing yellow eyes that would see through any bullshit, and where cold as ice. Burning with a passion so fierce that it made me feel cold to the core. Then to top it off. Ears? on top of his head. As if he were one of those cosplayers from popular anime. Ears like a dogs, pure as white as snow and pointed upward. posed to detect any danger. What was he?
"Well, turns out you found me out after all. I've been following you for weeks now. I know you have the Shikon jewel. You best give it to me human!" He snarled. I froze. Is he a demon then? Am I seeing things?
"I don't know what you're talking about. And who are you?" I gasped. I felt that familiar fear. The one similar to my …
"I'm Inuyasha. I'm the demon that's going to rip you apart if you don't show me where the jewel is…"
"Bite me dog face! I don't even have it" I screamed. This guy must be joking. he won't tear me apart for some jewel. right? In that instance I noticed his hands. Armed with lethal claws, that could cut you cleaner than a scalpel blade. He cracked them, and that's when I realised. This guy. Is the one from my dreams. My body had been warning me about him for weeks. He'd been close by, stalking me and my subconscious knew that. Demons don't exist right?
He pounced, knocking me to the side, as if I was a paper napkin. It was so fast, that I didn't notice what happened until I crashed through the doors of one of the buildings in the shrine. This was not good. My body stung. The doors were broken, and splinters had found their way into my skin from the wood. I hit my head on the well that lay within this building. My knee's although I'm not sure how, were completely shredded, and in my mouth all I could taste was blood.
…I'm going to die today…
"Where are you Kagome, I need that jewel!" He laughed as I saw his figure in the doorway. This was the part in my dream. I was swallowed by darkness. The only light emitted from the doorway, where the man stood. Fear overwhelmed me. Death frightened me. Tears threatened my eyes, and In one desperate attempt to get away I managed to clamber over the well and lower myself into it. I sat cold and bleeding, at the bottom, listening. Hoping that the scent of blood would be masked by the stench this well has leaked for years. It was a big well. I couldn't reach the other side with my feet. But I heard it. A pair of feet landing in this darkened oblivion. I can feel his warmth. I can smell his sweet smell, although it had been tarnished with anger and sourness. I was gonna die today.
Yellow eye's appeared right before me. I could feel his breathing on my face, and I held my breath. I could feel his body tensing, and ready to strike. I gasped, and leapt forward hoping that if I threw myself at him, he would be knocked off balance, and therefor the attack would be stopped, or lose force. Instead, by me wrapping my arms around him, we ended up being engulfed by a bright white light. I heard Inuyasha say a few swear words, but whilst being swallowed, I didn't let go of him. I felt my breath leave me and that was it. My body was beginning to get weak. If this was dying then it's too easy…
As my body … slowly… lose consciousness…