The heavily pregnant Mia Toretto-O'Conner sat on the floor smiling as she folded another little girly t-shirt; she slipped into the chest of drawers that her husband, Brian, had assembled last week. "I can't believe in two months' time, our little girl will be here wearing these clothes," Mia told Brian who is standing across the room assembling the last bits of the crib. They had decided that since their 4-year old son, Jack, is at a sleepover at his friend Parker's house, they would spend the rest of the day putting the last touches of their soon-to-be-born daughter's nursery.
"I know, I'm so excited for our little princess to be here," Brian grinned.
"It's gonna be a lot more work with two children to look after though," Mia reminded him as she placed a pink onesie in the drawer.
"Yeah, but it'll also be double the fun, babe. I'll able to take Jack out to sport games and car races while you take our little princess shopping".
"You know, we need to start thinking of a name for her. We can't be calling her "little princess" once she arrives".
Brian picked up the screwdriver to screw in one of the screws at the side of the crib and said, "I've been thinking about this".
"You have?" Mia smiled as she loved the thought that Brian had already been thinking of names for the baby.
"Since I chose Jack's first name and you chose his middle name (Vincent named after Vince), I say we switch, so I come up with our daughter's middle name and you come up with her first name," Brian suggested.
"That sounds fair," Mia agreed. "Okay, you go first. What is your idea for our daughter's middle name?"
"Well, since you named Jack's middle name after Vince, I figure our daughter should get a namesake as well. Say, like Gisele?" Brian answered.
"That's a good idea. I'm sure Gisele, may she rest in peace, would appreciate that," Mia smiled. She then felt movement in her baby bump to which she joked, "And apparently our daughter appreciates that too". She looked around the room which they had painted in a Barbie Doll theme. The walls are painted pink and is also filled with paintings of Barbie dolls driving around in their different-colored convertibles as they want their daughter to be enthusiastic about cars as the rest of the family does. The floor is covered with a white carpet, the white chest of drawers stood against one wall, and in the corner, there was a rocking chair similar to the one that had been in Jack's old nursery.
Mia was proud of the work they had put into the room as it had been a whole family effort with Dom and Tej helping Brian to assemble bits; Letty, Elena, and Roman had done most of the painting of the room; and even Jack was the one who came up with the nursery theme in the first place after mentioning that a girl from his pre-school class was playing a Barbie doll on a toy convertible.
Now, she smiled at Brian who was now helping her fold the clothes. "I can't wait to see them both in their matching t-shirts," she said pointing to the t-shirt he had in his hand.
Brian then turned the small pink t-shirt over in his hands which read in the front, "I'm the little sister". "Yeah, hopefully Jack's will fit him once the baby arrives," he smiled remembering how they had bought a t-shirt for him which read, "I'm the big brother" when they announced Mia's pregnancy, which was slightly too big, so he is able to wear it when he actually becomes the big brother.
"I still can't believe how far we've come," Mia admitted leaning her back against his chest.
Brian lent back against the wall, wrapping his arms around Mia, resting them on her baby bump. "I know, who would ever thought that a guy who is a former cop and a girl who is part of a family from the wrong side of the tracks would end up married with two children".
"Seriously though, before "we" happened, did you ever see yourself married with children?"
"No, never, the idea of marriage and children never crossed my mind. There were many things going around in my life, that I never really had the chance to think about it".
"Why did that change?"
"Because you came along, you made me realize what love is, Mia, and once you told me you were pregnant with Jack, that feeling of love grew stronger".
"I'm so glad I've met you, Brian," Mia smiled.
"So am I," Brian said back as he uses his fingers gently to tilt her head up to him, and planted a loving kiss on her lips.
She turned in his lap as the kiss got more passionate. He rested his hands at her sides, as she placed her hands on his neck, running her fingers through his hair.
Finally, they broke apart as she rested her forehead on his. "I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too," Brian smiled, looking up into her brown eyes. "I hope our little princess gets your beautiful brown eyes".
As Mia blushed, she had a look meaning that she had an idea, "I think I've thought of a name".
"Back when I was pregnant with Jack, both Gisele and I were coming up with names. And Gisele told me that she already had a name for a daughter if she was going to have one. And I thought that another way to honor Gisele, is to name our daughter the name that she came up with".
"Okay, what's the name?" Brian asked intrigued.
"Ava," Mia answered with a smile.
Brian smiled back at her, his blue eyes shining, "Ava Gisele O'Conner. I love it!"