Hiya. It's me again.

Any who, I decided to write a new story!

Yeah I do that a lot… I hate how my stories end up.

Hopefully this will be the first I complete!

I got the idea of this story from another show.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.


The sun had begun to rise. A young girl at the age of seven ran into an alley to save herself from the rain. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drops fell down around her, she knew it was impossible to make it back to the small cottage she lived in. "Mother will be upset…," the girl whined to herself, and huddled up in a corner. Sleep took the young child.

A scream echoed throughout the alleyway. Abruptly, the girl woke up. She looked around, "The rain stopped… I should go home and ease mother's worries." Then she stopped and turned around, "But…" As fate had it, she ran down the alleyway to find the source of the scream.

What she found was quite an unpleasant sight. A man stood in front of her wearing all black, and in front of him was… her mother. "Mom!" The young girl ran to her beloved. "W-what's wrong mother?" That's when she saw it, red stained her fingertips as they brushed over her mother's stomach. "L-lucy… It's all right darling. D-don't w-worry yourself about… me. Mommy is going to be… a-all right. Y-you need… to..run…" Her mother's eyelids closed as the woman went into a deep slumber. Lucy covered her mouth as tears streamed down her face. "I-it's all my fault! If I headed straight home…"

Kreeee. The sound of metal running on the concrete floor made the girl's skin crawl. She slowly turned around to see a man peering over her with a sword in his hand. "H-hello..," Lucy silently muttered to the man as she slowly scooted away. "It was only supposed to be your mother, but you've seen me. Sorry kiddo." She knew that voice it was…

A second passed, and pain sliced through the girl. She fell to the ground. 'W-what? The ground feels so cold now... like ice.' Lucy had millions of thoughts running through her mind. "Now now darling, you must be tired. Go to sleep," a voice stopped her thoughts as darkness closed around her. 'R-right. It's bed time,' she thought to herself. "N-night night… Papa…," Lucy whispered as she fell into deep sleep as well.

I hope you enjoyed the prologue!