A/N: Welcome to another fanfiction that I'm starting without finishing the others. This fic is strictly SonAmy, so don't be deceived by the lack of it in the first few chapters.

I—Good Riddance

Lately, their relationship had been growing more than she could ever wish for.

They would have civilized conversations, she could visibly see him enjoying her company, and he would willingly follow her around Station Square just to hang out. The most likely cause of it was that Eggman hadn't been doing much of anything at the time, leaving everyone to live their lives. She was happy that he was happy.

And yet... Because of her, it all fell apart.

If she hadn't been so foolish enough to keep her guard down, none of this would have happened. They were all gone now, and all she could do was sit here in her cell, clutch onto the dull hairpin that he gave her, and sob over the loss of everyone dear to her.

Whatever tortures that the Doctor had in store for her, she felt she deserved.

"Sonic…" she whimpered, "I'm so sorry…"

The roar of the wind blowing past the blue blur's ears drowned out the loud humming of the Tornado, which Tails was merrily driving that afternoon. From the wing, Sonic gazed down at the vast hills below and beyond them; a small river flowed through the valleys and mirrored the color of the pale blue sky.

Mobius was beautiful.

Sonic glanced at his fox friend—who was basically a little brother to him—in the cockpit and cracked a smile.

"Hey!" he called, "Shouldn't we be landing soon? It looks like it's gonna rain!"

Tails blinked in confusion through his goggles and tilted his head. "What?" he yelled.

Sonic cupped his hands around his mouth. "It's going to rain!" he shouted.

"Yeah, I know it's a nice plane! Thanks!"

The hedgehog groaned in annoyance and crawled closer to the pit. "No, Tails, I said– LOOK OUT!"

Tails had barely noticed that he was flying at such a low altitude that a sky-scraping windmill appeared in their path. With a shriek, Tails yanked the control wheel upwards and barely missed grazing a blade of the windmill. The plane then went through a series of loops and twirls, giving Sonic a few heart attacks, before Tails finally set it back on a correct, straight path.

Once the plane steadied itself, he began to laugh out of relief, and Sonic released a heavy sigh but maintained his strong grip on the plane's wing. However, he couldn't help but smile at Tails' joyous laughter.

He couldn't remember quite how long ago, but the villainous schemes of Dr. Eggman suddenly ceased to exist, and Sonic, along with his other friends and acquaintances, have been able to sit back and relax ever since. Tails hasn't laughed like this in a long time, and it brings warmth to the hedgehog's heart to see his best friend so happy. Sonic was glad that everything turned out well, in the end.

"Hey, Sonic!" Tails said after his laughing fit ended. "We should head home. It looks like it's gonna rain!"

Sonic gritted his teeth but forced a grin. "Mhm," he agreed, and with that, the Tornado turned around to fly in the opposite direction—towards the gray storm clouds hanging over Mystic Ruins.

It was already drizzling once the plane had landed next to Tails' workshop/home. Sonic noticed that the lights were on, meaning that Knuckles most likely let himself inside to take shelter from the storm that was coming.

"I'm actually glad that it's finally going to rain," Tails commented as he quickly locked up the Tornado inside a small garage. He skipped past Sonic and up the steps to his home. "My roses need a lot of watering."

"Roses?" Sonic asked, and Tails pointed to the bottom of the steps. The blue hedgehog had never even noticed the small garden of roses by Tails' front porch before. He studied the bright red colors and the way each raindrop softly kissed each petal before rolling onto the ground. They really were beautiful flowers; how had he never seen them before?


He shook his head, snapping out of his trance, and looked up to the fox who was calling him from the door. "You're getting wet," Tails chortled, and with that, Sonic sped inside and up to his room without another word.

As he shook the little water off of his head, he moved to the small desk in the corner of the room. He sat down at the chair, grabbed a pen, and opened up a small beat-up journal lying there.

May 4th

Tails and I took the Tornado out for a ride around the valley again today. We didn't get to ride too long though, it started to drizzle and now there's a full-blown thunderstorm going on. I guess that's the only interesting thing that happened today... Oh, wait, he almost crashed into a windmill's blade! He's such a turd, haha. We're probably gonna go watch another movie in a few minutes, same as every other night. So... Later.

Sonic the Hedgehog

A few days passed by, and Sonic found himself helping Tails force Knuckles into a nice, clean suit. "C'mon, Knucklehead!" Sonic exclaimed with a smirk, brushing the wrinkles off of the sleeves. "The sooner you do it, the sooner it'll be done!"

"I... I can't!" Knuckles sputtered. "If I slip up one word during this date, Rouge will stab me with a fork!"

Tails rolled his eyes. "Quit being so overdramatic. You're supposed to be the strongest out of us!"

The bow tie was finally clipped on and Knuckles let out an annoyed sigh. "Whatever. I know this isn't gonna work out... I never should've asked her in the first place."

"Oh, don't think that way, Knuckles," said a monotonic voice. They all turned their heads and Sonic jumped back in surprise to see two small robots enter the room. The one speaking was red and black, had a round head, and spoke with a glowing mouth. "We all have faith that you will do a good job."

"Uh, Tails, what's that?" Sonic questioned.

Tails smiled. "These are my two latest creations, Orbot and Cubot. I activated them just an hour ago while you were napping. They're gonna be my assistants and help out around here."

Sonic placed his hands on his hips. "Oh, so I'm not good enough for you?"

"When it comes to science work, you're a pest."

Knuckles lowered his eyelids. "How cute. Can I leave now? I gotta go pick up Rouge soon."

"Aren't you gonna bring her flowers?" Sonic asked as Knuckles made his way to the door.

"Uh, yeah. Tails, I'm gonna take some of the roses from your garden," the echidna replied before leaving.

Tails' eyes widened. "What?!" He ran to the front door and swung it open just in time to see Knuckles leaning down to pluck one out of the ground. "Knuckles, stop! Those are important to me!"

Knuckles snapped back up to stare at his younger friend. "Huh? Why?"

"I-I dont know..." Tails trailed off into a murmur, "I like them there. They give me happy vibes."

Sonic, Orbot, and Cubot followed Tails outside and watched Knuckles roll his eyes. "Alright, I'll just take this one, then. But they're just flowers, Tails. You can always plant more." And with that, he waved to them as he took his leave to Rouge's home. Tails sighed and nodded, even though Knuckles had his back to him and was far gone.

Sonic placed a hand on Tails' shoulder. "Cheer up, bud. Since you care about them so much, how about we go to town tomorrow and get some gardening stuff for you?"

Tails glanced up at his older brother and smiled. "That would be nice. And while we're gone, Orbot and Cubot can clean up around here."

"Certainly, Tails," Orbot gently agreed.

"You got it, boss!" Cubot sang.

Sonic flashed his teeth in an uneasy smile as he watched the two robots float back into the house. "Where'd you get an idea to build robots like those?" he asked Tails once they were out of earshot.

Tails began to scratch the back of his head. "Huh... I'm not too sure, to be honest. I guess it just popped into my mind and sounded like a good idea," he answered as he closed the front door. "Are they a problem to you?"

"Eh... They're a little creepy, not gonna lie."

"How so?"

Sonic squinted his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. "I can't really describe it... You know what? Never mind, I suddenly stopped caring."

Tails chuckled. "They're mostly gonna keep to themselves, if it makes you feel any better. Anyway, wanna watch a movie?"

May 8th

I had another dream again about that girl again in the same format as the other dreams I've had of her. It's so weird; it's like re-watching my old memories of Eggman, except with her placed into the situations, but the weirdest part about them is that I don't know who she looks like, or if she even is a girl; it's just a huge blur. But the voice is really high pitched, so it's most likely a girl or a child. Or both.

I don't even know if I should call them memories. I forgot that Eggman was even relevant at this point.

Maybe I'll finally talk to Tails about it when we go to town today. Her presence is ruining my dreams, it's starting to annoy me.

Sonic the Hedgehog

"Sonic, let's go!" Tails hollered from downstairs.

Sonic blinked a few times before yelling back, "Right-eo!" and zipping down the steps to Tails' side in under a second.

Tails wasn't even fazed nor impressed. "Took you long enough."

"Let's see you run halfway across the planet in ten minutes."

"How about you take us to the train and save us the walk?"

Sonic lifted Tails onto his back. "Fair enough," he replied before speeding off.

It was only a second before they appeared at the train from Mystic Ruins to Station Square. They got on board the crowded train and sat in silence for a while as the train took off.

Sonic always had a habit of studying the people around him during the ride and coming up with background stories for them. However, lately, he's been noticing that the exact same people are always on the train, no matter what time of the day it is. He wondered if Tails noticed the same thing, but when he glanced at the big brain, he saw him playfully swinging his legs and getting lost in his own little world. Sonic sighed quietly to himself and leaned his head back on the seat, closing his eyes. Maybe it was all in his mind.

"The train will be arriving to Station Square Train Station in two minutes."

Tails placed a hand on the hedgehog's shoulder. "Sonic, wake-"

"I know, I never fell asleep," Sonic spoke, standing up and stretching his limbs. Once the train stopped its motion, the two merged with the large crowd that was moving off the train. Sonic felt the fox's hand grab onto his wrist so that he wouldn't get lost. He would speed out if it weren't for the fact that he'd probably run over every creature in his way.

The blue hero took in a deep breath once they were finally outside of the train station. The same streets were always busy with the same people walking by...

"There's a flower shop just a few blocks from here," said Tails, who was looking down at a list of items written on a piece of paper. He turned to his left and started walking. "This way."

"Lead the way," Sonic gestured, following his friend. The walk was too slow for Sonic's taste, but Tails didn't seem to be in a hurry. "I wonder how Knucklehead's date went with bat girl?"

"Who knows?" Tails replied, not turning his head. "Sounds like you're not too keen on Rouge."

Sonic shrugged. "She probably wants him only for the master emerald."

"I don't know, they've always sent each other mixed signals."

"I doubt it."

Tails smirked and arched his neck back to look at Sonic. "Maybe you're just envious that you don't have a girlfriend."

Sonic laughed once, "Ha! Me? Envious of Knuckles? You're not as smart as you make yourself to be." As they walked, they passed by a window of a large clothing shop. "Knuckles isn't even an ideal date; did you see how he forgot the flowers? If I had a girl, I'd get her more than flowers. I'd get her..." He stopped and turned to the store's large window. "That."

Tails stopped walking and followed Sonic's eyes to a luminous butterfly hairpin sitting on display for the clothing store. The wing design was composed of bright, glittering white stones with a red marble stone in the middle, and the body was made of a shiny red material. The outline and antennae were made of gold wire, and the stones at the end of the antennae were also red.

Tails let out a whistle. "You'd probably want to marry her if you're willing to pay thirty rings for that cheap hairpin."

Sonic laughed. "Yeah, right–"

His words became stuck in his throat the moment he stared into the reflection of the window, which allowed him to see as far back as the other side of the street. There, he saw three small bug-like robots running around the pavement, stopping and turning to look at Sonic once they caught his attention. He quickly snapped his head around, but nothing was there. Arching a brow, he looked back at the window reflection to be given the same result—nothing was there.

The younger fox cocked his head to the side and gave a questioning look to his friend. "Uh, Sonic...?"

"Sorry, I thought I saw something," Sonic replied hastily before nudging the boy forward. He felt his heart racing and he took small, quick breaths to calm himself down. "Come on, I hate stopping."

Tails almost tripped over his feet. "S-Sure."

They stopped their tracks once again at a red light that prevented them from crossing to the next street, which was where their destination was. Sonic tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for all the cars to halt. "Hey, Tails, I've been wondering something."


"What do you think Eggman's been doing with his life lately?"

Sonic wasn't looking at Tails as he spoke, but the sudden silence between them forced him to turn his head to find Tails staring at the hedgehog with the most devastatingly confused face that the genius had ever made.

"Who?" the yellow fox asked.

Sonic would have chuckled at his attempt of a joke on any other occasion, but the questioning look in his eyes scared him for a split second because he knew that Tails was being dead serious. "Dr. Eggman... Remember?"

His brow furrowed in thought before his eyes grew wide. "Oh, right! Eggman!" he exclaimed. "Come on, we can cross now."

"I... What?" Sonic did a double take to find Tails already leaving him behind. "H-Hey, wait!" He caught up to him on the other side of the street and grabbed his arm. "Tails!"


"Are we seriously going to ignore the fact that you legitimately forgot who Eggman was?"

Tails sighed. "Sonic, he's not relevant in our lives anymore. Obviously, I'm going to forget at some points."

"How can you forget this guy who was such a huge factor in majority of our lives?" Sonic folded his arms over his chest and noticed that people were beginning to stare, but he didn't care. "And besides, you don't know that he's gone for good. Maybe he has a plan to just pop up out of nowhere when our guard is down."

Tails simply rolled his eyes. "Now you're just being paranoid. He's gone, Sonic. Why is this suddenly concerning to you?"

Sonic opened his mouth to answer, but he realized that his argument wasn't logical enough to change Tails' mind. If Tails hadn't been feeling what he's been feeling for the past few days, then maybe he was just being paranoid.

"Forget it, you're right," sighed the blue hero.

Tails smiled. "Why don't we get some chili dogs on the way home?"

Sonic's ears perked up. "You got it! Let's go get those gardening tools for ya."

Tails nodded and led Sonic into the flower shop. The sweet aroma of nature and allergies punched Sonic right in the face, and he immediately held himself back from sneezing. Majority of the time spent consisted of him quietly following Tails around, looking at some flowers every now and then, while Tails searched for the tools he needed.


"Hey, Tails, I have a question," Sonic said as him and Tails got off the train that was stopped at Mystic Ruins Train Station. He carried a bag and half of a chili dog, while Tails held two bags.

"You're really talkative today," Tails commented.

Sonic shrugged. "Last one, I promise. Why roses?"

Tails arched a brow. "What do you mean?"

They walked down the flight of stairs leading to the land. "Why did you pick roses? Of all the flowers you could have picked, you chose roses and you seem to care about them."

"Why does it matter?" Tails retorted as they headed towards the hill where his workshop stood.

"Just answer the question."

The young genius shook his head. "I don't know... They were just appealing to me. It's like I told Knuckles, they give me good vibes," he responded.

They were soon approaching the workshop. "And do they remind you of something? Or... More specifically, someone?"

Tails stopped on his tracks and stared at Sonic with large, azure eyes. "Y-Yeah... How'd you know? It's like they reflect someone really..."

"Really caring?"

Tails couldn't describe his astonishment, but before they could proceed with the topic, he looked to his home and suddenly dropped his bags, crying out, "My garden!"

He bolted to the front porch and fell to his knees, his hands lifting up the shredded remains and dark petals of his destroyed roses. Sonic easily caught up to him and gasped at the sight. "What happened?" The stems and ripped petals were scattered all around his feet, and for some reason, the sight made him sick to his stomach.

Orbot and Cubot soon ran outside of the house. "Oh, Tails, we deeply apologize for all of this!" Orbot cried, slowly approaching their creator. "We were cleaning up, as you told us to, and Cubot accidentally mishandled the lawn mower."

Cubot rubbed the metal on its head. "I'm so sorry, boss. I thought I knew how to use it properly."

A rare, angered look appeared on Sonic's face, and he glared at the two robots. "How could you be so careless with something so important to him?!" he yelled. "You better–!"

"Sonic," Tails lifted a hand, interrupting his friend. "It's fine, it was just an accident." Sonic watched as Tails stood up with different eyes; they seemed apathetic, now. "Besides, they're just flowers. It's not that important at all."

Sonic's eyes widened and he tried to speak, but only ended up sputtering his words as he collected his thoughts. Tails turned to his robots, saying, "You two can start to clean up the mess here." They cheerfully agreed and immediately went to work, while Tails walked inside.

"Tails, wait!" Sonic called out, chasing him inside. "Why did you tell them that it wasn't important? We were just discussing five minutes ago how those roses remind us of someone. Something is really off."

Tails arched a brow. "I never said that."

Sonic's jaw dropped in shock and he threw his hands into the air. "What?! Yes you did! On our way from the train, we were saying–"

"Sonic, you've been bantering about nonsensical stuff all day today." Tails began to examine is friend up and down. "Are you feeling okay? Should I run some tests?"

Sonic the Hedgehog was officially scared, now. Has his best friend lost his mind?

"...You know what?" Sonic started slowly up the stairs, "I'm just gonna go take a nap."

"Alright, if you need anything, just tell me. Maybe we can watch a movie if you feel any better."

Sonic didn't even respond; he ran into his room and locked the door behind him, taking in short, heavy breaths. His hands were trembling, and the first thing they did was reach for the journal on his desk and flip it open.

Nothing feels right anymore. Tails is acting beyond weird. These feelings I've been having, those reminiscing dreams of Eggman… This all must be his doing, because something, everything is wrong.

I'm gonna talk to Knuckles tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be helpful in some way. If not, then I'll be on my own without a clue of what to do.

Sonic the Hedgehog

A/N: Please leave any feedback you have in the review section! I only wish to continue if I know that people are enjoying this.

I apologize for any grammatical errors; I write my fanfiction on my phone at three in the morning lmao.

And I know someone's probably gonna point out flaws in their characters or the setting, but idek I'm just going along with it so if I get a fact or two incorrect then please tell me! ; ;

Also, Sonic having a journal is just a cute headcanon I have lol.