Hey guys! I really appreciate all the support I am getting! I am alive indeed! Just I SUPER BUSY like I am doing online summer school which takes up like eight-nine hours in the day and the homework. . . .I had to write 11 pages the other day for it. . .But I got 95% on it . . .So all that effort didn't go to waste.

It's literally 4:20 AM in the morning and I wrote this, oh well. This isn't the best chapter but I hope you do like it, anyway thanks for the amazing reviews you guys give! I read them all in case your wondering! So. . . .Um?

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 10 - The Bad Guy

The room was silenced seeing as he curled his fingers together, a smirk glistering onto his tight lips, the room had been filled with other ghouls with the exception of Ayato. He crossed his arms over his chest looking at the man in front of us, his hawk-like eyes watched me sharply making my intestines tighten. The darkness settled around his figure as he leaned forward.

My fingers had curled into my pockets, "I see everyone is here." The brief pause in his words made Ayato glance towards me, "I would like to introduce a new member of our's who has joined about one month ago." The eyes went immediately to me, I leaned against the wall feeling the eyes of Hak on my yet again. He licked his cracked lips, "she's the one everyone calls Red."

Gasps and judgmental looks had been glued to my skin, I stared straight ahead at Hak hearing as the conversation bursted out about me. He gave me a sickening smirk which made my insides curl, "she'll be assisting in most operations from now on." My eyes made eye contact with a few of the members, two tall men who stood closely to a girl slightly shorter than me.

The sight was interesting and caught me by surprise, one of the men, who has short white hair and red eyes with a red iron mask is named Tatara, while the other one is Noro he had long black hair which was tied up in a ponytail. Noro wore a mask that was completely blank other than a mouth with large teeth on it. In the middle had stood a girl who was wrapped in bandages with a maroon colored cloak.

I turned my eyes back to Hak, "well other than that. You are dismissed, except for Red and Ayato." The meeting had been over quick from before since they discussed strategies about the Doves and talked about the Wards, nothing that seemed to catch my attention in a need for information. I watched the flood of people exit the room and left only three of us in the room.

"How are you liking the headquarters, Red?" Hak tilted his head at the question. "It's reasonable." I shrugged my shoulders as he eyed me, he looked over to Ayato now, "you too will be going on a mission together." I raised a eyebrow but hadn't spoke a word.

"I have a old friend of mine, who should be escorted to another jail quite soon. I want to spend the both of you to get him." Ayato sighed but than gave a short nod, I looked down to my fingers cracking it with my thumb, this was a habit of Yakumo before he had died looks like I had gotten it as well.

"That was something my older brother did." There was a silence in the room, I felt taunt my lips as I looked at a slight amused Hak. "It was a habit of his, that was before I consumed him." I felt the dark laugh bubble from the bottom of my stomach, I closed my eyes recall the horrid screams he let out when I tore him apart piece by piece.

"That was great timing you had killed him." I titled my head glancing towards Ayato who stared at me, "you should thank Ayato for giving me such a opportunity." Ayato turned his face down looking to the gray cement.

"Heh. Well, you should leave now. He should be passing over the IT company in a hour of so." I lifted myself from the cold wall and stretched my arms, I nodded tucking my hands into my pocket as I gently placed my mask over my face.

"Alright. We will be going." Ayato spoke out as we closed the door behind us, Ayato as well placed his mask on his face which had red eyes and a sharp toothed grin. I breathed out feeling the gazes on my back as well exited Aogiri headquarters, Ayato had pressed forward in wanting to make a conversation though I quickly cut him off.

Though I may be working with him I wouldn't be friends with him, even though I joined a month ago I had been doing low secret missions which I had made Nishiki and Serian. I talked to Serian a bit turns out Kaname hates me even more now, well that is when he found out I joined the enemy.

I looked down to the street lights, why do I even bother? I blocked out my previous thoughts and watched as a car with some vehicles around, "hope we aren't ruining anything?" I heard the deep voice behind us, there had stood two guys very similar in clothing and masks.

"Bin brothers?" Ayato responded as he looked at them, "see we have a new member. Who is it this time?" Ayato glanced at me when I kept my eyes focused ahead seeing as the car went under the bridge followed by a few others, the road had been empty beside them.

"Red." Ayato spoke my name and the silence than again endowed everyone, I watched the cars sped up a bit and come out the bridge. "They are coming." I pointed I heard the huff from one of the brothers, "alright. Can we help out?" Ayato glanced back at them, "I guess so." The two of them went near Ayato's side and stood by him examining the few cars down their.

"Alright. Let's go." Both of the brothers along with Ayato had jumped, I followed closely after as I began to free fall letting the wind rake through my hair. The Bin brothers landed onto the ground at the same time and then used their Kagune to pierce the first car while the other one pierced the jail car, Ayato than used his Kagune to rain down the crystal shards.

I landed one of the men who acted fast and raised a hand to shoot Ayato, he looked at me shocked and with ease and with no clear emotion I broke his neck. Watching as he landed flat on to the ground, I than proceeded to walk towards his partner who shivered and shook as he looked at me with wide eyes, "Red." He whispered.

I let my hand drive through the center of his stomach as he leaned forward the blood spilling from his lips, I looked to his face. His eyes rolled back in pain and blood spilled from his parted lips, without much effort I tugged my hand from his stomach watching as the organs from his body escaped from his stomach. He looked at me with a cruel face though it made my heart smile at his face.

"What?" I heard another shocked voice, I quickly brushed my hand and let the blood touch the cement. Turning around I was faced with a unfamiliar man, with blonde hair and streaks of black in them. He narrowed his eyes at me, "who's that?" I shifted on my feet looking in the other direction, than I felt the eyes on me. I felt the vibration in my pocket, I raised a eyebrow and reached into my pocket for it.


I immediately smiled and walked away from them over by the empty cars, I lifted my mask up and ran a hand through my hair as I placed the phone next to my ear. I took a deep breath, "hello." I heard his deep voice, "hey Amon." I felt the beading eyes on my back and played with a piece of my hair, it was a unconscious habit I had of mine.

I looked up to the lit rooms of the buildings close by, "I just got home. I was wondering if you're done with work if you want me to pick you up." I licked my lips and at the corner of my eye I glanced at Ayato. I felt the liquid touch my shoes, the blush red blood made me lick my lips, I gasped lowly and shook my head.

"Actually I am really close by, I just have to run a errand at my friend's house, so i'll be home in ten minutes." I stepped away from the blood and looked back to the man I had recently killed, his lips had still been parted and his eyes had been rolled back, the circle of blood had curled around him.

"O-Oh, I have some tickets to a hot spring, do you want to go?" I pushed my hair back, "ah, really. Yeah, sure, i'll meet up by your house." He let out a sigh for a moment I heard him shuffle in the phone.

"Don't tell me you were nervous or something?"I teased him lightly, "n-no." He responded quickly, I could easily tell he was flustered I quickly placed back on my mask and made sure to secure it.

"A-Anyway get home soon al-" I gasped as I watched something launched towards me, I jumped back in time to miss the attack. My eyes widened at this as I looked to see the person who targeted me, a man with Koukaku kagune activated. I grounded my teeth as he launched towards me again, I flipped backwards holding the phone to my cheek.

"A-Akane, what happened." Amon shouted over the phone, the crash from the impact of his kagune touching the ground beneath me. "Where are you!" It was at that moment the phone slipped from my fingers, the kagune than crushed it with its sharp point. I narrowed my eyes at the man, "Red." He whispered my name almost as if he was slowly going insane.

"You want me to kill you." I sharpened my tone at him seeing as other men followed behind him, there eyes narrowed at me filled with a mixed type of hatred. I crossed my arms over my chest as I quickly clicked the concerned voice of Amon off, I stuffed the cellular device into my pocket keeping my eyes trained on the three men in front of me.

"So it's true, you are real." One of the men looked shocked but seemed to enjoy seeing me stand in front of him. His red Koukaku had laced around his arm as he took a step forward, the head of the group stared at me with anger and hate. It was a emotion that fueled my body whenever it came to killing, if the person had hated me it seemed much more easier killing them like that.

"Red." The man at the front whispered my name darkly, the veins from his head protruded openly making me tilt my head in wonder. His fist curled at the sight of me as the sight of his eyes darkened, this was beyond hatred.

"Y-You-" He was cut off by one of the men behind him, he was giving a worried expression. "Keiko, calm down." The man in the front seemed to restrain himself a bit, hearing the steps from behind me I heard the different voices mix. "Red, what is going on?" I heard Ayato speak unsure, I shrugged my shoulders staring at the trio with no emotion.

"Shut up, Ryu." The man that had gone by the name Keiko shivered at the cold breeze. "S-She doesn't understand what she did to me. She killed my wife, the only person that been with me ever since I left the town." I raised a eyebrow, a woman, did I kill a woman?

I smirked closing my eyes as I recalled the moments of a terrified woman, she was beautiful with long black hair and dark brown eyes, a delicious meal indeed she was. It was a rainy day when I had encountered her, she was walking with her umbrella in her hands and a smile that lit her features. She was happy and at that time I wasn't, I was simply jealous she could be so happy.

She paced along the street smiling humming a song when I had attacked her from behind, she wasn't a Kokaku instead she was a Bikaku. She able to fend off against she mostly for the reason I had caught her off guard and at the fact I am a Ukaku, once I had gotten her to her feet I had dug my fingers into her face craving to see the agony-filled look in her face.

The smile she wore had faded as it was replaced with one of fear, I faintly remember her calling the name of a man named Keiko leading me to ripping her to shreds, she was happy, I wanted her to die. After I had killed the woman I had looked at her mangled figure, any ounce of guilt from me disappeared quickly as I laughed darkly, the feeling of killing another was so addictive it was sickening.

"I remember she called for you many times." Keiko eyes widened as he looked at me along with his friends, "what you plan to avenge her?" I teased him lightly. Ryu had bit the corner of his lip, "K-Keiko, you know we can't fight her, she's too strong." He held on to his friend's shoulder in order to prevent him from moving, the third man narrowed his eyes at me and without hesitation he charged towards me with fury.

I grinned at his attempt to surprise me, I landed gracefully onto the ground. The silence had pierced the atmosphere, "Sano?" I felt the explosion of the blood touch my mask as, the man named Sano had been slowly falling to the ground as his arm separated from his shoulder the blush red liquid spraying onto the gray concrete. I turned towards him as he was about to fall and kicked him into the side feeling the crack underneath my shoe. I watched as he soared through the air over the barrier, and quickly hit the ground with the sound of a splat making me turn towards the two guys.

"S-S-Sano." Keiko called out as he stumbled forward like a lifeless doll, his friend Ryu held him back tightly with tears in his eyes. "K-Keiko we have to go. This was never a good idea." He spoke lowly to his friend, "heh. She sure is ruthless." I heard the man with the orange jumpsuit say, a grin manifesting on to his lips.

"Y-You-Dammit I am going to kill you." Keiko shouted as he charge at me with his Kokaku, I glanced at his friend that laid on to the ground not moving. I sighed pushing my hair back, "we can't dammit." Shouted Ryu as he tried to pull Keiko back as he slipped back from his grasp, he ran towards me with a intention to kill me. I dodged his attack though he had a surprise and launched his foot at me, I gripped it tightly and twisted it into the opposite direction hearing the audible crack.

"K-Keiko." His foot now had been turned in another direction though it seemed it hadn't been a problem for him as he charge towards me, though he tripped over his broken foot and stumbled forward, he let out his in trying to balance himself. I felt reached out and sent my hand straight through his chest, the breath from his lips touched the tips of my mask making my stare at him harder.

He wanted revenge.

"Is this how you wanted to die." I heard the light laugh from him, "I-I. . .Got you." He breathed out, then did I feel the piercing feeling on my shoulder, h-he managed to get me. I narrowed my eyes at this I took my hand, from the spot my hand had been through his chest I cut open a path to with my hand. My hand than went from the middle of his chest to his shoulder. I pulled my hand out and lodged the the kagune out from my shoulder, his friend Ryu had caught him.

To my anger I felt the wings from my back spread as the crystal shards launched towards them, they should feel honored to having me to use to kagune. It pierced both men as they let out low groans falling to the ground, I than walked over to them feeling the wound slowly fade. I stopped on to Ryu's kagune smashing it, he flinched but tried to attempt to protect his friend.

"Stop it." I heard the low voice from Ayato, I turned to see him as well as everyone else watching me with a stiff body. "No." I voiced out, I repeated crushed onto Ryu's neck with one of the hard shards I launched at them, he began to choke on his own blood seeing this as he tried to move and froze made me smile evilly. I turned towards seeing as the blood pooled out from Keiko, I as well stepped onto his face digging it into the ground.

Seeing as the two laid motionless in their pool of blood calmed my nerves, I stepped back examining my work.

The interesting feeling in my chest had raged as I looked at the two and a dark laugh bubbled from my lips, I quietly laughed raking a hand through my hand as I lifted my mask to lick the remaining blood on my fingers.

Was this how it felt to be the bad guy for once?