Of secrets and hidden lives

Chapter 1

This is a rewrite of A magic touch, so if you haven't read it already go do so. Ideas and feedback is welcome.

For long as Matilda could remember she had been having strange dreams, sometimes they were like she was seeing the memories of someone, other times she would be in an empty space with a little boy and they would just talk to each other. Matilda hated when she saw the memories, they would be filled with adults treating her worse than the Wormwoods did or of a snake-faced man pointing a stick at her and shooting a green light. Matilda preferred to be with the boy, where they could just talk to each other, until age four the boy didn't even know his name, he thought it was freak, he thankfully learned that his name was Harry Potter when he went to school. Matilda eventually managed to work out that when she dreamed of them memories that they belonged to Harry, that the boy who shared her dream-scape was being abused, and she could do nothing to stop it.

Matilda and Harry were in their shared dream-scape, which they had shaped to look like a library containing every book they every read, and considering how much Matilda read there was quite a lot of books. Matilda was telling Harry about her recent defeat of the Trunchbull and being adopted by Miss Honey after her parents abandoned.

"That's great." Harry said. "Not your parents abandoning you! But you getting adopted by someone who will be nice to you. Better than I'll get."

"Don't give up, Harry." Matilda tried to comfort him. "Someone will have to notice eventually. Maybe, if I can find where you live, I can convince Miss Honey to help."

"But how would you explain to her about me?"

"She saw my telekinetic powers."

"But she explained it as you not being able to unleash your potential, plus you don't have your power anymore."

Matilda sighed in defeat. "I'll find a way to help you one day, Harry."

Matilda's chance to help Harry came with the news that her school was temporarily shutting down for renovations, so the students of the school were spit up and sent to other schools until they could return, and Matilda was getting sent to a school in Little Whinging, Surrey. Going with Matilda was Lavender, Amanda, Bruce and Hortensia.

"Harry!" Matilda called out when she saw Harry, for the first time in real life.

"Matilda?" Harry asked as he walked over to her. "What are you doing here?"

"We got moved here while our school is under renovation." Matilda explained. "Now you don't have to alone."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Harry pointed to where Dudley and his gang were coming over.

Matilda wasn't afraid however. "How about I introduce you to Hortensia?" she said.

By the end of the day Hortensia had a week long detention for beating up Dudley and his gang when they tried to bully Harry and Matilda.

"Do you think this will work?" Matilda asked.

Matilda and Hortensia were standing in front of number 4 Privet Drive at night dressed head to toe in black.

"If it doesn't they'll at least get spooked." Hortensia replied.

Hortensia picked up the garden sprayer she had and started spraying the liquid in it onto the front lawn in coordinated movements while Matilda held a light so she could see where she was spraying. Once she was done and the sprayer was empty Hortensia took out a match box and lit one of the matches, she then dropped it on the liquid on the lawn, both girls then ran away as the liquid caught fire and words of fire became apparent.

In the morning many people were gathered in front of the Dursley's lawn, burned into the grass on the front lawn were the words, 'Child abusers', with an arrow pointing at the house. The Dursleys still refused to leave the house and had called the police about vandalism, which was exactly what Matilda wanted. The police were in the house when Harry came walking in.

"F-Harry, get out!" Vernon yelled at him.

"Sorry, uncle Vernon, please don't hit me again! I'll go back to my cupboard, I'll be good." Harry said his rehearsed lines in a weak voice.

The officer looked over to the Dursleys with angry eyes and the adults looked worried, secretly Harry felt smug that Matilda's plan was working.

Matilda's plan was to have the Dursleys arrested or at least not allowed to take care of Harry anymore, then Miss Honey would come in and adopt him, now that Miss Honey had all her money and property back she could afford to be a single parent to two children or more. Matilda had burned 'child abusers' into the front lawn to get people to talk about the Dursleys and suspect the truth, it was just a bonus that they were stupid enough to phone the police, thankfully Harry had been given a script of what to say in front of the police if they came so he was able to drop the Dursleys deep in trouble, even deeper when he showed the officer the cupboard that he was forced to sleep in.

By the time Matilda and the others could return to their own school Harry was going with them and was adopted by Miss Honey.