Author's Note:

My deepest apologies, readers, for not updating in so long. For the past few months I haven't had time to even read fanfics let alone write my own! I have no excuse other than being busy with schoolwork and the job hunt since I'm in my final year of university. Good news on those fronts, actually: I am now officially DONE with exams for now (meaning more time to write) and I've also somehow managed to line up a job for after my graduation in May (which also means more time to write)!

Now is where you all can begin to hate me, though, because I had initially intended to get a complete chapter out for you guys on Christmas. I regret to inform you, though, that this didn't happen (and isn't likely to happen for another month) because I am a HUGE IDIOT.

Let me elaborate. I had actually written the meat of this chapter months ago, but had a lot of trouble writing the action sequence in the middle (Madoka vs Cecilia). Being the procrastinator I am, I put it off. I told myself that I would get it done over this break and splice it together with the rest of the chapter. Now had everything gone according to plan, this would be no problem.

But you see, my laptop was having troubles so I bought a new one a few weeks ago, and I accidentally left the old one behind at school with all my latest work still inside :( :( :(. So yeah, I will not be able to give you guys the full update until I go back to school in mid-January.

On the bright side, I did bring my external hard drive home, which contains some early drafts of the story (since when my old laptop started dying I backed up everything). So as an apology you guys can have a short teaser of something towards the end of the upcoming chapter.

Other than that, happy holidays everyone. Sorry for being a blockhead.

The intruder stood up and stalked slowly towards him, her sinuous strides bringing her almost too close for comfort. She did not say a word, and Ichika, too, stood still and soundless as she made a slow circuit around him, peering at him from all angles, before coming to a halt directly in front of him and cupping his face with both hands, her bowed lips scarcely a couple inches from his own. From this close position, Chifuyu seemed to search his stony face for something before, having found what she was looking for, stepping back with a satisfied smirk. It was only then that she spoke.

"It's been a while."

"Not long enough, I'm afraid," Ichika replied with a half-pained tone, as if holding back some deep anguish.

"Don't be like that. It's not every day that we have this kind of long-awaited reunion~"

Her words were playful, but they carried an unsettling sense of barely-controlled desire.

The tension in the air was palpable.

"Cut the crap. Why are you here? To fight me? To drag me back?"

His fingers twitched as he prepared for a deadly exchange of blows.

Chifuyu looked amused at his guardedness.

"Oh heavens no, at least not yet... I just wanted to come see how you were doing. You know Nee-chan has been so lonely without you, right? And I know my cute otouto missed me, too."

She took a seat back on the wide couch, beckoning for him to join her. Ichika was reluctant, but detecting no violent intentions, he conceded and sunk cautiously into platce beside her. Even so, he stiffened when he felt deceptively soft hands wrap around his head and drag it downwards to a warm lap. Chifuyu chuckled sweetly at his reaction, before lowering her head closer to his ear and whispering,

"Allow me this, Ichika, for old times' sake?"

The dangerously beautiful woman began gently running her fingers through his midnight hair, a long-discontinued routine that transported them back years into the past, happier times when a young boy and his elder sister spent many a summer evening outside in the same positions, enjoying their time together underneath the moon and the glimmering stars.

From his position, Ichika could not form a word of protest to defy his greatest enemy. He had always been, and even now was, weak to her, and from the aura of triumph he felt radiating from Chifuyu, he knew she knew it too. Captivated by her gentle attentions and awash in her unique scent – frost and camellias – Ichika, as much as he hated himself for it, felt safe, secure…. complete.

But the course of their love never did run smooth, and this delicate peace was fated to shatter into uncountable pieces.