"Daddy!" A girlish voice reverberated around the hall like an echo. "Come, daddy! Come! Please, huwwy! Daddy! Please, daddy! Daddy!"

Regina was jumping near the kitchen door, waiting for her father. Rumplestiltskin was walking slowly in her direction, yawning every now and then. He had returned home two hours ago after a very long week and was brutally awakened a few minutes ago by his very enthusiastic child. Of course he knew why she acted like that, but it did not change the fact that he wished to have more time to sleep.

"I'm coming, princess, I'm coming!" he said, and rubbed his eyes. He was tired as hell, all because of these stupid people. He wished he could kill them all because then all of not-human races would be happy. "No need to worry, dearie. Daddy is on his way."

"Yeah!" she squealed joyfully. A moment later Rumple opened the door.

Normally she could do it by herself, but today she was not allowed to be in the kitchen and her mother cast the spell on it so she could not open the door. Rumplestiltskin, of course, did not know about that since he fell asleep right after his body hit the bed, but his little girl knew it very well. Not that she manipulated her daddy. No. She could not do it. Never. She was a good girl.

Except the moments she was not.

"Look, daddy!" She yelled and pointed at big chocolate cake which stood on the table. Next to it was a bowl with freshly baked cookies. Regina smiled widely when she saw them. "Cookies!"

Rumple just laughed, seeing his daughter's enthusiasm and immediately forgot about fatigue.

"Yes. I see that mommy was busy when daddy wasn't home." He said and looked around. A lot of dishes were drawn, which indicated that his wife had her hands full of work. "What are you doing, dearie?"

His daughter stood on the chair with her hand in the bowl. In her mouth she had two cookies. Regina smiled innocently when she realized that she was caught and swallowed the cookies, before grabbed another.

"Cookie?" She asked and pointed her hand toward him. He could not resist and nodded. "Open, daddy. I give you."

Rumplestiltskin smiled and opened his mouth and a moment later bit a cookie. Regina squealed and threw herself in his arms.

"Love you, daddy!"

"I love you, too, my dear," he said and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what are you doing in my kitchen?"

The wizard turned when he heard his wife's voice, and a moment later he saw Maleficent, who stood with her hands on her hips and looked at him, reproachfully. Or at least it looked like she looked at him, but in fact she was looking at their daughter.

"Daddy's fault!" Regina yelled and gently patted him on the shoulder. "He has cookie, mommy! It's daddy! He's guilty! Daddy! Not me, mommy! Daddy!"

Rumple had to collect jaw from the floor when he heard his daughter. This little devil framed him into stealing cookies, when it was her love for the cookies. She definitely is her mother's daughter.

"My fault?"


"Don't blame your father, little one," said Maleficent as she walked to them. "You know that you're not allowed to be here today."

"You're not?" asked the man as he raised his eyebrow. The child just smiled innocently.

"Um... maybe?"

"Not maybe, young lady. You cannot be here today." The woman took the girl from her husband's arms. "And I told you about it a milion times."

"Don't wemembew."

"Oh, but I'm sure you remember it very well." The woman looked at the child in her arms. "And I think that you manipulated your father so you could come here when I was out of the room."

"No, mommy. Not me."

"Are you lying to me, little one?" Maleficent asked and gently patted her daughter's chin when Regina bit her bottom lip. "Well, honey? You know that the answer can be only yes or no?"

"Hug is better!" The girl hugged her mother tightly. Rumple just chuckled when he saw it. His little baby was the cutest and the most innocent child in the world. "And kiss!"

"It wasn't the answer."

"Love you!" Regina kissed the woman and then smiled broadly. Maleficent looked at her for a few more moments before sighed heavily.

"It's your last warning, little one." The blonde stated, sternly. "If I catch you in the kitchen again, you'll spend your birthday party in your room. Am I clear?"

"Yes, mommy. No kitchen today."

"That's right." She put her on the floor. "And now go to play with your toys. I'm sure that sir Dragon the One-Eye is dying to say happy birthday to you."

Regina nodded and left the room as soon as possible, but before she did it, she stole one more cookie. But is that her fault that her mother could bake the best cookies in the world?

"Shut up," Maleficent said, because her husband started to laugh.

"Sorry, dearie, but you must admit that she's very convincing." He said and kissed her gently. "Just like her mother."

"And very manipulative like her father."

"Guilty." He whispered in her ear and kissed her once more.

Maleficent kissed him back. It was the first time in a very long time they had some time for themselves, since Rumplestiltskin was busy with dealing with problems in the kingdom, and she really missed her husband's presence. Their kiss could last longer if not the sound of quiet chuckling.

"What did I tell you about entering the kitchen?" The woman said and looked at her daughter, who just squealed and ran away, giggling.

"You know her. Cookies are stronger than anything."

"I know." Maleficent nodded and sighed when she grabbed empty bowl. "And speaking of cookies... Do you know where the cookies disappeared to?"

Rumplestiltskin laughed once again. "What a little sneaky monster, that girl."

"Your daughter." She gave him the bowl and then pointed at the door. "And now go and find this little devil. I need to bake another batch of cookies before our guests arrive."

"I will," he said and kissed her one last time.

A moment later Maleficent sighed heavily, and she stayed in the kitchen alone.

Regina was playing with her father in the „heroes and the kings" (they were in heroes team, that is) when their guests arrived, two hours later. The girl cried joyfully and threw herself into her aunts' arms as soon as she saw them and the women had a hard time catching her. In fact, only thanks to Ursula's tentacles, the birthday girl did not land on the floor. Not that the child cared about that anyway.

"You came!" She said and hugged them tightly. She loved her aunts. They were the best in the world. "I'm happy!"

"Of course we came, darling. We could not miss your birthday."

"What about my gift?"

"Regina!" Maleficent scolded her daughter, while the women just laughed at their niece's behavior. The child just smiled innocently.

"Just asking, mommy." She said and once again hugged Ursula, who was the one who held her. In the meantime Cruella ruffled her hair.

"Yes, mommy, she's just asking." Rumple smiled at his little girl and she smiled back. "This little cute cupcake is just curious cupcake."

"But I'm not cupcake, daddy!" Regina frowned, hearing her father. "You can't eat me."

"Well... We can find out." Ursula leaned toward her as if she wanted to bite her, but in fact she kissed her.

"Mommy!" Regina yelled and wanted to run away from her aunt, but it was hard since she held her, and also had eight tentacles to help. "Mommy! Auntie wants to eat me!"

"Oh, so now you need my help?" Maleficent asked as she walked to her child and took her from Ursula's arms. "I'll remember that when you say that your father is funnier than I am, little one."

"He said I'm cupcake!" Regina hugged her mother tightly as if she were scared that the rest of them really wanted to eat her. "They wowk togethew!"

"And who said that I'm not working with them, hm?"

The girl opened her eyes widely when she heard her mother's words. She looked at her and paled when she saw a mysterious spark in her eyes. She swallowed loudly and escaped from the grip.

Maleficent began to chase her.

"Help!" she screamed, running around the room. Her father and her aunts just laughed at them. "Help me! She wants to eat me!"

"No one will help you, little one!"

"No!" She yelled and a moment later grabbed her favourite toy. "Siw Dwagon the One-Eye will help me! He always helps! He's fwiend!"

"Oh, no!" Maleficent put her hand on her heart and took a deep breath. "Now no one will able to eat you! Sir Dragon the One-Eye is too strong! No one is strong enough to defeat him!"

"Yes! He's the best!" She said and hugged him. "Love him."

"We know. But now come here." Ursula picked her up thanks to her tentacles and a moment later Regina was back in her arms. "We have a present for you."

"Yeah!" She smiled broadly. In the background Rumple just chuckled, while Maleficent rolled her eyes. "Whewe it is?"

"Here." Said Cruella, who just returned to the room (she must left when her mother was about to eat her, she thought), holding a big box in her hands.

"What's that?"

"Why don't you see for yourself, darling?"

Cruella put the box on the floor and a few moments later Regina was unpacking her birthday present. She yelled happily when she saw what it was.


A little white head covered with black spots came out of the box. The girl took the dog in her arms and hugged it. A few moments later she was licked.

"Thank you!" She said as she smiled broadly at her aunts. "I love it!"

"It's a boy." Ursula said as she sat down next to her niece. "Cruella chose him specially for you."

"He's so cute!" Regina turned to her parents, still hugging her new friend. "Look, mommy! Look, daddy! I have a puppy!"

"Indeed, he is." Rumple nodded and sat down next to her, just like the sea goddess a few moments ago. "Now you need to pick a name."

"I know," she said and then grabbed sir Dragon the One-Eye and muttered something to him. For a few seconds they were talking to each other (well, Regina was talking, that is) and then happily girl looked at her father. "Siw Dwagon the One-Eye suggested Pongo!"

Right after she finished her sentence, the puppy licked her once again. That made her giggle.

"Yeah! Pongo!" She hugged her new friend again. "He likes it!"

"Indeed," said Cruella, who sat at her girlfriend's knees, smiling.

"What do you think, mommy?" She looked at her mother, because she always was curious about her opinion. "Do you like it?"

"Who I am to deny the suggestion of sir Dragon the One-Eye?" She said and Rumple, because she had her head rest on his shoulder, kissed her forehead.

The girl smiled even more.

"Yeah, Pongo!"

"Then let's make it official." Said Cruella and pulled the blue collar from her pocket. Next she put it on the dog. A few moments later, a golden „PONGO" was written on it. "Here you go, darling."

"Thank you!" She went to her aunts and hugged them tightly. "I love him!"

"You're welcome, dear."

Regina smiled and then returned to her place and grabbed her plush friend and then showed it to her new member of their crazy family.

"Pongo, this is siw Dwagon the One-Eye." She said and the dog sniffed it before happily waved his tail and barked. She giggled. "Siw Dwagon the One-Eye, this is Pongo." She said and then leaned toward her plush friend. "Siw Dwagon the One-Eye says hi."

"I'm sure they'll be good friends, little one, but now I suggest you get up. I don't think you want to spend all the time on the floor."


The adults shook their heads because Regina got up from the floor almost immediately. Then she started to jump, and Pongo did so along with her.

"In that case go to wash your hands." Maleficent said and got up. "I'll bring your cake."


A big thank you to RowArk for checking it.

Thank you for reading,

White Little Devil