"Caroline," Klaus sighed as he walked after her, ducking from being thrown a vase.

"Go away Nik! I'm really pissed at you right now." She mumbled, her face pressed on the sheets of the bed.

He gently sat down on the foot of the bed, his hand coming out to caress her hair, rolling it around his fingers.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. If I'd known it was this important I would have stopped it." He whispered, sensually moving his finger on her shoulder.

She scoffed. "Yeah, I'm sure you would have. The only thing you did the whole time was laugh!" And then she slapped her face on the bed again.

He stifled his chuckle as he thought back to what had endured moments earlier. It was something drastic, more useless that anything really, but Caroline had debated and scorned him of his antics with Kol about the situation.

_ Flashback_

"Come on! Is that all you can do?!" Klaus yelled at the old man as he tried to throw a punch at his face but missing again.

"You little-" Klaus slapped the stick into his mouth, stopping him from the inscolent word he was about to use, because – come on, they weren't three years old.

"I hope you finish that sentence Ameel, because I don't have much time. Three o'clock with Caroline and your making me late." Klaus pointed out just as he blew away another blow.

"I'll give you something to finish," And Ameel had successfully shot Klaus in the groin.

But, it didn't do anything. He was still standing, a coky smile on his face. "You really shouldn't have done that cousin."

And so, two hours later, Caroline had come home and found the mess. Blood soaked the rug and the pool was filled with disgusting grime of the remaining men that Klaus had killed.

It didn't scare her, if that's what your thinking. It just disgusted her. Like, really, who would want to waste their time killing drunk men and throwing them in their own pool? Oh yeah..Klaus would.

Caroline was really serious with home decorating and keeping things clean so Klaus wasn't really surprised when she told him that they would go to the mall, buy every rug they had, and store it in their cuboards till she wanted a change or when he did something as stupid as this.

"He was a drunk Caroline, what was I suppose to do when he dueled me for you? Kick his arse out the door? Because that is not something that I would do. You are everything to me and I will not watch men fawn and make comments on how sexy you look because I love you." He declared.

And slowly, she lifted her head up and embraced herself to him, clinging on to him as her tears fell. He had no knowledge of why she cried but he finally thought it was because women loved it when men declared their love for them.

"I love you too." She mumbled into his chest, rewarding him on a tiny chuckle. He digged his chin into her hair and inhaled her addicting scent. It was sinful how amazing she smelt, how delicious her essence is, how beautiful she is. It's just sinful.