She should have seen this coming. Realistically she should have expected this to happen sooner rather than later, but here she was, standing in the door way to the small apartment she shared with her wife and their seven year old daughter whose hair was now blue.

Heaving a deep sigh she set her grocery bags down and knelt in front on her daughter. "Blake honey, where's mom?" Blake bounced excitedly.

"She's in the kitchen making dinner, do you like my hair mommy?" She grinned and twirled, giving a little hop at the end. Max smiled and ruffled her hair lightly.

"You look wonderful princess." Blake squeaked and hugged the brunette enthusiastically.

"Thanks mommy! I'm gonna go play now!" She said before dashing off towards her room. Max watched her go before standing and grabbing the grocery bags. Someone was going to be sleeping on the couch tonight.

Adjusting the bags in her arms she moved into the kitchen where her wife was making dinner. Her wife who now had rainbow hair.

God damn it Chloe.

"Care to explain why our daughter has blue hair and you decided to be a rainbow?" Chloe looked up and gave Max her trademark shit eating grin. She paused to take the bags from her and set them on the counter before drawing her into a hug that Max (barely) tried to squirm out of.

"Because why not? She said she wanted blue hair like me and then she told me I should change mine to rainbow. You've seen her pout, it's impossible to say no to her." Max rolled her eyes and looped her arms loosely around her waist.

"So you dyed her hair blue and yours rainbow on the whim of a seven year old." Chloe laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Yup." She replied, without a single hint of shame or regret.

"God, I need a baby sitter for my wife, never mind my kid." Chloe laughed again before dipping down to steal a kiss.

"Part of my charm, you love it." Max sighed but smiled.

"Maybe. I love you." She leaned up for another kiss which she was gladly given.

"I love you too. Now help me with dinner." They broke apart and Chloe went back to the stove to attend to the pancakes. "Can you make the whip cream and cut up the strawberries?"

"Breakfast for dinner, of course. Somebody help I'm trapped in a house full of five year olds!" She teased. This time it was Chloe's turn to roll her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, but don't tell me pancakes stopped being your favorite overnight." Max smiled and paused in her slicing of the berries to lean over and press a kiss to her cheek.

"Course not, thank you for the pancakes."

"Much better." Chloe smiled and finished preparing dinner together and Max set the table and heaped all their plates with food while Chloe went to go get Blake and wash up.

Soon she could hear the pitter of small feet as Blake excitedly skipped into the kitchen. She really took after Chloe. Thank goodness. She didn't want her kid growing up the same way she did, introverted and shy, only able to come out of her shell around one person. No their daughter was loud, brash and confident just like her other mother.

Chloe returned shortly after and before sitting down pressed a sweet kiss to the shorter woman's lips. "Thanks mom." She mumbled in her ear before sitting. Max rolled her eyes but took her place as well.

"You're welcome. Now dig in you two."

"Yes sir!" Chloe said with a salute.

Blake giggled before copying her, "yes sir!" she squeaked before viciously attacking her food.

She was surrounded by nerds. Her nerds, and she couldn't be happier.