Hey readers! It's me, kingdom cure! For those of you who didn't read the little dialogue in the latest Fairy Tail Light and Darkness Weilders chapter, I know that I wasn't active these past few months and I have a really good reason for that! I had SAT to study for and a bit of writer's block, that and I also have been writing other fanfictions that aren't a part of the SCP and Light and Darkness and that I apologize for! As an apology, I decided to write a little fanfiction to entertain you readers while I regather my mind for the fanfictions that are here in this internet.

Now for explanations. As you may know from the title, this story is where you, the readers, send me, the writer, questions or dares to the Straw Hats and Xion. Of course, that doesn't include the members who haven't made their appearance in the SCP story. HOWEVER! They will make their appearance here as guests! Not just them, all of the One Piece characters and Kingdom Hearts characters will make their appearance as guests! That said-

Xion: YOU!

Kingdom cure: YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Why are you here?! What happened to my bodyguards?!

Xion: You mean these bodyguards? *drags over many characters who had kept Xion occupied, all knocked out*

Kingdom cure: Why didn't I bring Aki with me?!

Xion: Who cares? Now die!

Kingdom cure: Even after all this time, you still want to kill me?! Run away! *Runs around the room with Xion chasing me*

Xion: Come back here!

Kingdom cure: Anyway, folks, send in any requests! I'll put them all up here! And bring the Straw Hats with me in the next chapter! For now, I have to survive!

Xion: Like hell you will!