Story name: Komand'r

Description: Before she was Blackfire she was Komand'r. Tamaran's dark princess. Born a warrior, skill unparallel, she was to be desired, fawned after even, not to be shunned and disgraced as she was.

Important Author Note: Koriand'r is Starfire's Tamaranian name. Komand'r is Blackfire's. While on Tamaran they will refer to each other as their native names or the abbreviated forms.

Author note: Though not as important as the other this is just some information about the fic. This will be an eventual Blackfire/Gwen Tennyson fic. Hints of Starfire/Robin. Others undecided. 11 might be in the story but still undecided at this point.

This is a small story. A chapter will contain anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 words. Relatively short but it means faster updates.

So read review tell me what you think. I accept all constructive reviews. While I dislike flames I suppose it comes with the territory. But I will probably delete them XD.

Disclaimer. I own nothing. The image is from google/cartoon network.


"What are you going to do little Clorbag?"

Her nose bristled at the comment but she didn't so much as utter a word. From her downed position she was able to hide the frown forming behind her hair. Hiding behind her main of hair she wanted to snarl but she restrained herself. The fool hadn't even pronounced the insult correctly. It was Clorbag Vorblermelk.

She was Tamaranian, she couldn't afford to lash out here.

"What can I help you with my friend?" She asked sickening sweet. The massive red alien blinked his four eyes down at her. No doubt trying to register any kind of threat he could act on.

Crossing two of his massive four arms across his bulbous chest. The Tetramand looked disappointed when she didn't rise to his bait. The three lesser species flanking him looked warily at her for any sign she was about to explode with rage.

The reputation of her people was widely known. Tamaranian's for centuries traveled across the galaxy causing mayhem looking for anyone that could challenge them in battle. Thousands if not millions were slaughtered in her people's blood lust there were even a few species wiped from the galaxy because of their crimes. That was all in the past though.

Now most planets had massive sanctions against her kind. With the harshness of her home world Tamaranians had adapted to become nearly indestructible, when brought to the point of rage a single one of their kind could devastate a planet.

This was why it was a crime for her people to be anything other than cheerful. Even on her home planet it came with a harsh penalty. It was out of necessity that their people swallow their anger and express nothing but kindness to others. Because if they showed even the slightest bit of the anger inside them, they could be banished or even put to death on other worlds.

In a time when their people struggled to survive they couldn't afford to be banished from a planet. The risk of losing much needed resources was too great.

This brought her back to the giant of an alien standing before her. The Tetramands had been one of the focal points of Tamerian aggression. With their massive size, incredible durability, and tremendous strength they were indeed a worthy foe of the past. Generally speaking Tetramands were an angry race that willingly took the challenge of war. In fact the two races had battled each other to near extinction. She couldn't blame him for his anger. She didn't exactly care for his race either.

"Thought you Traq's were supposed to be warriors." He grumbled. Kicking her hard across her abdomen with his steel like leg she heard the audible wince from the others present. If she had been any other species she was sure the blow would've broken ribs. As it were the blow only hurt her pride.

"This trash ain't nothing. Teach the purple mutant a lesson."

Komand'r actually winced at that. It was no secret her look was different than most Tamaranian's. In the past it was a symbol of great honor to have a child born of the black sun. It meant you were to be a warrior of unparallel skill; to be desired, fawned after even, not to be shunned and disgraced like she was.

To be a reminder of their dark past was a terrible curse to be burdened with. For as long as she could remember Koma has been mocked, bullied, and even beaten for her appearance. The fact that she was also next in line for the throne made her situation all the worse.

The three aliens flanking the red man eyed her. They were hesitant to comply but the look they received quickly made up their minds. Driven by fear and their own personal brand of racism the aliens descended upon her kicking and scratching at anything they could reach. Not willing to defend herself the slim girl just curled into a ball covering herself where she could. She did her best not to show any sign of pain but the constant barrage was breaking down her defense. She held back the tears when several strikes smashed across her skull her blood leaking out like a fossit.

She didn't want the disappointment that would shame her family. While their kind preached kindness they were still a warrior race. To be brought to tears by three members of an insignificant race was unthinkable for someone of royal blood. The three little aliens attacking her where nothing more than peasants compared to her. She didn't even know the name they called themselves just that they resembled a rodent type creature.


Glazed eyes frantically searched for the source of the sound of righteous fury. She had heard the voice countless times before; she knew the voice almost as well as her own. It was her sister.

The three alien's eyes widened like saucers at the sight of an enraged Tamaranian. Running faster than their tiny legs should have been able to carry them the creatures where almost frantic in their attempt to get away. The scene might have been hysterical if she didn't have a splitting headache. Glancing up Koma noted that the Tetramand had already left. Without the challenge the large bulky alien didn't have a reason to stay, and Koma was silently thanking the stars. Koriand'r might be a power house but she was still young and an alien as strong as a Tetramad was out of her level right now.

In a barbarian fit of rage the small orange tinted girl's eyes were ablaze with a powerful green hue. The same green energy was pulsating on her hands cackling with barely restrained fury. Releasing a string of expletives the younger princess shouldn't have known Kori cursed, shouting at the scurrying aliens retreating backs.

Thankfully Koriand'r halted her assault her rage vanishing in an instant taking in the beaten form of her sister. Tear filled green peered down into glassy purple. The younger princess put her hands on the older girl's shoulders to steady her as she tried to wipe away the blood marring her forehead. Komand'r weakly tried to shack off her sister's firm grip. They spent several seconds of Kori brushing off her sister's weak attempts to get away. Kori was beginning to become frustrated at her sisters stubbornness.

"Please sister you are injured you must let me help you."

For a moment she thought she might have gotten through to her but when the older girls features pulled back into a snarl she knew she'd managed to incurred her sister's wraith.

"Who asked for your assistance?" She spat.

The orange haired girl shrank back at the venom in her sisters words. Too frightened to look at her directly she missed the tear filled eyes hidden beneath a wall of black haired caked in blood.

"Do you know what you've done you fool?"

A weak hand gripped the younger girl's caller. If the terrified princess had been thinking clearly she would've noticed how truly weak the hold was, easily broken if she desired. But the young princess wasn't thinking clearly. She had never been good at handling her sister when she got this way.

Looking at her tears with a distain Koma spat on the ground. Weak.

"Go back to father." She ordered. The green eyed teen wanted to protest on her account but she stopped herself because of the finality of her words.

As Koriand'r slowly retreated back to the safety of their father's station she cast one last look at her sister. The black haired girl was staring at the vacant ground rubbing anxiously at the sleeve of her arm. She looked afraid.

With one last glance Kori left to return home.