Rei-chan: Wow, my first posting. Hope you like it.

Yugi: I'm sure they will.

Rei-chan: ^.^ Thanx.

Yami: Yeah right.

Yugi: That isn't nice Yami!

Yami: Whatever.

Rei-chan: ;_; He's being a meanie!

Yugi: He won't unless he wants to be alone tonight.

Yami: O.O I'm sooooo sorry!!!!

Rei-chan: Much better.

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh, then I wouldn't be writing this, now would I?

Today, nothing could go wrong. I had my friends and family, in particular Yami. Ever since I had met him, I have had these strange feelings for him. I had thought it was a small crush. I had only known him for a short time; yet, it felt like I have known him my entire life. Tea, I had a huge crush on her, before I met him. She didn't notice it, since I kept it well hidden. I thought I had until Yami caught me, looking at her. He told me to go for it, but she said she was interested in another. She only saw me as a friend. I didn't mind, because she was open and honest with me, instead of giving me the cold shoulder or the run around.

Earlier this morning, we received our math test back. I received a perfect score on my geometry test. Tea received an A- while Joey and Tristan both barely passed. Ryou managed to get an A-. All of us studied together, but the other two received the lowest grade out of all of us. I told Joey and Tristan that I wouldn't mind tutoring them, to which they were extremely grateful.

Tonight we planned on celebrating passing our test. Joey suggested we hang out at the arcade, but we wanted to something special so we decided to go to this new club. A new club had just opened last week. They allowed teenagers over thirteen to enter, because they didn't serve alcohol. Since then, it has become a popular hang out for teens like us. I haven't been there myself, but I heard it was cool place to hang out from Malik (hikari) and Marik (yami). Surprisingly, they got together, because they seemed worlds apart.

"I can't wait for tonight!" I said cheerfully to no one.

Opening the door, I heard moaning and a few thumping noises. What was that? I shoved the door to find Seto on top of our couch with someone underneath him. Why was he at my home? I stepped forward hesitantly. The two lovers didn't notice me as I walked into the room. They were completely engrossed in each other.

Before either of the occupants noticed me, I ran upstairs and slammed the door with a loud sound. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Seto was making out with my yami!!! I could feel my heart breaking into thousands of pieces. Out of all the people, why did it have to be HIM!!! I thought they were rivals, not lovers, but then again, I was wrong about Malik and his yami.

//Aibou?// Yami's deep voice echoed in my mind, full of concern.

I immediately slammed my soul room door in his face. I didn't want him to see me like this. What was I going to do? I couldn't tell him that I had the hots for him, because apparently, he had a lover now. I can't be selfish. After all, I live with him twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. I had my chance and I blew it big time.

Suddenly, I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door. What did they want? Can't they leave me alone in my misery? "What?" I managed to ask without cracking my voice.

"Aibou, please tell me what's wrong," Yami pleaded through the door. He couldn't talk to me mentally, because I had blocked it.

Deciding not to tell the truth, I told him a lie. "I was rejected."

"Who would reject you?" Yami asked, with anger in his voice.

"There is this one girl at school," I said, making her up. "I asked her if she would like to go out for some ice cream. She said she doesn't date midgets."

"How could she say something like that?" Seto growled at my statement.

"Whoever she is, she won't get away with it!" My darker half also growled. He has been hanging around Bakura too long.

"Don't worry," I tried to assure them. "I'll get over it. I mean it's not like I had any real feelings towards her."

"If you say so, Aibou," Yami said. Before I could respond, I heard him moaning through the door, followed by someone being shoved into my door. Just great.

"Could you not do it in front of my room?" I asked them.

"Sure thing," Seto spoke up. "Shall we go back to my place?"

"What about your little brother?" Yami playfully asked the brunette.

"He's at a friend's house," Seto answered, in which he must have received a positive response.

If only Yami had treated me that way, I would be floating on air, but noooooo. I didn't have the guts to admit my true feelings for him, and now I have lost him. Why do I always get the short end of the stick? I had to end up looking like a third grader. Tea admitted she likes someone else. My yami has now hooked up with Seto, who I had thought to be his rival. Things couldn't get any worse.

"We'll be back late tonight," Yami spoke up after a long period of silence.

"I don't mind if you stay over at his house," I assured my darker half. "Grandpa and I haven't had quality grandfather-grandson time."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Yami teased me.

"No," I answered honestly this time. "I thought you would want to spend more time with your boyfriend and not worry about coming here at a certain time."

"Thoughtful as always," Seto chuckled. "See I told you he wouldn't mind."

"Oh hush you!" Yami said in a loud whisper. "If anything should happen, use our mind link to contact me, okay?" Even though he was in love with Seto, he still cared for me.

"Okay," I told him before they departed. I flopped down onto my bed, hoping against all odds that this wasn't happening. I should go and help out grandpa.

Trudging back down stairs, I found Grandpa unpacking the latest shipment from Kaiba Corps. We had ordered several dueling systems, since Seto had become our friends. I guessed it more due to the fact that Yami had become Seto's lover. Why do I feel jealous whenever I thought of them together? Duh, I was jealous. Malik had Marik and Ryou had Bakura. Who do I have? No one. Yeah, that was right, no one. Joey and Mai started dating awhile ago. Tristan and Serenity also began dating, but not without approval from her older brother.

"Hi Grandpa," I greeted him.

"Oh hi Yugi," Grandpa said, not looking at me. He kept his eyes on the products, because he had an armful of them and didn't want to drop them.

I rushed to his side and picked up a few of the wobbling ones. "You should be more careful."

"Look who's talking," Grandpa teased me.

After we had rescued him, I told him about everything. I started from when I had received the invitation to the duelist kingdom and how we had gone to the island. Tristan and Tea had to sneak aboard. I gave Joey one of my star chips. Ryou, I don't know how he got there, but I had a feeling Bakura had a hand in it. He knew about the several obstacles I had to face in order to get to Pegasus' mansion. In turn, he knew about the duel in the Shadow Realm, where I nearly lost my soul.

"I know," I said, trying to come up with a good come back. "If I hadn't have done it, you would still be in the hospital and the Kaiba brothers will still be stuck in the Shadow Realm."

Upon hearing Seto's name, Grandpa narrowed his eyes and scowled a little. Ever since I had told Grandpa about the incident involving the billionaire and the castle, his dislike for Seto has increased, but he liked Mokuba. Come to think of it, how would he react if he knew my darker half started to date the brunette?

"If you're going to ask, I already know," Grandpa said, arranging the systems on display. When he saw my confusion, he explained it. "Yami asked me not to tell you, because he wanted to tell you himself. I guessed you must have accidentally discovered on your own."

"Yeah, but why wouldn't he tell me?" I questioned him.

"I don't know," Grandpa shook his head. "I thought he would have told you by now."

Yes, why hasn't Yami told me? Surely, he would have told his other half. "Do you need any help?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Why thank you," Grandpa smiled in appreciation as we worked on putting up the displays.

Later that night, I slinked into my empty bedroom. Even though Yami slept in his soul room, a part of me was missing. I could feel it throughout my body and soul. No, I refused to go crawling to him and asking him to return. I had distinctly told my other half to spend the night at Seto's. I shouldn't ask him to come back.

The club had been a great idea, unfortunately everyone brought their dates. Joey brought Mai, who was extremely flattered by his constant attention. Tristan invited Serenity, but kept his distance, since big brother was within striking distance. Tea brought her boyfriend to the place. Ryou and his yami also made an appearance.

We had started by playing each other on the computers. They had networked the computers and hooked up the network onto the internet. We played until one by one, each couple got up and excused themselves. Pretty soon, I was left by myself, even though I was playing against several users. However, not one of them was in the same room as me.

When I had finished the game, I got up and looked around for them. During my search I discovered, Ryou and his yami hiding inside a closet. Bakura practically slammed the door on my face. A moment later, Ryou opened the door and profusely apologized for his yami's behavior. He told me that if his yami ever did that again, he would be sleeping on the couch. Bakura growled at this, but kept quiet the entire time. Tristan and Serenity were playing dance, dance revolution. Tea and her boyfriend were cheering on the couple. Joey and Mai were in a dark corner of the room, making out with each other.

Everyone has found that special someone except me. What did I do to deserve this? When I had reached home, I packed my belongings. I wanted to get far away as possible from here. I had no place here. Joey was too busy with Mai to even notice me. Tristan and Serenity spent as much time together as possible. I just discovered Yami and Seto have a physical relationship. Ryou and his yami were pretty much the same way.

I stood there with my backpack in hand and my dueling deck in hand. Now that I thought of it, why should I keep it? The little voice in my head, not my yami, told me to keep it, because Grandpa had given it to me. He spent his life, creating and perfecting this deck. Why should I let it go to waste and why should I waste his efforts? After all, he trusted me to keep it, and he allowed me to have it, even after the tournament.

Turning around, I meant to leave, but suddenly the room started spinning. What was going on? I could see the colors blending with each other as the room spun faster and faster. If this kept up, I knew I was going to hurl any second. Someone, please make this stop!!!

/YAMI!!!/ I didn't want to call him, but I needed help, and he did say to call him if I got into trouble. If this wasn't trouble, then call me tall.

//AIBOU!!!// Hearing his voice had calmed down a bit to where I could rationally speak to him.

/HELP!!! IN DANGER!!! COME QUICK!!!/ I had yelled through our link frantically, as the room continued to spin.

//We'll be over, hang on!!// My yami's voice held a note of distress and worry.

Suddenly, everything went black.

Rei-chan: This is only a prologue. Tell me what you think.

Yugi: So what happens to me?

Rei-chan: You'll have to find out.

Yugi: The evil cliff hanger has returned.

Rei-chan: You could say that. If I don't get four good reviews, then I won't post the next chappie. If I receive five or more good reviews, then I will more than happily post within the next two days.