
After we finished eating we made our way back to our compartments. Even though Cato was right across the hall from me he still pulled me into his after I was ready for bed.

"I don't think we're supposed to share." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't care. Did you honestly think I'd let you out of my sight after everything that's happened? Tomorrow when we get back from District One we'll move some of your stuff in here. That way you won't have to go back and forth."

"Cato Hart, are you asking me to move in with you?" I teased and he smiled, pressing his forehead to mine.

"I'm ordering you." he joked and I smiled. He tilted his head and pressed his lips to mine. We continued kissing and soon it turned from light and gentle to hot and passionate. His lips move against mine, his tongue begging for an entrance. When I let him enter he stroked my tongue with his, moving his hands from my waist to my hips and lifting me up. Automatically I wrapping my legs around him as my hands dove into his hair. He maneuvered us into his room and set me down on his bed, laying me back and pressing me into the bedding. Our lips were frantic against each other, my legs staying around him. His hands traveled my body as mine roamed his cotton covered chest. When we pulled away for air, our foreheads pressed against each others again.

"We should slow down." I told him, panting heavily.

"I will wait until you're ready. I don't want to push you into something you aren't ready for." he said in a husky voice, just as out of breath as I am.

"I love you, I do. I'm just not ready yet. Especially with all of this going on." I told him honestly.

"I know. I love you too. We better get some rest , it's going to be a long day tomorrow." he said, kissed my cheek then maneuvering to get both of us under the covers. I fell asleep in his arms, pulled tightly to his chest. When I woke up the next morning, it was early, nearing six in the morning. I gently got out from Cato's grasp when he stirred.

"What are you going?" he asked, his voice laced with sleep, one eye lazily opening to look at me.

"I'm going back to my compartment, I don't know what will happen if they catch us. I don't want to take any chances." I whispered to him, placing a kiss on his forehead. "Go back to sleep." I whispered, brushing his hair from his face, but he sat up.

"I won't be able to. Might as well get up and get ready." he kissed my lips lightly before standing, pulling me with him. "Go get ready. I'll see you soon." he said, gently pushing me towards the door. I slipped across the hall and into my compartment to find my mom sitting at a table, drinking tea.

"What are you doing up?" I asked, sitting across the table from her. "Is Prim still asleep?" I asked and she nodded.

"Worrying. I just got you back and now you're going to One."

"We're bringing people back, to keep them safe. It'll be a short trip." I promised her and she nodded.

"You better get ready and get something to eat, they're taking you at eight." she said and I nodded. Grabbing some clothes I walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up. I left my hair wet and tied it into its usual braid. When I walked out Cato was sitting and talking with my mom and Prim, getting to know each other.

"Ready to get something for breakfast?" my mother asked and I nodded. Together the four of us walked through the halls, Cato's arm around my waist, and my hand holding Prim's. We made to it the cafeteria to find other people already eating, not many but a few. As we ate our food, we were quiet, until Prim spoke up.

"You'll come back right?" she asked, her voice nervous, and her eyes pleading with me from across the table. I reached out to take her hand and squeezed it.

"Of course I will Little Duck. We'll be home for dinner." I told her with a small smile. When she seemed satisfied with my answer she turned back to her food. About ten minutes later I was tapped on the shoulder.

"Cato, Katniss, time to suit up." Boggs said, dressed in his uniform. We followed him into a room we've never seen before, but held our armor and weapons.

"This is your uniform,"he said gesturing to a a dummy dressed in all black with plates on the torso, back, legs, and arms. "Bulletproof and comfortable enough to move around in freely. Get dressed and I'll show you your weapons." he said, walking out the door for us to change. We were silent as we got changed, helping each other zip up our suits.

"You ready for this?" Cato asked, resting his hands on my shoulders.

"No, but we have to do this. We have to help." I muttered and we called for Boggs to come back in. he led us to the back of the back of the room where a sword and a bow with a sheath of arrows rested on a table.

"These are your weapons, made specifically for you to your measurements." he explained as I picked up my bow. Once I had my grip it started to hum.

"What is that?" I asked, looking at my bow in shock.

"When I say it's made specifically for you, I mean it. It recognizes your touch, your fingerprint and with only work for you. The string adjusts to your level of strength, say you get injured, the string will lessen so you can pull back easier. Your arrows are color coded, black is normal, yellow is fire, red is explosive. It wakes up at your touch, and when you want it to turn off, just say sleep and it will."

"My sword is humming too." I heard Cato say, drawing my attention from my bow.

"Cato yours is made for you too. The grip made to fit your hand, perfectly balanced, and length according you your height, weight, and strength."

"How did you get these?" I asked, causing Boggs to look back at me.

"Beetee in the Capitol made them. He has been working for us for years. Passing on secrets received from the Capitol." he explained. "I can explain more later, but right now we need to go." he said, ushering us out of the room and to the hanger holding the hovercrafts. They look just like ones from the Capitol, but there is a slight distinction in the seal on the wings, allowing us to tell the difference if you knew what to look for. Boggs boarded with us as well as another soldier, as well as a woman with her head half shaved, the bad side covered in green vine like tattoos, and three men wearing these shell like packs on their back.

"Katniss, Cato, this is Cressida and her team. They are going to be filming you for your propos." he introduced.

"This is Messalla, Pollux, and Castor, they'll be the ones filming you." Cressida introduced to us, pointing to each member of her team.

"Alright, let's get buckled in and go!" Boggs commanded us. Once we were all buckled in the hovercraft took off. I tried making conversation with Pollux, asking him if he came from the Capitol but it turned out that he was an Avox.

"We're all from the Capitol, but we couldn't stand watching people die every year. The time for the Hunger Games has passed. It's time we start over." Cressida explained to us. We were silent the rest of the way to District One. Once we landed hours later we were given heavy coats and wigs to disguise ourselves so we won't be recognized.

"Do you remember the way?" Boggs asked and Cato and I nodded, leading the team through the streets of District One to Marvel's old house. Behind us Cressida and her team were filming us, concealing their cameras with large hats or wigs. Once we made it to Marvel's house, Boggs and the other soldier burst into the house, making us wait outside for a moment.

"What is going on here? Get out or I'm calling the Peacekeepers!" his mother shouted and I launched myself in there.

"No wait don't!" I called. Coming into view, lifting the wig off my head. Recognition sparked in her eyes.

"Katniss, what are you doing here?" she questioned.

"We're here to help, to take you back to Thirteen and keep you safe." I explained, feeling Cato and the rest of the team come into the house, shutting the door.

"District Thirteen? But they're-" she started but I interrupted.

"Is helping us. Please, where is Pamela? We don't have much time."

"She's in her room playing."

"Go get her, we need to get out of here and get back." Cato said from behind me.

"Okay." Marvel's mother said, turning to go upstairs.

"Katniss go with her. It might help convince Pamela." Cato whispered and I nodded, following the older woman up the stairs to her granddaughter's room. When I walked in I saw her playing with her dolls, wearing a yellow dress with pink flowers all over it, and her locket.

"Lala?" her grandmother said and the little girl looked up. "Do you remember Katniss?" she asked, gesturing to me, Pamela nodded.

"She gave me Daddy's necklace." she said and I smiled sadly.

"Well we are going to go on a trip." I told her, crouching down next to her. Out of the corner of my eyes I said Castor by the door, filming this but I ignored him.

"A vacation?" she asked, eyes glowing with excitement.

"Yeah like a vacation. Would you like that?" I asked her and she nodded, smiling.

"Come on baby girl, let's go." her grandmother said and the little girl went into her arms willingly, as they walked out the door I looked back at the room, seeing her stuff bear on her bed. I snatched it up and took it with me. District Thirteen would be scary to a child of her size, this would help her remember home. We walked back to the hovercraft as casually as we could without raising any suspicion. On the flight back to Thirteen we answered any questions the two of them had, and I gave Pamela back her bear. She smiled, hugging it tightly in her little arms. Hours later, when we landed Coin was there waiting for us.

"Congratulations. You made it back." she said to us before turning to Marvel's mom and his daughter. "I'm President Coin, of District Thirteen, come we have much to discuss." she said, leading them away with Boggs in tow. Cato and I walked back to our compartment to change back into regular clothing before going across the hall to my mom and Prim finding Gale, Peeta, Madge, and Clove waiting for us. Mom, Prim, Peeta, and Madge sat at the table while Gale and Clove leaned against the wall. When we opened the door, all of their faces snapped in out direction.

"You're back!" Prim exclaimed, running up to hug me.

"I told you we would be." I said to her, kissing her head. She pulled away and beamed up at me.

"Where did you guys go?" Madge asked us curiously.

"We went to District One." Cato said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Why did you go there?" Clove asked.

"To get Marvel's mom and daughter and bring them here. We met them on the Victory Tour, she's only four and we wanted to keep them safe." I explained.

"Tomorrow we're going to District Two to bring my family here." Cato finished for me.

"It'll be nice to meet your family Cato!" Prim said with excitement, we couldn't help but smile at her.

"What about Luna? Are you going to bring her here too?" Clove asked and my breath caught, I hadn't thought about her, I'd been too worried about my family and Cato's.

"We'll talk to Coin about it. Right now I think we're making too many demands at once. She wasn't thrilled about getting Marvel's family." Cato explained while I was having my inner rant.

"Well you two must be hungry. Come on they'll be serving dinner by now." Mom said. Looking at the clock I saw that it was seven o'clock at night. We had really been gone all day. We walked to the cafeteria and after doing it a few times, I started to remember the way. It almost became routine. Cato and I sat together eating our tasteless food when we noticed Pamela and her grandmother sitting a few tables away from us. They seemed to be adjusting well. The little girl caught us watching her and gave us a small smile with a little wave before turning back to her food.

"Looks like we made a new friend." Cato mumbled to me and I nodded, turning to look at him.

"I'm just happy she's safe. This isn't her battle to fight."

"Marvel would be happy she's safe too." he said softly, taking my hand in his.

"I just feel for her I guess, growing up without a father is hard. She doesn't have her dad or her mom."

"We'll make sure they are both taken care of." he promised and I smiled at him softly. Later that night we were in his bed, holding each other close. Tomorrow we'd be going to District Two to get Cato and Clove's families. It wasn't going to be easy, and that thought left a sour feeling in my stomach.

"No matter what we stick together." I said, breaking the silence.

"I'm never taking my eyes off you." he promised and with that I drifted off to sleep, listening to his heartbeat.



They were smart, but not smart enough. Thinking those disguises would actually work is almost comical. But as I stood here in my office, watching them move through the streets of District One, I knew I had to do something.

"Sir?" my secretary piped up. "What would you like us to do?" she asked and I turned to her with my eyebrows raised.

"They are already on they're way back to Thirteen. Tell me what brought them to One?" I asked and she flipped through some papers.

"They came for the family of District One's Tribute Marvel. His daughter and mother." she informed me and I gave a curt nod.

"If they came for somebody who isn't related, it won't be long before they come for Cato's family. Have Peacekeepers stationed in Two, discretely, I don't want it known that they're there."

"For what purpose Sir?"

"We need to break the symbol of hope. If we break Katniss Everdeen, then we can break any kind of hope for a rebellion. And that is just what I plan to do, break her beyond repair." I said, turning back to the frozen image of Katniss Everdeen on the screen, smiling viciously. They think they can overthrow me? Take down everything I have built over the years? They have no idea what the consequences will be.

"Send two Peacekeepers to the Hart home. Have them leave a message for the two victors when they come for the family."

"What kind of message?"

"The fatal kind, but I want it fresh, just after they land. It'll be the first step into breaking them." I told her and she nodded, leaving the room to carry out my demands.