A request from mygalashley. Hope I did ok with it.

Seth chews on his lip as he walks through the backstage of Mania, still in all his gear. Seth holds the belt tightly against his chest. He watches the belt as it sparkles under the lights and bites his lip harder. He was the world heavy weight champion. He had finally accomplished his dream. He was the champion. He sits down on the chair and holds the belt against his chest like a security blanket.

Seth looks up when he hears clapping and he looks up seeing Dean smiling brightly at him.

Dean wraps his arms around him, "You did it."

Seth wraps his arms around Dean and hugs him tightly, "I did.."

Dean hugs him tightly and then pulls back.

Seth whispers, "How is Roman?"

Dean sighs, "He's upset. Not at you though. He's pissed at the way Vince handled it. If Vince came to him a couple days ago, I think he would be fine. Vince hiding it until a little bit ago was crap."

Seth nods and whispers "I don't want him mad at me.."

Dean frowns and wraps his arms around Seth again and whispers, "he's not. He never will be."

Seth nods and relaxes. He stands up and looks up when Hunter comes forward and leads him to do his interview. After the interveiw, Hunter hands him the scripts for Raw and Smackdown. Hunter leads him quickly to the limo that was taking him to the jet. Seth gets in and sits there, still in shock. Seth leans back and closes his eyes. Trying to let the shock go that he did it. Trying to let the guilt though that he didn't deserve it.

Seth jumps when the driver shakes his shoulder. He rubs his eyes and looks at Driver who says the jet is ready. Seth nods sleepily and yawns as he is lead onto the jet. Seth wants just to curl up on a seat and sleep. He moves towards a row and sits down. He goes to curl up and jumps when he hears clapping.

Seth looks up and his jaw drops open when he sees Phil standing there in the aisle. Seth looks around the plane and then looks at him, "How.. "

Phil sits across from Seth. "you don't work in wrestling for years with out making some friends."

Seth nods then shifts in his seat, "What are you doing here."

Phil looks at him and smiles softly, "I was wanting to congratulate you."

Seth shrugs, "Nothing big."

Phil frowns and moves to sit next to Seth, "You won the belt.. you are living your dream."

Seth shrugs and then wipes at his eyes, "Yeah I guess.. What are you really doing here."

Phil chews on his lip ring before saying, "I wanted .. I wanted to see you."

Seth turns sharply and glares, "you wanted to see me." Seth starts to laugh brokenly, "You walked out of my life. Not even a good bye. Not even a fuck you. Then I read online that you married AJ."

Punk takes a breath and then looks at Seth, "I'm sorry..."

"You're sorry," Seth shrieks. He then stands up, "You fucking ripped my heart out, and left me. You did everything you could to hurt me and you're sorry." Seth wipes his eyes again and then hisses, "Get out."

Phil raises his eyebrow, "Seth.. we took off.."

Seth pulls at his hair and sobs softly, "No.. I'm not stuck on a plane with you."

Phil looks at him and frowns softly. He remembers the phone calls from Seth.. the pleading emails and texts right after. Seth all but begged him to talk to him. It had ripped Phil's heart out but he couldn't do it. He was selfish. He still remembered Roman finding him and nearly killing him because he hurt Seth. Roman and his wife where two people that you didn't mess with.

Dean, though, was the one that brought him to Wrestlemania. Renee sent a message through AJ and Aj made Phil come. Dean wanted Phil to give Seth something. Dean went to far as to say Phil owed it to Seth.

Aj's words echoed in Phil's brain, "I love you Phil.. but you love him and if you don't do this. You'll regret it for the rest of your life."

Phil watches Seth sit across the aisle and hold his head. Phil takes a breath and expects this to be a long flight. He tries to engage Seth but Seth just ignores him and curls up in his seat. Seth then bails out of the plane as soon as he can in NY. Phil though follows him to the appearance on the Today show. Phil can't help but feel proud as Seth puts on his game face and does the interview.

Phil sees the puppy and then when Seth is done with the people he grabs Seth by the shoulders. He steers Seth to the dog despite Seth's soft protest. He smirks when he sees Seth's whole posture melt as the sight. Seth poses with the dog and then hugs the puppy tightly after the photo's. The Today show interveiwer comments that the dog is a fan. Phil smirks and states who isn't. Phil remembers how Seth got Kevin.

Seth sits quietly in Phil's locker room. Phil had been home less then 24 hours and he was already leaving again. Seth holds his legs against his chest and watches his lover get ready for his match. Seth never complained because he couldn't. Phil was living the dream that even he himself wanted to live. He would never ask Phil to give that up. Seth looks up when he feels Phil's hand on his shoulder, "Seth?"

Seth smiles a little at him, Trying to cover up his feelings, "what's up?"

Phil sits by him and frowns softly at Seth, "don't lie Seth.. what's wrong."

Seth shrugs lightly and moves curling against Phils side, "Just lonely. You and Brian are gone."

Phil nods and pulls Seth against his side and whispers, "I'm sorry."

Seth whispers, "not your fault babe." He then takes a breath and looks up at Phil, "I'm just being whiney don't mind me. Lets just enjoy the next couple of hours we have together."

The next week Phil comes home to the apartment. He grins when he sees Seth cooking dinner and humming softly some song. Phil walks over and wraps his arms around Seth's waist.

Seth yelps but then settles against Phil, "Hey you're home."

Phil smiles and kisses Seth's neck, "I am.. I have something for you too."

Seth looks up at Phil confused, "you do? What?"

Phil grins softly, "You should come and find out."

Seth nods and follows Phil to the living room. Phil guides Seth to sit on the couch and whispers, "close your eyes."

Phil waits until Seth isn't peeking and then picks up the tiny Yorkie puppy. he puts it in Seth's arms. Seth opens his eyes and gasps softly.

Phil whispers, "You won't be lonely anymore."

Seth smiles brightly as the puppy yips and licks his face.

Phil smiles sadly remembering that bright light that came from Seth's eyes that day. The smile that held his heart lighting up seth's face. He use to love when the smile was aimed at him. He takes a breath and closes his eyes wondering if that smile would ever be aimed at him agian.