Hello! I know it's been months since I posted on here. Honestly, I was thinking about deleting this story and starting fresh. But I'll keep it up for a little while longer. If I were to delete it I was planning on redoing it and turning it into a holiday fic. I would only update on a holiday, (ex: this one is Christmas, the first chapter was Easter.) I would go through all the holidays for a year and you'd get to see Lizzie grow throughout it.

Let me know what you guys think. Keep or delete?

Anyhow, enjoy and happy holidays to all.

"Elizabeth, no." Erin stated firmly as her daughter started to roll an ornament under the half lit Christmas tree.

Jay walked down the hall with another box of decorations, "okay, this is the last box of stuff."

Elizabeth stood up and waddled to the box, pulling on the tabs to open it. Jay scooped her up before anything got broken or she got hurt. He walked over to Erin with Lizzie resting on his hip, he then adjusted her before placing a kiss on her head.

"Mama," Lizzie squirmed and extended her arms towards Erin.

Erin smiled and finished stringing the strand of lights she had in her hand before walking over to her husband and daughter, "what's up missy?"

"Wights." The almost two year old pointed to the tree with multicolored lights.

Jay smiled and peppered kisses to his daughter's pigtailed head, "You should rest, babe. You've been on your feet way too much."

Erin rolled her eyes and waved her hand in front of the barely finished tree, "Tomorrow is Christmas, Jay. I have to finish the tree."

Jay walks over and kisses his wife's head, "You go put your feet up and watch me decorate." Lizzie reached for her mom, "take her and watch The Grinch."

Erin nodded and looked down at her seven month belly, her hand falling to it, rubbing circles on it lazily.

Jay watched and placed his hand over hers, "Go get comfy in bed, I'll change her diaper and get you guys some snacks."

Erin smiled widely and without realizing, she let tears of joy and happiness fall from her eyes, "Jay Halstead, I love you so much."

Jay brought his hand up to Erin's face, using his thumb to wipe away her tears. He felt her press against his hand, feeling the warmth radiate. Jay leaned in and kissed her forehead, "Go. I can finish the lights and hang the ornaments."

Erin flashed one more smile before heading to the bedroom. Jay came in a few minutes later with a clean Lizzie. He plopped her down on the bed and she crawled up against Erin, using her belly as a pillow to rest her head on it. Erin pressed play and absentmindedly twirled Elizabeth's hair in her finger as they both engrossed themselves in the movie.

Jay stayed for a good part of the movie before pushing himself up from the bed to finish the tree.

Once the tree the done and dinner was in the oven, he popped his head to check on his girls. Both of them were fast asleep. Lizzie was sprawled out across Erin's body pillow and Erin laid on her side, draping her arm over Lizzie, the other resting on her belly.

Quietly, Jay made his way further in the bedroom. He froze when he saw Erin stir. But sighed deeply when she still remained asleep.

Up until the last month, Erin pregnancy went smoothly. She had a bout of morning sickness in the beginning but that was over with, the only thing that still affecting her was she still can't eat avocado without getting sick. With weekly massages at this prenatal spa Kim recommend, her back barely hurt and her ankles only swelled when she was on that too much.

The one thing Erin complained about was she felt bigger than when she was pregnant with Lizzie. Jay couldn't tell the difference, other than Erin's cheeks were a little fuller and to his liking, her breast were too.

Jay moved over to the open side of the bed and slid under the covers, resting his eyes a bit.


The sound of the timer on the oven caused everyone to jerk awake. Lizzie cried a little at the interruption and Erin groaned loudly. Jay was quick to his feet, sleepily going to the kitchen, pulling out the traditional Christmas Eve lasagna. For as long as Jay could remember, his mother made lasagna on Christmas eve. Will and him would get to open up one present, which was normally picked out by his dad. Coincidently he picked out matching pajamas for them to wear.

The tradition still hadn't changed, lasagna was still served, matching pajamas were worn. Erin and him even started a new tradition of their own.

After eating they would all curl up by the tree and talk about what they hoped for the next year and what they loved that happened this year.

"I can't wait for the baby," Erin started.

"What is something that happened this year that you loved?"

"Aside from finding out I was pregnant...I'd say Elizabeth's first birthday."

Jay smiled and looked over at Lizzie who was lying on her back, looking up at the lights. "I can't wait to see how she will be when she turns two." Which was five months away. Jay caught a glimpse of Erin, who frowned at the thought of her a baby girl growing up. "The one thing I loved that happen was when we found out what the gender is."

Erin laughed and rolled her eyes teasingly. Jay leaned in and placed a firm kiss to his wife's lips, "Oh boy." He whispered.

"Oh boy, indeed." Erin deepened the kiss.

The sound of the clock broke them apart as the time struck midnight. Jingle Bells rang through the quiet house.

"Merry Christmas, Er." Jay kissed her once more before resting his forehead against hers.

"Merry Christmas, Jay." Erin linked her arms around Jay's neck as he slowly brought them both to lay down flat next to the tree.