Hi, so this is Persassy The Hero with a rewritten version of 'A Professor That Came Across The Sea". Please note that there are major changes in this story and will differ from the previous one. You can think of this as a whole new story, just with the same general idea.

Not much romance.

I suck at those.

Thank you and hopefully enjoy.


The Dead were supposed to be left alone. They were not to be messed with, no mortal or god was allowed to bring them back to the domain of the living. Not even Hades, the god of the Dead and king of the Underworld, could get away with such a crime.

"Perseus Jackson" A loud voice boomed across the throne room of Mount Olympus. "Do you accept your punishment?"

A certain black haired boy stood under the gaze of the mighty god of the Sky. His once twinkling eyes held an unbearable amount of emotion. The color of the sea was long gone and was replaced by a dull, boring green.

"I do"


"Did you hear? Harry Potter's going to re-attend Hogwarts too!"

"I'm not looking forward to failing all of my classes..."

"I got a new owl!"

"You think I'll be in the Quidditch team this year?"

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, a magically concealed station where young witches and wizards came to board the Hogwarts express, was crowded with excited new and experienced students. It was a new start for most people. You-Know-Who was gone, defeated by the famous Harry Potter, and despite the loss of many, people kept the magical spirit on going by sending their children to Hogwarts again.

"So, who's going to be the new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor?" A tall red head who stood taller than most people on the platform asked a smaller green eyed boy.

Harry shrugged, he honestly did not care. All he wanted to do was have fun like he did in his earlier days before everything started. Bloody hell, that made him sound old.

"I promised my mum that I would bring back a perfect score this year, like I always did." Hermione, a bushy haired girl, stated. Her tone wasn't smug nor bragging, she was merely saying the obvious fact. "Are you two going to at least make an effort to make non-failing grades?"

Ron scrunched up his eyebrows and put on his 'Thinking Pose'. "Nah. Too much work." He said after a while. Hermione slammed her palm on her forehead and sighed.


The trio turned their head towards the sudden surprised yelp that came from within the crowd. Of course, curiosity got the best of them and they made their towards the source.

Many snickered and snorted.

"What's going on-" Hermione asked with a frown but halted when she saw what the others were seeing.

There, on the floor by the brick wall you had to pass in order to enter Platform 9 and 3/4, was a rather tall black haired man sprawled across the ground. His robe was crinkled and his suitcase was several feet away from him.

Ron and Harry had to fake a cough to conceal their laughter.

"Oh my." Hermione whispered with concern. "Sir, are you alright?"

"Does it look like I am?" The man mumbled as he stood up, brushing invisible dust from his knee. "Damn portal thing. Have you people ever heard of a normal entrance, like a door?"

Hermione's nose crinkled at the barely hidden insult "Well it wasn't our fault that you crashed."

She huffed and marched away from the man and dragged Harry and Ron by their wrists.

"I've never seen him before" Harry said, it was more of a question.

"Maybe a new professor?" Ron suggested.

They soon arrived at the train where other students were piling in and entered the Hogwarts Express.

Harry was struck by how familiar the hall and the carts looked and marveled at how it didn't change a bit. He had missed it. The laughter and cheerfulness of his fellow schoolmates and the leathery smell of the seats.

The three of them found an empty cart and practically crashed into the seats.

"This brings back memories" Ron murmured. "This had better be a good year."

Harry silently agreed and watched the last of the students pile in the train through the window. A new start was always good, right?

Obviously not.

The door of their cart slid open and Harry watched with mild interest as the man they had seen on the floor previously enter. Hermione scowled from the fresh memory of the man's rude words.

"Sorry, all the other carts were full." He apologized and gave them a kind smile, sliding the door shut behind him. Hermione's eyes widened slightly at the man's soft tone.

Maybe he was just cranky about the fall, Harry mused, I would be if I were him.

"So..." The man started awkwardly as he sat next to Harry. "I'm Percy."

Ron choked on his own spit and spluttered, "Percy?"

"Um, yeah?" Percy raised an eyebrow, slightly offended. "Is there a problem?"

"N-no" Ron stuttered as he flushed. "It's just that you have the same name as my brother. I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley."

"Hermione Granger"

"Harry Potter"

Harry had to admit he was a little disappointed when Percy didn't react at all to his name except flashing a smile. He rather enjoyed the shocked expression on other's faces caused by his identity.

"I hope we get along well."


So! How was it? Good, Bad, Horrible?

I will update about once or twice a week, maybe even three times. Depends.

Thank you and have a nice day.




But wait!



Could you spend just 5 seconds of your life to entertain me by answering these daily questions?

(For those who are new, I rather enjoy asking questions)




Question Of The Day (QOTD)

:Have you ever eaten clay or Play Doh?: