Hey yall, ok so this girl on Tumblr requested me a part 2 of Worth It. So here it is! Thank you so much "GIRL OF PARADISE" for helping me tremendously with this chapter, shes a awesome BETA reader so hit her up if you need some improvement for your stories. If you want to read part 1 go to Chapter 6, if you want. (I suggest you do if you didn't yet so you can understand this chapter.)

Now this is really long so if you're in for the ride, grab your popcorn and tissues and read away!

Enjoy Kittens!

Worth It (Part II)

Maka slowly blinked her eyes open, she winced from the bright sunlight shining at her from her window. She took a moment to lie down in her bed and then sat up to stretch her stiff muscles. She looked around in her light pink room and then turned on her phone to check the time.

'12:00 P.M.' Maka sighed and put her phone back down, then lay back on her bed.

After a few moments she suddenly realized why she had instinctively awoken. SOUL WAS PICKING HER UP AT ONE, ONE O' FRICKIN CLOCK. Maka leaped out of her bed then rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a quick hot yet relaxing shower.

Thirty minutes later of freshening herself up passed and she was now looking around for her bathing suit. She had 30 minutes left until Soul is picking her up and she didn't want to keep him waiting. Maka found her bathing suit in her closet and changed from her comfy pajamas to her swimsuit. It was a purple two piece with black polka dots on it.

Maka looked in the mirror and did a few poses enthusiastically before deflating and frowning at her reflection.

She felt like she didn't have any sex appeal whatsoever.

How can a stupidly attractive guy like Soul have any interest in a boring girl like her? That was the question that was on her mind all night yesterday.

Maka grabbed all the things she would need, her phone, sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, then placed them in her bag one by one. She threw on a plain gray shirt and some blues shorts over her bathing suit, the ribbon tie of the bathing suit showing on the back of her neck. She put on some black sandals, grabbed her bag and walked out her room, towards the kitchen.

She knew her father left for work because if he has off days he would make himself some coffee and watch some television. Then he would patiently wait for his precious Maka to wake up. Maka looked at the clock programmed into the microwave, 12:50.

Maka may hate rushing but she really wanted to go to beach, she hasn't been in such a long time (and perhaps that's not the only reason she rushed).

Since Soul was probably on his way Maka decided to call him to let him know that she was ready. She looked for his contact and pressed the green call button. After 30 seconds of monotone phone pick up rings, she heard a husky "Who is this?" from the other line.

"It's Maka, Maka Albarn, the girl whose shirt you ruined, remember?" Maka said teasingly.

She heard Soul's deep chuckle through the phone that made her cheeks tint with pink. "Oh Blondie it's you, it seems like you read the hidden message I gave you." Maka can hear Soul's smirk form from the phone.

Maka scoffed, "Well it's not really a hidden message considering you stuffed it into my hand." Maka said. Soul hummed in agreement then stayed silent.

"So we're going to the beach huh?" Maka asked, trying to not make the conversation go awkward.

"Yeah, forecast says that it'll be around 90 degrees today, perfect day to go to the beach, don't you think?" Soul said. Maka nodded in agreement even though Soul couldn't see her. "You do have a point, I haven't been to the beach in so long plus this might be the only day when Death City won't be too hot," After that they talked about their morning and other stuff.

"I'm here, blondie. Hope you're wearing something cute."Maka looked at the time, it was four after one, he was four minutes late.

She walked out her apartment and locked the door with the house key. She took the elevator to go down and walked into the lobby to find Soul. It was hard to find him because so many people checking in and checking out. "C'mon Maka it shouldn't be that hard to find a nice-looking guy with white hair and red eyes." Maka whispered to herself.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around her small shoulders. Maka eyes went wide and she shivered from the unexpected warm touch to her cold skin. She looked up behind her to see a pair of blood-colored eyes staring down at her, sporting that notorious grin that made Maka's heart skip a few beats.

"Sup blondie." He whispered in her ear.

Maka forcefully released herself from his grasp and punched him in the chest, "Don't scare me like that jackass!" Maka snapped. Soul put his hand on his hard chest and looked at her with a fake sad face, "Ow blondie, I thought we were cool. Oh, the pain, she's hurt me so bad. I don't think I can take it!" Soul said exaggeratedly and used his other hand to fake a faint. Soul laughed to himself then started to walk towards the front entrance door.

Maka just stood where she was and crossed her arms, pouting like a little kid, making sure her cheeks were puffed out. Soul noticed she wasn't following him, so he went up and pinched her left cheek.

"C'mon, if we don't leave now the beach is going to be extremely packed and the beach sucks when it's like that...so let's go." Soul grabbed her small hand and walked out the main lobby.

Soul and Maka walked up to 'Abigail' and Soul checked his tires making sure they were secure. "So that red-haired guy yesterday that overreacted, he's your father?" Soul asked.

Maka stared at the black eagle that soared through the sky "Mmm Hmm" she said with a slight nod, "That's my father, I'm sorry he got crazy like that, he's just overly protective of me is all." Soul sat at the front of the motorbike and patted the space behind him signaling Maka to get on.

Maka, once again slowly, walked to her death disguised as a bike. She made sure she was snug on the leather padding and wrapped her slightly shaking arms around his waist. Soul started up the bike, the roar of the engine causing Maka flinch a little, she had forgotten how loud and intimidating this bike was.

Soul drove from the apartment parking lot to the highway leading to the beach.

Once they got to the beach, Maka opened her eyes to see yellow sand, coral blue water, and little specks of people in the distance. As Soul and Maka got off, Soul started to slowly take his shirt off, letting the searing sunlight shine upon his torso. Maka tried to look away from the sight of his should-be-illegal body right in front of her. Soul took his green shirt and stuffed it in Maka's bag, making her water bottle fall out.

Maka gave him a look and bent down to get her sand covered water bottle, when she sat up she told Soul she had to go to the bathroom. Maka sat on the sort of clean toilet seat lid in one of the empty stalls, groaning loudly at how stupid she's being. Of course she's just overreacting but she can't stop thinking about what will Soul think of her in…a bikini.

Maka shook her head and slapped her cheeks with the palm of her hands. "Get it together Albarn, Soul is waiting for you and you're being an insecure dumbass." Maka hissed at herself.

Maka dropped her bag on the floor and pulled her shirt off, then pulled her shorts down. She stuffed the clothes in her bag and spread her sunscreen lotion all over her body, smoothing the cream deep in her skin.

She stepped out the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, she was ready. Maka took a deep breath and walked out the ladies room with her bag and her head held high.

Soul was standing against the wooden stairs that lead down to the beach, he was waiting for Maka patiently. Earlier a few gorgeous girls waved and tried to flirt with him. But Soul just waved back and pushed them away, he was here with Maka not them, it would be uncool if he blew her off like that after he invited her.

Soul looked at the time on his watch, 2:01. "What the hell is she doing? It's been 10 minutes already…"

He hopes she isn't on her...time of the month. 'Soul you dumbass, why would she even agreed to come if she had that sort of problem' Soul's conscience scolded.

"Sorry I kept you waiting." a way too familiar voice ringed in his ears promptly.

He looked on his right to see Maka standing beside him wearing a polka dotted purple bikini. Her bare skin was looked soft and shiny as the sunlight touched her. But what really drove him crazy was those stunning legs of hers, they were slender, long, and…hot damn.

Before his male mind went to perverted thoughts the soft little voice rang out again, interrupting his thoughts. "You're not saying anything. D-Do I look bad?"Maka said in an insecure, shy tone.

Soul immediately wave his hands in disagreement "No, not at all. In actuality you look...pretty." he was about to say "sexy" but he didn't want to make her mad or feel uncomfortable, that wouldn't have been cool.

Maka smiled brightly and then looked down shyly, while thanking her handsome -hopefully-soon-to-be-boyfriend- friend. After a moment of blushing and awkward glances, Soul decided to end the awkwardness by purposely grabbing Maka's beach bag and running toward the beach with it. Of course this irritated the small girl and ran after him, shouting his name in a bitter tone.

Soul dropped her bag and faced towards the tired girl. Soul smiled evilly at Maka and she started to back away, already knowing where this was going. Soul was now chasing after her in full speed, catching up to the poor girl inch by inch.

Then all of a sudden Maka let out a small scream as she was suddenly airborne. Soul threw her over his broad shoulders and ran towards the crystal blue ocean. Despite Maka's entailing threats of: "Soul put me down!", "I will hurt you, if you don't let me go!", and Soul's personal favorite, "I will kill you, then wait for you to reincarnate, and then kill you again." she was having a really good time.

After about a half hour of beach shenanigans, Maka walked deep into the water. Soul was at the local seafood shack placing a reservation before the restaurant gets busy and full of beach goers.

Maka was just standing there in the water, her eyes were closed taking a deep breath of the clean salty air. She could stay like that forever. She hasn't felt in peace like this in a long time. When she opened her eyes all she saw was a high blue tide.


"Ok sir, your order will be ready in an hour and half." the young waiter said. Soul nodded and looked at his phone, the time read 4:01. The waiter gave Soul his remaining money back and gave him his waiting number ticket, he was 24 in line for a table for two. It's a good thing he went for a reservation early, he had heard that people were 100 in line and had to wait nearly 5 hours for their food.

Soul thanked the kind waiter and walked out the restaurant towards the beach outlet. As he looked around the different stores, one store named, "The Crazy Cat", boldly displayed in pink neon lights caught his attention. He slowly walked into the store, and feminine fragrance hits his nose, which smelled pretty damn good in Soul's opinion. He looked around and saw a bunch of girlie products, jewelry, clothes, etc.

He went over the accessories section and saw a bunch of girly stuff Maka will probably wear. Soon a certain bracelet caught his eyes, it was a shiny little gold bracelet that had books and star charms on it. The book charms each had different designs and the stars had little diamonds in the center.


He looked at the price...$109.99. It made Soul turn as white as his hair. "Goddamn, this much for one single necklace" Soul whispered to himself. He knows the necklace is beautiful and it has great value but he can't afford that much for little necklace.

Soul put the necklace back and hit the table lightly, he really wanted to get Maka something. He really, really, really likes this girl. It's like every time her very presence appears near him exhilarating chills runs through his body. Soul hit the jewelry table a little harder this time.

"Dammit."Soul whispered louder.

"Hey don't hit th-…Soul?" A deep voice called out. Soul turned around and saw a dark skinned guy with short dreadlocks, wearing glasses. Soul eyes widened, he didn't know his friend worked here.

"Kilik?" Soul said. Kilik smiled and patted Soul on the back "Hey man, long time no see. What's a guy like you doing in a store like this?" he asked. "I should be asking you the same thing." Soul said, seeing that other than him he was the only male in this store.

Kilik blushed a little bit, "Well...I was desperate for a job and this was the only one that paid decently and gave me fairly good work hours. Plus I get to meet hot babes every day." Kilik said. Soul understood the situation and patted him on the back.

"Enough about me though. What about you? What is the ever-so cool Soul Eater Evans doing in this feminine store?" He said. Soul sighed and paused for a moment before talking,

"Well it's this girl..."

-10 minutes later-

"Damn man I've never seen you so...What the word...passionate for a girl like this." Kilik was shocked after hearing how Soul felt about this girl. "Yeah man, I just met this girl yesterday and she's already driving me crazy."

Soul held up the necklace up. "And I wanted to give this to her, because I think she'll really like it."

"So what's holding you back man?" Kilik asked. Soul showed him the price tag, "It's the price, and I understand it's a really cool necklace but 109 bucks for one small necklace...I only have 75." Kilik understood his situation, looked at the necklace for a minute then gestured Soul to walk with him.

Soul was confused at first but realized they were walking to the cash register. As they got there, Kilik scanned the necklace and asked Soul to pay 45 bucks. Soul eyes widened and he thanked him about a billion times gladly paying up the 45 bucks.

Kilik put the necklace in a cute little white box in the store bag. Soul thanked him again and Kilik smiled at him wishing his pal good luck. Soul then walked out of the store, feeling jolly like Santa Claus.

He walked back to the beach to go to look for Maka. When he got to their beach spot, he saw her bag lying on the sand but he didn't see Maka. He looked towards the ocean but she wasn't there.

Soul suddenly felt queasy in the stomach, something didn't feel right 'Soul don't freak out, she's probably in the bathroom or at the snack bar' Soul thought to himself more frantically then he would have admitted.

He ran to almost every little area on the whole beach. After about 15 minutes he still couldn't find her even after searching every little corner of the whole beach which eventually made Soul seriously panic.

"Where is she?" She was nowhere to be found. "Fuck, Maka where are you? Maka?"

As Soul was running towards the ocean again to double check, he spotted a familiar looking black hair band floating through the water. He picked it up and examined it closely, he could have sworn Maka had this same one on her left…

"Shit!" Soul yelled, he knew where Maka was.

He dove underwater, swimming as fast as he can.

-Maka's POV-


Water invaded my vision. My lungs luckily saved up a small amount of oxygen for me to hold before the water took me with it. My heart started to beat erratically, it's because of the fact that I can't swim underwater.

I know right. Why does a 16 year old girl not know how to swim at this age? I just never had the time to take lessons. I hate myself now that I didn't.

I knew this beach day was going to bad idea...of course it's not Soul's fault, he didn't know. I just knew that something bad was probably going to happen and it did.

The remaining oxygen in my lungs is slowly running out and I'm going to die.

Even though water surrounded all around me, I can still feel the salty tears slip past my cheeks. Why do I have to die now? Why now, when I'm finally...happy.

Yesterday was hands down the best day of my life. For once I didn't go straight home and read books all night or write depressing poetry on a Friday night.

For once I didn't go to school and instead took a nice, crazy, fun day off.

For once I met a guy who didn't make me feel like a loser and knows how to have true fun.

Why? Why do I have to always suffer in the end like this...

Darkness started to fill my vision, the water started to creep through my nostrils.

I guess this is the conclusion of the pitiful life of Maka Albarn.


Soul saw her body and used his strong arms to hold her tight and swim to the surface of the ocean.

"Gahhh" Soul came up from the water and ran towards the sand area.

He placed her down and immediately started to pump her chest and gave her breath. After doing that many times, Maka wasn't coughing up water or any sign of getting better.

Instead of calling for the ambulance, Soul decided just to scoop her up in his arms and ran across the beach to the hospital nearby. He didn't care if people were staring at him weirdly, all he cares about is Maka right now.

When he finally got there, thankfully a doctor was passing by until he spotted the tired boy and the unconscious girl. He asked Soul what happened and Soul was in too much in shock but to start panicking. The doctor called in his team and the nurses took Maka immediately to the emergency room to pump her stomach.

*One hour later*

Soul was sitting in the waiting room with his hands over his head, all he was thinking about what would happen to Maka. What if she dies, Soul wouldn't know what to do if that happened. First the all, her father would murder him, it's already bad enough that he doesn't like him. He can't just go up and tell they guy "Hey I'm sorry but your daughter is dead." that old man will go ballistic.

Soul sighed heavily "What am I gonna do?"

"Soul Evans." a calm voice called out.

He looked up to see the same doctor that pumped Maka's stomach, "You can come see Miss Albarn now." he said. Soul sat up and ran to the doctor "Is she okay? She's not dead…right?"

"Don't worry, she's not dead, and she's fine, she's actually conscious right now she's just a little disoriented." the doctor said. Soul sighed with relief and let the kind doctor guide him towards Maka's room.

When they got there Soul saw Maka awake reading a book on the human biology, that made Soul chuckle. Even at this serious moment she's still reading a book. Maka noticed his chuckle and turn her head towards his direction, smiling weakly. "Hey Soul..." Soul gave his menacing grin, hiding his shaking hands in his pockets.

"Still reading at a time like this blondie."

Maka nodded and put her book down, the doctor smiled at the two and decided to leave them alone. Soul pulled up and chair next to her bed and pushed her wet hair out of the way. Maka started to tear up but she tried to hold it in, Soul held his arms out signaling for her to hug him.

Maka didn't hesitate to rush into his arms, tears soon falling down her cheeks. Maka gave Soul sobbed out apologies and told him how she was stupid for going deep in the water.

Soul just comforted her and told her she wasn't dumb and that she had nothing to be sorry about. They stayed like that for a long time, and soon Maka calmed down and wiped her remaining tears away.

"Maka...what happened?" Soul said. Maka sighed then looked up at Soul, "I was standing deep in the water because I wanted the water to splash me, but, if I remember correctly, the tide was a too big and pulled me underwater." Maka explained. Maka was shook thinking about it, so Soul put his hand on her back to calm her down.

"It's a good thing your lungs held on till I came to your rescue or you would have been a goner."Soul said. Maka stayed quiet for a moment, but to Soul it felt like forever.

"Maybe it would have been better if they hadn't." She said quietly.

Soul didn't hear what she said so he put his hand behind his ear as though blocking out other sounds.

"Maybe it would have been better if they hadn't." Maka repeated a little louder but Soul still didn't hear her.

"Speak up blondie." Soul said in a frustrated tone.

"Maybe it would have been better if they hadn't!" Maka shouted in a discounted tone. Soul stared at her wide eyed and tried to comprehend what she just said. After about a minute of overwhelming silence Soul spoke up again.

"Why the hell would you say that?" He spat out bitterly. Maka looked up to see his angered expression, making Maka soon regret saying that. It's the truth though, if Soul didn't save her Maka could have stopped suffering from her empty life.

"Answer me Maka!" Soul yelled standing up.

"Why are you getting mad at me all of a sudden?" She yelled back defensively.

"Because you-" He sighed with annoyance stopping himself from making the situation worse. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down before continuing,

"Because you shouldn't want to be dead, think about your friends, your family, your father. Think about the suffering they would go through knowing that someone they loved is gone, forever." Soul said. Maka stayed silent knowing that Soul had a valid point.

If the important people in her life knew she was dead, she knew that sort of thing would scar them for a long time.

But even so...

"Maka, don't wish your life away because of hardships. You have a loving father that undoubtedly loves you so much. I wished my parents showed me affection..." He said the last part quietly. Maka looked at him now, she wondered what Soul's past was like. What's was his story?

From that last comment, she guessed that Soul didn't have the best childhood. She wanted to ask about his parents, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable or strike a nerve. She'll just ask him when the time is right.

Soul noticed he caused a lot of tension so he brushed it off "But anyway, even if you wanted to die, there's no way in hell I'll let you because then I'll have no one to annoy. So I'll make you stay alive, blondie." that made Maka smile and roll her eyes playfully. Thankfully, Soul and Maka went back into their comfortable, enjoyable atmosphere slowly forgetting the heated argument they had earlier.

Suddenly the doctor came back in giving his approval that Maka could be checked out. Soul helped Maka out of the bed and after checking out they walked back to the beach to get their stuff. They went out to eat at that seafood shack when they were called. After they finished eating and paid for their food Soul noticed that Maka was starting to get tired, so he took her home.

"Wow what a crazy day." Maka said jokingly, as they approached her apartment door.

"Yeah..." Soul simply said. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly and if you pay attention closely you can see that he looks a bit nervous.

But Maka didn't notice his anxious behavior, and began to reach in her bag for her house keys.

'Come on Soul, just give it to her, this is the perfect chance' Soul thought.

As Maka finally found her keys, she saw Soul take out a small white box out of his pockets. "M-Maka I want you to have this." he said as he held the white box out to her.

Maka looked at Soul then at the box shocked. Soul opened it slowly revealing a gold necklace with books and stars charms on it. Maka stared at the necklace in awe as it sparkled from the bright corridor light. Soul smirked proudly as she watched her adorable reaction to his sweet gift to her.

"Soul...it's so gorgeous."Maka was almost at a loss for words, the necklace was just so beautiful, she knew by looking at it that it must have cost a fortune. Soul gestured her to turn around and Maka complied, turning her back towards him. Soul pushed her wet hair to the side then put the necklace around her damp neck.

Maka turned back around and didn't hesitate to lean forward on her tip toes and press her lips to Soul's own warm ones. Soul was surprised that Maka made the first move, but he wasn't about to complain. It drove him up the wall the first time when he kissed her lovely lips. Now he's familiar to her sugary taste, and he can't get enough of it.

Maka raised her hands to Soul's hard, structured chin. Soul picked her up, spinning her around making her giggle through their kiss. Soon they both released, panting for air.

Maka was against the hallway wall and Soul had his hand above her, looking down at Maka. He got closer to her face and Maka looked up innocently at those wine colored eyes that made her heart beat uncontrollably.

"Maka...be mine." It sounded more like a statement than a question but Maka wasn't angry, not at all. She actually she wanted to hear those words, ever since Soul first placed his lips on her for the very first time yesterday.

She found someone who liked her for her. She still didn't understand what someone like Soul would see in a girl like her. But she wasn't going to question or challenge it. She would just take it slow with him for now. She didn't want to rush things or fall in love with him too fast and, in the worst case scenario, suffer from a nasty heartbreak.

It's not like she's thinking Soul is gonna break her heart in the future, he doesn't look like the type of guy to do that, but Maka didn't' want to be naive into this. She wants to be prepared for the worst so she won't suffer as bad. It's sad that it was that way, but that's life.

On a more positive note, Maka feels a strong connection every time she's with Soul, she feels comfortable with him. It was as though she could talk with him for hours on end and never get bored. She silently prays that she and Soul's relationship will blossom into something beautiful in the future.

"Yes." Maka answered him blissfully.

Maybe…she could be happy.


I hope you guys enjoyed that! Please Comment, Fav, all that junky joo!


"Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect"- Demi Lovato