"Ella? Ella? Talk to me. What's happening?"

Ella was sobbing. Charlie couldn't understand a word she was saying. But she heard shouting in the back, and she knew it was her God-Awful parents.

"That's it. I'm coming over,"

"No, Charlie. They won't let me leave."

"And I won't let you stay! I'm coming over. Get out if you can. If you can't, stay where you are."

Charlie called that she was leaving and ran out to her car, speeding across town to Ella's. She banged on the door. Ella's mom answered.

"Charlie, now really isn't the best time-"

"The hell it's not. Where is she?" Charlie demanded, pushing past her. She searched the run-down flat for her best mate. When she found Ella, she was bruised, battered.

"That's enough. Ella's leaving, for good," Charlie demanded.

Ella's mom went to grab her, and this drove Charlie berserk. She swung for Ashley, actually managing to damage her. Ella was terrified.

"I've had enough of you treating Ella like garbage. Just because her brother isn't around to protect her anymore, doesn't mean that you can hurt her!"

Charlie then caused just about the textbook definition of a "domestic disturbance," she fought Ella's parents, yelled, and eventually the police got called. The Osborns were able to convince the police that everything was Charlie's fault, that she came in, uninvited, and started to cause a disturbance. Since Charlie had a bit of a violent record, they believed them.

Charlie knew she had fucked up, so she went with the police peacefully. She was really in some tough shit. She had been in fights before, but never one in which the police was called. She decided on whom to call. She decided that Matthew was probably her best bet.

Once she got to the station, the police led her into an interrogation room.

"I did it. Obviously, I fucked up. I know I did," she confessed.


"I was angry. Pissed. Defensive. Emotionally unstable. I have a lot of reasons, but they aren't excuses. I. Fucked. Up," The officer was a lady, one who at least seemed kind of compassionate.

"It looks like you haven't had issues in a while. Why now?"

"Do you really wanna know why I got into a fucking fight over there? Because every night, when I'm not there, they put a goddamned beating on Ella and she's too scared and defenseless to stop it or even leave. And I got sick of it. Ella called me sobbing because of her cunt parents. And I went over there and lost my mind, but I'm not the only guilty party here."

"Well, witnesses say you broke into their home and started trashing it. We're more likely to believe adults and witnesses than were are to believe a nineteen year old with a history of violence," she sighed.

"Fine. Whatever," Charlie sighed in defeat and ran a hand through her hair.

"You're facing jailtime, here."


"Do you want your phone call?"


They gave her a phone and she dialed her cousin's number.

"Charlie? What's up?"

"I fucked up, man. I'm at the police station. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't want to upset Jacob and Georgie."

Matt sighed.

"Which station are you at?"

Charlie hung up the phone and sighed in resign. She got into a fight with Ella's parents, and now she was facing jailtime.

"Miss Davis?" The officer walked back in. "Someone's paid your bail. You're free to go."

Charlie was given her things, suprised Matthew had already gotten her call. When she wandered out of the station, her benefactor was not whom she was expecting.

"Never thought I'd find you in jail."

"Eggsy? What are you doing here?"

"Just bailing out some girl who got caught in a domestic disturbance..."

Charlie caught on. "That was you? How did you-"

"I have my ways." He smirked. "Now, I'm just wondering how a seemingly normal, pacifistic girl has gotten into two fights in only twenty-four hours?"

"Both parties deserved it," she shrugged, hopping up to sit on the ledge.

"I think a guy who just bailed you out deserves a little more explanation than that."

"Fine," she sighed. "I suppose I can tell you the story. I already told the police, but they didn't believe me. Short story? They hurt Ella, and were going to keep hurting Ella, so I hurt them. Even shorter story? I fucked up,"

He chuckled. Charlie did too.

"So, Eggsy, why'd you bail me out?" Charlie asked. "And what are you? Because I know you're not just some kid,"

"Wanna come for a walk?"

"I suppose I can do you this one favor, considering you just bailed me out," she laughed as she hopped off of the ledge. "Let me just text my brother not to bother picking me up."

She followed Eggsy as the began walking.

"So, are we going to smalltalk about the suprisingly sunny day? Or am I going to get answers? Both seem suitable," Charlie remarked. "It really is uncharacteristically warm out, I might add."

"Why didn't you want to live with your mother?" Eggsy asked.

Charlie was flabbergasted. "I, what? How do you-"

"I know a lot of things, Charlotte," he remarked. "Also, have you been taking your medication? I know you can behave a bit eradically when you aren't,"

"Listen, I don't know who you think you are, but if you believe you can judge me-"

"I'm not judging you, Charlie," he declared. "Trust me when I tell you that you've done much better with your situation than most."

"How do you know these things about me?" Charlie asked lowly with a hint of worryin her voice.

"My job has a lot of perks. Information is one of them," Eggsy led her down an alleyway. "Think fast, Davis."

Eggsy went to attack her. Eggsy's style was very refined, but had a bit of street style intertwined with it. Charlie fought back to the best of her ability.

"What the hell are you doing?" Charlie shouted at him.

Charlie was good, but not as good as Eggsy was. He was able to corner her and get her to the ground.

"You're good. But not good enough," Eggsy said as he cracked a smile, offering her a hand to help her up. Charlie rolled her eyes and took it.

"Any explanation?"

"You have to anticipate your opponent's moves. So when I put my hand here-"

"I use it to get you off your balance," Charlie replied. "Hasn't anyone told you that it's impolite to attack a lady?"

"Once, maybe," he laughed. "Let's keep going."

Charlie sighed, but she was intrigued enough to follow him.

"I work for a certain agency that specializes in, should I say vigilante justice? Maybe not. My agency is about as old as time. We're tasked with playing behind the scenes to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Like James Bond? If you're a secret agent, just say so," Charlie was only half joking.

Eggsy kept describing his agency as they walked down Savile Road. Right to Kingsman Tailors.

"Dressing room one,"

Eggsy led her into the dressing room.

"What do you see in the mirror, Charlie?" He asked.

"Someone who wants to know what the hell is going on." Eggsy laughed.

"I see someone full of potential. Are you interested?"

Charlie laughed. "Hell yeah."

Eggsy pressed a few buttons and the dressing room began to sink.

Charlie laughed in amazement. "How deep does this thing go?"

"Deep enough!"

When it finally stopped, Charlie and Eggsy walked out to find vehicles of all sorts: planes, cars, many of the finer things in life. Then Eggsy led her to a sort of monorail.

"Late. Typical. Let's go."

Charlie was very confused, but also very amused. She got in, and it sped away. She almost got sick. Then a tall, balding man with glasses confronted Eggsy and Charlotte.

"Galahad, late. I'm not suprised. Is this your recruit?"

Eggsy, or Galahad, nodded.

"You can go to the training area, then. Right through those doors."

Charlie sauntered in confusion through the doors into a very military style room, with very military style bunks. The room was filled with a variety of people, from men dressed in suits to women in spring dresses. Charlie was extremely confused, to say the least.

"You must be the last one!"

A girl dressed in black trousers and a jacket strolled over to Charlotte.

"I'm Beth."

"Charlie. Do you mind explaining to me what's going on here?"

Beth laughed. "You must have one that gets a kick out of the mystery. Anyway, this is recruiting for Kingsman."

"You're kidding,"

"Nope. Anyway, I think we're going to start soon. Best of luck."

The man from before sauntered in. Everybody stood in lines, respectfully, ready to listen.

"Everybody! Welcome to training. You are going to be put to your limits, here. But first thing's first: on your beds you will find body bags. Write your full name, date of birth, and next of kin on the bag. And remember: if you tell anyone what you saw here, your next of kin will be in that bag. At ease!" And then he sauntered off.

Beth beckoned for Charlie, and Charlie happily obliged.

"It's a military tactic, the body bag. Merlin's just trying to scare us."

Charlie tried to keep her cool. "I'm not worried. I just won't die."

She wrote Charlotte Eleanor Davis, her date of birth, and Jacob Davis on the bag. She guessed it was Jacob, at least. She'd never had to write her next of kin before.

On the other side of Charlie was a boy in his twenties.

"I'm Elijah, Cambridge, Marines."

"Hi, Elijah, Cambridge, Marines. I'm Charlie."

"Where do you go to school? Oxford?"

"I'm taking a gap year, then going to The University of Paris in the fall," Charlie explained.

"What'll you be studying?" Elijah asked, full of curiosity and interest.

"Sociology, probably."

"Do you speak French?"

"Un peu," Charlie laughed. "I took a few courses, but they say you catch on faster once you're immersed in the language."

Everyone started "lights out"ing.

"Best of luck, Elijah."

A few hours into sleep, shouting woke Charlie up.

"Everybody! Everybody up!"

The room was filling with water. Everybody began panicking, trying to formulate a solution.

"We need to look for potential escape routes," Charlie declared. "The door. If it's locked, we can find a way to pick it. Or break it open,"

The room was full of type-A personalities. Ones who talked over each other. The water was rising faster.

"Hey!" Charlie shouted, causing everyone to look at her. "We need to split into two groups: those who help us find a way out, and those who help us find a way to breathe while we're in here. There has to be a way,"

"The shower heads!" Beth shouted. Elijah and Beth started going over how you can use "simple physics" to get "unlimited oxygen" from showerheads. As the water rose, everyone swam over to create the tools. Charlie swam to the door, but when she found that opening it was useless, she gave up. There was no more air left, at this point. Charlie swam back to the toilets to get her oxygen, but a horrifying sight caught her eye. A girl, one Charlie remembered Elijah calling Violet, was motionless, her leg hooked on the frame of one of the bunks. Charlie swam over to her and tried her hardest to get her unhooked, to save her, but it was to no avail. She couldn't hold her breathe any longer. She felt someone come up from behind her and grab her, but she just kept shaking Violet, trying to get her to move, to do something! But the boy grabbing her from behind just pulled her away and to get some oxygen. Then that same boy noticed something in the mirrors. He started banging on them, trying to make them break. Charlie realized what he was doing. He must have some sort of idea. So after getting one big breathe of air, she beckoned Beth and Elijah to help her help this kid. After a while, there was a spiderweb crack in the mirror, and the boy kicked it all the way through.

The water flooded out and into an observation room. Merlin was standing there with a clipboard.

Charlie turned around to see Violet motionless on the ground. She was dead.

"Recruits! You have finished your first test. Beth and Elijah, nice job on figuring out that with some simple physics and the showerheads, you can have an unlimited air supply. James, nice job on realizing that this was a two way mirror. There was one thing all but two of you forgot. Teamwork. Charlotte was the only one who tried to make a cohesive plan. Charlotte was also the only one who noticed that Violet was left behind, and James was the only one to make sure Charlotte could get to safety. Let this be a lesson to you all: you will get no where at Kingsman without cooperation."