A/N: REVISED. This story contains the kidnapping and implied abuse of multiple girls, as well as the psychological aftermath. While they may be heavy subject matters, I tried my best to approach the healing process as respectfully as possible. As much as I would love for everyone to read this story, if you are too young or sensitive to handle it then it may be best for you to pass this one up. This was originally called 'Save Me', but then I realized how unfitting the title was and in a way, it didn't do Haruhi's struggle justice so I've changed it to 'Rise Up'. With that said—do not flame me. If you have an issue then show a bit of maturity and find another fiction to read. I apologize for any grammatical errors and I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

The boys of the Ouran Host club sat in a darkened music room that only months before had been filled with laughter. They were exhausted, the innocence that they had managed to hold onto despite their complicated pasts had been stripped away. Their heart had been stolen from them, and it seemed that the money they so heavily depended on had become useless.

Tamaki Suoh stood at one of the many windows, his violet eyes unseeing as he stared out into the gardens below. It had been four months; four long painful months since Haruhi had been taken from a store parking lot they had sent her to for coffee. He reached up and rested his hand and forehead on the glass, his vision blurred by tears. He had told her that he would always be there for her—he had promised her that she would never have to be alone again and he had failed her.

Kyoya Ootori turned his head away from the research that hung on the walls, his eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep that was wearing him thin. He watched as his best friend began to silently cry and looked down; Kyoya had not been able to shed the tears that came so easily to Tamaki. He showed his fear and heartbreak in his unrelenting search for information—it was all he knew how to do. He took off his glasses and rubbed his hand over his eyes, he truly was exhausted. He kept having nightmares, in them he could hear Haruhi calling out for them in the dark begging for them to find her. The sounds of her screams and the fear he heard in her voice always seemed to follow him from his sleep and throughout the day.

Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin sat side by side going over the sketchy footage of Haruhi's abduction for the hundredth time. They could see nothing, yet they still watched it as if to punish themselves for ushering her out the door that day with their selfish requests. They had sent her to a monster on a silver platter and every time they closed their eyes all they could see was Haruhi staring at them, her big brown eyes full of blame and anger. The guilt and fear, the absolute fucking pain was tearing them apart like a viscous disease and the twins could only cling tighter to one another. They wished they had cherished Haruhi a bit more—had she known how much they adored her? How could she when they only ever treated her like a toy?

Takashi 'Mori' Morinozuka stood with his back against the wall farthest from the others. He was just as silent as he had always been, but if one were to look into his stormy grey eyes they would see an intricate web of emotions none could hope to describe. It was deeply ingrained in Mori to protect, it was what he was good at; keeping those who were precious to him safe. The thought of Haruhi suffering…or dead, left him feeling like a failure.

Mitsukuni 'Hani' Haninozuka sat at the table in the corner, staring up at the ceiling. With his innocence stripped away by the abduction of Haruhi, his mind had become a dark place. He knew Haruhi was alive, he could feel it—but the thought of what she might be enduring was killing him. Of all the boys, he was the most changed…and he couldn't wait for the day that he made the monster who took Haruhi pay. He would make the piece of shit regret even looking at someone so precious, his thoughts growing darker by the minute as he imagined how he would make her abductor suffer. As much as he wanted to avenge Haruhi, they first had to find her.

Little did the boys of Ouran know, with one phone call all their prayers would be answered.


Chains rattled and clanged loudly against a cold concrete wall, the sound jerking Haruhi awake. Her eyes opened, revealing tried and dull chocolate orbs red rimmed from exhaustion and tears. Her cracked and bloody lips parted as a small whimper of dismay and pain slipped passed them; her head lifting as she rested it on the wall behind her. Despite the months she had already spent crying, tears still managed to blur her vision to make neat trails down her dirt stained face.

She had held on so tightly to her hope that the large steel door of her prison would swing open to reveal her father instead of her demented abductor. Sometimes in her fantasies the boys of the host club would be there, promising to avenge her. They were lovely fantasies indeed, and after the fourth month of hell she began to realize that fantasies were all they would remain. Her hope had begun to die along with her will to live.

A whispered question echoed against the walls of her cell, "Why are you crying Haruhi?"

Haruhi turned to the girl chained a few feet from her; Satori was still beautiful beneath all the blood and grime that covered her bare body. The older girl had been brought into their shared prison nearly two months after Haruhi and Satori didn't know it, but if not for Haruhi's fear of leaving the girl behind she would have long ago given up. She swallowed a few times before answering, "I was dreaming—and then I woke up and realized that my dreams will never be anything more than fantasies."

Satori leaned her head back, "I would trade my nightmares for your dreams any day Haruhi."

Haruhi slowly shook her head, "They are lies Satori, nothing more."

The young girl who once was filled with such sweet innocence and aspirations of what her life would be watched as Satori, who so rarely showed emotion wept.

"Don't say that Haruhi, please don't ever say that. Your dreams are all that I have aside from you—I have nobody. You though, you have family and friends who will never give up. So please Haruhi, don't stop dreaming because the end of your dreams, will be the end of me."

Haruhi closed her eyes and dropped her chin to her chest; her hair which had grown to her shoulders covered her face. "My dreams are not my hopes Satori. They shouldn't be yours either."

It was silent and just as Haruhi thought that Satori had taken her words as serious as she had meant them the older girl said, "But they are Haruhi. I don't have any dreams of my own, so if you've given up on yours then I guess it's up to me to keep them going."

Haruhi looked up at the ceiling—if Satori wanted to hope then she wouldn't take that from her. Just as Haruhi closed her eyes a bang against the steel door made both girls scramble up and cling to the cold wall. The metal scraped loudly against the floor as it was pushed open and her heart sped up in fear; standing in the frame of the door was a monster with the face of an angel. He was tall, nearly as tall as Mori, his light brown hair had not a strand out of place. He was handsome, but all it took was one look into his eyes to see the deplorable creature that he truly was. His eyes lingered over Satori before settling on Haruhi as he twirled the keys on his index finger.

In that moment, it didn't matter how hopeless she had felt only seconds before—she would never stop fighting him. When he took her wrists, her body writhed as she struggled, her legs kicking as she screamed out profanities even as tears streamed down her face. She could barely hear Satori crying out for her as he dragged her by her hair out of her prison, his hold never lessening even as she clawed at his hands with her too short nails in an attempt to cause him even the tiniest bit of pain. Her back thumped painfully against the wooden stairs that he so carelessly dragged her across and Haruhi cursed the tears that oozed from the corners of her eyes. She didn't want him to see he was hurting her, but despite all she had been through in the past four months, she couldn't stop from crying. She let out a strangled gasp as he dragged her across the floor, the wounds across her back and bottom set aflame by the friction of her skin against the rough carpet. She cried out when she felt his hand clench tighter in her hair before lifting and flinging her into his bedroom. She tried to stand, but a swift kick to her ribs sent her sprawling across the floor and stole her breath from her. She heard him chuckle just before he reached down and pulled her up only to shove her onto the bed.

Her ribs ached and her back was raw and burning, but she would rather the pain a hundred-fold than to give the monster who straddled her the satisfaction of her submission. So, she screamed and she fought even as he forced her wrist into a handcuff and felt it clamp tight. She sobbed as she struggled beneath him, the sorrow in her soul as she was once again faced with the inevitability of what was about to happen, far outweighing the pain of her body. And then, something happened that pulled his attention away from her for a second; the phone rang.

She felt the cold metal of the second handcuff and she heard the click just before he slapped a piece of duct tape over her mouth. Her heart raced not in fear as he left the room, but in anticipation—she had noticed his mistake immediately and when she realized that he hadn't she felt a surge of hope. Haruhi was a small girl and after months of being fed enough only to keep her alive, she was even smaller. Her unnaturally thin wrist slid easily from the restraint that her abductor had not properly tightened—she had been given a chance and she knew it was the only one she would ever have. She reached out to the nightstand, her shoulder aching as she snatched the keys up and quickly freed herself. She leapt from the bed and tore the duct tape from her mouth as she frantically searched for a weapon until her eyes fell on the syringe on the dresser.

She knew the effects of the drug well—after he was done he would sedate her, the effect was nearly instantaneous and long lasting. She snatched up her salvation and stood near the door, but far enough that he wouldn't see her until it was too late. The minute she stood with her hand raised waiting felt like an eternity, the tick of the clock echoed against the walls of the room as it seemed to count down her chance at freedom.

Her body grew rigid when his footsteps drew near, her heart fluttering like that of a hummingbird's wings. She saw his shoulder first and in the few seconds it took for him to notice she was missing, she plunged the needle deep into the side of his neck and watched with wide eyes as the clear liquid in the syringe barrel disappeared into his neck.

She jumped back as he haphazardly swung at her, stumbling towards her as she leapt on the bed and scrambled to the other side of the room. She felt a tear slide down her cheek and for the first time in months she wasn't ashamed of them—she had forgotten what it felt like to cry tears of joy.

She watched him sway before falling face first on to the bed and took a step towards him before pausing to look around and grabbing a vase. She didn't want to risk him not being unconscious, so with her new weapon she tapped him hard in the back of the head and let out the breath she was holding when he didn't even twitch. She dropped the vase and quickly began to pull him further onto the bed, her adrenaline lending her weak body the strength she needed to position and handcuff him. She stepped back and gave the man who had made her life a living hell not even a backwards glance as she ran out of the room with his ring of keys. When she saw the phone, she let out a cry and though she thought to call her father, she found herself calling the only people she knew that had the resources to destroy the monster down the hall.

The phone rang once, twice—three times. Then she heard a voice that though was tired, was undoubtedly the most beautiful sound she had heard in a long time.

"Hani sempai?"

There was silence before her friend hesitantly answered back, "Haruhi?"

A sob tore from her throat as she nodded and cried out, "Yes, yes it's me!"

There was a commotion in the background before she heard Hani demand silence, so that he could ask her a question she didn't have the answer to.

"Where are you Haruhi?"

She looked around and whispered, "I don't know."

She heard him take a deep calming breath, "Are you in a house?"


"I need for you to look for something with an address on it Haruhi; look for mail."

She ran around the house naked and scared, until she found a basket full of envelopes. She grabbed a few, and let out a sob of relief before whispering the address. She cleared her throat and repeated it, her voice trembling as she realized that soon she would be home again.

"We're coming for you Haruhi, please stay safe."

"Hani, there are others."

There was a pause, "I'll handle it."

"Don't hang up…please."

"I won't. I promise."

She rushed down the stairs as Hani instructed her to get everyone and herself outside. When she unlocked the door to her cell, Satori looked up with a tear stained face and the fear in her eyes faded away to shock. The older girl listened as Haruhi put down the phone to unchain her, "We have to get everyone out of here, my friends are on their way to get us."

Satori nodded but still asked, "Shouldn't we call the cops?"

"Trust me Satori, its better this way. You'll see."

As soon as Satori's chains fell, she wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, "I don't know how you did it, but thank you Haruhi."

Haruhi nodded, hoping Satori would understand that if she spoke she would certainly break down. Both girls stood and went to free the others; door after door and chain after chain, Haruhi was greeted with tears of something far greater than relief. When she had freed them all, they ran out of the house, uncaring of their nakedness. She listened to Hani's soothing voice, though she could barely hear him over the sound of the helicopter he was in.

She took a deep breath and looked down the dirt road that led to the house in the middle of the woods and waited. When she could hear Hani clearly through the phone once more, she knew they were close and she closed her eyes and nodded to herself when Hani whispered, "Five more minutes Haruhi, just five more minutes."

A/n: I want it to be known, that while I intend for this to be a romance, the core of it is about Haruhi's strength and her healing process. I am not looking to break a strong character, but rather highlight that she can build herself back up and realize that she never lost her strength in the first place. She is not going to become promiscuous after her ordeal, so for those of you who are expecting something like that, I think you're going to be rather disappointed. That being said, please leave me a review—I love constructive criticism as it helps me grow as a writer, but flames are unwelcome.

Thank you.
