Naturally not mine, but rather JKRs.

This chapter was tweaked slightly on the 31st of May, 2020.

Chapter 1:

Lord Voldemort surveyed his inner circle Deatheaters by the flickering firelight. They knelt on the hard floor, dead still as they waited for their Lord to instruct them. He let them kneel a little longer, watching for a sign of discomfort or impatience to punish. Seemingly satisfied for the moment, he addressed his lackeys. "Tonight we exterminate two families who have continually fought against our inevitable victory. I will personally supervise the missions. Wormtail has only been able to provide us with the general location of the bloodtraitor Potters. It is a muggle area, and too few muggles have faced our wrath in the past few weeks. We will purge some more of the world of their filth, along with the Potters, when we burn the whole street with fiendfyre"

Voldemort smirked at the glee on Bella's face, she was a delightfully vicious creature. Snape looked distraught by the news, although he desperately tried to hide his emotions. He had begged Voldemort to spare the mudblood and give her to him as a slave. Voldemort had tortured Snape for a good half hour in an attempt to cure him of his disgusting love of the filthy mudblood. Evidently Snape required further motivation to forget about her. He would be carefully watched during the Potter mission to see where his true allegiance lay.

"After we watch the Potters burn, we will assault Longbottom Manor. I will kill the youngest Longbottom personally while his parents watch. Then you shall play with Alice while dear Frank watches on. We will end the Longbottom line and further our cause as we march ever closer to total victory. Take a portkey from the desk and activate on my command."


Twelve dark figures appeared soundlessly in a small park. On Voldemort's command, the figures spread out, moving into position while he laid anti-apparition and anti-portkey wards over the area with assistance from Bella and the Lestrange brothers. Floo connections for the area had been blocked by a ministry contact a few minutes ago. Voldemort smirked as he imagined the Potters burning alive, the thought bringing him immense joy. He gave the command and Fiendfyre rapidly engulfed the street. The deatheaters soon had to retreat, unable to control the raging inferno. Voldemort, however, added more power and stepped into the midst of the burning black beast, somehow unharmed by the demonic flames. The deatheaters watched in awe and waited silently as screams soon ripped through the night.


James and Lily Potter frantically worked at breaking the wards blocking their escape but the two of them alone simply couldn't match the power of Voldemort and his followers. The intensity of the fire was overwhelming as it consumed the house protections and greedily tried to consume the last of the Potters. "It's no use James, their wards are too strong! We have to get Harry out of here!"

"How, Lils? Everything is blocked. Our elves aren't responding! There's no escape!"

"I have an idea, keep the flames away from me and Harry as long as you can. I need more time!" James nodded and strained to control the flames, tears flowing as his heart was torn by the horror of this situation.

Lily desperately started chanting and waving her wand around a sleeping Harry. Five minutes later flames roared barely centimeters from the Potters whose clothes and skin were already partially charred. Sweat rolled down James' face as he focused on keeping the brunt of the heat from his precious Lily and Harry. Lily finished her chant, hugged Harry tightly, and touched a rune on Harry's head with her wand. The sleeping Harry was whisked away to safety at the nearest safe house, a muggle home where there were limited wards to overcome and limited physical distance. Lily tearfully looked to James, clearly exhausted, but also triumphant.

James leaned down and passionately kissed her and held her close. "I love you, Lils. And I will see you again soon." Lily sobbed against his chest, and James' heart broke all over again. He carefully maneuvered his wand to point at Lily from behind her back and thought "Stupefy." She collapsed against him and he quickly cast the spell at himself as well. The two of them were immediately incinerated.


He awoke in a neatly-kept garden but had no idea how he got there or where he was. He had been dreaming about flying on his toy broom. He looked for his mummy but couldn't see her. He called for his parents as best he could at just over a year old, but they didn't come. Crying now he crawled off down the street while pitifully calling for his mummy. A dog viciously barked at him and that sent his wails of despair to new heights.

Someone who wasn't his mummy hurried toward him from across the street and picked him up. He screamed and screamed as she tried in vain to console him. Soon he was strapped into a chair in a small, strange room. He heard growling and then he was moving faster than he could move on his broom. Houses flashed by while he continued screaming as loudly as he could. After a while they slowed and stopped and he was taken into a building with many strange men in black and white uniforms with strange hats. He tried to escape but they wouldn't put him down and he was just so tired. He eventually fell into a sobbing sleep.


In a perfectly normal home in Little Whinging, the Dursley family followed the slightly bizarre news with detached interest, Petunia tutting over the unkempt state of the child. With nobody able to identify him, he was consigned to a children's home in London, and the police case to the back of a filing cabinet, never to be solved by Muggle law enforcement.


The assault on Longbottom Manor had run very efficiently. With the aurors and the Order of the Phoenix attempting to stop the Fiendfyre, the entire inner circle as well as a group of twenty senior deatheaters unraveled the wards. Voldemort had discretely spent many weeks investigating these wards and effectively shredded them with the concentrated collective power of his chosen team. The wards fell with a horribly high pitched whine and Voldemort entered the house with his inner circle while the other lackeys guarded the grounds.

A quick spell revealed that only Alice and Neville were in the house, magically barricaded in the nursery. Voldemort hissed in annoyance at the additional delay and started assaulting the barricade. A few minutes into his assault he heard shouts and spell fire from outside, rapidly drawing closer to the house. He heard Dumbledore's amplified voice "You are outnumbered and outmatched Tom. Flee while you have the chance, or come face me. Come prove your power to the world, if you aren't too cowardly to face me."

Voldemort snarled in rage. He sent his inner circle to face the meddling old fool and renewed his attack on the warded barricade. With a shout of triumph he ripped through and burst into the room. Alice attempted to shield young Neville but Voldemort didn't have time for her pathetic pleading. Green light flashed and she crumpled to the floor. Voldemort quickly strode to Neville's crib and smiled for a second in triumph before ending the last possible threat to his reign.

But something went wrong. Voldemort was thrown from the room, screaming in agony. His body slowly vaporized as his spell rebounded and he was forced to flee as a mere wraith. Dumbledore appeared at the top of the stairs in a flash of red flame, just in time to witness the flight of Britain's Dark Lord. Frank raced past Dumbledore into the nursery and mournfully cried out as he saw his wife's lifeless form. He froze in shock though when he heard Neville cry. He held Neville to his chest and wept in relief and simultaneous grief.

The wizarding world's celebrations began not even an hour later.