Part IV Maybe

He was proven innocent Barry should have been thrilled, but instead Barry felt worse then he had in days. How could Kathy do that.then blame it on him?

Both Barry and Kathy were brought to the back part of the courtroom. They walked down the hall together without as much as a glance at each other. Eventually they came to an intersection Barry took a left while Kathy took a right. Barry gathered the courage to look at his wife before she was out of sight. Memories of their former life flooded Barry's thoughts and heart; he knew that from this point on his life was never going to be the same.

He was brought to a room where he filled out a bunch of papers, including his release forms. He only had to spend one last night in jail before he was once again a free man.

That night in his jail cell was one the hardest experiences of his life and for Barry Burton that was saying something.

He tried to figure out how he was going to put the shambles that was left of his life back together. It was impossible because every blue-print he thought up in his mind needed Kathy. She was his base and he was lost without her.

The next morning Barry was released his first demand was to see his wife after some arguing Barry was brought to one of those rooms where a glass wall separated you and the person you were speaking to. Barry took a seat and waited for his wife.

Barry didn't have to wait long before Kathy was brought to the room. She was clothed in orange and had hand cuffs around her wrist. Her beautiful image no longer appeared, but was replaced by a broken woman.

Kathy took her seat across from him. The two were quiet for a long time. Barry didn't even know were to start, but luckily he didn't have to.

"Some wife I turned out to be," Kathy laughed miserably.

"Oh Kath don't say that."

"Barry, don't start with me I don't need that."

"Then what do you need? I'll do anything for you Kathy."

Tears start to roll down his wife's cheeks "you would do anything for me after all I did to you?"

"Dammit Kathy you're my wife. We made a vow through better or through worse just tell me what your want from me."

"I want you to leave me Barry and never look back."

"I can't do that!" Barry declared.

"You have to because from this point on were no longer husband and wife," Barry watches in horror as Kathy slides off her wedding ring and shoved in under the space of the glass wall "trust me Barry it's better this way. Make a life for yourself; make a life for our girls." With that said Kathy gets up and walks away from Barry's life.forever.

Barry sat there broken hearted and lost holding his wife's wedding band tightly in his palm. A few times Barry had to wipe away his own tears. The tears were the only thing that kept Barry remembering that all this was real for his mind was in its own world.

It wasn't until someone approached him that Barry began to notice his surroundings again and the shock of life started to once again pound away at his heart.

"Excuse me are you Mr. Burton?" A jailor asked.

"Ah.yeah.yeah I am," Barry said wishing that he was someone else.

"Well then Mr. Burton you have two people waiting for you."

Barry got up from his seat following the jailor out of the prison and into the fresh air. With the breeze a layer of his angst blew away and then he saw them.

Standing twenty feet away was his two daughters. He hadn't seen them in days and just the sight of their innocent faces was enough for Barry's heart to start beating again.

He rushed to them wrapping them both in his arms "Lilly, Dawn!" he cried.

"Daddy we missed you," his younger daughter Lilly told him. Barry kissed both his daughters on the top of the head.

It wasn't going to be easy on any of them, but with one look at his daughters Barry had faith that they were going to make it. He had more faith in that then anything else in his entire life. It was that faith that gave Barry the strength to walk away from the life that was behind him and walk to what was ahead of him no matter what it may be.

* - * - *

Life for the first time in Rebecca's young life was going normal. After the whole Carlos ordeal Rebecca decided to actually go back to college for her masters in literature For the first time she was going to school with people her own age.

Her roommate was like her best friend and she met this guy in her dorm. They were only friends now but she was excited about the possibilities.

Rebecca still talked to everyone quite a bit, but she knew she had to distance herself from it even if it meant leaving her friends. They all are S.T.A.R.S Rebecca never felt like a S.T.A.R.S it wasn't her. S.T.A.R.S were always up front in the action Rebecca like to be the person behind the scenes.

Don't get her wrong S.T.A.R.S taught her a lot of things and so did all the people that are involved in it. It just was now she was ready to use the things she learned on the road ahead not the one behind.

Rebecca was doing an English paper when she heard a knock on her door. David, the guy she had a thing for, came into her room.

"Hey Bec were having a pillow fight back in my room come on."

"All right be right there."

David nods "hurry up I'll meet you back in my room," and in a flash he was gone she could hear him running down the hall.

Rebecca smiled to herself. This was the immature stuff that she missed out on. She was grateful as dumb as it was to get the chance to experience it.

She never regretted her time with S.T.A.R.S when she looked back on it. Rebecca felt it kept her real, but times ahead were looking good. She had no idea what she was going to do or even how do begin doing it, but this didn't scare her it excited Rebecca. The possibilities were endless and she knew whatever she did, whoever she was with, wherever she went Rebecca Chambers was going to be happy.

With that closing thought Rebecca turned off her computer and ran to join her friends in a pillow fight.

* - * - *

Leon was having difficulties putting on his tie. One end kept turning out shorter then it was supposed to. As he was trying for the fifth time Leon reflected how much his life had changed yet stayed very much the same.

Leon had met a terrific girl her name was Trish Lavery. She was the most amazing person that Leon had ever met. Not only was she beautiful but she was just so much more then that to the point that it still surprised him.

He met her actually when he was going to the bathroom. He was at a McDonald's with Sherry when the men's bathroom was out of order. Leon wasn't one to go woman's bathrooms even in high school, but desperate times call for desperate measures. He was just pulling down his pants when a gorgeous woman walks in. She looks in the bathroom mirror and sees his reflection.

"I never met a woman with one of those," she said sarcastically. After that nothing had been the same for Leon.

It was Trish and his three month anniversary and he was taking her out to dinner, but first they had to stop over at Claire's it was Sherry's fourteenth birthday.

Were Leon's life was changed forever by Trish his relationship with Sherry and Claire has pretty much stayed the same.

The three of them did something at least once a week and Sherry stayed at his place most weekends. It was a great relationship in Leon's eyes. He loved Sherry and other then Trish Claire was his closest friend.

Jacob wasn't even that bad of a guy once you got to know him. Jacob, Claire, Trish, Sherry and himself even went out once together and it actually turned out to be a pretty good time. Leon saw why Claire liked Jacob so much they were totally right for each other even he could see that.

Leon was a little threatened at first that Jacob would take his place with Sherry, but soon saw how ridiculous he was being. She and Jacob might get along well enough but he and Sherry had a bond that only a father and daughter could have and he saw that there was no breaking that.

Leon finally got on his tie correctly when he heard his door bell ring. He ran down his steep staircase taking three steps at a time to get to the door, he opened it and their stood Trish looking absolutely amazing he tried to tell her that but words failed him. Trish simply smiled.

"You ready?" she asked him.

Leon quickly ran to his diner table grabbing the rose that he picked up earlier that day he ran it back to Trish.

"Now I'm ready."

Trish gives him a quick kiss and arm in arm they left. Things are never that easy, even with Trish, but Leon realized that you have to go through all the difficult things to find the good stuff. That's how life is and Leon was happy with what he found.

* - * - *

There are few things in life that make you want to be stronger, to be a better person, to take you over and back again. Chris Redfield made her experience all those things. They had made their mistakes, but together they were such better people for it.

Her life at twenty-five years had already been such an experience. Sometimes when she looked back it all seemed so fiction and unreal, but then she sees Chris and even with just a simple touch everything suddenly becomes so real and.worth it.

Jill and Chris walked through the mountain landscapes together. The gorgeous streaks of blue and purple from the mountain melding together creating just a blur of beauty which was a welcoming sight to Jill's eyes. The two had decided to get away from it all for a weekend and simply spend some time with each other Jill couldn't have been more thrilled.

They had just climbed into a ledge on the side of the mountain. It was just wide enough for the two of them to sit down. Jill cuddled against Chris as they watched the sunrise; they felt the morning air grow warmer and heard the birds begin to chirp.

The two were silent for awhile just enjoying the moment when Chris tensed up. She looks up at him he smiled down on her.

"Jill you know I love you right?"

She looks up at him a funny look on her face "I know."

Chris chuckles "Does it ever surprise you through all the terror and horror how wonderful things turned out?"

"Everyday, but I try not to take it for granted. If Umbrella taught us anything it would be to know that anything can happen."

"Your right we should enjoy every day we can."

Jill looks at Chris sadly "You never know what the future will bring."

Chris smiles "All I know is whatever my future is I want you in it."

Jill clings to him "I love you so much," she whispers to him.

They hold each other for a moment longer then Jill feels Chris reach down in his pocket and sees him pull out a jewelry box.

"Jill Valentine will you marry me?"

Jill couldn't believe it she was utterly speechless.

"I'll spend the rest of my life trying to be everything you want. I know I'll probably come up short, but god Jill I'll try."

Jill begins to cry "You're already everything I wanted Chris." She flings her arms around him.

The sun rose on the two. It was true that they didn't know what was ahead of them, but were both positive that whatever came along they have each other.

* - * - *

Claire, Sherry and Jacob were sitting on the couch watching T.V Claire didn't even know what was on T.V she was too pre-occupied with her thoughts.

She just got a call from Rebecca earlier that night. She was really enjoying her college life. In fact she even met someone his name was David and Claire decided he must be a really great guy because she had never heard Rebecca being so happy.

Claire sometimes thought about going back to college; maybe finish her degree in engineering. Then Claire thought about it a little harder she had too much going for her. Going back to school may be her future, but it wasn't her present.

She looked at all she had going for her on the couch. Sherry was growing up so fast before she even knew it she would be going to college herself. It scared Claire a little to have Sherry gone like that, but that was life things change.

The door bell rang and Claire sprang to life to answer it. Leon and Trish were standing there Claire smiled at the couple.

She and Leon were able to keep their strong friendship. No one was thrilled as she was when Leon met Trish she was a wonderful person Claire really liked her and so did Sherry.

"Hey," Leon smiled "Is she ready?"

Seconds later Sherry was at the door overnight bag in hand "You ready kiddo?" Claire asked her.

"Yep." "Okay you guys have a great time," after a quick hug Sherry left with Leon and Trish. Claire joined Jacob back on the couch were she cuddled up next to him. Not a word was crossed between them, not one was needed.

She and Jacob have been going strong for awhile. He was able to transfer to the F.B.I's Olympia office here in Oregon so they often got the chance to be with each other.

Claire had never felt anything close to what she felt about Jacob. The feelings he brought out from inside of her.words couldn't quite explain it except that it just felt right.

Out from no where Jacob pulls her in closer and whispers into her ear "I love you."

Claire kisses him and whispers back "I love you too," and that was all that was needed. Claire could feel their hearts beating as one, their skin melting into each other. It was a feeling of complete bliss where even if it was only for that brief moment suddenly everything was clear.

Since the whole Carlos ordeal they all had trouble putting their pieces together, but they all had made it. That was the thing with them they always seemed to be able to pull through in the end. Somehow they always got through.

The End

Author note: Sorry all Carlos fans. I do think he was a good person at heart, but some of his decisions don't reflect that. Hopefully the rest of the story gave people a chance to look past Carlos and see how the other characters got through it. After all these are all Resident Evil characters somehow they always find a way to survive. Thanks to you all for reading. Always, Leah