Wild Ice

Samantha POV

I'm hungry. Well, I can't neglect the food. Hopefully I don't get caught.

I tiptoed down the hallway to the kitchen. I didn't get caught along the way and silently opened the door. It made a slight creek but nobody noticed. I surprisingly found my brother, Jayce, there. He eating a piece of bread with peanut butter in it. He apparently made two. Maybe I can steal one!

"Sam, don't even try. I can sense you, ya know." He said in a cool monotone voice.

I literally just banged my head against the wall. So much for my big theft ever and assassination. That right. I was gonna assassinate that price I bread! It's mine!

"You have a really bad habit of talking out loud." He spoke again.

"Shut up. Now, can I have that piece of bread?"


"What does it cost this time?" I whispered.

"Draw me a picture of a dragon."


"Draw me a picture of a dragon. Come on, Sam. I know you're really good at drawing."

"How do you know that!? I keep my drawings in my room! Unless...you broke unto my room!? What is wrong with you!?" I half screamed half whispered.

"Oh? Me? Breaking in? Na... I was just looking for you're journal. Then I happened to 'come across' those pictures."

"You Fuddruckin' bastard. Those are my pictures! You are in deep shit, Motherducker!"

"Please. You can't even use the families' magic! Have the damn bread. I want the pictures tomorrow. So better draw fast, Christmas is tomorrow. Happy drawing." He said and walked away.

I grabbed the bread and stuffed it in my mouth. I'll be drawing all night! Well, morning. Tomorrows Christmas and its Christmas eve! And three in the morning!


The picture came out pretty good. But I'm beat. I need a glass of water.

I walked down the halls once more to hear bickering that wasn't occurring before. It seemed to be my Mom and Dad. I don't like to eavesdrop, but I can't help it if I overhear something, right?

"...You know she can't learn it. It's not possible!"

"Just give her a few more weeks. She will get the hang of it!"

"No! We are leaving her. We'll get her something to help her survive. She is no longer my daughter. She is no longer part of this family! She is no longer Samantha of this family!"

"Ugh! Fine. She can't master it! We'll have to leave her. Happy? Now let's get some sleep. She'll probably oversleep and we'll see about getting her something for Christmas in the morning."

"Thank you for agreeing with me. Now, let's get some sleep."

Were they talking about me? I'm the only one in the family who can't master water magic. My parents are going to leave me? Why?

I silently cried myself to my bed and continued doing so though out the entire night.


I woke up and rubbed my puffy red eyes. I checked my alarm click and it said 9:21. Perfect. Oh, and please note my sarcasm.

I walked out to my living room still in my pajamas to find a fake Christmas tree. There was only a few boxes left. Along with two cards.

I sat down next to the tree and opened the first letter. It said,

Hey Sammie, we are sorry. You could not master the arts of water magic. We love you, anyways. But it is the way of the family. You are on your own...

P.S. We left you some gifts. One in particular, you may like. Please open the present under this card. Then read the next letter and open the other gifts.

With love,

You're family

I cried silently and watched as my meaningless tears sunk from my eyes, hitting the paper. I closed the letter and opened the gift. It was one thousand dollars in change! I still wont forgive them, though. I opened the next letter by the time I was ready. It was from my loving brother. The one who always tried to protect me.

Hey Sam. I know you must be crying right now, but please stop. They are not your parents anymore. Or mine. I hate them. They can't call themselves proud parents. I love you and miss you. One day, I will track you down. Remember, Mom and Dad are shitheads. Don't let them bother you.

P.S. I got the dragon picture. It us really awesome. I will keep it in memory of you. Keep drawing, Sam. One day, you'll be a fine artist.

With even more love for you and hatred for our parents,


Oh Jayce...

I love you too, even though we fight all the time.

I opened the next box. Something seemed weird about it. It had holes in it. I opened the box to find the most adorable sleeping puppy on earth! He was white with a black undercoat. He was real furry too. I guess he's my guardian. I'll name him...

...hmm, Starbuck. That's the perfect name.

"Wake up, Starbuck." I said in a calm voice. As if on cue, he opened his adorable little golden eyes. Except both eyes were different colors. The right was gold, while the left was ocean blue. I love him. I'm sure I'll need his support on this journey...

I sat up and he crawled into my lap. As if he thought I was his Mom immediately. Cute!

There was one more present. I opened it up to find a collar. From the looks of it, it grows the size of the one wearing it. Well, its obviously meant for Starbuck. I strapped it around his neck and almost swooned. It looked so cute! It was a light pale blue with magic water spikes around it. So the spikes were just basically water. The tag came with a magic pen, so I could neatly write his name on there. I write 'Starbuck' simply on it and the writing glowed. It was pretty weird but I stood up and walked around. Starbuck followed since he could stand. He was about six months old.

I gave myself a tour of the room. I went to my brothers room. Half of it was empty. I walked over to the dresser and found a piece of bread.

Typical of Jayce

I stuffed it in my mouth and gave some to Starbuck. He ate it out if my hand and licked my hands as a thanks in return. I walked to the next room, which was my room. I thought twice about taking some things. I didn't really need anything at all, anyways. I just grabbed my phone, sketches, and iPod along with my headphones and charger. I cleared out my closet of clothes and put them in a magical suitcase, a suitcase that holds as many things as you want in it. It's invisible. Like an air pocket. So I'm basically just with my headphones and iPod, since I put my sketches in there too.

I browsed through my music list on my iPod and stopped to listen to 'Take Me To Church,' by Hozier.

I left my room and kept walking. I walked into the kitchen to eat some cereal. Cocoa Puffs were the best. They always seemed to enlighten my mood. I washed my bowl and kept walking, passing all the other rooms that I didn't care for, stopping in front of my parents room. I hesitated for a moment before resting my hand on the cooling metal. I slowly turned the knob a full circle and walked in. It was like they just left. They cleared out their closets and made their bed. And just left.

Typical of them.

I turned around and closed the door, walking to the bathrooms. I told Starbuck to wait outside. Well, he is a boy. I opened my air pocket and pulled out my usual outfit. I stepped in and washed my hair and body. My shower only took about fifteen minutes, and I got out to be greeted with a foggy mirror. I dried my myself and got dressed in my light blue skinny jeans, blue shirt, and blue and white vans. I hung up my towel and walked out, greeting Starbuck and fully ready for the day.