Here is the first chapter on the new story. This one is going to be longer and will tell you more about my OC. I do not own Vampire Knight. I only own my OC.
"Hey, look it's that quiet girl. Victoria Star right?" Someone whispers to their friend.
"I heard that no one has ever heard her voice and that she doesn't have a single friend in this school." Another one whispers.
"No way. I hear that she is a rebellious girl that is an gang." A third girls says.
"No way." They keep whispering and whispering but of course I hear them.
My name is Victoria Star. I have brown eyes and brown hair that reaches to my back. I am 16 years old. I live in Nevada, which part you may ask, Las Vegas. Yep, famous for their casinos. I'm in school right now looking out of the window waiting for our teacher to come in the room. Unlike the other schools, we have to wait for our schools teachers to come in the class, and we get start. All those rumors you heard, it's not true at all. I have always been this way ever since I can remember. I will admit though that I am an otaku. A big one that loves anime, manga, yaoi, all sorts of stuff. The only people I have told is my mom, Nancy Star, father, Kai Star, and my big sister, Sarah Star.
"I heard that she is adopted." I heard someone say.
Okay, that one is true. I won't deny that I was adopted. I really don't like getting in to details that much about this adoption thing. Oh yeah, I haven't told you why I am like this. The reason is because you can't trust that much people. You don't know if they can be trusted or if they are just acting. In the manga and anime, you can tell a lot from the characters just by the way they act or how they speak. I will tell you that I am jealous of these girls in my class. They all friends, pretty, and even have crush. My crush are people are in the anime. Every time I look at them, I just wish that somewhere in my heart I can be like them but I can't, I am me. I'm okay with that.
I hear the door open to see our teacher. "Okay, please sit down and be silent. Now what is 5x + 6 =36." The whole time in class we have been studying math, and lucky for me math was my last subject. The bell ring ending the day for class. I was going to get up my desk when someone pulled on my arm. I looked to see a boy with red hair and brown eyes.
"Hey, Victoria. Do you wanna come to the mall to have pizza with us?" He smiled looking at me. He was pointing at his friends behind him. My heart was thumping so loudly and as soon as I was going to open my mouth.
"Come on Ryo, get real. She won't talk to us at all. Just leaver her alone." One of the girls in his group said. The boy looked at his friend and then looked at me. My bangs were covering my eyes and got my arm out of his grasp. I got my things and quickly ran from the class, ignoring the boy's call. I quickly walked the parking lot to see my father and sister in the car smiling at me. I got in the back seat smiling at them.
"How was school? Did you make friends?" My sister asked not hint of Japanese in her words. You see, my sister lived in America since she was really small, so she never had an accent. She only spoke English until she hit middle school. She knows Japanese, French, and Italian. She is also college trying to be cope like our father. I smiled at my sister shaking my head left and right.
"Again? Honey, is everything alright?" My father asked me concerned. Yep, this is my father, a policemen. He was born in Tokyo, Japan. He doesn't talk much about his side of the family besides what he was and does. He is full Japanese. I smiled kindly at him. My family are the only people that I can talk to and show my true expressions to.
"I'm alright. There's just been these rumors going around because I don't talk at all." I replied. My sister and father look at me, then looked at each other. They both sighed before looking ahead. Father finally starts the car and I put my earplugs. I went on Youtube to type in Vampire Knight. My favorite anime as you can guess is Vampire Knight. I'm listening to the beginning of the song and going to the episode where Yuki is in front of Maria.
"Are you watching Vampire Knight again?" My sister ask looking at my phone. I looked up at her pausing the episode.
"Yeah. I love this anime." I replied. My sister sighs leaning back against her chair.
"When we first adopted you and your sister showed you that anime. You would watch that anime none stop and you continuously watch it." My father says turning to our street.
"Well yeah. I mean, Vampire Knight is the one anime that won't make me feel...lonely." I replied feeling my eyes tear up. We stop in the garage for my sister to pat my head. I look up to see them smiling at me.
"You aren't lonely. We are always going to be here with you." My sister says. I nodded my head as we get out of the car. We enter the kitchen to see mom getting ready for dinner.
"Welcome home sweetie." Mom says smiling. My mom was born and raised in america. Her family lived in America and she didn't want to leave them, so my father decided to move from Japan to America with my mom. What she does? She mostly stays home and works on some paper work. She is more of the extra or backup person. She does the laundry, get the food, and make the food too. She is mostly a housewife. Mom looks at me with worried. She then looks at my phone smiling. "I see you still watch that Vampire Knight Sarah showed you." I smiled back at her nodding my head.
"Yeah." I sniffed the air to smell my favorite. "Spaghetti." Mother chuckled looking at my bright eyes and big smile.
"Yes, but you must do your homework before you eat." My shoulders slumped down depressed.
"Fine..." I complained walking slowly to my room. I hear them chuckling behind me as I closed my door. "Ugghh..." I throw my bag on the bed laying face flat. I roll to continue my homework while watching Vampire Knight at the same time.
"Dinner is ready!" I blinked looking at the clock. It was 7 and outside was dark with bunch of stars. I had no idea that it was this late. I packed my bag finished my homework and hurried down for dinner. I waited for every one before eating my food. I was a happy that I chat with mom and dad. Dad always tells us story about his work in the police force and what he does. It's so funny how tries to act the criminal even though he is poor at acting. Sarah tells stuff in college that she learns to be a police women, and father always has to correct her too. Mother and I don't say much besides laughing. Sometimes I look around the room to see pictures of me and my family, even their friends. I never had friends since I came here. I don't know if it was because I was shy or I was just unsociable. Whatever it is, I just want to change.
Dinner finally ending calling it a night. I, on the other hand, didn't went to sleep like everyone else. I was thinking of the events that was happening at night and what I told my sister and father.
'You aren't lonely. You aren't lonely. You aren't lonely.' This one sentence keep replaying over and over in my head, but that is how I truly feel. There is another reason why I like Vampire Knight so much. Every time I watch them, I feel like I knew them or have known them before. I know people would say 'Everybody knows them. They are anime.' This is different though. I can't explain it but I just have this deep connection every time I look at Yuuki or Kaname. I squinted my eyes from something blinding my eyes. I looked up at the sky to see a shining star. It was so bright and beautiful that I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. I closed my eyes praying in front of my window.
'I wish, I wish that I can be..." Before I knew it my mouth was speaking on it's own. "...that I can be a part of Vampire Knight." My eyes widen touching my lips. 'What did I just say?' I thought walking back to my bed. As soon as I lay down on my bed the star that I wished on was even brighter and was coming towards me. 'What? What?! No!' "Stop!" I shouted crossing my arms over my head. The star stop in front of slowly dimming.
"I won't hurt you." The star spoke. The light was completely gone and instead a small pink puff ball was in front of me. My arms were to my sides as I blinked at puff ball. My rubbed my eyes trying to see if this real, I even slapped myself. "You don't have to slap yourself! I'm real! I'm real!" The pink puff ball was circling around me. I scoot back hitting my head on the head board.
"W-Who are you?" I managed to say. The puff ball smiled at me closing it's big blue eyes.
"My name is Minami or Mimi for short if you like. I am the star you wished, Victoria Star. Funny how I was star and you last name is Star too, huh?" I nodded my head slowly. I looked at the puff ball to see fur, little thin arms and big blue eyes.
"What are you?" Mimi's smile continue to get wide.
"I am what you call an alien, but in my home planet we are called Feathers." Mimi replied. I continue to nod my head from every word she says trying to sink this in.
"Okay, wait, Feathers? You look more like a puff ball. Shouldn't they call you puff ball?" Mimi sighed looking at a different direction.
"If only you knew why we were called that." I looked at Mimi confused. "Anyway, I am here to make your wish come true."
"Wish?" Mimi bonked my head lightly trying, and I mean trying to glare at me.
"Yes, that you wanted to go into the anime Vampire Knight silly." Mimi slightly chuckle flying around my room.
"Wait, what?" I asked shocked. My eyes were wide and it felt like my whole world was slow. Mimi came closer to me saying slowly.
"You are going to the world of Vampire Knight." At that moment, my whole world was completely slow. I was beyond shock that I couldn't believe my own ears. Until my mind finally register it, I had a huge smile on my face and I jumped on my bed.
"Really?! Are you serious?! That's is so cool!" I shouted happily. Mimi had a smile on her face flying around my room again. 'I get to experience the world of anime. I'm so happy. I can't wait. Just wait until I tell mom, dad, and...big sister...' I stopped jumping to sit back on my bed. Mimi stopped flying around looking at me worried.
"What's wrong?" Mimi asked.
"What about here? What about this world?" I asked Mimi. I then begin to realize about my life in that anime. "What am I going to do in the anime? What am I suppose to be? Who am I suppose to be? Am I still having going to have my name? Am I going to look completely different?" I was filled with bunch of different questions that Mimi took out tiny whistle to stop me. I stopped asking questions to look at Mimi with wide eyes.
"Calm down. I can answer all of your question. You see my friend, you play as one of the main roles. Your name will still be Victoria but a different last name. You will still look like what you are here. Your life will be with the main girl Yuuki Kuran, right?" I nodded my head. "You will start at the beginning of the anime slowly going to the manga. You can try and change the story as much as you can, whenever you can."
"Okay, but... how am I suppose to understand them?" I asked Mimi. Mimi rolled her eyes looking at me.
"I'll explain. Once we enter the anime world it will seem to you like they are speaking English to you, but they are actually speaking Japanese. Once you talk it will be Japanese, but to you it will be English. Plus to you, you think that I am speaking your language but I am not. You are speaking and understanding my language, because you are my master. Only my master can understand me and speak the same language as me. Oh! Plus, the only ones that will know who you truly are will be me and you, and what else? Oh yeah, once you enter the anime world, this world's time will be slow that once you come back it will be the next morning."
"Two more questions?" I pointed two fingers out. Mimi nodded her head. "1. Where will you be? I mean I do need you in this. And 2. How am I suppose to be play in the main role, when I ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?" I shouted at her. Mimi's blue eyes were in circles from me yelling at her ear.
"Man, when you talk you have such a loud mouth." I glared at her.
"What was that?" I spoke cold. Mimi shriek backing away a little.
"N-Nothing. Anyway, to answer questions. I can turn into a necklace, bracelet, and weapon. I will have the Academy Cross symbol on it helping you every step of the way. The other question, you really don't need me to answer that one."
"Why not?" Mimi fly close to my face giving me a closed eye smile.
"Because even with you knowing everything, you can still make your own role while helping others." Mimi replied.
"Okay. I think I got all of my questions done now." I took a deep breath in and out. Mimi nodded her head still smiling.
"Good. From now on, you will not be Victoria Star anymore. You will be Victoria Cross." I nodded my head in understanding. "Great. Let's first go to the scene where Yuuki first gets attack and saved by a vampire." Before I knew it, Mimi waved her little, thin line, arms and the scenes of anime and manga were surrounding me high and low. Mimi turned into a necklace with the Cross Academy symbol on it like she said. In front of me was the scene with Yuuki as a child. I didn't hesitate to enter the scene engulfing myself in the white light.
As I open my eyes, everything is completely blank. I can't remember a thing at all. I felt something on my chest to see a necklace I have never seen before. I look at my small hands and see Yuuki next to me. She was stretching her hands out and I did the same thing.
"It's cold..." Yuuki says. I looked down at my hands to see big white balls.
" Pure White snow." A voice speaks in my hand.
"What is 'pure white'?" I asked looking down in my heads.
"What's snow?" Yuuki asked.
"It is... something that is not red." The voice in my head replies. Yuuki and I look up ahead in the distance to see a man in a coat.
"What is something that is 'red'?" I asked softly.
"Are you two lost, little ladies?" A man asked us. We finally pay attention to the man in front of us.
"That is..."
"May I...drink your blood?" We looked at the man with red eyes and fangs showing. Our eyes were wide with fear looking at his fangs.
"They drink the life-blood of people. They are beasts, disguised as humans." Without much of a second thought I got Yuuki behind me and slowly stepped back. The vampire was getting closer to us and I pushed Yuuki away making me fall in the snow looking up at the vampire.
"N-No!" I shouted. The vampire's hand was on my head and I looked at Yuuki to see her running towards me. My eyes were terrified and scared as I closed them.
"They are..." I open my eyes looking at the vampire in front of me, but my eyes widen to see a boy behind the vampire. The boy vampire put his hand through the vampire. Yuuki ran towards me, knelling down looking at the other vampire.
"You are a disgrace to all vampires." The boy vampire said getting his hand out of the other vampire. He licked his bloody hand looking at us with his red eyes.
"vampires. You mustn't get close to vampires." We looked at the other vampire turning into dust and his coat flying in the wind. Yuuki and I were holding hands as we looked at the boy vampire.
"Are you two all right?" He spoke to us kindly. He leaned down giving his bloody hand.
"If you get close to them..." We didn't think at all as we both reached for his hand while still holding each other put his arms around us protecting us from the cold. "...their gaze will enslave you."
I hope you guys think that this prologue is better than old story. I certainly do. XD. If you guys haven't read the other story or my author's note than you will understand why I am rewriting it. Until then, please look forward to this story. Thank you and I hope you like it.
Please review.