Disclaimer: I do not own the Transformers all rights go to Hasbro. The only person that I own is my OC Rosalind Witwicky.

That night when we got home I decided to wash my car. I was getting some rags, sponges, wax, and a bucket filled with soapy water. I prepared the hose and began to spray my car with the ice cold water. The car seemed to flinch away from the water and unless my eyes were playing tricks on me, it shivered, as if it were cold. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to wash my car.

After I had finished and had put everything away, I went upstairs to see what Sam was up to. I found him in his room getting ready for some party. I started to back away when he saw me, he walked over to me and said, "Rose you need to come to this party with me."

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, "What?"

"I need you to come to this party with me. Mikaela is going to be there and wherever she is Trent is also bound to be there."

I sighed softly before nodding. "Fine…. I'll come, but Miles better not be tagging along."

Sam looked at me rubbing the back of his neck. "About that….."

I left his room growling in frustration. I headed to my room to get ready for the party. I then ran outside to catch up with Sam. When I walked out the door I saw dad giving Sam Hell for stepping on his grass.

"No, Sam. You know I don't like footprints on my grass. That's why I built this path. Now get off of the grass and onto the path."

"This is family grass dad."

"Well, when you have your own grass you'll understand."

I giggled as I made my way over to Sam's Camaro. Sam's dog Mojo then ran over barking excitedly. Sam groaned when he saw the feminine collars around his neck.

"Mom, why do you keep putting girls jewelry on a boy dog?"

"That's his bling!"

I lost it and laughed when mom said that.

"He has enough self-esteem issues as it is mom. He's a Chihuahua."

Sam then got into the car and we drove over to Miles' house to pick him up. When we got there I was grateful that I wore my usual attire. (Long-sleeved black shirt, Black jeans and combat boots.) Rather than dressing up. Miles has this humungous crush on me and has made it his lifelong goal to kiss me. He walked to the passenger's side door and opened his mouth to tell me to get into the back seat. But he didn't get a chance to after seeing Sam's glare. He then sighed and got into the back seat. We then sped off to the lake where the party is being held.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for taking so long to update this story. A lot of things have been happening at home and at school so I haven't had much time to write.