If Amy had gotten the abortion (The Secret Life of an American Teenager Fanfiction)

I stepped into the doctor's office. The room was plastid with posters on every wall screeching about abstinence. Too late, I thought bitterly. Ben and Adrian were waiting outside, and I knew that this was my one and only chance to get rid of this growth inside me. "Baby" I thought. No, I can't think of it like that. This thing will ruin my life if I don't stop it. Then a kind looking nurse came in. She had warm brown eyes and a kind smile.

"Hello dear, the doctor will be with you in a moment. I just have to do a few tests to make sure everything's alright." I felt a lump in my throat and nodded along to her words. When she was done checking my weight, I thought about all the repercussions this thing could have on my life. It's just like a disease, I'm at the doctors, and he's going to heal me. I kept repeating this, trying to reassure myself.

"I'm going to go get the doctor now sweetie, I'll be right back." She started for the door.

"Wait." I said, my voice high-pitched. I stuttered the next words. "C-c-can you p-p-please send in b-b-Ben. He's in the w-w-waiting r-r-room?" She gave my a warm smile and nodded her head. I tried to focus on calming my breathing and what I would do when this was over and taken care of. If Ben still liked me we would date, and then in a few years we could married. Then maybe I'd have kids. Not now. The t-t-thing would just hate me if I did this to it now. Then a quiet knock sounded on the door and Ben peaked his head inside cautiously. I smiled ad ran up to him. He met me halfway, embracing me softly but firmly. I didn't realize until he told me to calm down that I had been crying.

"Ben, I don't want to have a baby. I don't. I'm too young, and I love you not Ricky. I don't want to have his child. Please tell me you'll love me even if I do this." Ben pulled away and looked into my eyes. I saw him sigh slightly and push my hair back with his hand.

"Amy Jergens, no matter what you do, I will always love you. If you don't want this baby, I understand." I smiled and wiped the tears from my eyes. He was too good for me, he was just so good. I gently pressed my lips to his, enjoying the fire that heated me wherever we touched. Then the doctor came in, and we pulled apart, both embarrassed.

"Well" he coughed uncomfortably. "Let's get this started shall we." Ben smiled softly, and held my hand, while slowly backing away.

"Wait." I turned to the doctor. "Can Ben stay during the procedure? I don't really want to be alone." The doctor smiled and nodded gently.

"Of course." Ben looked nervous, but I figured that he could either hold my hand through this, or a screaming me as a child ripped its way through me. He grabbed a chair and sat down next to me. Then the doctor asked me a few embarrassing questions that made me regret having Ben here, like how far along I was and such. After that came the hard part. The actual abortion. I'm going to skip the gory details. There was blood, but not as much as you'd expect. When it was over I was very tired from the medication, and very sore. Ben helped me from the chair and practically carried me to the car. I don't remember much after that, except I remember seeing Grace and Ricky. Ben and Adrian argued that it was my choice, but Grace was blazing angry. She shouted prayers and her thoughts about where I'd go after I died. The most surprising part was that Ricky was yelling too. He was screaming at me from outside the car. The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed.