Dean looked down at his babybrother. He was so small. He felt a weird feeling that he had to protect his brother.
He liked that feeling. Sam suddenly grabbed his hand. Dean also liked that feeling, but then Sam started to smell. Dean looked at Sam. Sam's Diaper had gotten bigger. And then he realized it "Oh no". "Moooooommyy!" He shouted.

Mary runned up the stair's worried that Dean had dropped Sam or something like that. When she got closer to Sam's nursery, she figured it out, just by the smell.
She carefully opened the door. The smell overrun her. Dean looked at his Mom "Mommy Sam pooped". Mary smiled at her oldest "Yeah I can smell that, Let's get him cleaned up"

She gently picked Sam up and putted him as carefully as she could on the changing table. She lightly kissed him on the forehead. She took the diaper of carefully, so that Sam didn't start to cry.

"Dean could you throw this out for me she dumped the diaper into Deans hands" Dean looked at the diaper like it was the grossest thing he had ever seen and then there was the reaction Mary had predicted.

"Eww,Eww,Ewww" Dean jumped around with the smelliest thing ever in his hands. Sam started smiling and making little giggle like noises.

Dean finally found the trashcan, he quickly dumped the diaper down in the trashcan. He looked at her "That was gross". Mary putted Sam down in the crib again. "Dean sweetie could you say goodnight to Sammy ". Dean walked over to Sammy's crib "Goodnight Sammy sleep well"

Dean walked out and slowly closed the door behind him. Mary was all alone with Sammy now. She sat down and looked at Sammy's big brown adorable Baby eye's, She had actually forgotten the lullaby lyrics.

That didn't matter, she just started to sing "Hey Jude" Instead. "Hey Jude don't make it bad" "Take a sad song and make it better" "Remember to let her into your heart" "Then you can start to make it better"
She looked at Sam that had fallen asleep while she was singing. "Your gonna grow up to be a great man"

Mary walked out the door and walked downstairs down stairs.
She walked into the living room. Dean and John were sitting on the couch and watching a Documentary. About Cars. Dean laid his head on his mothers lap
and then he'd falled asleep

This was just the first chapter of a Nice I would say myself. Wee!Chester Fanfic I hope you enjoyed it :)