There she sat getting her hair brushed by one of the servants before she had her wet hair braided by the same servant. The mermaid tail fell on her back just as he entered her chamber. Her king, her love, her death. Her brown doe eyes saw his bare chest from his opened white shirt that he wore with black pants.

"Leave." The English Devil ordered the servant out of his beloved's chamber. The servant scurried off in fear of what the devil would do to her. "Untie your hair." He ordered her with a growl in his voice. He hated when her hair was either tied up or braided, he liked her hair down and natural.

The girl quickly untied her hair in fear just like the servant girl except there was no running away for her. She would feel his wrath just like the servant would have for not obeying him. For the powerful king he was also a cruel one. She may have been brave enough to be his love but was not brave enough to face him like his enemies had been. But of course they felt his wrath and it ended in death for his enemies.

His hand slid under her wavy brown locks and grabbed onto the back of her neck. Not only did his touch make her head to tilt back but it caused chills to course through her body. The fire met ice when they made eye contact. The scruff along his chin rubbed against her olive skinned forehead. His lips brushed her nose, it made her smile a little before it faded. His hand moved from her neck, travelling down her body to the ties on her robe. Untying the knot that she had tied after she had bathe. He slowly pulled down her robe until she was sitting there bare for her king.

"Moĭ Petrova." He whispered to her in her native tongue meaning my Petrova. That what he usually called her, it was her pet name. His hands were moving from her shoulders down to her arms only to rest on her waist. "Who am I to you?" His lips brushed against her lips as he was whispering in her ear. His English accent spoke the last bit because he knew it would make her weak in the knees.

"моята любов , моята смърт." Her words spoke what she thought of him. My love, my death. "I love you my king." She whispered softly to him in English, but still heavy with her Bulgarian accent. All her words were true. She loved him and to her along with the whole village he was king. But she knew he would be would the death of her. Knowing what he truly was not only did she fear for her life, but for everybody in the village.

A grin grew on his face as he moved his lips down to her neck. She started to whimper in fear already but knew it would do nothing to stop him. The spider veins crawled under his gold eyes before his sharp crisp white tore into her unscarred neck.


I shot up in my bed breathing heavily for air my lungs did not truly need. Yet another dream with that monster. My fingers grazed against my neck checking for marks but none were found. I threw the covers off my body and walked downstairs in my family house. Walking into the kitchen I found it empty which I enjoyed. For some reason being alone made me happy. I didn't have Damon or Stefan bothering me about which one I should pick. I didn't have my brother and my best friends trying to see if I am alright. I am not alright, I should be dead, but I am not. Instead I am the one thing I didn't want to be. A vampire.

At least Alaric is there to help me go through it since he is as well. I am truly glad that we were able to suppress for good his dark side, and he was the same old Ric. The only downfall is the original family is still lurking around in town. Just the four of them. Luckily Elijah returned to discipline his younger siblings. But it didn't help that I had to see my murder every day at school, rubbing it in my face she ended my dreams. Kol had once again became Jeremy's friend, and was spending a lot of time at our house. I didn't mind Kol, it was nice that Jeremy had a friend that made him feel semi normal. Klaus was the only one I was worried about, he had my blood in several bags, but was in Mystic Falls. It worried me about what he was planning; he had everything he wanted but was still lurking around.

I placed my empty glass in the sink before I walked over to the stairs to go back to my room. The water calmed down my breathing and helped overall calm my nerves for another night. Just some hope to have a normal dream was what got me to start to head back up for bed. But before I could step on the first step there was a knock on the door.

It is three in the morning who the hell is it? I thought to myself. I could hear Jeremy's heartbeat up the stairs and I could hear Alaric's TV in his room. I sighed and moved over to the door. The cool air rushed against my exposed skin from my black cami and red pajama shorts, but the cold didn't affect me any more. There the devil stood drenched from the rainwater that had been pouring outside since yesterday. He wore all black. Black long sleeve shirt, black jeans, black leather jacket and black leather boots.

"Klaus what are you doing here?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest. It was bad enough he was in dreams, but now I had to deal with him at three in the fucking morning.

"You." He growled at me with that charming English accent that usually had a smirk but at the moment it just had anger. "You Petrovas always finding a way to crawl under my skin." He pushed past me into my house.

"Oh yes please come in Klaus. I so do wish to have the man who tried to kill me several times in my family's house." I spoke sarcastically and shut the door behind me quietly not wanting to wake the guys upstairs. He breathed in and exhaled, he held a finger to his lips like he was thinking before he pointed the same finger at me.

"So did you get Bonnie to do it somehow or some other crazy psycho witch to go along with your wicked plan?" He growled at me, his eyes flickering between teal and gold.

"What the hell are you talking about Klaus, I need my sleep." I groaned as I rolled my eyes at the hot tempered hybrid. Before I could blink his face was inches from mine.

"I want to know why I dream about you every night. Sometimes it is you or you replace your doppelgangers. I ask you love how the bloody hell are you disturbing my dreams?" He sneered at me. I had no answer for him because I was having the same problem at night, but did not know what made the dreams come to me in my sleep. I gave him the only answer I had and I shrugged my shoulders. "Can I get the powerful witch's name?"

"I don't have a name because I didn't do this!" I exclaimed to him and rolled my eyes once again. "If I had the answer I would be sharing them with you because I want you out of my house. Leave now before I get some help but either way you are leaving this house." With that the hybrid left my house, but the wet leather scent stayed with me. The smell reminded me of the dream.

God I hate him! I thought to myself as I was storming back up to room. Crawling back into my bed I yanked my covers over my head. Just no Klaus please in this dream. I prayed before I closed my eyes, but did not sleep


By the next morning I was tired because I was afraid to fall back asleep so I stayed up the rest of the night. I started drinking my second cup of coffee when Jeremy finally walked down the stairs and walked into our kitchen.

"Morning Jer." I muttered and sipped at my coffee again. Coffee was the only thing keeping me away at the moment. Also it warmed my body and me feel human with my blood warmed. I learned that little trick from Stefan, one of the not so boring things he taught me.

"You look dead...more than usual." He chuckled and I just shook my head at him. He had a cocky smirk on his face that reminded me of Klaus even though I knew my brother was nothing like Klaus. "You ok?"

"Yeah, just weird dreams keeping me up at night. I'll be good once I get some sleep." I said I stood up from my chair readjusting the scarlet red oversized halter tank top I wore with my favorite pair of skinny jeans and black leather boots. My hair laid laid in waves on my back. I had tried straightening my hair several times, but my hair wouldn't turn from the waves. The same waves I had in my dream. I didn't think the dream was affecting, I figured my straightener was just broken and I needed to buy a new one.

"Your hair looks nice today. You are going to stop straightening it?" Jeremy questioned my hair and I gave him a shrug. "Ok then. I am going to go pick up Matt, I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek before darting out of our house. I had been feeling bad that Matt lost his truck and nearly lost his life because of crazy Rebekah who was trying to kill, but Matt got dragged down with me though. Literally. I am so grateful that Stefan got him instead of me. I would give Matt rides myself, but I am still waiting for my SUV to get fixed. Bonnie had been giving me rides to school like she had junior year.

A loud horn shot from outside into the small house and I smirked a little to myself. The only times Bonnie didn't see herself in was when she was too tired to or didn't want to see Jeremy. I placed my coffee cup in the sink before I grabbed my book bag and made my way out of the house.

I darted outside smelling the rain water from yesterday and even fresh cut grass. Ever since being a vampire everything seemed different to me. I hated to eat food, it tasted like a dirt, but everybody told me it would get better and helped with the cravings. I wore sunglasses more than usual since my eyes were still sensitive to the sun. But I did enjoy hearing everything, well not everything most things though. And the smell of things also increased.

"He left already Bons." I began to say before I looked up to see my best friend was not the one waiting for me instead it was the man from my dreams. That sounded weird but it was the truth sadly. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him in his car, his hand right above the horn like he was going to honk again. But he stopped when he heard me and turned his head to face me.

"Doppelganger." He called me with his smirk back in his voice.

"I have a name." I shot at him as I stayed standing on the walk up to my house. He sighed and got out of his car before he flashed right in front of me. His dark eyes glared down at me. Why did a monster have such beautiful eyes? Wait why I am thinking about his eyes? I shook my head and rolled my eyes at myself.

"Fine Elena, you and I are going on a road trip." He told me and I let out a loud scoff. "Before you say no, you have no choice. Because if you don't come I'll kill your family. I've done it to one doppelganger and I am not afraid to do it to you."

I sighed and glared back at him. "Where are we going?" I hissed at him through my clenched jaw.

"Get in and I'll tell you." He said moving aside so I could get into the car. I climbed into the passenger side before he joined me in the car, getting in on the driver side. "We are going to New Orleans I know a witch there. Maybe she can tell us why we are dreaming of one another and how to stop it." He explained as he flipped the car and drove off. I looked over at Klaus and I smirked to myself. This whole plan of his reminded me of the road trip I had taken with Damon nearly a year ago. But I knew I couldn't trust Klaus and Klaus couldn't trust me. There was going to be any fun on this trip either like there was with Damon. I was trapped with the devil, the man I hate, the man that I dream of.


Welcome to New Orleans. That signed let me know we had just arrived. We drove the entire time, no stops, no breaks. By the way he was looking, I could tell Klaus hadn't gotten any much sleep either. Even though we were immortal, we still needed some sort of sleep, and usually we didn't dream. But obviously we had been dreaming and neither of us wanted those dreams. While I was deep in my thought, I felt his eyes look over at me. It caused the same tingle in my body as his look did my dreams.

"Last chance to tell me if you know anything about those dreams love." He grinned at her and then he started to chuckle. Why was he laughing about this? He wanted the dreams gone as much as I did.

"I don't know anything. I don't even know why they had started. Would you mind not to ask me questions that I have no answers to?" I asked rhetorical not really wanting a response from him.

"You were so much better in those dreams." He whispered to himself, but my vamp hearing picked it up.

"Sadly I can't say the same. Monster in the real world, monster in dreams." I snipped at him placing the bottom of my feet on the dashboard of his car.

"You are so lucky I haven't snapped your little neck, I suggest you take your feet off my dashboard before you lose them." He growled at me. I couldn't wait until we were at the witch's place.


A cemetery was where this witch lives? Could she live any creepier? Klaus wasn't too happy to be here either. Matter in fact his jaw was clenched since we entered New Orleans. The dream me or whoever I was in the dream would try to comfort the devil. But the real me wants to kick him while he is down.

"No no no! Get out you two!" A mocha skinned woman yelled at Klaus and I just as we stepped into the cemetery. "We paid our due, so fuck off you undead freaks!"

"Calm down, we are not here for some due or nonsense. I am looking for a witch by the name Elizabeth." Klaus said with the charming part of his accent come flowing out. "I am Klaus and this here is the final doppelganger."

The young woman looked between Klaus and I before she let out a loud exhausted and annoyed sigh "Mama! The hybrid is here." She yelled out before looking back Klaus and I. "Come on you two." She nodded her head and the two of us followed her to find out what caused our dreams.

So the idea reviews came in and it was 7-7 so I will be writing both. This story will keep The Great Stallion and the other will be The Mates. I am glad you that guys liked this idea and the other one. I love Klaus and Elena as a couple same with Elijah and Elena. So I will probably be updating as often as I can be on all my stories. Also even though Elena and/or Klaus won't be always sleeping at the start at the chapter, I am having each chapter start with a dream. I kept Alaric alive because I love his character and he will be great support for Elena. There will be more interaction seen with Elena and the other characters soon then just her and Klaus. I hope all of you love this story because I love it myself so much. Please review I love reading reviews and if you ask questions I'll answer them.