Hiro laughed as his dad gave a yawn.

"Getting tired, old man?" He responded as he shoved gummy bears on top of his yogurt.

"Hardly, just trying to understand how my son can eat that many gummy bears? And it's quite a boring topic." Giving him a shove the two headed to a table. His dad pulled out a few papers to read through and as usual. They're bonding day always ended this way, frozen yogurt and the two looking at an old design. After handing Hiro a blueprint, Robert started eating some of his yogurt before it melted.

"Dad, I really think you should tell these people to invest in a better stabilizer, and if you could hound them about this wiring overheating, there's a chance they'll actually chance of it holding." He looked up to his dad who gave him a sincere smile. "What?"

"Just admiring my genius son." His dad's attention turned to the tv that hung on the wall of the parlour, following his gaze he saw the news feed.

"Team of Heroes save the day again" Hiro couldn't help but admire the heroes in the city, they had shown up about 2 years ago and started saving the day, the first big thing that caught the attention of the media was when they stop the Fujitas from kidnapping the Mayor. Ever since then Hiro wished he could be one of them. He could never understand if his dad hated them or not but when ever he would asked the topic was quickly changed.

Hiro was pulled from his thoughts when his phone began to vibrate. quickly retrieving it from his pocket, he nearly fell out of his seat when he read the text.

"Something good?" His dad grinned at him.

"Stan, just messaged me, apparently someone dropped out last minute at tonight's Bot fights and Yama will give me the spot, if I want it..." He stopped, today was his and his dad's day, his dad was always busy since he was a professor and since Hiro graduate school early he had nothing to do during the day. Suddenly torn between going and staying, his dad decided for him. Picking up his papers and organized them back in his bag.

"Phone charged?" He nodded. "Remember if you hear the sirens, run." Grinning, he hugged his dad.

"Your the best dad ever!" Looking up at his dad, just before he raced out the door. He feels a yank on his hood. Turning back he sees his dad holding out as little bit of money.

"I'm pretty sure, you need money to play. " With one more quick embrace he stuffed the money into his backpack and ran out the door.

o-o o-o o-o o-o o-o

"This is your fault." Hiro sighed as he looked at Stan, the few teens and himself had been placed in a separate cell to the adults. Usually Hiro and Stan could out run the cops but Hiro failed to realize just how much bigger Stan was after trying to squeeze through a old fence. He never really had loyalty to Stan but he was his hype man and told him about the latest Bot fights so it would have been a bad idea to leave him behind.

"Dude, relax, your probably gonna be out sooner than any of us." They heard the jingling of keys and both turned towards the cell door. "See."

"Alright come on, your parents are here." As everyone began to leave the cop stopped Hiro, finally everyone passed by him and the cell is closed again. "Sorry kid," he said with a sincere look. " Your folks ain't here yet." Stan looked to him.

"Want my mom..."

"Nay, my dad's probably just letting it go a little longer to have a, What have we learn? moment with me later. Trust me I'll be out soon."

Hiro regretted those words as the night rolled on, his dad would come, of course he was just taking his time. Finally at some point he fell asleep.

"Hiro Callaghan?" Was what awoke him, but it wasn't the sound of his dad, there stood a tall woman with short black hair and glasses standing just inside his cell. He nodded. "Would you follow me, please?" He hesitated a moment before following the woman to an interview room, what was going on he was only fourteen, this was the first time they had caught him, and since his dad was a professor there was no way he was getting since to juvie, he had already graduated high school.

"I'm really sorry, I went last night my friend said it would be fun!" He acted his age trying to make the lady rethink whatever her plan was...she didn't buy it.

"Hiro this isn't about the bot fighting, my name is Kira, I'm from Child Protective services. Hiro what do you know about Robert Callaghan?" That was an easy one.

"Robert Callaghan, professor at SFIT, inventor of the laws of Robotics ..." He sighed. "...and most obvious my dad." He added with disdain. The woman looked him in the eye before leaning down in front of him.

"Hiro, your right on all those accounts except one, he's not your dad...he's your kidnapper." Hiro felt the blood rush to his ears for a moment he couldn't hear anything the woman said to him. No, Robert was his dad, they didn't really look alike but his dad had told him he had gotten his asian traits from his mother.

"Your lying." He felt tears well up in his eyes. "You're lying my dad is coming to get me!" He shouted at her.

"Hiro..." She looked away for a moment trying to decide how to make her next statement. "...Police went over to your house before I came...he's gone..."

"This is all a lie, how could you even know if I'm some kidnapped kid?!"

"Hiro, did you know when your born they take your fingerprints and footprints to on your birth certificate." He shook his head. "Well when they were adding the one they got from you last night into the database the hit a red light. Your name is still Hiro but your last name is actually Hamada."

o-o o-o o-o o-o

Kira had grabbed Hiro as small hot chocolate to calm his nerves, this was gonna be the hard part.

"Hiro, your family is here." He visibly flinched. "You don't have to seem them just yet if you're not ready but just know they really wanna know your okay." Hiro looked back down at his hot chocolate. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact his dad wasn't his dad and now he was supposed to just meet his family. Could this help with the few holes in his memories. He gave a gentle nodded.

"I wanna meet them."

Within minutes the two people rushed into the room. The woman looked at him a mere moment before wrapping her arms around him.

"Hiro...You...and my...this..." Nothing she said seem to make sense, he simply stood awkwardly taking the hug, looking to the other who had walked into the room. Tears lay on the edge of his eyes but he seem to have more control over his emotions then the woman. Finally the woman composed herself and looked him in the eyes. "Do you remember me?" He shook his head shyly. She looked hurt for a moment but it passed. "That's alright, I'm your Aunt Cass."

"Where's my mom and dad?" The room fell silent. None of the adults seem to know how to respond. Finally the young man walked over to Hiro and kneld before him, with how close he was, Hiro could see the resemblance to him but he was too young looking to be his dad.

"Hiro, about 11 years ago, your mom and dad got in an car accident and...neither of them made it." Hiro felt himself take a sharp breath. He would never get to meet his actual parents. "Hiro, I promise you, that they're happy your finally back with us."

"Who are you?" The young man gave a crooked smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm your big brother, Tadashi.." Kira finally motioned from them to all sit down.

"Hiro's is mostly likely going to feel quite out of place for the next while so the more he stays with one of you the quicker he'll likely feel at home." Both of them nodded. "Now I must ask if either of you recognize this man?" Hiro glanced at it a moment before looking away he didn't need to look at it for long to know it was his d...Robert Callaghan. Apparently the other two knew him well too especially Tadashi.

"Th...He's my Professor?!"

"I'm sorry to tell you this but he is also your brother's kidnapper.

o-o o-o o-o o-o

The car ride home had mostly been in silence, Tadashi had been beating himself up apologizing profusely to Hiro.

"How could I not...I'm so sorry, If i had just..."

"Sweetheart, stop beating yourself up over this." His Aunt sighed. Hiro had to agree with her. How could he have know, Robert refused to let him, go to the University. He looked at his brother once more before a devilish grin appeared.

"So you're in Nerd school?" Tadashi looked back at him surprised.

"Ne...Nerd school, man you sound like GoGo.." He chuckled. Cass couldn't help but grin, even though they had been apart 12 years, Hiro still knew how to cheer his older brother up. "For your information, I happen to have made a Healthcare companion."

"Whoa so your mega nerd?"

o-o o-o o-o o-o

The rest of the day went by pretty soft spoken they talked about the past, something to try and help Hiro know his life before. They even showed him old photos of his parents, a lot of photos of him and Tadashi. Then the photos just stopped of course Hiro knew it was because he was gone. He explained why he no longer went to school, finally Cass looked at the clock in surprise.

"Oh dear, I just realized we only have your bed, I'll have to go buy some stuff tomorrow, but what are we gonna do till then?"

"I'm fine Aunt Cass, I'll just sleep on the couch." Before he could even get up, he felt someone wrap there hands around his ankles and lift him up as if he were weightless.

"Not a chance, knucklehead, your bunking with me tonight."


Even though he had protest, Hiro almost instantly fell asleep when his head hit the pillow. When he was certain his younger brother was asleep, he whispered. "Ow." The sound of something inflating filled the room.

"Hello I am Bay..."

"Sssshhh, Baymax, Hiro is sleeping." Baymax looked to the small form on the bed and back to his creator.

"My congrats on find Hiro. How may I assist you?"

"Can you video chat the team?" Suddenly Baymax's belly glowed with four distinct faces on it almost all of them look as if they had just been woken up.

"Tadashi? What's up after you got the call, we didn't hear from you?" Honey Lemon asked concerned.

"Everything's alright, guys, I got my little brother back." There were a few cheers before Tadashi quieted them. "But...It's who kidnapped him that's bugging me."

"Who was it dude?" Wasabi asked.

"If we're talking classic kidnapp..."

"No one asked you." GoGo cut Fred off before he could go on a comic rant. All was silent as Tadashi hissed the words. "Professor Callaghan...and he's missing..." Everyone turn deathly pale.

"Profess...How is that even possible?" Honey Lemon shuddered.

"It doesn't matter, Honey, what matters is what we're gonna do about it." GoGo responded. Everyone looked to Tadashi.

"Callaghan's gonna have to deal with Big Hero, and pay for what he took. I will not rest until that Wolf in Sheep's clothing is behind bars for kidnapping him." Little did Tadashi know but Hiro had awoken just before and now was piecing things together, his brother and his friends were the heroes of San Fransokyo?!

Hey guys it's me Duskmuse, this morning I watch the newest episode of Finding Carter and for some reason, this idea came to mind, it's only gonna be about 5-6 chapters long so it shouldn't take too long to write. I hope you guys like it, this is my first attempt at a Big Hero 6 story so please level with me if a character seems OOC.

I was inspired by Finding Carter, so I honestly think Hiro would likely be more accepting of his new family then Carter.