Hello! I know it has been a long time since you have heard from this story, but I am currently rewriting the chapters! so if you want a better/more enhanced version of this story, please check in on it every once in a while!

A very new and improved chapter 1 is out now, if you would like to read it.

I am going to delete this note and reupload this every time I update a new chapter.

I plan on adding a few chapters on Hiro's recovery because I know I didn't spend enough time on that. I also feel like this story was very rushed because I just simply didn't like it anymore towards the end. So if you are interested in a (almost) whole new story, feel free to follow.

Also, if you see any errors in the story, please tell me because this is the time to do so. Review for anything that you think would improve the story as well.

For new people who made it all the way to the end, I hope you liked my story! And if you want more of it, or you want to reread it, stick around!

For those of you who have read the original (or those who are curious to see what the story was like before), would you like me to reupload the original story as Mistakes (Original)?

Thank you all for reading this story!