A sunny day, almost nostalgic, had covered the blue sky with rays of yellows. It was almost painting like seeing how beautiful it was. A field of sunflowers that rose high above the young boy as he walked upon the beaten road trail. He had been watching him all the while, picking carefully at the long sunflowers and carrying them. He couldn't help but be amused by it.

They called him Lucas, a young boy who used psychic powers like himself. They had told him that he had suffered from loss in his childhood and that he saved his world from the threat of Porky Minch. He was a former Smasher of Brawl. That was all they told him before they sent the two of them on their way.

At first, the young boy had not impressed him much. He was shy and a somewhat reminder of Ness and his failure to join Brawl. The boy had tried to talk to him at some points, the fear overwhelming him at others. He had decided that he was not important. He was simply enough, a human child who had Ness' moves. He expected him to be one dimensional.

He trailed behind the boy as he ran past the sunflowers. He was a child of the sun, he thought. More sunflowers were toppling him but he trudged on with absolute motivation. He wondered how a young child who supposedly suffer could do that.

There was a voice. A voice who called out to him night after night. The voice had kept pleading for him to protect the child, it's child. He would keep asking night after night who it was but there would never be a reply. Just pleas.

The young boy had stopped. The trail of sunflowers had ended and beyond the cliff they stood on, was the official Smash tournament. Oh how he remembered the thrill of fighting, the rush of a sudden move being your last. It was what pushed him to come back. His only desire.

The child had spun to him, a sunflower in his hand and a smile on his face. He had looked down upon him, hesitant.

"Little one," he said. "Why do you present this to me?"

The boy had tilted his head, nudged the flower foward.

"Do you think sunflowers are nice?" the boy asked.

He pondered this. Were they? What was so special about sunflowers? They worked like any other plant, with chlorophyll, chloroplast, root nutrients, and the energy provided by the sun. How were they nice?

"I don't know," he replied. "Why do you ask, little one?"

Lucas smiled inwardly towards the flowers.

"My mother always told me that sunflowers will always smile and face the sun," he replied. "That no matter how many times they are trampled they will stand back up and smile towards the sun."

"Are you saying I am like a sunflower?" he asked.

He looked up.

"Smile and face the sun," the child said. "No matter what happens you should always stand up again and smile."

He had taken the sunflower out of his small hands, causing him to openly smile wide. He smiled as well.

"Thank you, sunflower child," he said. "I shall heed your words."

"Thank you," he said.

The boy who was said to suffer seems strong, he thought. Bright and vibrant like the sun. He glaced at the sunflower in hand.

"Stand strong and face and face the sun," he mused to himself. "Is that something he should be telling me?"


AN: Very rushed but hey, I'm doing this on my gamepad. So anyway...


To all the haters who kept trying to get Lucas fans to stop believing he'll come back... HAHAHAHA I WIN LOSER

Just so happy ;u;