So, it's been awhile since I published anything new. Sorry about that, but I've been a bit distracted and unfocused lately. I finished the one-act play for my school a little bit ago, we just started working on a middle school musical, I've had a lot of homework, and I've been way too tired. But I'm back now, and trying to write more. Here's the beginning, hopefully I'll get it to the end.
A few more minutes of peace, please, I think as I spot my old friend Mike in the park. I try and avoid him, but he calls my name.
"Jane? Jane Watson?" He calls after me. I can't do anything but turn and acknowledge him. "I thought you were abroad, getting shot at. What happened?"
"I got shot," I say shortly, annoyed.
"Oh." A few minutes later, and we're sipping coffee on a bench.
"So, are you staying in town until you get sorted out?" He asks, looking over to me.
"You know I can't afford London on an army pension." He stays silent for a minute.
"You could ask Harry for help."
"Yeah, cause that's a fantastic idea," I say sarcastically. "You know we don't get along."
"You could find a flatmate?" He suggests again.
"Who would want me for a flatmate?" He just smiles.
"You know, you're the second person to say that to me today." I look to him in confusion.
"Who was the first?"
Short, but also just an introduction. We all now how this story goes, but this is a bit different. Sorry about the cliffhanger, there's another chapter coming up shortly.