To Make the Season Bright, Chapter 4

by Moonchild DJ and Sukino


Moonchild DJ: *beams and waves* Kon'wa, minna-chan! I made it! I finished the last chapter! *sighs in relief* True, it may not be Christmas now, but it can make the holiday last a little longer...*glances around nervously* Sukino-chan will probably kill me for posting two chapters without her, but I know that she would want you all to see this. So enjoy, review, and hope you like! ^_^ And as always, we don't own anything of Yugioh, just this fic and its ideas..*scampers away before Sukino finds out*


Jou awakened later by the grumbling of his stomach, blinking awake with a groan. He nuzzled the warm chest he slept against, smiling as he remembered the previous events. Everything was perfect, everything was right. He glanced up at his sleeping lover and smiled tenderly. The brunette grumbled faintly in his sleep, arms tightening absently around Jou.

He smiled more at the gesture. Could he love this man any more than he already did? Not wanting to wake him, he detangled from his arms, pulling on some clothes. Accidentally pulling on Seto's pants in his sleepy haze, the blond headed down the stairs in search of food, tripping on the long pants. He gasped and tumbled down the stairs painfully, yelping and shrieking, striking his head on the bannister, He passed out, out cold at the bottom of the staircase.


Seto woke abruptly with a -bumpbumpbumpCRASH- sound, looking for Jou immediately. He blinked when he realized he wasn't there. "Mmmph..?" The brunette sat up, rubbing his eyes and awakening himself. He shifted off the bed and pulled the sheets around him, stumbling to his feet. "Jou?"

He hobbled out of the room, still looking for Jou, then spotted him down the stairs. His eyes widened in horror. "JOU!!" He hiked the blankets up and hopped down after him as quickly as he could move.

Jou groaned, still out, a red mark forming on his forehead.

Seto swallowed his heart, which was in his throat, forcing himself to remain reasonably calm. He kneeled at his side, touching his shoulder in concern. "Jou? Jou?! Are you alright??!"

The blond's dark brown eyes blinked open after a few seconds slowly, with a slight confused look. He blinked up at Seto. " Huh?"

"Jou, what happened?! Are you okay?"

Jou nodded vaguely and sat up slowly. "I-I f-fell down the stairs....I-I feel okay...." He blinked quizically, then frowned at him. "Where is your cane...?"

Seto flushed. "Back upstairs, I hopped out without it..."

"Seto...." Jou tried to look stern, but winced instead, his forhead throbbing a little. "Itai..."

Seto sighed in relief that he seemed to be all right. "Back upstairs, Jou...before we hurt ourselves again..." he replied softly.

The blond nodded, getting up slowly. "Hai..." he murmured, rubbing his head

The brunette pulled himself up after him, hopping for a second to gain his balance. He smiled gratefully at him as Jou wrapped an arm around his waist to help him, he in turn helping him.

"Jeez, my head is killing me..." Jou murmured, leaning against the taller boy.

"I hope you didn't get a concussion out of that fall, as in we're in no condition to treat each other.."

Jou shook his head. "'m's just a headache.." He helped him back to the bedroom, tripping slightly over the pants as he walked.

Seto blinked, cocking his head. "What in the world are you doing in my pants?" He asked with a chuckle.

Jou blinked and looked down. "Yours...? No wonder they don't fit!! I put them on, thinking they were mine when I left in search of food..."

"In case you haven't noticed, my legs are longer than yours, it couldn't be too hard to tell yours from mine.." Seto replied dryly, smirking slightly.

"I was still half asleep..." Jou reached the bedroom, helping him to the bed, then collasping on it himself. "It was a mistake...gomen nasai..."

Seto nuzzled him soothingly. "Just as long as you're okay, I don't care..."

"I'm fine, except for..." Jou's stomach growled before he could answer, and he flushed.

Seto smirked. "Except for that, ne?"

Jou nodded, flushing slightly more. "Hai..."

"Hm..well, then I guess we DO have to leave this bed..."

Jou shook his head and grabbed him around his waist, pulling him closer. "Don't wanna..." he protested softly.

The brunette smiled, nuzzling his hair. "The food isn't going to come to us, koi..."

Jou pouted. "Don't you have servants or something?" He rested his head against Seto's chest, huffing.

"It's Christmas, Jou, they're with their families..I'm not a total Scrooge just yet.."

"Okay, okay...I'll go, but you aren't. You have been hobbling around enough on that leg of yours...okay?"

Seto sighed, quirking a grin. "A prisoner in my own bedroom..alright, I won't move, if you bring me something, too..."

"I just don't want you hurt...okay, so what do you want, oh, prisoner of mine...?"

Seto flushed at the words. "...That sounded hentai..." he muttered.

Jou grinned innocently and glanced at him. "I know..." he murmured with a self-satisfied smile.

The brunette blushed more and stammered out, "A s-sandwich..."

"You got it..." The blond changed back into his own pants and bounded out of the room laughing.

Seto sighed and lay back in bed, sighing as he smiled sheepishly. "I can't believe he said that...though the idea has merit.."


Jou soon bounded back in, two sandwiches in tow. "Here ya go...." He handed Seto his, smiling as he crawled back into bed with him. "Your kitchen is huge..."

Seto smiled, taking the sandwich. "Get lost?"

"Just a little..."

"So don't send the SWAT team after you to find you just yet, ne?" The brunette smirked, eating.

Jou rolled his eyes with a quirky grin. "You are still my prisoner..." He lowered his hand, brushing it against him. "...Or have you forgotten....?"

Seto gasped sharply, nearly choking on a piece of sandwich at the touch, though managing to swallow. His eyes widened. "O-oh...that..."

The blond smirked, eating his sandwich. He chuckled softly at the kawaii blush across Seto's face watching him eat. He smiled when the brunette leaned companionably against him, sighing happily and wrapping his arms around him.

Seto purred in satisfaction, closing his eyes contentedly.

Jou leaned close and whispered in his ear. "I love you, my sweet much...more than you'll ever know..."

Seto smiled, nuzzling him. "Oh...I think I have an idea...I love you too, Jou..." he replied softly.

Jou nuzzled him back, glancing at him thoughtfully. "Seto...if you're up for it...wanna go for a walk? It is so pretty outside..."

"Mmm..." Seto, smiled, kissing his cheek. "Sounds like a plan.."

"Honto...? Is your leg okay for it? I hate to sound like a nag, I just don't want you in pain..."

"I'm's not acting too bad, just as long as I remember the cane this time.."

"I will make you remember..believe me....' He tried to glare like Seto, but failed miserably, not having the right effect.

Seto snickered slightly. "The patented Kaibaglare doesn't work with you, koi.."

Jou huffed, poking Seto in the chest lightly. "You hush..."

The brunette smiled and caught hold of the finger. He brung it up to his mouth, kissing it tenderly.

"That won't work...I'm still mad...." Jou smirked mischieviously. "You have more persuading to do...."

Seto winked and slipped the finger into his mouth, suckling on it with a purr as his eyes half-close.

Jou gasped, closing his eyes as he shivered at the feel of his mouth. He purred, leaning into him.

"Mmm...." Seto nipped the finger lightly, wrapping his tongue around it.

Jou moaned softly. "S-Seto, w-what are you d-doing to me..?"

The brilliant blue eyes smiled at him as he nibbled at him.

"Seto...nnn!!" The blond lay back on the bed, shivering. 'All of this, and he is just sucking a finger...gods...!'

The brunette purred, taking more in, nipping at the skin lightly. He leaned close to him, his hip resting against his as he savored Jou's reactions. So beautiful..

"Gods...Seto..." .

"Mmm.." Seto moved back slowly, nuzzling him. "You like?"

"What d-do you think...?"

Seto smiled tenderly, chuckling. "I think that's a definite yes.."


The brunette nuzzled him. "Am I forgiven?"

"Hmmm...not sure....I think more persuading is in order...."

Seto grinned, his eyes lighting with a seductive light. "Is it now..." He leaned closer to kiss him, his arms wrapping around his waist.

Jou saw the look and smiled back, reaching for him. "Hmm...I think so, yes..." He leaned forward to meet him, kissing him back. He felt his lover purr, felt his hands pulling him closer to him. He certainly wasn't going to resist. He twined his arms around his neck, one hand tangling into his hair with a low moan.

"Mmm.." Seto purred, his hands moving to tangle into Jou's hair, shivering in pleasure.

The blond pulled back, panting. "Y-you're f-forgiven...for sure..."

"Good t-to know..." Seto purred, kissing his hair.

Jou smiled, nuzzling closer. "Yeah..." He quieted for a few moments, then glanced up at him. "This is the best Christmas ever...thank you, Seto..."

Seto blinked at him in surprise. "Why are you thanking me? You're the one who brought this all about, you know.."

"I'm thanking you because you could have rejected me..laughed at the gifts and ignored me completely...and I would be all alone right now....probably talking to my father on the phone for a few moments and then sit and watch the snow fall...that is why I'm saying that to you..."

"How could I have possibly done that? Everything you did was perfect...I would've been a baka if I'd rejected you..."

Jou blushed, glancing down. "I just did what I thought would make you like christmas just a little better.." he murmured honestly. He chuckled softly when Seto nuzzled him, glancing back up.

"If it's with you...I know I'll like it.."

The blond smiled. "I think you are a little biased..."

Seto smirked at him. "Just a little..?"

Jou laughed. "Okay, a lot..."

"Hai..." Seto purred softly, kissing him again. "Only way to go."

Jou smiled at him. "You still feel up to that walk...?" He beamed when Seto nodded his agreement, smiling back.

"Good...." Jou reached for and pulled on his shirt. "Seto, do you have a sweater I could borrow?"

"In the closet, Jou.." Seto replied, pulling back on his own clothes.

Jou shifted out of bed and jumps to his feet, going to the closet. He saw Seto's patented trenchcoat and grabbed it to see what he would do, throwing it on. "What about this one?" he asked, smiling.

Seto glanced up and smirked, laughing softly at the sight of his koi in his clothes. "First...I think it's a bit too big..second, does that look like a sweater?"

"Yep! Looks like a sweater, smells like a sweater, feels like a sweater....must be a sweater, ne...?" Jou cracked, smiling. The brunette laughed again, and Jou loved that sound. He was so glad to be able to hear him laugh, to make him laugh. It meant that he'd done something right..

"It's big enough to swallow you up..on the other hand, it's sure to warm you up..but why are you wanting my trench?" Seto quirked a brow, cocking his head.

"'Cause I'm a brat...or didn't you know that....?" Jou smirked.

Seto smiled teasingly. "Thought you were a puppy..scratch that..MY puppy.." he replied softly.

"Hai, I am!!" The blond smiled and dived onto the bed into his arms with a purr. "Always..."

Seto smiled and hugged him close. "Promise?"


The older boy leaned closer to kiss his nose. "You look kawaii in my trench, by the way.."

Jou beamed, flushing slightly at the compliment. "Hai....but it's so heavy! How in the hell did you wear this all the time...?"

Seto laughed, nuzzling him. "I'm taller than you, I can support it.."

The blond stuck out his tongue at him, slipping back out of his arms and moving back to the closet. He hung the trench back up and grabbed a dark green sweater, putting it on. "Much better...."

Seto purred, smiling at the sight of him. "Mm..much more yummier, too.."

Jou blushed. "Seto....'m not..."

"Says you.." The brunette got up, grabbing for his cane before hobbling over to reach for a sweater himself from the closet. He pulled a dark blue sweater on and smoothed it out before turning to Jou for inspection. "Okay?"

It was Jou's turn to drool over him. He purred. "Absolutely beautiful..."

Seto flushed at the words. "Flirt."

Jou smiled innocently. "Are you complaining?"


"Good." Jou smirked.

The older boy smiled, nuzzling him before grabbing for his trench and shrugging it on. "Ready for that walk?"

"Yep!!" Jou beamed, nodding.

Seto smiled, nodding back and wrapping an arm around his waist. "Then let's go, ne?"

"Okay..." Wrapping an aeound around him, Jou started to walk out with him. He frowned when he heard Seto sigh, moving carefully.

"Be glad to get rid of this stupid cane.." he murmured softly.

"Gomen nasai..."

Seto shook his head. "No...I'm not blaming you, Jou, I just mean I'm so used to moving around quickly, I keep forgetting the cane.." he grinned sheepishly, hugging him.

Jou cocked his head, then smiled, hugging him back. "Okay...." He helped him outside, walking with him as the snow falled slowly.

The taller boy followed him, smiling at the scenery. So quiet..peaceful. "Beautiful.." he murmured as he glanced out at the wintery wonderland. He hugged Jou close, sighing contentedly.

"Just like you..." Jou replied softly as he took them on a slow walk through the neighborhood, making sure not to go too fast for him.

Seto blushed again and muttered 'flirt' under his breath again, marvelling at the lights and the snow and Jou. He smiled. He loved him. Best part was, Jou loved him back.

"Oh, so I'm a flirt 'cause I tell the truth...." Jou mock-pouted, then grinned, attempting to try to catch snowflakes on his tongue.

Seto smiled at the sight, chuckling. His little puppy..his little tenshi.. "Guess I should get used to it, ne?"

"Yep....'cause you are beautiful...truly beautiful...." Jou replied, still trying to catch snowflakes to no avail.

Seto smiled. "'s something you can easily catch.." He leaned closer, kissing him.

"Mmm.....and a whole lot sweeter than a snowflake....." Jou purred as he opened his eyes, smiling tenderly at him.

The brunette blushed again and smiled back. "Merry Christmas, Jou...thank you for making it truly merry..." he said softly.

"For you, Seto, I'd do anything....Merry Christmas...."

Seto hugged him close, wrapping his arms around his waist, nuzzling his hair. "I love you.."

Jou purred. "I love you more..." he replied, kissing his cheek.


"With everything that I am...."

Seto laced their fingers together, smiling contentedly at him. "With everything in me, I promise, too, Jou.."

Jou squeezed his hand, resting his head on his shoulder as they walked. "Seto...I think this is a wonderful start to all the other Christmases we'll spend together...."

Seto lowered his head to kiss his hair. "You know something, Jou? I think you're right.."

Jou smiled, nuzzling his arm with a happy sigh. 'Mission Complete. I helped Seto have a wonderful holiday...and found love at the same time.'


----Everybody knows, a turkey and some mistletoe, helps to make the season bright....

.....And although it's been said, many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you.----

