The moment you've all been waiting for…the twin's birth! Emma is nine months pregnant and the twins are due any day now. I may write a sequel but I may not. If I do it will be after my lab rat's fanfiction and graphic novel are done.

"Jack, what will we call them?" asked Emma, sitting with her husband on the window seat at North's place. "Don't know. What do you want to call them?" responded Jack. Emma had already asked for ideas from the other guardians and had the perfect names. "If they're both boys, Alex and James. Both girls, Ashley and Molly. One girl and one boy, then Alex and Ashley, Alex and Ash for short." Jack nodded, thinking those were great names. Suddenly Emma felt a sharp pain, no; scratch that, a sharp painful contraction! "When she saw and felt a *um* liquid running down her leg, she paled and said," Call Mother Nature, please." Jack asked her why and Emma took a deep breath before yelling," BECAUSE IT IS TIME! OUR KIDS ARE COMING AND I AM NOT GOING INTO LABOR WITHOUT A PROFESSIONAL TO HELP DELIVER MY CHILDREN!" Everyone went into action immediately. Sandy used his dream sand to lift Emma into the workshop infirmary, Tooth called Mother Nature and Emma's mother who came instantly, and North and Bunny tried to call Jack down.

Several hours later, on November 13th, Alexander James Frost and his sister Ashley Molly Frost were born. When Jack came in, Emma said," Never again," and Jack nodded, knowing it was hard delivering twins in a teenage body or at least it was for Emma. All the guardians came in and congratulated them. "Well mates, what do they look like?" asked Bunny and the new parents showed everyone their children. Alex was definitely a spring child. He had her skin tone, her brown hair, and made little leaves appear every few seconds. But his face and eye color was Jacks, and it felt like Jack was looking at a younger version of himself. Ash was a winter child. She had pale skin, white hair (Well it was technically blond, but it was almost white blond. She's blond because of her mother who had blond hair before she became Emma Spring). But her face was of Emma's as well as her emerald green eyes. Alex started crying and that caused his sister to start crying too. Jack couldn't calm Alex down but he calmed Ash. Emma couldn't calm down Ash but she calmed down Alex. "I can't believe my daughter is a 'daddy's little girl'." exclaimed Emma. "I can't believe my son is a 'mother's precious son'." replied Jack.


Tell us another story, Uncle Bunny," asked seven-year old Ash. Bunny, North and Sandy were the twins 'uncles' and Tooth and Crystal were their 'aunts'. Bunny was Ash's godfather, and Sandy was Alex's. North wasn't picked because he said he didn't want to scare them even though the twins loved their 'downright jolly Uncle North'. Tooth was Ash's godmother, and Crystal was Alex's. "How about you ask Aunt Tooth, Ash. Or better yet, play with Alex. Uncle Rabbit needs to prepare for Easter," said Emma earning a glare from Bunny. "Alex! Where is he?" asked Ash (Alex was born 5 minutes before his sister). "Here I am. Want a lot of pretty flowers?" replied Alex before making his sister a bouquet of daffodils. Ash squealed and then looked at her parents. "Papa, what's my powers 'gain?" she asked. Jack smiled then scooped Ash into his arms as Emma scooped Alex into hers. "You can make winter-y things, remember? And Alex makes springtime things." Jack replied.

"I love you Papa and Mama," said Alex and his sister looked hurt and then said," What about me?" Alex looked upset at the thought of hurting his little sister's feelings so he said," And you too, Ashy. You're my little sister. I promise to always love you and try to protect you." Ash looked relieved and said," I promise you that too, Alex. And I love both of you Papa and Mama." Jack and Emma looked at their children proudly but Bunny had to ruin the moment. "What are we, chopped liver?" The twins hurried to say they loved their 'uncles' and 'aunts'. Jack and Emma just shook their heads.

The End!