Hello all, been a while hasn't it? Alas, the last couple of months have seen me with a dearth of time, ideas, motivation, and any combination thereof to write much, but today I have the pleasure of presenting another piece of role-play adaptation – one which Kiko has taken the time and effort to convert into first person like the first few chapters were. This chapter features her OC Likos Haima, who was also in last chapter – this one beign a direct follow-up.

That said, before we proceed I would like to address something quickly. Over the time between now and my last post, I've received a number of messages – mostly positive and expressing best wishes and such, which I appreciate – and others somewhat disappointed with my lack of recent uploads – which I understand – but then there were also those expressing dissatisfaction with what they've read here. Mind, I can handle criticism – that's how writers improve – but I do not appreciate the hateful tantrums concerning my narrative choices – the subject of White Rose in 'Playtime with snow white' comes to mind… I also understand that not everyone likes OCs, which I admittedly work with frequently, but given that I do my best to label the chapterrs as having OCs ahead of the body text, I don't think it's too much to ask that those of you who just can't stand the OCs skip over the chapter's you suspect you're not going to like in that regard, rather than leaving me a stream of rage and obscenities, am I wrong? Most of you have been wonderfully supportive, and I do appreciate that, but to those of you who aren't always happy with my work, I ask only this: Don't be and asshole – to Kiko or myself. For those of you who can't handle that, this is your one and only acknowledgement, and I will be ignoring you hence forward unless you can conduct yourselves with a little more basic decency.

Now then, with that unpleasantness out of the way, enjoy…

Tears run down my face, pain dancing up my spine with every step and the only thing covering my naked body is my cloak. My bare feet barely make a noise as I walk through the Emerald Forest.

I couldn't stay at Beacon, not after what Blake did. Her seed still fills my womb, leaving a warmth that I just want to go away. My ears twitch at the sound of something following me through the woods.

White fur and bone spikes, tells me all I need to know.

At some distance away, an alpha Beowolf is stalking me through the woods, his fur a snow white colour, matching the bone plate mask and spikes the he has.

I snuffle as I lift myself over a fallen tree with a grunt, pain running through my body from between my legs as I heave myself up.

A low, guttural snarl comes from the wolf behind me, a pair of red eyes watching me through the darkness as I turn towards the sound.

I growl back, my body shaking "What… What do you want with me…?" I try to keep my fear from my voice.

As the huge white wolf stalks out of the woods, he is snarling at me, growling and drooling.

My eyes widen and I reach back for the dust I normally have, panic sets in when my pouch isn't there, only remembering now that Blake ripped all my dust from me when she stripped me of all but my cloak.

He rushes forward, swinging a massive paw at me, aiming to knock me backward.

I duck down, tears blurring my vision as fear fills me. My hands slamming into the ground and I whine.

He twists his body, swinging his other paw to swing at me, aiming lower.

I drop even lower to the ground, my hands clenching at the leaves as I flatten myself against the ground; his claws just missing me as I whimper "please leave me alone."

He snarls, bringing his foot down on my back, forcing me flat against the ground.

I cough, as the air is forced from my lungs and I'm slammed into the ground

He lifts his foot up and reaches down, scooping under my stomach with one huge front paw, picking me up and throwing me against the fallen tree.

I choke on my breath, as he forces the air from my lungs again, my body shaking as I get to my feet. My vision goes blurry from lack of oxygen.

He swats me onto my back again.

I go limp, tears falling down my face as a whimper leaves my throat.

Growling, he stalks over, bending down to sniff at me like I'm his prey, cause that's what I am, his prey.

I can feel some of Blake's cum leak from my folds. The bite marks on my neck start bleeding again.

At the smell of another male on me, he bares his fangs, determined now to claim me for himself.

I curl my tail between my legs in an attempt to deter him, my ears flattening against my head in defiance.

His clawed left hand grabs me by the back of my neck, wrapping around my throat, claws digging into my flesh before he throws me forward so I land over the fallen tree on my stomach.

I start to struggle, my hands pushing at the log to try and get to my feet, but he is too quick.

He slams his paw into my upper back, pinning me back down, before I can get myself up, commanding submission.

I whimper, "Please... Don't..." I stop struggling; I can barely move.

He barks at me for silence, cock beginning to peak from its sheath and press against my ass, leaving little drops of pre on my skin.

I whine, my tail curling even tighter between my legs.

He digs his claws through my cloak, clawing into the skin of my back.

I scream, my back arching from the pain as I feel his cock slowly thickening and growing longer. "No!"

His cock presses against my ass harder, rubbing along my tail, leaving a sticky trail in my fur.

I go still, my ears flicking back as I look behind me "stop..." a whine leaves my throat.

He snarls at me as he lifts my hips, his cock sliding between the cheeks of my ass and along my tail before pressing, spreading my folds around him.

I willingly move my tail out of his way as part of me knows that he won't stop.

A pleased growl leaves him, his breath ghosting over my neck and shoulders as he hunches lower, pressing his furry chest to my back as he starts to push inside me.

I grunt, my tail curling between us as my hands clench at the tree as his cock fills me.

As the head of his thickening cock sinks deeper into my hole I cry out, going on and on as he slides in slowly at first.

I moan again, my walls clenching around his cock tightly.

The Beowolf snarls at me, now confident in his possession and domination, he slams his shaft all the way in now, pressing roughly against my cervix before breaching it with the first full stroke.

I scream, my hands clawing at the bark of the tree, my cervix trying to clench around the head of his cock as my walls pulse and milk him.

He huffs as he pulls back, his cock popping out of my womb, and starts thrusting, now satisfied with my body's submission to his will.

I keep screaming, my hips instinctively rocking back against his.

He thrusts harder now, over me, hilting and pulling back, hilting and withdrawing, as the base of his cock begins to swell.

My walls clench with each thrust "stooop!"

Instead, he picks up speed, his knot swelling still more, one and a third times the original size of his shaft.

I scream, my claws dragging down the tree, my hips jerking and my walls milking him as I cum.

His jaws gently clamp down around my neck as his thrusts go ragged and his knot reaches its full five inches thick, locking him inside me.

"It hurts" His knot stretches and fills me to the brim.

He growls for silence, before cumming inside me, filling me with his burning seed

I feel my walls clamp and I cum again "Fuck!"

He keeps cumming, gently bucking for almost twenty minutes, filling me the entire time, making my womb swell with the amount.

I moan "so... hot"

He throws back his head and howls.

I reach one are back to pet him, my fingers stroking his course white fur.

The alpha starts to pull back, his knot spreading my entrance, tearing me as his knot pops out before it fully deflates.

I cry out "Fuck!" pain sears through my veins as my alpha tears out of me.

Now that he is finished with me, he stalks away, ignoring my whimpers of pain.

I throw my head back, howling as bones start reshaping; my body shaking as I slowly transforms into a dark purple Beowolf. 'Don't leave me'

The white alpha howls back in the night. 'Mine'