So here what happened; Wander and Sylvia crash landed on planet populated mostly by ponies. Sylvia bickered with a southern pony named Applejack, and then settled things with Wander's help. They had a good lunch period thanks to Applejack and her little sister, Apple Bloom, and then they headed out to Ponyville to seek help from someone who could get them back into space. Wander performed a little diddy in the town and impressed many ponies, especially a pink pony named Pinkie Pie. She and another pony named Rainbow Dash had a good conversation with the two aliens and then pointed them towards the direction of the kindest pony in Ponyville, Fluttershy! They ran into Derpy Hooves who pointed them in Futtershy current location and they had a wonderful time talking with the shy mare… and her animal friends.

Once all was said and done, the two aliens went back into town to continue their search; but that moment was ruined when their number one nemesis, Lord Hater, and his entire army of Watchdog troops invaded Ponyville looking for them; and even worse, he captured Fluttershy. But… sorta according to plan, Wander and Sylvia worked together to out trick Hater and got Fluttershy out from his grasp. Then the rest was up to Twilight and her friends as they used the Elements of Harmony to blast Hater back into Space; and his terrified troops soon followed after him in their ship; hopefully never to be seen by Equestria again. Everyone was safe and all is well that ends well. But now… what's next for our alien heroes?

[i][u]Wander[/u]:[/i] "EVERYBODY CONGA!"

At the beautiful Ponyville Park, the town's citizens were holding a celebration party hosted by Pinkie Pie (of course) in honor of the two aliens that helped save their town, Wander and Silvia. At the present moment, Wander was at the front of a conga line of other ponies busting some cool moves to some catchy music from the music's provider. Pinkie, who was right behind Wander, was pretty impressed by his fancy dancing.

"You have some awesome footwork, Wander! You're a party animal!"

"Why thank ya very much," Wander responded while continuing to be in the groove, "It was mighty nice of ya to throw this small party to thank me and Sylvia!"

"How could I resist?! You two were awesome!"

"Not as awesome as you and your friends! Yer element powers are pretty darn sick… in a good way!"

"Don't I know it! But enough of that; less pondering, and more partying!"

And that's exactly what they did. As the music cranked up, Pinkie and Wander were dancing like crazy along with the others that were there with; and they were having the time of their lives. But over on the sidelines on a park bench sat Sylvia who was munching on some refreshments and watching Wander get down. She was also sitting with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack, and she found herself caught up in a conversation with them.

"Man, I have to admit it," said Sylvia, "I really didn't think that anyone here could've taken on Lord Hater; but you girls… ha, you kicked his sorry butt!"

Twilight and the others were glad that this extraterrestrial being was finally realizing their capabilities.

"Well, we couldn't have done it if you and your friend, Wander hadn't freed Fluttershy from Hater's clutches," said Twilight.

Fluttershy smiled and blushed from embarrassment as she looked over at Sylvia, "Um… y-yeah; thanks again for doing that. I didn't know what I was going to do in that position."

"Well… Hater is a big jerk and I'm always up for kicking him in the rear," Sylvia stated, "But this was no exception! We were glad to help, and… you ponies are awesome!"

"No need to tell us that," said Rainbow Dash.

Sylvia was really having a good time settling down after a good battle session. But suddenly, she heard a familiar voice behind her, "Hey, Sylvia!"

She turned around and once again saw that same little southern filly from before that she now a bit more respect for, "Oh, hey there, Apple Bloom. You know, it was a bit fool hardy, but I give you props for standing up to Hater."

"Thanks a lot," Apple Bloom responded with a smile. But then, Sylvia noticed two more fillies walking up right Apple Bloom feeling very curious to see her up close, "Hey, these are mah other two crusader friends that Ah told ya about! This is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!"

The other two fillies smiled and waved at Sylvia, and Sylvia waved back astonished at just how adorable all three of them looked together.

"Hey, Miss Sylvia," said Sweetie Belle, "Thanks for helping my sister and her friends fight off that big meanie; and… and I really like your mane."

Sylvia felt quite flattered.

"That was so awesome," shouted Scootaloo, "the way you came down like you did and pounced on that Hater guy's head and saved Fluttershy! And it was even funnier afterwards when Rainbow Dash knocked his block off!"

Twilight and the others were smiling themselves seeing how the crusaders were bonding with their new friend.

"Yeah, that was funny," Sylvia stated, "But you know, he was asking for it."

Just then, Sylvia remembered of what Sweetie Belle said about her sister being one of the ones that defeated Hater. Looking at them and the young filly, she asked, "Hey, wait… you wouldn't happen to be a little sister to Rarity, would you?"

Sweetie smiled and nodded knowing Sylvia had it right on the money, "I sure am!"

Then Sylvia looked at Scootaloo and remembered her mentioning Rainbow Dash's feats, "And let me guess, you're a little sister to Rainbow Dash, right?"

"Actually," said Scootaloo awkwardly, "I just look up to her, but she has become like a big sister to me."

"Well, there is that."

The crusaders then looked over at Wander who was with Pinkie dancing away and they felt impressed.

"Hey," said Apple Bloom to Sylvia, "yer friend there is a really good dancer."

Sylvia smirked seeing what a great time her friend was having, "Well, he's no stranger to something like this."

Suddenly, Wander broke from his dancing and ran back over to Sylvia where he spotted Apple Bloom, "How are ya doin', Apple Bloom?!"

"Ah'm doin' mighty fine, thanks."

Then Wander spotted Apple Bloom's other friends standing nearby, "Oh my gosh, two more adorable little ponies! Are they yer other crusader friends?!"

Apple Bloom smiled and chuckled at Wander's excitement, "They sure are!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at Wander curiously as he was zipping around them taking in their appearance, "Oh wow, it's too much cuteness than Ah can stand! Ah think Ah'm gonna have a heart attack!"

"No, don't do that!" said Sweetie Belle panicking, "Y-y-you want us to be less cute?!"

Sylvia rolled her eyes and smirked at Wander's performance.

"Ah'm just kiddn' ya, little filly," said Wander, "The three of you can be as adorable as you want!"

They all were glad to hear him say that, especially Sweetie Belle who perked back up with a bright smile. Suddenly, Wander felt his groove coming back when he started to hear a catchy tune blarring from the Dj.

"Ooh, Ah'm likin' this one!" He then grabbed on to Sylvia and try to pull on her, "Hey, Sylvia, come on and dance with me!"

"I don't know," said Sylvia, "I feel a little tuckered out."

But Wander wasn't planning to take no for an answer as he kept on tugging on Sylvia tail, "Come on, you know you wanna! Come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on!"

Sylvia smiled as she finally gave in and got up on her two feet, "Oh, what the heck; let's go break a leg!"


As they went over to the dance area with the others, the crusaders were right behind them as Apple Bloom shouted out, "Hey, we'll dance with ya too!"

Suddenly, as they followed the alien duo, Pinkie was smiling and hopping over to her friends where she plopped down on her flank feeling so exhausted, "Whew, that was fun, but that little guy is still going! I think I have new competition."

The main six continued to watch as the crusaders were having fun dancing around with Wander and Sylvia, just feeling happy of making new friends from an alien world.

"Those two really are an interestin' duo," said Applejack, "Who would've thought that we would be saved from aliens by aliens."

"Well… those two certainly proved their worth," Twilight responded, "and I say that they are welcome to come here any time."

Twilight's friends all nodded their heads in agreement.

"By the way, Twilight," said Fluttershy suddenly, "do you know whether or not those two have found any help to get them back into space?"

"Ah yes, I heard something about that too," Rarity added.

Twilight smiled as she shook her head and said, "Not that I know of, but… I think I have the answer to their solution."

Wander, Sylvia and all the other ponies partied to their hearts' content. But like all well-executed parties, it eventually came to an end. Once it did, many of the ponies went on home after saying farewell to the alien duo, and that included most of Twilight's friends. Pinkie gave both of them a big, loving hug before happily bouncing off, and Rainbow Dash gave both of them a hoof bump before flying off. Rarity thanked them before walking off and Fluttershy said good bye to them as well… after holding Wander in her arms one more time.

After that, Wander and Sylvia were wondering what they should do next that all of this was over? But they soon got their answer as Twilight came up to them and told them to follow her. They were both wondering what was up, but they didn't argue on the fact as they did what she asked. Coming with them was Spike, Applejack and Apple Bloom also, but their reason was unknown. On the way there, Wander was once again resting on Sylvia's back while lightly playing his banjo. It was enjoyable in their ears, but it was pure, beautiful music In Applejack and Apple Bloom's ears.

They were getting close to their destination when Wander was thinking over the party and shouted, "So how about that Party, Sylvia? Best… one… ever! I felt like a little ol' dancin' fool getting' lost in the music!"

"More like a dancin' machine!" Apple Bloom stated, "Mah friends and Ah couldn't even keep up with yer moves!" She tried to copy Wander's dance from what she remembered, but then almost fell over, "Whoa!"

Applejack caught her and chuckled, "Don't trip yerself up, little sis; leave dance moves like that to the professional."

Spike was looking over at Wander and Sylvia when he suddenly said, " You know, it feels kinda nice seeing other creatures like you two that are even more rarer to see here than me. That way, all of the attention is not always on me; n-n-not that I mind the attention though."

"Spike, ya big liar," said Apple Bloom, "You always try to get attention!"

Spike blushed and chuckled nervously knowing that Apple Bloom was right. Feeling a bit curious of their destination, Sylvia asked Twilight…

"So… if you don't mind me asking, where exactly are you taking us?"

"Well," Twilight answered, "you did mention to Applejack that you and Wander were looking for help to get back up into space, right?"

"That is correct, mam'!" Wander responded.

Sylvia now realized where this was going as a bright smile appeared on her face, "So you… you can actually help us?! Well that's great; that's absolutely great!"

Twilight took them past Sweet Apple Acres and over some familiar hills; and at the top of one of the hills, Twilight stopped them.

"All of that is your old ship, right?"

Wander and Sylvia looked down and saw a huge crater in the ground with bits and pieces of metal, wires and other machinery parts lying all around. It was obvious to them of what it was.

"Y-y-yeah," said Sylvia hesitantly, "that's our ship… or at least what's left of it."

"It's completely smashed to smithereens!" shouted Wander, "Heh, but of course we both already assume that."

"What would you two say if I said that I could make your shattered sip like new again?" Twilight said to them.

Wander suddenly gasped, "Get out of here; you can do that?!"

Sylvia was trying to wrap her head around that concept herself as she was curiously scratching her head, "Is that even possible… to fix something like this totaled mess?"

"When you possess Alicorn magic," said Twilight, "anything is possible… mostly. I've been working on a restoration spell for the past few months, and now luckily… I think I finally got it down right. Observe."

Twilight stepped in front of them and got into a stance as she went into deep concentration with her horn starting to glow.

"Ya'll might wanna stand back," said Applejack to Wander and Sylvia.

A big burst of energy shinned from Twilight horn and her eyes were glowing a bright white. Before Wander and Sylvia knew it, they saw all of the bits and pieces of their shattered ship began to float up in the air, and it looked like they were coming back together. One by one, piece by piece, circuit by circuit, the scattered debris was were being melded together by Twilight's magic. When everything was finally together, there was huge explosion of light that almost blinded everyone.

"AAAHHHH, my eyes!" both Wander and Sylvia shouted covering their eyes.

When the light died down and they all uncovered their eyes, when they all looked down, what used to be bits and pieces of metal and wired circuits was now all formed together into a brand new-looking space ship, and it looked just like the ship Wander and Sylvia came in… only it looked brand new.

"You did it, Twilight," shouted Spike and then took a sigh of relief, "heh, I never doubted you for a second."

Apple Bloom was a bit surprised herself, "Whoa, Ah had no idea that Twilight became so powerful, sis; even with her Alicorn status."

"She surprises us all, Apple Bloom," said Applejack as she gave her little sister a small noogie on her head, "She surprises us all."

Twilight was taking a huge breather herself after completing such a huge feat and feeling proud of herself, "Wow, put that in record books, Spike; just wait until Princess Celestia hears of this." She then turned to Wander and Sylvia to see their reaction, "So… wh-what do you two think?"

Wander and Sylvia were side by side completely shocked with their mouths hanging open after seeing what they saw.

"Check it out, Sylvia," shouted Wander in shock, "it's completely fixed!"

Sylvia quickly zipped down and checking and feeling all over the ship to make sure it was legit, "Strong hold, no scruff marks, no rust, no flabby plates…" And Sylvia even opened the door to take a look inside and saw everything was clean and perfect, "Even the interior is almost in perfect condition! This ship looks brand new!"

"That's because it is brand new," said Twilight, "I tried to make it like was on whatever day it was actually first crafted; but honestly, I didn't think it was going to work this well for my first time."

Wander came up to Twilight and hugged her really tight squeezing, "You are amazing, Miss Twilight! Yer a life saver!"

Twilight looked down at him and proudly smiled, "Don't worry, it was my pleasure."

Sylvia was still grinning while admiring the new ship that was in front of her, feeling hard to believe that it was the same broken down ship that they bought with the little bit of money they had and escaped from before it crashed here.

"Oh yeah, this baby will definitely get us going; and we could probably also trade this off somehow for some extra moolah!" Sylvia then looked up at the sky and shook her fist upward while shouting, "Ha! In your face, ya old, dirty sleezeball!"

Spike was looking at her weird while scratching his head and asked Twilight, "Um… who is she talking to?"

Twilight just shrugged her shoulders; she had no idea herself.

"Well," said Wander as he smiled over at the others, "Ah guess we'll be going off now; it's been fun but we've gotta run!"

But Apple Bloom wasn't ready for them to leave as she came up closer them with a sad face, "Aw, do you two have to leave now."

Applejack placed her hoof on her sister's shoulder and shook her head, "Now Apple Bloom… ya know you can't force anyone to stay here. Ah'm sure they have other planet to attend to."

"A-Ah know that, but…"

"Actually," said Wander, "we don't, we just like traveling together! But this place was awesome, and so are you guys!"

Apple Bloom fully understood but she still didn't want them to leave. But then Sylvia came up to her and smiled as she bent down to her level and said, "Hey, cheer up. Maybe we'll come by and visit again another time, and maybe even explore more of this planet."

Apple Bloom wiped her eyes and smiled a bit and said, "Ya promise?"

"Heh… yeah," Sylvia responded, "We promise."

"I had a feeling that you were going to say that," said Twilight suddenly, "so take this."

Twilight then handed Wander a beacon-like instrument. Wander looked at it with much wonder.

"It's a portable homing beacon, straight from Princess Celestia herself. You can use it to find your way back here if you ever feel like dropping by here again."

Wander couldn't believe it as he stared at the instrument all star-eyed and smiling brightly. He then took off his hat and placed the beacon inside before placing the hat back on his head.

"We'll treasure it always."

"Alright," said Sylvia placing her hand on top of Wander, "no offense, but… I'm not really a sucker for long good byes; so we need to get going."

"Right behind ya, Sylvia!"

Wander followed Sylvia as they both made their way towards the newly made ship and prepared to start it's ignition.

""Bye, Wander; bye Sylvia!" Apple Bloom shouted out as she waved, "We won't forget you!"

"Ya'll be safe out there, ya hear?!" added Applejack.

After Sylvia walked in the ship, Wander turned around and gave them one last wave before going in himself. They all heard the ship start up and it was rising off the ground. The ship was slowly going off into the sky as Twlight and the others watched.

"And there they go," she said; but then she noticed something that was flying by too close, or rather some pony, "Uh oh, watch out!"

Sylvia looked up ahead through the ship window and quickly dodged to the side as she barely missed running into Derpy Hooves, "WHOA!"

Depry was almost thrown for a loop as she dodged t the last second too. And as the ship kept on going, Wander stuck his head out the door and shouted, "Sorry about that, Miss Derpy!"

Derpy shook herself loose and looked around while getting her head together saying, "I-I-I'm okay… I'm okay!" and continued to fly off.

Before they knew it the ship was gone and out of sight. As they kept on looking forward, Apple Bloom just sighed…

"Ah miss them already."

"So…" Applejack questioned, "What do we do now that things are back to our level of normal."

"Whatever we would have been doing I guess," Twilight answered.

They all suddenly turned around and started to head back to Ponyville when Spike suddenly said, "I don't know about you girls, but I suddenly have a hankering for a gem and cheese sandwich; ad for some weird reason, I'm in the mood to relax to some banjo music. I'm not quite sure though."

Feeling a little better already, Apple Bloom zipped up beside Spike and said, "Oh, Ah can take care of that! Ah've been practicing a bit with mah big brother."

"But ya still have more to learn, AB," Applejack chuckled.

They all laughed as they carried on in front of Twilight who was just happily watching them converse with each other. Feeling that she couldn't help it, Twilight looked back up in the sky having no self-doubt thinking to herself…

"I have a feeling… we will see those two again one day; friendship connects us all after all."

Wander and Sylvia were now back on the travel path again now that they were flying in a newly repaired ship. As they left the atmosphere and flew away from the planet, Sylvia was feeling great about being on the move again, "Whoo, now we can travel somewhere to get a deal on this ship without any risk of getting blown up!"

But she looked behind her, she saw Wander looking out the window staring very strongly at the planet they left feeling a little down, "Ah'm sure gonna miss that place."

Sylvia knew how he felt, but she knew that they couldn't stay there forever, "Yeah, Wander, I am too. But hey, think about it; there is probably other wonderful planets out there that we haven't even seen yet!"

"Maybe," Wander sighed, "but none will be as wonderful as that place was."

Suddenly, a puff of magic ignited inside the ship and a mysterious scroll fell on the floor. Wander turned around and spotted it, "What the…" He went to the scroll and picked it up curiously realizing what it is, "A letter? Now how did this get here?"

"Things just keep getting weirder," said Sylvia.

After unrolling the scroll, Wander suddenly went up beside Sylvia while steering the ship and held it up in front of her, "Hey… hey, check this out!"

Dear Wander and Sylvia,

I thank you for helping to save Twilight and the others from that alien menace. You two are really good friends and you're welcome to come to our planet anytime. Perhaps next time I can see both of you in person.


Princess Celestia

"Princess Celestia?!" they both shouted; and then looked at each other in amazement, "Whoa."

They never thought they would experience a moment such as this.

Meanwhile… somewhere else in space…

Lord Hater found himself coming to as he was opening his eyes. But seeing where he was, he was slightly panicking.

"Wh-what the… what am I doing back on my ship… in my bed?! Was… all of that humiliation just a dream?"

Suddenly, his right hand man, Commander Peepers came rushing into his room feeling relieved that he was okay, "Lord Hater, sir, you're finally conscious! The troops and I had to rush you in here quickly to rest after you received that terrible, humiliating rainbow smack in the face from those equine low-lives!"

Then it hit Hater that what he thought he imagined was indeed real and it did happen, "WHAT?! So… it wasn't a dream?! I was really defeated and humiliated… by ponies?!"

"Well… uh," said Peepers nervously, "I-I-I hate to be a major downer on your dignity, sir, but… yes, you were beaten… by ponies."

Suddenly, giant electrical current spouted from Hater's body as he screamed in rage from where he sat, and Peepers ducked down to prevent from being hit.

"B-but don't worry sir, I-I'm sure you could've taken them down if you weren't caught off guard like you did, heh heh. W-wanna go back and get some payback?!"

But just then, Hater's rage calmed down as he suddenly heard a certain beeping sound from his ship's main control panel. He rushed over to see that his ship was picking up the signature location of Wander and Sylvia once again. He cleared his throat and responded…

"No, forget that stupid planet. We'll continue our perusing search of Wander and Sylva as originally planned," Then he suddenly got up in Peeper's face and snarled, "And… I don't want to her another thing about those stupid, confounded ponies! Do I make myself clear?"

Peepers stood up straight saluting while sweating and said, "Yes sir! Understood, sir! No more talking about po… uh… those creatures!"

Suddenly out of nowhere, a bright puff of magic ignited at Hater's location, and then a single letter fell into his hands, "What in blue blazes?!"

Peepers came over to him as he opened the mysterious letter and read…

'I sure hope that you have learned your lesson about underestimated your enemy after being beaten by my protege and her pony friends. The power of friendship is stronger than any evil in the universe… including you. Try as many times as you may want to take over our home, but you'll never win. Be careful to not cry yourself to pieces, you big ol' bag of bones.'

Hater's body began to shake in frustration as he crumbled the letter in his hands and was set on fire. Peepers began to panic as he realized what was coming. "UH-OH!" He then ran as far away from Hater as possible as Hater suddenly shouted in anger so loud, his voice and maddening power could be seen and heard from their surroundings of the ship.


(This isn't the end. Stay tuned for a sequel... already in progress!)