This is the last chapter, minna. I hope that you will like it! :)
I would also like to thank everyone who reviewed this story :D
Who made Yuya laugh?
Yoko wondered, once again, what her house did to deserve this.
After Yuya laughed, his counterparts began arguing about who exactly made him laugh.
Now, if you think that the destruction was only limited to the kitchen, you'd be wrong. No, they demolished the whole house.
Yugo had taken the 'war' to the living room, where they had a pillow fight (which lasted for what felt like hours) and ended in a 'draw' of sorts. Then Yuri took it outside, where they had fun with her hose. That one ended in a draw too, since the victor was supposed to be the one who managed to stay dry by the end of it (impossible, in Yoko's opinion, not that they asked her).
She hoped that at least Yuto would stop this pointless fighting, but no. No, Yuto was the worst one.
Topping his 'brothers' living room and outdoor area, he took the fight all the way to the LDS tower. She thought that they wouldn't be able to do much there, due to all of the security, but the Akaba's security just had to be non-existant that day.
Yoko stood with Yuya as they watched the other three stand in a triangle in front of the tower, duel disks on their arms and the familliar shout of "DUEL!" after Yuya's speech about Action Dueling (despite there being no field to speak of but the counterparts allowed him to chant it anyways since they all agreed on how cute he was while doing it).
They watched the three-way duel for the next hour, Yuto's life points at 2000, Yugo's at 1200 while Yuri still somehow had his at 4000. From the life points alone, Yoko guessed that Yuri would win, even more so if he managed to get his dragon out. Yes, Yuri depleted the other two's lp that easily without even using his ace monster. Yoko could only sweatdrop as Yuya cheered for his "Yuri-nii-san!" as Yuto and Yugo panted, glaring at the former soldier before shouting that they 'wouldn't give the victory to him (Yuri) that easily!"
But before Yuri (whose turn it was after Yugo only set a monster in defence position while Yuto only set two face-down cards in the spell/trap area) could draw his next card, Yuya made a loud noise, causing everyone to look at him.
"Please stop dueling!" he frowned, causing his counterparts to agree on a draw and rush towards him, trying to comfort him but at the same time demand on who made him laugh.
Yuya let out that sound they all loved again.
"You guys are so silly! You all made me laugh!" he smiled and hugged his three stunned counterparts. "Thank you Yuri-nii, Yuto-nii and Yugo-nee."
"You are welcome!" they smiled and hugged him back before Yugo pulled away.
"Hold on, nee!? YUYA!" the enraged Synchro counterpart yelled as he began to chase the laughing entertainer, the others remaining standing with soft smiles on their faces as they watched them interact.
All was well that ends well.
Well that's it. I tried to include some dueling notions into this one since it is the last chapter and all... anyways, everyone who guesses why Yugo got so mad at Yuya at the end there gets a piece of cake! Everyone who can't, it's fine, you will get a cookie and google's help! :)
Thank you for wonderful ride that was "Smile" and I hope that everyone can enjoy my other stories as well.
Shameless advertising aside, hope you loved this!
Because the fun has just started! :3