
Author: LexysK23
Chapter: (45/45) (E6/E6)
Words: 3,718
Disclaimer: I don't own WWE or the plot, just how the story goes.
Author's Note: Okay, here is the final chapter. I'm not going to say much until the end, but this is the longest chapter of the story. Enjoy and hope you guys like this.

Update: July 06, 2015

FEBRUARY 9th, 2018

Nikki smiled, as she placed the stuffed animal in front of her. "You guys, look at what I got Noah."

Paige frowned, as she stared at the small stuffed animal that had on the Bella's logo.

Paige looked at Nikki, not sure what she wanted. "Can I keep it here?"

Paige stared at the stuffed bear, trying to think of what could possibly be gone.

"O-okay, yeah. Just leave it there. When are you going to give it to give it to Noah?"

Nikki looked at Paige, as if she had lost her mind. "On his birthday."

Paige blushed and looked away. She nodded. Nikki placed the stuffed animal down and hugged Paige goodbye.

The Brit looked at the stuffed bear, before leaving the room. She didn't think anything of it.

Fireproof Flame

PAIGE returned home, to find the stuffed bear missing. Paige looked up, and started to walk towards her bedroom, where Beary and Quinn were. She stopped in front of her door, not sure what she was going to see.

She opened it, and saw Nikki's stuffed animal on the bed. She looked on the ground and saw Beary there, his head ripped off his body. Quinn's arm was ripped off.

Paige's hand was shaking, as she looked up at Nikki's stuffed animal, and her eyes widened when she saw it attack her.

"Paige!" AJ shouted, trying to wake her fiancé up from the nightmare she was having. Paige shot up, and her forehead connected with AJ's. AJ groaned in pain, as she held her hand against her forehead. "Are you okay?"

Paige looked at AJ, before sighing. "I had a nightmare."

"About what?" AJ asked.

"The curse."

AJ laughed, before kissing her cheek. "I'm sorry about that. About the deal I made with Nikki. I thought it was going to be good, I didn't think it was going to go crazy."

Paige smiled. "I wouldn't be here if you hadn't made that deal."

AJ laughed and grabbed Paige's hand, pressing her lips against it. Paige shook her head. "I love you."

Paige smiled. "I love you too."

There was a knock on the door. They both turned to see a nurse standing there. "Visiting hours are now over. You can come back in the morning."

AJ sighed and stood up. She leaned over and kissed Paige's lips. "I'll be back first thing in the morning. I love you Paige."

"I love you too. Take care of Pai-J."

AJ gave Paige one last kiss before leaving the hospital room.

Paige watched her leave, before sighing. She leaned back, groaning when she felt the pain on her ribs. She laid back down, and stared at the ceiling. The steady beating sound of her heart monitor driving her insane.

Fireproof Flame

"HOW about that wedding?" Nikki asked, causing AJ and the friends to look at her.

"I hope you don't expect me to chose you as my maid of honor. Because now, we have to push the wedding back because you sent Paige to the hospital."

"It was an accident!"

"As were all the other times."

"It wasn't that hard."

"You hit her with the car!"

Nikki looked away and didn't say anything else. AJ turned to look at Dean.

"Want to be my Best Man?"

Dean shrugged, as he pulled Abby closer. "Sure. Gonna make Abby here your flower girl?"

AJ nodded. "And can Noah be the little Ring Bearer?"

Brie grinned. "Of course. He should be a part of the epic Pai-J wedding."

AJ grinned, as she looked down to what they had planned. AJ was planning the wedding, while Paige spent the week at the hospital after being hit by Nikki's car.

Fireproof Flame

FEBRUARY 12th, 2018

"We can use a donor," AJ suggested, as she looked up at Paige. They were both lying down on the bed. Paige had returned home, but was told to stay in bed and not to move too much. At the moment, they were talking about their future child.

Paige nodded. Pai-J chose the moment to jump on the bed and curl up next to her.

"Who's going to carry?"


Paige raised an eyebrow.

"I think I want to retire. And we'll look up for characteristic, or do you want our friends to help us?"

Paige thought about it, before shaking her head. "As much as I would love for them to help, I want our kid to be like us."

AJ nodded, as she closed her eyes. "I can't wait for us to have our family."

"Neither can I, April, neither can I."

The small family fell asleep.

Fireproof Flame

MAY 26th, 2018


"I'm pregnant Paige."

She stared at her best friend, her eyes wide. She was happy for her, she really was, but she couldn't be one hundred percent happy. No matter how much she tried.

"Aren't you happy for me?" Emma asked, frowning at her best friend.

"I am. I'm happy for you," Paige said, as she looked at her hands.

"Okay, what's sup?"

Paige sighed, shaking her head. "It's stupid."

Emma shook her head. She reached over and held her best friend's hand. "No. If it's bothering you, then it's important."

Paige looked down, not wanting to make eye contact. "I-I feel like if you have this baby, then I won't get to see you as much. And I'll ways need my best friend."

"Look at me," Emma said, in a soft voice. She continued when Paige made eye contact with her. "I'll always be around. Maybe not for the first few weeks after having this baby, but you will never lose me. You're not just my best friend Paige, you're my sister. You'll always be my sister. And there is no way I will let you get out of my life. You're stuck with me. And you're stuck with this baby, because you and Dean will have the biggest role in his or her life."

Paige smiled as she looked at her. "What are you going to name it? I mean, Summer and Dean took my name. So they beat you. You should have had the baby earlier."

Emma laughed. "I don't know. We're thinking about it. You and AJ will have your kid soon, and they will be the best of friends, just like us."

"They sure will," Paige whispered, a smile on her face.

Fireproof Flame

AUGUST 18th, 2018

AJ smiled at Paige, who was standing in front of her. AJ couldn't take her eyes off of her. She smiled softly. She tried to lean over to kiss her lips, but Dean pulled her back.

AJ blushed and looked down to the ground. Paige just smiled back.

The minister started, and the couple that was going to get married looked to him. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of April Mendez and Paige Knight in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined."

Paige mouthed the words, I love you to AJ, who just mouthed them back.

"If anyone can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

Not once did the two take their eyes off of each other. When it seemed like no one was going to object the minister continued with the ceremony.

"Who gives these women to be married to one another?"

Paige's parents and AJ's parents all stood up. They smiled at their daughter's fiancé before answering. "We do."

Both women looked at their own parents, before looking at their in-laws, love in their eyes.

"The brides have their own vows," the priest announced, and nodded for AJ to start, giving him the mic.

AJ smiled at Paige, before starting. "So, I'm probably expected to say this amazing speech, beating all our friend's vows. I'm supposed to make this speech explain how much I love you, but it'll never be enough. If I had to list all the reasons I love you, I will go on for days. But there are some reasons that stand out more than others. Paige, I love you, because of who you are. You are this strong woman, who was able to fight. You follow your dreams, and you make all of us love you. You have this energy that attracts people. I don't think it was a mystery that I hated you when I first met you. I even sent you that hateful message. But then I saw something, something that changed the way I saw you. I saw that you weren't that strong woman you wanted people to see, but you kept that façade. You kept a smile on your face, even if you were breaking inside, just to make other people smile. You were just that type of person, and that was the first thing that made me want to get to know you.

"And I did. You gave me a second chance. You let me become your friend. And along the way you fell in love with me. And I screwed that up. And you gave me another chance. And this time, I fell for you. I was able to earn your trust and make me fall in love with you. We got so close. And then I screwed it up once again. You gave me a fourth chance, and I knew that it was the last one. And you know what, it was. It was the last chance, because I'm not going to ruin it. I am going to make you my wife and never lose you again. Paige, you were something special. The second I set my eyes on you, I knew you were going to be the end of me, and that is why you were the one person I had to stay away from. And by end of me, I mean it in a good way. I knew that I would have no future without you in my life. Whenever we fight, it hurt me. It physically hurt me, and I can't think. I can't do anything except for you to come back to me.

"Paige, you are the strongest woman I know. And I love you. I love everything about you. I love that you are funny, you are sweet, you are innocent in some ways I can't explain. I'll love you. And I will be by your side until the end, when Nikki finally kills you with I don't know what. I love you, and I can't wait to wake up every morning knowing that we are together, officially and you can't get away from me."

Paige laughed, shaking her head. "The Bella Curse will be the end of me, I know that. So I have to live up to that speech, I'll see if I can. April, I love you. That's the easiest thing I have ever had to say. You saved me, in so many ways. I had given up after my last relationship. I never thought I would find someone who would love me. I never thought I would find someone who would make me feel safe. But I did. You became that person. You taught me so much. You showed me how I should be treated. You showed me not to give up. You were by my side through everything, even after I had pushed you away. You still fought for me. Although the reason I pushed you away was always your fault. It didn't change anything. You showed me that I didn't have to settle to being hurt. You showed me that I was above that. You even put your life on the line to make sure I was safe and that is something I will never forget.

"You listened to me whenever I talked about Sami. Whenever I was feeling down, having nightmares, you were always there, although my more recent nightmares involve the curse. You listen to me, after you laugh. But you stay up with me even though you are sleepy. You talk to me. We were going spend the rest of our lives together. We are going to be stick together, whether we have big fights or small ones. When we are screaming our heads off at each other, we are going to get through it. Even when you're being a bitch, and I'm being a stubborn ass, we're going to talk through it, because that is what we are promising each other, and that is what we promised each other the second time we got back together.

"And I can't wait for all the trouble we are going to get into as a family, with our family. With our kids, and our dogs. I want to have kids. I want to have little Aprils running around, driving me insane, just like you want little Paiges bugging the hell of you. And that is what we are here to do. We are here to show our love, even though we will never stop that. We are going to be that married couple that people have relationship goals on. We are going to start our lives together. And I don't care what happens, nothing is going to stop me from marrying you. You are it for me AJ. There is no one that makes me feel as complete as you do. And no one will, only you."

AJ wiped her eyes, as she gave Paige a watery smile.

The minister took the mic back. "April Mendez, do you take Paige Knight for your lawful wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in holy matrimony? Do you promise to love her, to honor and cherish her, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and health, and to be her in all things a good and faithful husband as long as you both shall live?"

AJ nodded. "I do."

The priest turned to Paige. "Paige Knight, do you take April Mendez for your lawful wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in holy matrimony? Do you promise to love her, to honor and cherish her, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and health, and to be her in all things a good and faithful husband as long as you both shall live?"

Paige nodded. "I do, there is no other answer."

The minister looked at Dean. "May I have the ring for the bride?"

Dean placed the ring in AJ's hand, and whispered, "Congrats."

"April, will you now place this ring upon your beloved's finger and repeat after me."

April nodded and reached for Paige's hand. She looked down and watched as she slid the ring onto Paige's hand. "With this ring, I thee wed."

The minster turned to Emma. "May I have the ring for the other wife?"

Emma let out a small chuckle before nodded. She gave Paige a smile and gave her the ring.

"Paige, will you now place this ring upon your beloved's finger and repeat after me."

Paige looked into AJ"s eyes as she slid the ring into the shorter woman's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed."

The minister turned to the couple. "In as much as April and Paige have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vows to each other, by the authority vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you wives. April, Paige, you may now share your first kiss as a married couple."

April took a step forward, and leaned up to kiss Paige. All the guests erupted in cheers as Paige placed her hands on AJ's face and pulled her closer for the kiss.

Fireproof Flame

NOVEMBER 30st, 2018

Paige was placed food in her dog's bowl when she was hugged from behind. Paige turned around, to see AJ hugging her.

"What's got you so happy?" Paige asked, frowning.

AJ just shook her head. She was vibrating in happiness. Paige didn't know what was happening. She placed the dog food on the ground and walked with AJ to their bedroom.

Paige frowned when she was pushed onto the bed. AJ straddled her lap.

"What is going on April? I feel like I should get you tested."

The comment made AJ smile. She nodded. "I took a test already. It was positive."

Paige frowned, not getting it. She tilted her head. And AJ just rolled her eyes. "Drug test? You took drugs?"

AJ sighed. "My wife is an idiot."

"Hey, that's not nice."

"I took a test Paige. I. Took. A. Test. At. Home."

"You took a test? At home? It was positive? Wait?"

AJ watched as Paige thought about it. It didn't take long before her eyes lit up and she shouted in excitement. She raised her hand, and wrapped her arms around AJ.

"We're pregnant! We are having a baby!"

AJ nodded as Paige hugged her. "We should celebrate."

Paige nodded, and AJ pushed her back against the bed, ready to celebrate.

Fireproof Flame

OCTOBER 5th, 2019

Paige sat down, and looked at the person in front of her. She hadn't seen him in four years, and she didn't know what to think.

"Come to ask for me back?"

Paige smiled. "No. I just wanted you to know what you were missing out on. You fought so hard to keep me; that you lost me. You lost everything because you were so fucked up. And for a while you had me screwed up too. But you know what, in the end I won. And you lost."

Sami glared at her. "Yeah? Sooner or later that bitch is going to leave you. And I'll be here, waiting to laugh. To say that I told you so, and maybe, just maybe, I'll think of taking you back."

Paige laughed. She shook her head and laughed. "That bitch, is my wife. And she's at home taking care of our daughter. That's where you lost Sami. You are rotting here. And when you get out, if you get out, no one will want you. Not after they hear what you did. You have nothing after this Sami. While I'm living my life. I have a wife who loves me. I have a daughter who looks just like us. I have a career that I love. I'm happy. So in the end, I win Sami."

Sami clenched his teeth as he glared at her. He watched as Paige stood up and walked away. When she left the room, it hit him. He had lost. He had nothing. Kevin had been stabbed a year before for protecting him. He hadn't made it. Sami had nothing.

He just sat there, his eyes filling with tears as he really thought about it. He had never sat down to think of it, but after seeing her being happy, it had hit him.

He was never going to be happy. He was never going to be okay again. Sami just placed his hands over his face and cried.

Fireproof Flame

OCTOBER 2nd, 2021

Seth and Emma were hosting a barbeque. Noah and Abby was four. They were the best of friends. Stacey Sasha Rollins, Tyler Daniel Cena, and Rosie Emma Knight-Mendez were all two years old. While Marco Dean Graves was still a year.

All the kids were playing with the dogs. Brie was pregnant with another baby at the moment. The friends were all sitting around. Some were still in the wrestling company while others weren't. It was tough at times, but they made it work. Their friendship was strong, and they were going to keep it that way.

Paige was watching Rosie run around. The girl was pale, like Paige. But she was mischievous and small for her age, just like AJ. AJ grabbed Paige's hand. "What are you thinking about?"

Paige looked away from her daughter to look at AJ. "Just how lucky I am. I have you in my life. I have Rosie and Pai-J. I have all our friends. Debuting and beating you for the championship was the best thing to happen to me."

AJ smiled and reached up to kiss Paige. "I love you."

"I love you too."

There was a cry and Paige quickly looked at her daughter. The Bella Curse still existed, and Paige and Pai-J's lives were always in danger and the last thing she wanted was Rosie to be hurt because of Noah and Tyler.

But she just ended up laughing. Rosie was non the one crying. Tyler was. Noah had ran to Brie, complaining about the scrap on his knee.

"What happened?" AJ asked, looking at Nikki.

"Your child is trying to kill mine," she responded as she picked up Tyler to sooth him.

Rosie ran to Paige's hands and buried her face in her mother's shirt.

"The curse has been broken!"

Nikki took Tyler's shoe off, who grabbed it and threw it to Rosie, wanting to hurt her for making him fall down. But the shoe just ended up hitting Paige on the face.

"Damn it!" AJ hit Paige on the shoulder for saying that word. She did not want to teach her kid to swear, not yet.

Nikki laughed and placed her son on the ground. She walked over to grab his shoe, when she tripped on one of Rosie's toys and fell, her face flat on the ground.

Dean and Seth couldn't help it. They just started to laugh, their wives laughing with them.

Daniel picked his nephew up and walked over to Nikki, while John was laughing on the ground. Corey shook his left, trying not to laugh (he wasn't succeeding). And Sasha was smiling.

"I think this is the beginning of the Knight-Bella Curse. None of you are safe."

Rosie just wrapped her arms around Paige's neck and kissed the stop that the shoe hit. Pai-J moved to lay down next to her. AJ leaned over and whispered into Paige's ear.

"It worked. We're having another baby."

Paige looked over before kissing AJ.

Her family going to be complete. She was happy. She had everything she could ever want.

The End

The Curse was passed down, but not it the way it has been going. Hope you like that little switch. Rosie is going to be safe as long as she's not around Nikki. And Tyler can still hurt Paige. So there is that.

What were you favorite Epilogues? My order was Pai-J, Seamer, Semma, Braniel, Nena, and Corsha.

Anyways, this is the end for the story. This is now complete. But the journey is not over. There is still the one shot. And bitz24 wanted a two shot with Pai-J meeting each other's parents. I can do that, I just don't know AJ's parent's names.

So thanks to all you guys who took this awesome ride with me. And enjoyed the story. This has been one of my favorite stories to write, and my number one in this fandom. And I hope you guys stick around to read some of my other stories, old and new.

If I changed you feeling for some of the wrestlers from my story, then I'm glad. Especially if I made you guys like them. I know some of you have told me before, and that makes me happy.

If you guys have ideas about some one shots you want to see in regards to this story, let me know. It can be on anyone. Any relationship or friendship.

I just wanted to leave with one thing. Sami's scene. I don't know where that came from. I listen to music as I write. And I guess a sad song came out as I was writing that and it just wrote for itself. I just want to know if anyone feels bad for him. I know I did. I felt really bad, and I don't know why.

So review your final thoughts. What you loved about this story. What were your favorite parts?

My favorite part to write was this chapter. And my favorite match is between the ladder match(with AJ and Paige) and the Falls Count Anywhere Match (with Paige and Emma).

Hope you guys enjoyed the story. And hope to see some of you guys in some of my other stories.

Coming Next:

Fireproof Stories:

Seven Days
Meet the Parents

Chocolate and Red Velvet (Pemma)

Would You Rather (No Pairings. Movie Based. Seven Chapters)